Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge

Afternoon friends,

UGH!!!! Izzie has the FLU! Temp was still 101.1 this morning so I called and made an appt and got her in at 9:20. They started off with a strep culture which came back negative. We discussed it just being croup or a virus. She wasn't going to do a flu swab as Izzie was smiling and laughing. I told the dr how she was last night and we both decided that to be on the safe side we should do the flu test. We stopped at CVS on the way home and picked up something at church and right after we walked in the door the Dr called and said that the flu test was positive. I called the school and let them know and also had to call and cancel the girls' dermatologist appt for tomorrow. I was also supposed to have Izzie's conference tomorrow. Gotta email the teacher. We had plans for the weekend and had to cancel those as well as Izzie going to a pj party at dancing. I remember from when I had the flu that you had to be away from others for 5-7 days.

We're watching The Muppets again! Izzie finally ate some pizza and chicken fingers! After this I told her she needs to read and take a nap. She is definitely tired and coughs occasionally! I had a small pizza. I hope to get in a workout later. I may also take a nap!

Ash and I are going to see Hunger Games on Friday night. Maybe she and Brian will go see it over the weekend.

TTFN :tigger:
Tigg--glad you got Izzie squared away. I actually called in sick today, something I never do. My ears started getting plugged up and I spent half the night trying to get my right one unplugged. It didn't hurt or anything but not being able to hear at work-- wouldn't work. It's really noisy and I help people at the counter. My nose was also running all night, -started doing at work- through the cold meds, finally I just kept sticking toilet paper up lol. Watched a movie today that was on HBO, My Life Without Me-- it was good. Slept again and think I'll dose up a little on dayquil and go take an hour or 2 shower at the pool and soak in the jacuzzi for another. I hope I'm well enough to work tomorrow-- I have to be there at 6:30 to clean the case...:scared1: I'm weird though I love doing it
Great job Buffy! Congratulations to all our losers, and maintainers, and gainers. We're still here and that deserves a pat on the back!

We got back safe and sound from our trip to Seattle. The choir performance was absolutely glorious. The kids sounded so great! DS2 had a good time.

I wasn't super diligent on the food front. We did go to Cheesecake Factory (dulce de leche, :cloud9: ) since it is the first one we'd ever seen and ya'll have said how good it is! I walked a bunch and even ran on the treadmill once but for some reason I'd brought my usual running outfit. Long sleeves don't work so well in an enclosed room! I was way too hot (and just a tad bit lazy) so I only ran a mile. Afterwards I did some strength/abdomen work and was certainly glad they had towels to wipe things down! ;)

Now I'm trying to catch up on life here at home. I've been subbing this week because everybody has the flu. The office is being staffed by subs! :scared1: I'm in a special ed room and my hands shouldn't have skin on them the way I'm constantly washing! I'm fighting a bit of a cold, but do not want what the rest of the school has. One classroom had just 12 kids in it! Fortunately the week ends tomorrow. Then it's spring break! Just wish the weather knew it was spring. :mad:

Tomorrow I will do my "peek" at my weight. That will probably give me lots of motivation!! :lmao:

Stay OP, Mickeys!
Oh yeah, BL!! :woohoo:
Sweet!! I needed that! I guess getting sick does has it's advantages. I'm trying to keep the momentum going!!!

Congratulations, Buffy! That clippie looks great on you! :cool1:

Tracey, hope Izzie is back on the mend soon. :flower3:

Susan, hope you are feeling better, too. :flower3: I know you must have been very sick to call in so don't be afraid to take another day if you need it. ::yes::

Linda glad you had a great time in Seattle and congratulations to your choir folks. Good job on dodging the flu! Hope it continues that way. :flower3:

I'm plugging away here. Busy week. Just trying to get what needs to be done and worry about the rest later. Have a great day all! :goodvibes
Thanks, Lisa!

