Teresa's WISH Jouranl (Comments Welcomed)

Thanks Chris - The last couple of days of our trip there were actually unseasonably warm, which was great for us :sunny:

We are now in Reno visiting Nick's parents. We will be here till the 30th and then head home. Nick wants to drive the 18 hours straight through, but there is now way. It's tough on the kids and me, especially since that means meals will be eaten in the car, which I refuse to do. We'll do 14 hours to Grand Junction and then only 4 hours home the next day.

Anyways, scale here said I was up to 154. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's possible. Today I will be drinking my water like mad and try and stay on the program and hope for the best. It makes it tough when there is no gym and it's too hot to get out for a walk. They do have a stationary bike that I'll get on and see if that helps.

I'll try and update in a couple of days
It is hard to get some exercise in when you really don't have the means and it's hot out but at least you are making an effort and keeping on track while you are gone - good job!!!!

And driving 18 hours straight through - ICK.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris - I know it's going to be tough to get back to the gym after 2 weeks, but we do what we got to do :teeth:

The trip has been going well so far, but I'm ready to go home. Food choices have been pretty good, but there has been a few things I've had that I should have not. We did a dinner cruise on Lake Tahoe last night and it was mexican buffet. I think I did well, no rice, lots of guacamole, but there was some dessert and 2 drinks :rolleyes: For breakfast, I brought my Fiber One and had a banana, so good there. Lunch was at Applebee's and had the chicken skillet. All core there except for the 2 wheat tortillas. Tonight left over chicken and fruit salad. I'll get on the scale tomorrow, but know there will be lots of water retention.

It'll be nice to get home and just get back into my routine.
It is nice to get away but it's always nice to get home!!!! You did really well with those choices - BRAVO!!!!

Have a safe trip home and have a good rest of your trip!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris... It's great to be home

Well WE'RE HOME!!! What a long trip, 19 1/2 hours on the road, but it's good to be home now.

I did well eating on the road, considering we hardly stopped. We had a detour that costed us 1 1/2 hours, but we made up most of the time. We left at 3:00am, so breakfast was on the road. I had packed my cereal, so I was good there. Lunch we stopped at McDonald's :earseek: There was no where else in this small town, so I had some fruit salad that was in our cooler and a hamburger. I did eat some of Nick's fries, but just a couple. For dinner I was determined we were going to sit down, so we ate at Applebee's. I love the WW grilled chicken since it is all Core (except for the tortilla).

The scale this morning showed 153.5 I'm hoping to be down to 152 by tomorrow, but no matter what, I will be up on Tuesday.

Need to get to the grocery store since we have hardly any food in the house. I had my cereal for breakfast, yogurt w/ berries for lunch and egg whites for dinner. Need to get some fruit...

Tomorrow is a new month and I'm only 3 1/2 weeks from my 1 year anniversary with WISH and with Weight Watchers. I was hoping to be at my goal by now, but I am so close, I'm not going to worry about it.
Well the scale was not kind to me today, 151, so I was up 3.2 pounds from vacation. I know some of this is still water weight, but it's always disappointing to see an increase. I'm not going to get rid of my 60 pound clippie just yet, but if I'm not back down by next week, I'll go back to my 55 clippie :guilty:

After WW, I was able to only get 35 minutes on the ellptical in before taking Jessica to her orthodontic appt. After the appt, we went to Sam's to pick up a few things. As soon as we got home, I had some lunch... I was FAMISHED!

Food today so far: FF yogurt w/ berries and fiber bran for breakfast and small salad w/ ff dressing and 2 veggie burgers with ff cheese for lunch. Dinner will be leftover shredded chicken taco.

Not really in the mood for much today. Might watch a movie or read my book.
I think a little gain is expected when you go on vacation. You are doing good by getting back on track and being dedicated to doing this. Congrats on your one year anniversaries - so what that you didn't make goal by the time you wanted to. The important thing is that you are sticking to it and are dedicated!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris - I agree... even though I didn't make my one year anniversary goal, the fact that I stuck it out is what counts. I know I'll get there eventually.

Can't believe I forgot to type in my journal the past couple of days.

