Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

Aww, thanks for the thoughts! I'm actually in the Virginia Beach area.

Too bad you are so far away. It would be great to get rid of it and give it to someone who could really use it!

Keep checking Craigslist-you might find one yet!
I'm thinking I'm ready for a treadmill too, I just don't do well running with the stroller. I usually wait for DH to get home to go too, but my running buddy is moving in a couple weeks and I don't want to go at night by myself. Starting tomorrow we are going to try to go at 5:30 in the morning before everyone gets up. Of course this morning at 5:15 my little guy hollered out and acted like he was going to wake up. I hope he doesn't decide to get up early when I try to run early. A treadmill would definitely help!
Hi everyone! Back from the Ortho and in phys therapy 3x a week... no running for me for awhile, so I'm hoping to cycle to keep fit. Just 4 weeks until the next race :eek:

Apparently something is wrong with all parts of my leg! Limited range of motion in my ankle, which led to tendonitis, which led to tight outer calf muscles, which probably led to IT band syndrome, which pulled my kneecap off track and to the outside of my knee, which strained my inner quad... you get the picture. Of course its all related... so lots of rehab in my future. Beware of poor body mechanics!

Kirsty - I give you credit! 6 days a week? That sounds exhausting! Are you using any intervals? I hope you don't suffer any overuse injuries...

Suzanne, where are you off to this week? Wherever, hope you have a great time!

Steve - did you make it to the driving range? Run with the dog? My St. Bernard can't even handle a walk in this heat. We have to take her early in the morn (and she likes to sleep in!) or in the late evening, after the sun sets. But then again, she's a lot bigger than your pup!

Veronica - I feel your pain! Of course you'll be better off for having done the hill on a lsd run, but who wants to go through that? We have a long (1.25 mile) hill on our club run and at the start of each season everyone hates it but by the end of the season it doesn't seem like such a big deal... so "just keep running, just keep running, just keep running"... and feel free to vent anytime!

Ashley - good luck finding that treadmill! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Off to bed, have a great weekend (I know its only hump day, but I probably won't be back before Monday!)
Tammy-hope your leg is feeling better. Amazing how one thing leads to another with mechanics and such.

I had an interesting moment yesterday. DD made a new friend at school this year and wanted to invite the girl and her family to our cookout next Friday. So she calls the girl and I end up talking to the mom, who I haven't met before. Just chatting and I mention that I am training for my first half marathon. She exclaims "Wow, you must be really athletic" and my immediate reaction was "no, I'm just a 38 year old working mom and wife who decided to do this before her 40th birthday". As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I thought that perhaps it was the wrong thing to say. I am not what one would call "athletic" but is that really so? Hard for me to think of myself that way I guess.

On the training front,:rolleyes: I have been down all week with a sinus infection. My last run was on Tuesday, 3 miles. Tomorrow is our long run day and I was thinking of going out. I run with my inlaws usually, as FIL is racing with me in Sept and at Disney. But when he called today, he says MIL wants to do the same route as last week with all the hills. If I felt better I might be game, but not having run all week and having sinus/congestion issues, I just don't know. I am still on the fence about going. Plus DH has to work in the morning and I would rather be in the neighborhood to get home sooner for DD.
I can run a 6 mile route through my neighborhood and the one behind us. Still haven't decided, probably should soon.
Not to just fly by here without giving you all proper hellos, but it is late in my neck of the woods..

Please welcome the newest Rebel, Ed, to your team. Ed (BamaEd1) is a long-time WISHer whose refound his mojo recently and is racking up the miles. I know you'll enjoy his energy, his experience, and his sense of humor.

