Terapin's Journal: 5 yrs running! Couch to Goofy, Fracture to Fab, Baby to Dopey. Comments welcome!

Congrats on signing up for the Dopey. We are doing it also. We did the unofficial Dopey this past January, so we couldn't resist. Our training is slow right now, but we get in what we can and will get serious in September. Love all the races you have scheduled.

I added one new race to the schedule: Colour Me Rad 5k in July! Should be fun, and I couldn't resist.

I ran my 10k trail run today. It was a bright and sunny day, but the temps were just above freezing. Our weather has been so up and down! One day it is in the 20s, and the next down to freezing again. I overdressed again - sheesh. Not nearly so bad this time, and I was able to get down the one layer but it cost me a few minutes of futzing about.

The course was run on the trails around a golf course and on the cart paths. The trails were pretty hilly, and cart paths even moreso! It was hard to get into a good groove with all the twists and turns, and I can't take the downhills too fast as they are hard on my knees. I walked more than I wanted to, but ran most of it.

It was a pretty day to be out, so that was nice. I got into a better space around 5k, and the last 5k were pretty good. I finished in 1:21:28 which is pretty slow for me, but my running partner H only finished 90 seconds in front of me and she is running great these days, so that is truly how hard the course was. It was called "very challenging" by some other folks. I wouldn't say it was very challenging for a trail run, but very challenging for a 10k race. My other running partner C finished his 10k which was advertised as downhill and fast in 1:11 which is tremendous. H, C and I have all been neck and neck in our last few races so it tells you that the 10k route today added a full minute to each km.



I expected to me more sore than I am due to the course and how challenging it was, so I am thrilled that I feel this good!

I also started the Tri clinic this week. Woo hoo! Need to get a bathing suit tomorrow (boo!). My weight is still plateau'd Going to start lifting weights to see if I can budge it. Sitting at 210 (boo!)
Good morning!

I've been good this week with the cross-training!

I didn't get on the bike for the first week of clinic because it needs some work. Will do that today. Also didn't get into the pool as my schedule prevented it, but next week I promise I will.

Did some great leg work that was way too intense as my calves were absolutely killing for 3 days (I think I pulled something bilaterally) and even today they still hurt! Ouch. Also doing some upper body and core work, in addition to running this week. Today is a 12k this afternoon, bringing my km total to about 26k this week.

I still don't feel like I am really doing great on my training schedule - I need to get back in the game mentally.

I did something I've been meaning to do: got all my race dates and finishing times from my first race onwards all organized and in one place! It feels good to be able to look at my progress and have it all committed to paper.

Here are my turtle-ish race PRs:

5K: 34:24
10k: 1:15:08
HM: 2:47:31
Full: 7:09:13 (but it was Goofy weekend and sooooo hot!)

My next 10k is a great net downhill course (where I did the 1:15 last year). Hoping to get that to 1:10:xx

My next HM is in June and hoping to run that one in 2:44. Will have to see though as I haven't been in a strict training mode for awhile :-(

My weight is up and down and I keel losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. Still sitting around 210 unfortunately!
I'm still on the plateau with you! You look great though, so even if the pounds aren't dropping your body must be reshaping. Great job on your races!! I'm so jealous of your medals. Our local races never give medals and I'd much rather have a medal than another ill-fitting, unflattering race shirt! :rotfl:

What I'm telling myself is that the key to long-term success (which is all that matters, not the short term wins and losses) is to just stick with it and to pick myself up and start again every time I get discouraged. We're doing awesome!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Good morning!

Tri clinic is going well. I was intimidated to go out for the group bike ride, but did it. We did about 14k. Went well. Wednesday was swimming for an hour (I think I will do better with nose plugs but did surprisingly well for someone who has not had any formal lessons since childhood), and a 5.5k run with my running partner Craig. Thursday was a short run of 5k.

I should run today - not sure what distance. Tomorrow is 12-14k.

My weight is really fluctuating - I think I am a little up. I started journaling today again to see where I am going wrong because I don't feel like I should be up with my activity and eating, but clearly I must be wrong!

Super excited for Aulani! We leave in less than 2 weeks!

Oh, and I signed up for two more races: will do Scotiabank Half Marathon (was my first marathon last fall) and the next weekend I am doing the Niagara Falls International Marathon! All part of Dopey training! Excited but nervous about committing to the full! :scared:
Just a quick note to say that training is going really well. Had a great week. Got in all my runs (4) and swam lengths twice, and a good 15k bike ride followed by a short 10 minute run.

Gosh my legs felt like I had jello for blood in them after biking for an hour, then running. I suppose this is totally appropriate training for a tri clinic! :lmao:

Today is a leg resting day. Sunday I was in the pool for 30 minutes doing lengths, and then ran 14k. Had a great overall pace even though I did 5:1s. I haven't been doing a lot of the longer distances lately so the 5:1 worked great. I was running the running parts at around a 6:50-7:05/km pace (11mm) which is good for my LSD these days. Happy to be watching my speed creep back up now that the winter slog is over. I got a strange cramp in my knee at km10.5, and needed to walk for about 2k, as it was so cramped up I could barely walk, let alone run. I massaged and stretched and took a electrolyte capsule, and finished the last 2k really good and strong.