Izzie says she's feeling better though you would never know it with the horrible cough that has developed! Her temp was 100.6 this morning. Just put in Despicable Me to watch and she's eating breakfast. Going to try and get lots of fluids in her today. I will also have her take a nice nap again. I have stressed to her how important it is to get extra rest. She really wants to go to school. Tomorrow is a half day as well as today so I will probably give her tomorrow off as well. Hopefully she can go on Friday so I can at least work one day this week. I do have to go in tomorrow night for a massage.

Joined the Fish Extender for PCC 3.0 so we will do that this weekend! I wanted to do something fun since we can't get together with our friends. We will probably order Chinese food too. Ash and I will go to Joann's before her orthodontist appt tomorrow. Brian is coming home early tomorrow to watch Izzie so I can go to Ash's conference and then to the orthodontist appt.

Very excited to go and see Hunger Games with Ashleigh on Friday night. Just hoping neither one of us get sick.

Going to be a beautiful day here today. Maybe this afternoon we will all sit on the deck and read for awhile. The sunlight was bothering Izzie a few days ago so hopefully it won't affect her today.

Back to cleaning up the living room. I plan to make myself hop on the elliptical later today. I didn't do it at all yesterday. I just had my shake and I will now make my tea and get going on my water for today.

Have a great Wednesday!

TTFN :tigger:
Morning all!!
Totally went bananas on food yesterday, I guess it was because for the last week I've barely eaten anything. But I added it to my fitness pal diary, accepted it for what it was and today I'm back on plan.
I had a good protein breakfast and have already had 2 servings of water (gotta love water bottles). I need to run 2 errands then I want to hit the treadmill for at least an hour. I'm irritated with DS11 because he forgot both gym bags today (bowling and drama) so now I need to take that to school which is in the opposite direction of the other errand. ERGH!! Tonight is bowling right after school and DS's play at 6. I have no idea what we are doing for dinner. I need to see if DH is willing to cook while I'm at bowling.

I'm still toying with weight watchers but I'm just not sure if I should do meetings or do it online. I have got to get the food part under control. I want to be down at least 20 pounds before Disney in December and I've decided to switch to the Donald 1/2 instead of the princess. So I need to get my butt in gear!

OK enough rambling! I need to get off this thing.

Tracey I hope Izzie feels better today!!! DH has the same thing and it's just horrible.
Everyone I hope y'all have a great day!!
I'm still toying with weight watchers but I'm just not sure if I should do meetings or do it online. I have got to get the food part under control. I want to be down at least 20 pounds before Disney in December and I've decided to switch to the Donald 1/2 instead of the princess. So I need to get my butt in gear!

Woo hoo! :woohoo: I was so excited to read this -- I will get to meet you at last! :yay:

Big :hug: on the forgetful kid thing.

It might be good to try something else for awhile -- gives you that "frest start" feeling. :goodvibes The truth is that it is easy to get bored and tired of being "on," especially when your life gets crazy.

My two cents on WW is that I was always hungry, I mean starving hungry on it, like standing in the pantry shoveling down cereal hungry. But many, many of our BL folks, like Pamela have enjoyed great success on it. Have you tried it before?

When I get back from vacation I'm going to try a combination of exchanges with MFP for tracking. I feel like I'm probably not doing a great job of eating enough fruit, vegetables and dairy, even though I'm doing okay on my calories. The exercise thing seems to be a big factor for me.

It's a process and I know you will figure it out! Looking forward to seeing you in January! :donald:
Lisa I know!!! We get to meet! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
My big push to switch was DS15's opportunity to go to the UK the summer of 2013 for school and we really want to take the kids too so I need to save $22,000 for all of us to go. Seems like a lot but that is meals, airfare, transportation, and hotel for 6. Anyway I knew that with that the Princess and the Tinkerbell would be out of the question but I really want to run a race in 2013 because I'll be turning 40.
And the best part is I get to meet all my peeps!!!

Do we have a thread yet? I want a master list of all the people going. Oh and I need to get a WISH shirt!