Food has been good all week and the scale finally went down a pound yesterday. About darn time :rolleyes: I've been busy getting ready for Katie's first day of school, which she started on Thursday. It was POURING rain here, which we need badly, but made dropping kids off at school a nightmare.

I was also got offered a full time position at Katie's school. I wasn't really interested in going full time just yet, but since it was offered and we could use the money, I'm taking it. It's going to be tough learning to juggle everything again, but with Nick working from home, it should make things easier. Not sure exactly when I'll be starting, maybe as soon as Tuesday. It's going to be weird not being able to do my shopping and cleaning during the day, but I'm sure DH wouldn't mind picking up the slack ;)

With me working, I'll have to figure out which WW meetings to go to. There is one at 7:00am on Wednesdays that I will probably start going to and when the kids are off, I can go back to my Tuesdays. I'm also going to start getting up earlier and get to the gym. I know if I don't work out first thing, I won't do it. I'm hoping Katie and I will also ride our bikes to school while it's nice.

Today me and a friend are going to Kohl's so I can find some "work" clothes. All I own right now is shorts and tanks tops, obviously not appropriate for school :blush:
Awesome on the pound loss - this might be a sign that it's time for another downward trend!!!! BRAVO!!!!

Congrats on the job - even if you weren't wanting that yet, like you said it will be nice to have the money!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris - The scale has been slow, but a loss is a loss.

I start my new job tomorrow :cool1: I'm excited, but also nervous. Everything is going to change for me, from my home life to my weight loss.

Food has been good as usual. The scale was the same, 150, but I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll see those 140's again and never look back. Went to the grocery store today and picked up some things to help me get through lunch since I won't be home.

My trip to Kohl's wasn't as fun as I would have hoped. Just couldn't seem to find any size 10 pants that fit without going up to a 12. I refuse to go to a bigger size. I felt just as fat as I did before I lost those 60 pounds. I did find 3 pairs of capri's to wear and a couple of shirts. Those should get me by until I need to buy pants and hopefully by then, I'll be wearing a comfortable 10 or even a 8.

I was up at 6:15 this morning so I could go to the gym. Tomorrow I'll be up at 6:00 and hopefully at the gym by 6:15 which would give me an hour to workout. That's the best I can do. I might try and make it to a 5:45 spin class on Friday, but that is really early for me :earseek: I'm planning on getting weights in 3 days of week and concentrate on toning my legs. I think things will fit better then.
Hi Tera,

Congrats on the job! Sounds like you've got your schedule worked out well to keep your gym time steady. Sorry to hear about the trip to Kohls. I've had those same trips :confused3 We'd be better off if there were no sizes on the clothes and we just kept trying them on until the right ones fit! You'll find the right 10s or 8s next time, I know it!!!

Thanks Sunny!!!

The job is going well so far. I'm keeping busy, so I'm not snacking throughout the day. I do pack stuff for the morning and lunch and then eat when I get home.

I went to my weigh in today, which was weird since I've been going to the same Tuesday meeting for almost a year. I lost 1.8 pounds for a total of 58.8 pounds. I was a little disappointed since I thought I would lose this "vacation" weight really quick, but I'm not going to worry too much about it since it was still a loss.

My biggest thing is deciding if I want to stick with the Core since I am still losing or go back to Flex since I was doing well on that??? Today I did mostly Flex, but I really like the Core.

I'll sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow.

I'm going to keep my 60# clippie ONE more week and if I'm not down, I'll go back to the 55#
What a week :crazy: Getting up early has definitely taken it's toll on me this week, especially since yesterday I got up at 5:15am to take a 5:45am Spin class. It was a great class and was sweating like a pig, so it must have been a good workout :earboy2: After work, I had to come home and lay down for a nap before we headed over for Happy Hour. I think I'll try the class again on Tuesday and see how it goes. I've decided to just get a 40 minute maxium workout in for the other days and I think I'll be good. I just can't push myself right now and will maybe increase later when my body has had a chance to adjust.

