Tell me I did the right thing.....


Disney is a lifestyle!
Mar 11, 2005
I just wrote to Deb Wills and asked her to correct the info on this page concerning family restrooms

I told her about this incident.... I was at MK this weekend and had to wait outside the companion restroom for about 15 minutes, turns out it was a mother and a (what looked to be) 3 yo girl child in there...... Needless to say, it was really upsetting.

and mentioned that while I don't always need the companion restroom, on days where my vertigo is acting up or I am in a flare up (as were true on the above day) it is really upsetting to see people coming out of there that didn't need to be in there. A 3yo and her mother can fit in a normal restroom especially since the child was mobile (no stroller or wheelchair) It is hard enough to find the restrooms and plan your day around them without having all people with kids thinking that they are family bathrooms....

ok, /rant over.....

did I do the right hting or am I just going to make Deb Wills mad at me?
Are they intended for use by, for example, fathers taking their young daughters to the restroom? I'm guessing so - folks probably think of them as family restrooms. Are there not other restrooms for those needing extra space along with the regular bathrooms or ?

I think it is also hard to tell whether or not it was the child or mom needing extra room (handle bars?) - I think the previous restroom thread was pretty clear about some disabilities being hidden. I think all that can be done (by Disney or Deb, etc) is to correctly label the restrooms and after that we're on the honor system.

Certainly nothing wrong with making sure Deb has the correct info on her site if her site is wrong. ::yes::
I called Disney and they said " Altho we cannot stop anyone from using those restrooms, we would hope that our guests realize that they are there for use by our disabled guests and would not use them if at all possible"

As far as my situation, I heard the mom talking to her family when she came out, she was bragging about not haveing to wait in line in the regular restroom. Since that one was free......she did seem to know it was for disabled guests from her conversation. So pretty sure it was not a handicapped issue. I (BTW) cannot use the handicapped stalls in the regular restroom until I get my new wheelchair (soon I hope)
MommytoMJM said:
I called Disney and they said " Altho we cannot stop anyone from using those restrooms, we would hope that our guests realize that they are there for use by our disabled guests and would not use them if at all possible"

I blame this one on Disney. All it would take is a sign on the door saying "This restroom is reserved for the use of our handicapped patrons."

Until they have some way of officially telling the public this then there will be others who use the companion restrooms.
I agree with BillSears. The restroom should be marked as disabled access. Sorry you had to wait so long.
Actually, I sent the same information about 2 months ago, so I think you did the right thing. I specifically wrote that the handicapped stalls in MK and many of them in Epcot are not large enough for use by someone who needs to bring a wheelchair or a companion into the stall with them and close the door. The few companion restrooms in MK are the only stalls in the whole park that can be used for someone who needs those things. It will be interesting to see how they identify them in the new Passporter Special Needs book that is coming out soon.

I realize that many people have hidden needs/reasons to use those Companion Restrooms, but by people calling them Family Restrooms, families look at them as available to anyone rather than option that some people are using by choice and some people are using by necessity.

By the way, the signs by these restooms do say "Companion Restroom" or "Companion Assist Restroom". They are not listed on the park maps and the only place Disney lists them is the Guidebooks for Guests with Disabilities. The locations are listed by some non-Disney websites (and probably some books too) as Family Restrooms.
It does sound like the woman found a convenient restroom for taking her child to the potty probably not realizing, like Sue said, that the restroom is intended for disabled access.

Disney really should label the restrooms that way - companion restroom to me means family restroom (if I saw it on the door).

I wish they'd make bathrooms unisex and have bathroom attendants. That would take care of a lot of issues over no lines in the mens room vs. lines in the women's room and taking your opposite gender child to the restroom with you. Somehow I don't think Disney is going into those uncharted least for Americans.

I wonder what the restrooms in their parks overseas are like - unisex or divided and so forth.
Education is key, and I'll bet Disney is afraid to open themselves for litigation (PC world and all) to label for Disabled guests only!!

I agree with what others have already posted, I thank Sue, and you for writing to Disney, maybe it could be as simple as if they arent asked, they wont do!!
I applaud you for writing to Deb. There is a lot of misinformation out there.
I think it was that site that said you NEEDED to bring a doctor's note to obtain a GAC. I emailed her about that but didn't hear back.
Ok, I see your view point but maybe the 3 year old didn't have enough control to wait in a long queue? Many 3 year olds are newly potty trained :sunny:
I know my DS (now 18) really 'had to go' straight away until he was around 5 years old! I used to take him out in nappies (diapers) if we needed to go on a bus trip or anywhere he wouldn't have access to a WC or we wouldn't have gone anywhere! :confused3
There's another thread somewhere on the boards about someone taking their young child to 'wee' behind the bushes and they were berated too. Guess they couldn't really win even if they used the companion room!
We all know disabilities can be hidden but, at the same time, we're all physically different anyway and, in my opinion shouldn't be judged by people who don't know us.
I can see both sides of this arguement. I have used these companion restrooms with my son becasue after a certain age I started getting dirty looks for bringging him into the woman's restroom. ALthough he does hve aspergers he can go to the bathroom on his own with no problem. I am just terrified let him go in a public restroom without a adult. I did not realze that this was a issue of ethics Thought these restrooms were there for situations like mine but maybe I was wrong? Should I not be using these restrooms? What is the right thing to do?
JenJen said:
Thought these restrooms were there for situations like mine but maybe I was wrong? Should I not be using these restrooms? What is the right thing to do?
No, you are right to use those restrooms. They are there for people who have disabilities (whatever type) who need the extra room, need an assistant in the restroom with them or have needs that can't be met with using a regular restroom.
The problem with them being called (and used as) Family Restrooms is that there are not enough of them. If people who have other options choose to use these restrooms, they won't be available for people who don't have other options. You sound like you have thought thru your options and using them is the best option for your family.
As someone who uses those restrooms, I don't judge the other people who are using them, but just hope that people who have other choices keep in mind that some people have no other choices.
They need both companion restrooms AND family restrooms! And I strongly believe they need more of each. With such a large family crowd they need restrooms to accomadate different family setups. They certainly need more accessible restrooms, most places do not have enough and even WDW is guilty of that. And 'accessible' is a loosely used term at best:) I would kill for bathroom with a large enough counter to change a 4 1/2 foot girl on, picking her up on a dead lift from the floor hurts my back. I know if I get her to the world I can use the first aid center, but more then one option would be nice. If the companion restrooms are supposed to used exclusively for the use of the disabled, they should be clearly designated as such, until they are there will be mixups about them.But they still should add family restrooms, from the posts I've seen there is a clear need for them.
Perhaps the person had a hidden disability. Just because someone isn't in a wheelchair doesn't mean they didn't need to use the companion restroom. I'm not saying it was necessarily the case here, but making assumptions about others disabilities is bad form.