I did do WW kind of half heartedly when they had to Flex points system. I still have all the stuff from that so I might just start with that for now. I did know that Pamela is a success story from WW, and after meeting her in person last year it really hit home how much of an inspiration and an asset to the group she is. I love Pamela! I know I can do it if I set my mind to it, my biggest issue right now is food ruts. I'm just so sick of the same thing over and over but with the kids and the pig sty of a house and all I just don't have the energy to find new stuff to eat. OMG, and the kids are being so picky lately on food, especially DS10 and DD. One look and it's oh, I don't like that. ERGH!!!!
On the up side we do have one full time WW office 2 towns over that's open every day and has several meetings. It's not like I couldn't make it there, I just need to squeeze it in.

OK today I pledge that I will decide about WW and do something with it, wether it be the old points system or something new.
And Today we will make headway on this damn house if it kills me!! My kids will not treat it like a trash can anymore!!!

OK getting off this thing and running my 2 errands so I can hit the treadmill before I have to get kidlets from school.

Thanks Lisa!!!!
Good morning out there! It's snowing here!! It's pretty rare around here to snow and stick. I'd say we have 3- inches at this point and it's snowing like crazy. I did call in again today-- still pretty sick and the road conditions are awful--people do not know how to drive in the snow here....:scared1:

Wed, 21 quotd;

I know this is an oldie but goodie--What's your favorite color? Mines pink. I like finally being honest and admitting to liking such a girlie color--it makes me happy.

Disney quotd: Favorite live action Disney film?

Mine is Waking Sleeping Beauty--it's about the rise of animation out of the 70's dark ages for Disney--basically lion King really taking them out of the slump. I really like the recent nature films too that are released on Earth Day, I can't wait for the chimpanzee one coming up.
Wed, 21 quotd;

I know this is an oldie but goodie--What's your favorite color?
Disney quotd: Favorite live action Disney film?

Fave colors right now are Tiffany blue and dark brown. Love that color combo!!

Fave life action disney movies are National Treasure 1 and 2. AWESOME!
Hi Mickeys!

I'm sorry I've been so MIA. We spent Sunday at my sister's house and going to Wally World. It was so busy there. Definitely not the way I like to shop. My sister and mother were driving me nuts too. It was like they were daydreaming. No one could remember where anything was, and they reorganized the store, so it was even worse and they had no idea what they needed there. I only needed 1 thing so needless to say, I was less than disappointed when we finally left.

On Monday, I ran a few errands, but really didn't accomplish much of anything. I did go grocery shopping and my parents were amazed that I came home with certain things. :confused3 They wrote me a list. I followed it. :rolleyes1 No comment.

Yesterday, I slept until almost 11 AM. This was the first time in at least a week, so I was quite surprised. And :confused3. I rushed to get ready for my ice cream date with an 11-year-old. She had a half day at school, so I hung out with her for a while before her sister came home. We went to Friendly's :scared1: and then did some shopping. It's times like that that really make me wish we had a dollar store near us. I did buy a few things that will help me be more organized. I realized late last week that I'm no longer as organized as I used to be and that that probably won't bode well when I get a job.

Now, for the best news ever. ;) My mom is on vacation through Friday. :headache: She complained about how late I slept (only until 9, but compared to Monday, really late) and has went on and on about this and that since then. She want on one h*** of a rant about how fat I am. I was so upset that I left the room and tried to take a nap. Before I could fall asleep, she went on a small ;) rant about how I've only been up for 1.5 hours and am already going back to bed. :headache: And, guess who is asleep now? :rolleyes1

I will try to pop back on later and do some replies. Hoping the sickness bugs stay away from us!
My favorite color is green, really any green I love, but my top is forest green!

My favorite live action Disney film? MARY POPPINS!!
Hi Mickeys!

I'm sorry I've been so MIA. We spent Sunday at my sister's house and going to Wally World. It was so busy there. Definitely not the way I like to shop. My sister and mother were driving me nuts too. It was like they were daydreaming. No one could remember where anything was, and they reorganized the store, so it was even worse and they had no idea what they needed there. I only needed 1 thing so needless to say, I was less than disappointed when we finally left.

On Monday, I ran a few errands, but really didn't accomplish much of anything. I did go grocery shopping and my parents were amazed that I came home with certain things. :confused3 They wrote me a list. I followed it. :rolleyes1 No comment.