Welcome, Ed! :welcome:
Yay another new Rebel! Welcome Ed I hope you like your new home, we are all here to listen to you complain about bad days and brag about good ones :cool1::rotfl:

I am still having shin issues, I went for a walk this morning, even though I knew I wasn't ready for putting my shoes back on I was dying to go out, so I walked at an easy pace for about 4 miles..... and now I have ice packs on both of my legs :sick: I am so frustrated all I want to do is go out and start Goofy training but each time I put on my shoes it hurts so bad, I am going to get them looked at by the shoe person today but each time I have been to the store it was just her teenage assistant (dont know if she is on vacation or what) I really hope that she is there today and maybe I can get it fixed :) so I am pretty blue right now :sad2:

Anyway I hope everyone else's training is going well

Happy running :cheer2:

Hello Rebels...

Just Warrior Tracy (the keeper of teams miles and times) stopping by:

Popping in with a end of the month reminder....

1. Please start a new thread for next month.
2. On the first post of the new month, place your teams total miles and times for your team.
3. Post on that thread if the totals include everyone from your team or if you are missing some. I will keep checking that first post until you say you have pretty much everyones numbers.

Thanks so much!!

Then when I have every teams numbers I will update the teams totals thread!!

Thanks in advance for everyones help with this!!


Racey Tracy
I am still having shin issues, I went for a walk this morning, even though I knew I wasn't ready for putting my shoes back on I was dying to go out, so I walked at an easy pace for about 4 miles..... and now I have ice packs on both of my legs :sick: I am so frustrated all I want to do is go out and start Goofy training but each time I put on my shoes it hurts so bad, I am going to get them looked at by the shoe person today but each time I have been to the store it was just her teenage assistant (dont know if she is on vacation or what) I really hope that she is there today and maybe I can get it fixed :) so I am pretty blue right now :sad2:

Poor Kirsty:sad2: I'm feeling blue right with you. My ankle is swollen the size of a gorilla foot and my knee isn't much better... so no running still for me and I'm really in a funk. I feel your pain! Do you think the shin splints are from upping your mileage? Did you overdo it in your Goofy training? I think you're on the right track with the shoes though, that can be a cause too. Feel better soon!

Veronica, did you go out with the in-laws or stay in your neighborhood? I hope your sinuses are feeling better!

Welcome Ed!!
The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer:stitch:

Ah, it's summer. The 4th of July is right around the corner. Summer always strikes me as the time for family vacations and road trips. And I'm sure many of us who are traveling are either participating in races--and :worship: to those of you doing events in the summer heat--or we're continuing to train. So...these random thoughts made me think about the challenges of traveling for WISHers, whether traveling to an event or for other reasons.

This week's mixer asks you to share your best tips and strategies for traveling. We're interested in all things related to staying active on the road, from packing your gear to what kind of exercise you prioritize while squeezed for time and in unfamiliar territory.

A sampling of possible questions: What are the must-brings? How much to pack? How to pack your gear--tips and mistakes to avoid? How to best deal with bulky shoes and stinky clothes? What kind of XT do you do while away from home--do you have anything you bring with you?? What about your guidelines for running/walking in areas with which you're unfamiliar?

I'll probably ask a race-specific traveling question closer to January, but tips on race packing are always appreciated. And those of you who are on the road frequently, for business or pleasure, your expertise is much appreciated. :thumbsup2
Poor Kirsty:sad2: I'm feeling blue right with you. My ankle is swollen the size of a gorilla foot and my knee isn't much better... so no running still for me and I'm really in a funk. I feel your pain! Do you think the shin splints are from upping your mileage? Did you overdo it in your Goofy training? I think you're on the right track with the shoes though, that can be a cause too. Feel better soon!

Veronica, did you go out with the in-laws or stay in your neighborhood? I hope your sinuses are feeling better!

Welcome Ed!!

I did neither! I called FIL on Sat night and begged off, thinking I would just go out on my own. But when I woke up Sun morning, I just could not go. My head is still so congested and now I am coughing quite a bit (this is how these things usually go for me). So I too am not running until I get better. Hoping to get back out by this weekend, we have a 7miler on sunday.

How did your ankle get so swollen? I fortunately have not experienced any foot/leg problems and hope I don't but I can imagine how frustrating it can be. Feel better soon. You too Kirsty!!