Food has been really good all week and I've decided to stay with the Core program. I still had the loss and should be thrilled with that since I'm still eating the foods I enjoy. If it slows down, I'll switch back. My goal is to lose 9 pounds in 4 weeks to get to goal and then I'll be able to celebrate lifetime when I'm off for the kids 2 week fall break. I want to be able to celebrate with the ladies at my Tuesday meeting that have been there for me the past year.

Today the weather is crappy, which is a perfect day to kick back and relax. I might even go take another nap :cloud9: I took Jessica to Ross department store and let her get something for her first day at school. I found a cute skirt for work, but had a hard time finding a shirt that I liked. I ended up getting one at Kohl's after. I did also get a pair of grey sweatpants to have for the winter while watching football. It amazes me that I'm able to buy a medium size. I never thought that I would get that small.

Speaking of small, my friend pulling out a picture of the two of us from July 4, 2002. I was SHOCKED on how HUGE I was :earseek: I guess I never thought I was really "that big". I might have to scan that and post it so everyone can see that it CAN be done. :flower:
Oh God, what a day!! :crazy:

Got up at 5:30 and went to the gym. I did only 15 minutes of sit-ups and some upper weights and then 25 minutes on the ellptical. Came home, showered and got dressed and still had plenty of time to get my lunch together and have breakfast. I like not having to rush in the morning.

Work was busy today and I can't believe how quickly the day went by.

Food today was really good. Cereal w/berries for breakfast, 100 calorie snack for snack, 2 veggie burgers and cantelope for lunch and some FF popcorn for late snack. I'm going to have another veggie burger for dinner.

Scale was 149.5 this morning, so I'm thinking 149 by tomorrow. Really would have liked to see that 148 today, but I need to be patient. I am really just hoping for a 1.5 loss for Wednesday. That would be great for each week, but need to have a big loss if I want to make my goal.

Tomorrow I will go to the 5:45am spin class again and I had promised Katie we could ride our bikes to school/work. What was I thinking? :confused3

Here's PD for that 148 WI!!!

Isn't the working Mom thing tough???? I hope you adjust quickly to the early mornings. You can do it!!!!!!

5:45 spinning. Yikes! I'll think of you when I hit my snooze :rotfl2:

Thanks a lot Sunny ;) It hasn't been too bad doing the class. I never thought I would be a morning person, but I do enjoy getting up and not having to rush. The spin class is great and hope my legs will start to tone soon :teeth:

Thank you Lisa!!!

Well I didn't have a huge loss, but definitely a loss (1.2) and with my TOM, I will take it. :-) I'm back to my 60 pounds, so good bye vacation weight :wave:

Since I've had a consistent loss the past two weeks, I'm definitely sticking with the Core program. I pack my lunch every day for work with plenty of snacks to help me get through the day (gotta love the ff popcorn)

I have about 8 pounds (give or take) till I get to my goal, so I'm hoping to be there in the next few weeks. 13 more pounds to my personal goal :cool1:
You are doing great Tera. Congrats on that weight loss!!!!! BRAVO to you - you are doing super and I think you'll be there in no time, which has got to be exciting!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thank you Chris!

The new is going well so far, but I'm definitely exhausted in the evenings. I went to my spin class Friday and had a good workout. Last night we had Happy Hour, but I think I did pretty well. I had 2 drinks and then had water. Food choices were good, shrimp & veggies for appetizer and salad and beef tri-tip for dinner. The only bad thing was the marinade the beef was in (very salty), but otherwise, all Core. The scale this morning was only up 1 pound, so I know with plenty of water, I'll be fine.

Today food has been fine and I'm getting my water in. I did split a little candy with Katie, but I'm not going worry too much about it. Tomorrow I will have a busy day, getting our trailer ready for camping, packing, some shopping and still need to work in the garden.

I'm shooting for a 1.5 loss for Wednesday, which would bring me to about 146 and just 6 pounds away from my WW goal (11 pounds from my personal goal).
Hi Tera,

You are doing so great! I really hope you get that 146 WI this week. Six pounds for WW goal is awsome. You'll be maintaining and a Lifer in no time! Keep up the great work juggling the new job and fitting in your workouts. I applaud you :)

Your going camping again? You are a woman on the move, that's for sure!!!!



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