With yesterday's long bike ride and quick run on exhausted legs my quads have overruled any further activity today. Legs feel heavy, but good! I am looking forward to a great derriere and legs after this summer's training! I am a little vain, I suppose. Aren't we all?

I do need to do some upper body work tonight. My shoulders are sore from the bike ride, but I need to work my arms and chest I think. Really trying to step things up to lose some more weight.

This Saturday is a 10k race. I ran this race last year as my first 10k. It is hard to believe that! I finished so red in the face and ready to heave. I know I won't finish that way this time - I'm running so much better. Also, my coach was waiting at the finish line and I had to finish at 100%. He won't be there this time so the finish line is just for me. And I don't push myself to puking much anymore.

Hope y'all are good!
Oh I didn't update after this race! I'd post photos but Photobucket isn't letting my sign in.

The race, for which I wasn't feeling all that prepared for, went great! So pleased with how I ran it! I planned to run the whole thing and I did! I only walked at the two water stations for drinking and then was off again. Subsequently, I enjoyed a PR! Ran it in 1:10:20!!!! So super happy. And my splits were all pretty even, with a negative split in the second half! This was particularly a challenge to accomplish as the first 3/4 of the course is downhill, while the last bit is not, so getting a negative split in the second half was that much harder.

On the bus to the start line:

Since then I haven't run too very much. However, I kept busy with other physical activity, namely surfing and snorkelling in Hawaii! We went to Aulani and adored it. Such a great place. So beautiful, and we managed to cram a lot of things into our week there, including some good lazy times! Ran once in Aulani so I could say that I did: the 4k loop around the bays. Was super hot and sunny, but very beautiful!

Back to real life now, doing tax prep and work is going to be busy this month.
Getting back on track!

This week was a HM on Sunday, and running 5k and swimming lessons for 45mins. I'm happy to report after working on 'the sweet spot' I now have a good technique for freestyle! Now I need to work on my endurance. I hope to get into the pool another time this week, and go for a run tomorrow and Sunday. Today I will do weights and core work.

My last race was kind of a disaster near the end. The last two km were horrible. It was the Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon.

I didn't prep well enough for the race due to a very busy personal and work life. I slept poorly the night before (about 4 hours but broken into two chunks). And, I haven't been running as much as I should have, and my longest run was only 14k. I almost didn't show up for the race as I wasn't proud of how I had trained for it, and I was tired setting out.

But I started after a monster long line up at the potties meant I started at about 2 minutes post-gun. The beginning part of the race course was beautiful: an out and back loop that passed the Falls twice. The second part of the course was through town a wee bit then on paved park path down by the riverfront. The weather was warm and humid, and mostly overcast. When the sun came out it was HOT so it was nice when it stayed away.

I felt great through the first 10k. My body was awesome and I was running well. However, around 16-17k I started to get really bad IT band issues, and my sciatic nerve issues on my right side were getting bad. I was also cramping up. I fuelled and hydrated and salted, and the cramps got better, but I started walking, and walked most of the last 4k. So my time wasn't what I hoped for (3:03 and was on track for 2:45 until about 17K). I wish I could learn to walk faster. I am so slow at walking! I walk at around an 18mpm pace! I finished in significant pain in my feet and IT band and right sciatic nerve path. I cried at the finish because I had been just coping with the pain for the last hour and it was a relief to be done. I would rate the pain a 7/10. Was yucky. Will carry Tylenol from now on.

I got my food box and sat for a few minutes, after hugging my friend Heather. (Heather and I got a great shot of us together - I will post it when I get it from the race photog). I decided to just limp to my car where I could sit and chill.

I made it home safely after stopping on the way for a wee nap at a truck stop.

I learned my lesson: undertrain = pain

I finished though. Half marathon #5 done!

Great course, great organization, great swag bag! The parking is super close to the start/finish line - I loved this! I highly recommend the Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon. Really nice mix of runner from elite to walkers.

Is that one of the races that goes into Canada? DS and I saw one on the Extreme Weight loss show and he wants to do a Niagara 1/2 because he loves Niagara Falls.

I'm sorry you had a rough run.
Can't wait to see pics!!
Is that one of the races that goes into Canada? DS and I saw one on the Extreme Weight loss show and he wants to do a Niagara 1/2 because he loves Niagara Falls.

I'm sorry you had a rough run.
Can't wait to see pics!!

That one is the Niagara Falls International Marathon. They have a HM distance but it is run entirely in Canada. The Marathon distance starts in Buffalo (you are bussed over the border) and you run into Canada. I have signed up for this one in the fall - so exciting!