Yesterday, I slept until almost 11 AM. This was the first time in at least a week, so I was quite surprised. And :confused3. I rushed to get ready for my ice cream date with an 11-year-old. She had a half day at school, so I hung out with her for a while before her sister came home. We went to Friendly's :scared1: and then did some shopping. It's times like that that really make me wish we had a dollar store near us. I did buy a few things that will help me be more organized. I realized late last week that I'm no longer as organized as I used to be and that that probably won't bode well when I get a job.

Now, for the best news ever. ;) My mom is on vacation through Friday. :headache: She complained about how late I slept (only until 9, but compared to Monday, really late) and has went on and on about this and that since then. She want on one h*** of a rant about how fat I am. I was so upset that I left the room and tried to take a nap. Before I could fall asleep, she went on a small ;) rant about how I've only been up for 1.5 hours and am already going back to bed. :headache: And, guess who is asleep now? :rolleyes1

I will try to pop back on later and do some replies. Hoping the sickness bugs stay away from us!

Sounds to me like you needed the sleep--her too lol...;)
Do we have a thread yet? I want a master list of all the people going. Oh and I need to get a WISH shirt!

Here is the link to the "official" thread on the Events side of the WISH boards for Marathon Week-end

It's a brand spanking new thread 'cause the person who started the old thread originally decided after 25 pages she just wanted it to be the Princess thread. :confused3 You should also pop in on the BL Princess thread 'cause a lot of the BL folks are going like Nancy (marathon), Maria (Donald), and several maybes Lindsay, Kathy, Rose&Mike. The WISH meet for the Marathon W/E typically has over 100 people! :yay: I think WISH shirts are individual order direct now but I'll have to double check. It's going to be so fun! :donald:

I hear you on the picky eater. I think once in the past month have I only had to fix one dinner. :sad2: I just do it though because I really, really do not food to be a battle in our house. :hippie: DS is 12 and 5'10" tall so he obviously is getting enough nourishment. ;)

Wed, 21 quotd;

I know this is an oldie but goodie--What's your favorite color?

Disney quotd: Favorite live action Disney film?

My favorite color is blue.

And favorite live action film would be pirate:pirate:pirate:pirate:

Lara, love how you got all those shades of green in your answer! :thumbsup2

CC, glad that you are feeling better! :flower3:

Sounds to me like you needed the sleep--her too lol...;)

Afternoon ::MickeyMo

Wow, it feels like I haven't been on here in forever but in reality its only been a few days.

Well, Sunday was warm enough that I finally decided to use the pool that I spent a small fortune on having built. It was INCREDIBLE! I'm still getting used to having a salt water pool. I did 100 laps on Sunday. Then Monday and Tuesday I did 200 each day. Just walking around with my pedometer on today. Its been raining on and off most of the day. I took a sneak at the scale this morning and I'm hoping I'll be down another pound this week, last week I wasn't even down half a pound :laughing:.

I've got my plate full with many projects. Orginally I was going to make a photo book for my stepdaughter's birthday but after starting to put one together on Shutterfly I didn't like the layout. It was taking away from a lot of the pictures and it just didn't look good to me at all. So, I've decided I'm just going to make her a scrapbook with all the pictures.

I spoke with my MIL a few days ago (I only talk to her maybe 3 times a year if that) and told her about how I didn't have many pics of DsD and Josh. She said she'd go through her collection (she LOVES taking pictures) and she'd email me some. Now, with actually making her a scrapbook its going to take longer and more then likely it won't get to her by her birthday. However, I know she'll enjoy it.

In the midst of the conversation I had with my MIL she had told me she wished she had more pics of Maddie. I told her that I have a TON and now I'm planning on making a scrapbook for my FIL for Father's Day.

Then, of course I decided a few days ago that I wanted to do a scrapbook to track my weight loss. No, I'm not the most creative person on the planet but I thought it would be fun and I would love to have something to look back at years from now on all my hard work.

