test Part 5

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morning all!

after coming home from the pizza place i was totally wiped out so i went to bed...new concept i know! :rolleyes:

hmmmm.....it is mic's second day on the new job...ya think she is ready to quit yet?!?! :rotfl:

hey did you guys watch that tommy goes to school? did you all know that was taped in lincoln nebraska? that is about 50 miles west of me. see we are not all horse and buggies!!!! :teeth:

mac--hope to meet up with you sometime today! i hope your kids start feeling better soon along with your cat!

hope you all have a great day! i know i will--this is my friday for me--i took the next 2 days off as school starts tomorrow and i always take the first day of school off. one of the perks of being your own boss--you can take off whenever you feel like it and no one can tell you that you can't!!
Good morning everyone. I'm semi-back for now. Had a great weekend watching fast cars. Came back to work to about 1000 e-mails and voice messages yesterday. The important ones are taken care of.

Mic, glad you had a good 1st day.

Mac, :grouphug: to your sick little furball.

4GB :wave2: back at ya!

Ed "cha ching" I hear that. I love those low cost flights. I live right near an airport that has Hooters Air and charges $88 each way to Orlando.

OCM and Pam :love1: :love1: Good morning to the both of you.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll be busy packing for vacation for next week and my little DS starts football practice tonight.







Mac I have a sick one here too and its no fun. Matthew regularly has abdominal pain but it usually goes away. However this time he had it all day yesterday and still has it today. The dr wanted to run some blood tests and stuff on him so we will be off to do that in a little while.
Bought Michael a suit last night. He has one AP class that the teacher gives a 100 on a test grade if you wear a suit to school on Wednesday's. He looked so nice this am.
Good morning.......... :wave2:

:listen: ...just making sure you aren't talking about me....cause I don't work today...only 3 days this week....school doesn't start til next Thursday so this week was abbreviated for me.............

Deena, I bet your son looked great, but how does wearing a suit constitute a grade? Is Matthew feeling better? I sure hope so, hugs coming to him.

Pam, I did watch Tommy at college and yes I noticed right away where he was attending...it looks very pretty there. I figured it would be pretty lame, but watched anyway and actually laughed a couple times at the whole thing. It's so phoney but his facial expressions and his gulping were funny. Did they make a big deal when he was there filming it? The best was the one roommate he was trying to room with...........too funny. I never thought about Tommy Lee one way or the other, too tatted and pierced for me, plus kinda wild, but he is kinda cute...and I watched a roast of Pamela the other night on Comedy Central, seems he has some "great attributes"............ :earboy2:

It has cooled off some here, much better than it was, although still a little humid...but at least not 100 degrees...........

Adam, you better be packing, Saturday is head to the beach day for your familly... :cheer2: I have my wedding to go to...I'm dreading the ride = $$$$ in gas to get there and back............blech
4greatboys said:
Mac I have a sick one here too and its no fun. Matthew regularly has abdominal pain but it usually goes away. However this time he had it all day yesterday and still has it today. The dr wanted to run some blood tests and stuff on him so we will be off to do that in a little while.
Bought Michael a suit last night. He has one AP class that the teacher gives a 100 on a test grade if you wear a suit to school on Wednesday's. He looked so nice this am.

Deena - I bet he did look handsome. Nico has two suits one for funerals and one for weddings. He looks adorable in them. And I am so sorry to hear about matthew. I really hope he feels better soon, and more important they figure out what is causing it.
Mic - dont think about the gas. Go and have fun..that is what weddings are all about. And do some :cool1: :banana: for me!!