I never thought of using the companion restrooms before. My ds is 6 but can't unzip/button his pants to use the restroom, so we both squeeze into the regular stall. It's getting to the point where we can't fit, and he won't let me leave him in there by himself. So would it be acceptable to use the companion restroom in this case?
Maybe WDW should think of having a family restroom. Our Sea World in San Diego had a restroom that said "family restroom" and had a cartoon picture of a family on the door. I'm not sure if they still have that restroom or not. But it was a great idea!
Nik's Mom said:
I never thought of using the companion restrooms before. My ds is 6 but can't unzip/button his pants to use the restroom, so we both squeeze into the regular stall. It's getting to the point where we can't fit, and he won't let me leave him in there by himself. So would it be acceptable to use the companion restroom in this case?
Maybe WDW should think of having a family restroom. Our Sea World in San Diego had a restroom that said "family restroom" and had a cartoon picture of a family on the door. I'm not sure if they still have that restroom or not. But it was a great idea!
I don't think they have a lot of room where they can stick in Family Restrooms - it would be much easier to do if you were planning a new park.
For your son, the handicapped stall or the Companion Restroom would work. They are not only for use by people with wheelchairs. There are many other types of disabilities which make the handicapped stall or Companion Restroom the most appropriate place to use.
SueM in MN said:
I don't think they have a lot of room where they can stick in Family Restrooms - it would be much easier to do if you were planning a new park.
For your son, the handicapped stall or the Companion Restroom would work. They are not only for use by people with wheelchairs. There are many other types of disabilities which make the handicapped stall or Companion Restroom the most appropriate place to use.

But you just defeated what people are trying to say other people are doing wrong the mother used the companion restroom with her daughter and the op got upset you just told this mother that that was ok. thats what I read from your post anyway so is it ok for familys to use it.
The one at animal kingdom in africa is labled Family I noticed that when i was just their last week. I have always looked at those side bathrooms as just that family and companion wich means they can be used by both. I may get flamed here but when I have a child I certanly will have no qualms as to using them if my child really really has to go The op said the girl was about 3 well let me tell you thats just at potty training age and if A CHILD that young says they gotta go they go I know I work at a preschool with that age group and if theirs a line in the normal womans room and theirs a family one open use it thats what thier thier for.
There needs to be family and handicap restrooms for sure. My DH may take DD to the restroom and use the companion one if I cannot go with her. She is 4 and I wouldn't want her in the mens restroom. Taking a boy into the ladies isn't as bad since everyone uses a stall, but I do not want my daughter seeing strangers using urinals.
Angelgirl13202 said:
But you just defeated what people are trying to say other people are doing wrong the mother used the companion restroom with her daughter and the op got upset you just told this mother that that was ok. thats what I read from your post anyway so is it ok for familys to use it.
The one at animal kingdom in africa is labled Family I noticed that when i was just their last week. I have always looked at those side bathrooms as just that family and companion wich means they can be used by both. I may get flamed here but when I have a child I certanly will have no qualms as to using them if my child really really has to go The op said the girl was about 3 well let me tell you thats just at potty training age and if A CHILD that young says they gotta go they go I know I work at a preschool with that age group and if theirs a line in the normal womans room and theirs a family one open use it thats what thier thier for.
The part of my post that you put in bold isn't inconsistent with saying the Companion Restroom are meant for the use of people with disabilities or special needs:
For your son, the handicapped stall or the Companion Restroom would work. They are not only for use by people with wheelchairs. There are many other types of disabilities which make the handicapped stall or Companion Restroom the most appropriate place to use.
especially, "There are many other types of disabilities which make the handicapped stall or Companion Restroom the most appropriate place to use."
A 6 year old who can't zip or unzip his own pants is not going to be able to use the stall by himself and the poster indicated they are getting to the point of not being able to fit into a regualr stall. It makes sense for her to use a stall (where ever it is) that they can fit into. I think it is consistent with what I have always posted about Companion Restrooms and Handicapped stalls (and posted earlier on this thread); that I recognize that some people have hidden disabilities that make these restrooms the best choice for them. For some people, using these is not a choice because it is the only restroom/stall they can use. And that I hope those who are using them by choice have considered their other possible choices and realize that not everyone has a choice.

If you go back and re-read what the OP wrote, she had not said or done anything to the woman who was in the Companion Restroom with her child. What she had done that she wanted opinions on was written to Deb Wills regarding the way her website referred to these restrooms as Family Restrooms and that their locations were listed on the website as locations of Family Restrooms. Having them listed that way tends to encourage people use them without considering they are making a choice that might impact on other people.


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