Welcome Ed!!
Hey guys,

I went and bought new shoes yesterday :cool1::cool1: I spend sop many $$$$ on them it isnt even funny, but the lady said that I had worn my shoes down to nothing and my insoles were obliterated (in only 5 months!!!) the good new is that they were wearing evenly so I think the problem was that I was running with virtually no sole on my shoes, I don't have great foot anatomy anyway and I think this just made it worse! So I took today off and I am going to try the new shoes out tomorrow when training hopefully can resume :cool1:

Tammy and Veronica I hope you are both feeling better and can get back on that tarmac soon as possible :grouphug:

Hope everyone else is doing well :goodvibes

Hi everyone!!! I'm back from my trip to Alaska... it was BEAUTIFUL up there! I got lots of hiking in so I'll add that to the time sheet!

How is everyone doing? I'm trying to catch up with everything :goodvibes
Hey everybody. I just got assigned to the team and am excited about being a part. I hope I can help. My name is Ed Harrell and I'm from Montgomery Alabama. 40 years old and married with 3 kids. I started running 2 years ago when my DW challenged me to run a marathon before my 40th birthday. Before my 1st full, I did 3 10k's and 2 1/2's and loved it. I ran the WDW full this year. I'm running the Goofy this year but in between, I'll pick up some local 5k's and 10k's along with 1 or 2 halves. I'm trying to average about 20 miles a week but it is really hard in the heat we've been having here recently. Our lows have been around 75-80 for the last few weeks with very thick humidity!!!! High's in the high 90's. Miserable running conditions for outside and I hate the dreadmill. Anyway, I'm glad to be on the team and look forward to seeing everyone at WDW. I probably won't get a WISH shirt because I run for a charity called Team ASK but I will say "Hey" to everyone I see wearing lime green!
Hey all! Its Katie! (From NC!) :):thumbsup2

I've been MIA for awhile feeling sorry for myself. You know the ups and downs of a runner...:rolleyes:

But recently I have been ON IT and I'm ready to commit again to posting here without feeling embarressed. I run M/W/F and either Sat or Sun. This week I have done 3.5 on monday and 4.5 its time to get back with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

What have I missed!??! :flower3:
I'm looking less elephant-like and more human, but still no running for me :sick: This is getting old, so I went for a bike ride! 20 miles and it felt so good...:rolleyes1 I'm going to have to do more of that until I heal, I guess.

Kirsty - I'm so glad you got new shoes!! Now start logging how many miles you put on them, you should get new ones between 250-400 miles, even if they don't look worn (which obviously wasn't the case with yours!). I'll bet your shins will be feeling good now...

Veronica, hope your head clears up soon! How awful...

Suzanne, where in Alaska did you go? I'm going on a cruise there in August, was just drooling over the shore excursions... think I'll take a heli flight over the glaciers! Can't wait.... its been 100 degrees here for a week and I'm HOT. Enough already!

Welcome again ED! We welcomed you earlier on the page, but I don't know if you've read back at all... Sounds like you'll help our team totals a lot :yay: I'm nearly 49 and have 2 kids; I started running 2 years ago with the goal of doing a marathon before I was 50. I did my first at 47 and have done another full and a bunch of 1/2's since then. I am currently on the walking wounded list and have been forbidden to run by my doc but that's gonna have to end real soon as I have a 1/2 in 3 weeks... no training done, but hey, things could be worse, right :rotfl:

Have to post my biking minutes to July... see ya!
Don't forget we have a new thread for July Rebelers!
Hi All - I am new to WISH and am happy to have been added to your team. My name is Manda, I am 29 and from Northern Utah. I am currently a walker - as running still causes havock with my knees. I am working on it though. I finished my first half marathon at DL on September 6th. Finished in 3 hours (and 52 seconds, but I dont' count those). I haven't signed up for any new races yet, but I want to continue getting in shape.
Heh, new to the team. My name is Tim. I been running consistently since the birth of my daughter. I was wondering how to get to the spreed sheet so I can put my numbers in.


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