So, this of course meant I needed to get my butt somewhere and get supplies. I'm very disappointed in Wal-Mart. They totally cut back on their scrapbooking items. It used to be they had a whole aisle, now its down to one measly corner of an aisle. After dropping off the few groceries that we bought I got online and looked up the closest Micheals. After putting groceries away we jumped back in the car and headed that way.

Yeah, my next reward for losing my next 10 pounds was going to be a movie. As of this morning I'm 3 pounds from my next 10 pounds gone. Well, I spent a small fortune at Michaels getting supplies. I went ahead and told Alan, 'Well, that was my next weight loss reward to myself."

Plans for dinner are hamburger noodle casserole, broc and cheese, and small thing of frozen yogurt for dessert. Its been a cruddy weather day but so far productive.
Afternoon ::MickeyMo

Well, Sunday was warm enough that I finally decided to use the pool that I spent a small fortune on having built. It was INCREDIBLE! I'm still getting used to having a salt water pool. I did 100 laps on Sunday. Then Monday and Tuesday I did 200 each day.

Then, of course I decided a few days ago that I wanted to do a scrapbook to track my weight loss. No, I'm not the most creative person on the planet but I thought it would be fun and I would love to have something to look back at years from now on all my hard work.

Yeah, my next reward for losing my next 10 pounds was going to be a movie. As of this morning I'm 3 pounds from my next 10 pounds gone. Well, I spent a small fortune at Michaels getting supplies. I went ahead and told Alan, 'Well, that was my next weight loss reward to myself."

Plans for dinner are hamburger noodle casserole, broc and cheese, and small thing of frozen yogurt for dessert. Its been a cruddy weather day but so far productive.

Wow on the swimming--I love swimming, it was almost cruel yesterday to walk past empty lanes at the pool to the jacuzzi. There was just no way though--I'm still too sick. The weightloss scrap book is genius...:idea:

Well as far as naps are concened -- I went ahead and went back to bed for 2 hrs Cc-- in your honor. Gonna get myself formidably dressed and go for a little walk as the snow is still here!! The last time it snowed like this was a few years back and I had just hurt my back, I could barely get around but I made my husband walk me up and down the street lol.
Hey, Mickeys, checking in, it's been a little while again...

Still tracking everything in MFP. I am down about 3 or 4 lbs total from the start of the challenge--I am finding that once I hit 40, it is just slow to come off. Though of course I wish it were more, I am ok with this loss so far because I have proven that I can schedule and keep workouts in my schedule--it's been almost 3 months--and I have not missed one of my three weekly runs. I've just been making it a "given" each Tues & Thurs after work, and everyone is on board:cool1:

I am discouraged about my May HM though. I've been "running" since the summer, and religiously for the last three months, and no real change in my speed (which is SLOW)--my speed is on the borderline of the being swept time. And I am having tummy troubles:scared1: on long runs over, say, 4 miles, which has me VERY nervous for the actual half. So I am on the fence about doing it:confused3 We'll see if I get 11 miles done this weekend.

My school just got back two unused snowdays over Memorial Day Weekend, extending it to a five day weekend!:worship: Am looking at airfares and bank account right now trying to convince dh to take a quick little trip to WDW, we'll see if it happens, wish me luck and him luck too, he would need to try to ask tough boss:scared: for those days off:wizard:

Keep on keeping on, everyone!
RutgersAlum- Hope you get a trip to Disney! That would be awesome!

Thanks for listening to me whine this week! It's been a rough one. Last night was the first night she was up during the night. Came in at 3:15 with a bloody nose, achy legs, 102 temp and horrid cough. We both finally fell back asleep around 5ish. She's feeling good right now. Ate some cereal and just said something about going back to school tomorrow. I hope she can go! I need to get out of the house!

Hoping to work out later if I have the energy!

TTFN :tigger:
Krinstina come stop in the scrapbook section (Creative Community) if you need any inspiration for your albums.
Can't wait to hear about your progress on them!

Gotta run, we are late for school and DS10 is still brushing his teeth. They are really off their games this morning.


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