The Niagara Falls Women's HM was a really good HM. I totally recommend it. i'd likely run it again.
So, I have not been in the swing of things. I have my first sprint tri in a few weeks and I just have not been able to get into the swing of training. I'm back in the pool this week and will see if I should just throw in the towel, or gut it out. Craig, my running partner and an experienced tri runner says I can do it, and it will be fine. But although I can do the run and the bike, the swim has me worried, and all the transition stuff: blah! I haven't even rented a wet suit. I am just wondering if I am courting disaster by even attempting.

I haven't been slacking off on the training because I have been sitting around. Unfortunately some life events have been happening which are taking my focus right now. Also, part of how I have been dealing with the stress has been many impromptu dinner dates and coffee dates with friends, and it has been interfering with my training. However, Dopey is such a long goal I need to change my ways and get back to the hard-assed training schedule that helped me the first go around with Goofy.

So, I signed up to be an Running Room Instructor and my HM clinic starts this Tuesday! Heather and I are co-leading and we are all excited. We've been planning things all out and it is an 18-week commitment. I'm excited to be sharing my love of running and the sport, and happy to be given an opportunity to reinforce my own training! Heather and I want to make it a very positive clinic and give folks a great clinic in return for their commitment. I'm thrilled to be giving back to the running community and for the opportunity to develop as a runner.

So, can you believe it? Couch to Goofy to COACH!!! :-D

So my new schedule for the next few weeks is cycling, swimming, running x 6 days a week.

As for my weight. Well, meh. Dropped a few pounds and sitting at that awful 212 again, which seems to be quite the set point for me. I had some great momentum last week and saw the scale responding, but with the lack of aerobic exercise the best I can hope for is to stay stable until I really start back at things this week. Trying to eat really well, save the hotdog wiener I had at a BBQ today...oh, and the glass of pop :rolleyes2 OK, mostly really well. I feel really yucky about my weight :-( I suppose eating hotdogs and pop is counter to this feeling, but I was feeling unwell (not stomach related) and treated myself.

A new week is starting, and it will an opportunity to press the 'play' button and resume!
That one is the Niagara Falls International Marathon. They have a HM distance but it is run entirely in Canada. The Marathon distance starts in Buffalo (you are bussed over the border) and you run into Canada. I have signed up for this one in the fall - so exciting!

The Niagara Falls Women's HM was a really good HM. I totally recommend it. i'd likely run it again.

He would definitely do the full then. He thought the idea of running on 2 countries was the coolest. I can't wait to hear about it when you are done.

Congrats on the coach position!! That is awesome. Wish I lived closer, I would totally take the class!! I need some 1/2 coaching, I signed up for the Princess.

I hope you have a good training week this week!
He would definitely do the full then. He thought the idea of running on 2 countries was the coolest. I can't wait to hear about it when you are done.

Congrats on the coach position!! That is awesome. Wish I lived closer, I would totally take the class!! I need some 1/2 coaching, I signed up for the Princess.

I hope you have a good training week this week!

I know - it sounds like such a cool race. Intimidated about the training though!

And thanks - it's totally too bad you are so far away! Hope your week is terrific.
Good Sunday morning!

Thoroughly back on track again. Have been running 4x week and we are now in the second week of the half-marathon course I am co-coaching. My fellow coach is away for the next three weeks so it'll be all mine.

My right knee is acting up again. I need to see my family doctor to get an MRI request in, and then I will start working with my sports med chiro to get on top of it.

Heading out in a bit for a 7k. The runs have been ok, but I am struggling again with the sudden heat and humidity, but keeping the interval times down really seems to help as I build back up my distance.

Dumbo is right around the corner! Holy crow!

Weight is staying the same. I suppose that means that I am still to calorie heavy, or exercise light. This I can change! It's hard though as I don't think I can drop down without really being strict. Wah! I see a fair amount of people who can stick to eating reasonably well and they stay slim. This is so not me.
Oh well, you gotta work with what you have, and I am pretty grateful for the body that I have. Strong, able, pleasurable.

On that happy note, Happy Sunday!
Heading out for a run shortly - just a 5k. Have also been doing a 30 day ab challenge - getting up there now. Abs have been a little sore but not too bad.

Next race isn't until August 15th - feeling a little lost! I keep feeling like I must be missing a race or something!

My last race was a 5k Colour Me Rad. I need to post a pic! It was fun :-) Got good a messy - and took a ton of dye powder how with me. I'm not sure I would do it again - once was fun, twice might be too much :-)

Working on another running project: stay tuned!
Hi Terapin! Hope you are off to a great week. Thanks for checking in on me! I did get my Saturday run in. Slow slow slow, but I got it done. ;)

Because so many of my photos show me hot and sweaty, here is another prettier pic!

Training is going well. We are in week 4 of the HM clinic. My co-instructor is away and so it has been all mine for the last three weeks. I miss her!

Looking forward to Dumbo! My running class schedule doesn't have quite enough miles in it, so I need to start adding a few more to get up in time for Dumbo. I'm also doing cross training, primarily weight-lifting, although tonight I hope to get some biking in in addition to my run tonight, which is just a steady 4k.

Weight finally under 212 - sitting at 211 today! I'll take it! I'm working on losing weight and eating really well.


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