And fine, we wont talk about you today. ;)
good morning everyone and happy hump day to you all.

i am at the library, sons don't know how to share. but, it is better i am here when they are sick..distance helps a lot.

the pammac event will not take place this weekend. we have to try for another date. i know, it is disappointing and pam was very gracious when i told her what was up. she is a dear friend for understanding.

my dad had a heart attack and i have to go home after dropping todd off.

deena, i sure hope matthew is feeling better soon. it is a worry when a son is sick and you don't know how to make them feel better.
i bet he is handsome in that suit. our school did the dress up day for the government classes.

adam, i love you to pieces.............the cat starting the day without her coffee. that should be a poster............you are so kewl to me and the group here.

new post to follow
ed, you can never go wrong with a monorail pic in the morning here.

mic, work one day and off the next, now thats my type of job.
relax today and play on the computer. it is hump day you know.

pam, so tomorrow will be a saturday for you !! you better post the day of the week while i am gone. you can name everyday saturday and fool ocm here.

ocm, well, we are waiting, tell us which job it will be for you. i give lee 1-2 weeks before he tells you to stop working and stay home. kids will be overwhelming for him. remember what i told you to do in order to pay off the bill...............believe me, it works. been there done that is all i have to say.

gas prices..........don't get me started. filled up yesterday at $2.86 a gal.
in chgo they had on the news it is $3.05
i am sure it is high in the east coast. the west coast has been around $3/gal for months.

i will try to be back later. going to read emails for awhile.

lets start the party :banana: when pam gets here.
Mac :hug: I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he gets better very soon. How aweful.
thanks ocm.

lets talk about more fun things.
i have so much to do today and trying to keep my mind focussed.

death happens to everyone sooner or later and when you hit 86 you know you are blessed by each day you live.

i think we should talk about pam since she isn't here.
maybe she is in the closet.

i bet 5 on this one..................

deena, what do you bet? i ask deena since she is the card shark here.
Oh mac, so sorry about your Dad, please keep us posted and let us know how things are going. Oh I hope he gets well real soon...how awful...you have all our hearts and prayers and hugs and everything working for you!! :grouphug: We are here for you !

Yeah, I'll try and not think of every turn of the wheel on the van going to the wedding....it is a 2 to 2.5 hr. ride for us each way........... :earseek: We will have a fun time though....although I'm thinking the bride's family is a little "high-brow" for us plain folks :earboy2: the wedding is an outside affair and the reception is going to be held at the Naval Academy........so I hope the "country" relatives don't embarrass the "other side"....LOL :earboy2:

Still sending lots of good wishes to all our sickies on the thread....get better soon....everyone!!! :grouphug:
Ok, the gal wants to talk pleasantries..................WELL....SOMEONE we all know and love has a birthday within days....................... :banana: but guess we'll have to have the party later, as this person is going out of town for the weekend....................... :wave2:
changing the subject, lets talk about pam and lay down our bets here.

is deena still sleeping....................mic, you can start first since it is just the two of us here.....
hmmmmmmmmmmm....a change of subject..........ok, I need to go fix some breakfast....haven't even been downstairs yet this morning.... :p need to throw some stuff in the washer....want to get the mattress pad and all that fresh and tidy for my new bed that comes today...YIPPEE....need to start my spaghetti sauce....almost forgot that was my plan for dinner....I need to get hopping it takes me all day to make it............... :wave:

I'll be checking in and out here.........don't run away............so, did you hear that Pam....................... :rotfl2:
mic you mentioned the magic word of the day ...........FOOD.....
one of my favorite subjects.......lol

my time at the library is up so going home to see what to eat there.

todd had friends spend the night as his last hooray.........hoping they are all sleeping.......this way, i can eat before i fix them food.

will catch all later
ha ha aren't you guys funny! :teeth:

i am here now so you can't pick on me!

mac--i really meant what i said...i totally understand. there is plenty of time to meet up. I just want your parents to get better and get the help that they both need! You are such a good daughter to go and help them!

mic--oh how fun....a new bed for tomorrow....looks like the wind is going to be blowing in mics neck of the wood tomorrow night!!! :earboy2:
Mac so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he has a speedy recovery

Mic--Michael's AP classes are college level classes. I guess his teacher is trying to get the students to start dressing better or getting used to dressing for work or whatever. Its called Dress for Success.

But now we are off to the lab for matthew and will be back later.
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