TEVA fitting hints


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
TEVA fitting hints
When you get the sandles,
open all the vecro straps,including the heal.

1. Now place your arch over the shoes arch. THEN,adjust the ankle strap[don't worry about the amount of velro showing thats the design feature of getting the correct fit]making sure you have flexed your toes as far as possible toward your knee,and the strap is comfortable,not pinching or too tight.

2.Adjust the Heel.This is the KEY to the sandles fit[and where the half size comes into play!] You want it to cup your heel like this < While still keeping your arch fitted correctly.

3.Look at your toes are they in the foot bed comfortably. If they are to close to the front edge you have over tighten the heel too much! If your toes are too far from the front edge,the you will need to tighten the heel. [don't fret about there being a lot of foot bed, when you get to walking you will notice that the sandle follows your foot]

4.NOW walk. You will feel where you need adjustments. Don't be scared to start all over,again. It took 3 trys to get mine adjusted.
5. Here is the BEUATY in the design. Say you woke up this morning with swollen feet.[a probability after a day in MK!!] You just loose the tight strap!! say afer waking around you notice that your feet are back to normal,you just retight the straps!!

6.Any area that is rubbing you the wrong way can be made to fit better!! something you can't say about regular shoes,if the toes pinch you are out of luck!

What I loved about my Teva Sandles was wearing them home on the plane! My feet could swell and I was never uncomfortable because I could loosen the staps as far as was needed!!!

I just received my email yesterday telling me that my Teva's were on their way. Thank you so much for taking the time to post these fitting hints. Now I am even more excited to get them. Thanks again.

i admit i haven't adjusted the heel strap... thanks for the tip!

Mary, I have a question: How can I improve the rubbing of the size tage on the top strap area? Other than loosening?
(I had previously posted this ? on another thread but thought I'd ask you directly)

Mrs. Mouse- I had to go look at my Teva sandles to see what you were refering to! The size tag didn't bother me,because I had the Ankle strap very snug. I never even felt it.

1.Try wearing socks with the Teva Sandles. At least while you are breaking them in.[It's called the Oregon/Wahington States Sandle Style. Recongized by all top Designers as the only way to wear their Sandles year 'round in the rain!LOL!!]

2. However if it still bothers you,try to snip out the middle of the tag close to the stitchs,then the outside edges should pull away like a perferated piece of paper. You will need to be careful not to cut the stitchs.

3.Take them to a shoe repair shop and ask them to remove the tag for you. Then if a stitch breaks or is cut they can re-sow it.

Hope this helps you.
thanks so much. i might try the shoe repair idea. i'm nervous i'll ruin them.

23 days!!!
Thanks again Tink! Mine were waiting on my doorstep when I got home from grocery shopping. I followed your fitting tips and have them on right now. I love them. I got the leather circuits for 49.00 from Without a doubt the most comfortable footwear I have ever owned.

mgrebnc, Don't you luv your new Teva's!? I got mine (same kind that you got) about a week or so ago. I really like them. One thing I noticed though is that it takes about 3-4 days to get them adjusted just right. But when you get them feeling the way you want them to, they are wonderful!
Thanks to everyone on these boards for the Teva threads. I had not even heard of them before coming to the boards!
It's a little difficult to where them outside right now because it's still cold here, so I wear them in the house.
:bounce: :p
i wore my neww tevas for my 2 mile walk (only can do on weekends) outside only twice! during my second walk i got a blister on the ball of my left foot!

i'm bummed. i was going to bring other sandles anyway but...

has anyone done moleskin before? will it work to put it on the sandle? or is it better to put it on your foot?

i rarely get blisters from new shoes... if i do it's from a sling back. aaahhh!

i'm down to 18 days to go!

i want to keep wearing them around but this has got to heal a little first.

thanks for any advice you can offer.
I love my TEVA's! I have the chantilly style. I wore them brand new and didn't get any blisters, it could be that yours aren't fitting your feet right. what style do you have?
mrsmouse,moleskin needs to be applied over the blister,according to directions.
For new shoes in a style you haven't worn before shorter walks would better till you get the foot bed broken in and the straps adjusted just right.
my teva's are the pretty rugged style. i'm going to have to take it slower.
i was just in a hurry to break them in. i will bring a broken in pair of another
brand to alternate with in WDW. AND pack moleskin.

time's going fast now, 16 days!
Moleskin works well, even with tevas! I am the moleskin Queen!

I have lots of problems with blisters & stuff so I usually start the day by moleskinning my hot spots (easy to identify after the 1st day :) ). I also try to change shoes in the afternoon. So maybe tevas during the morning & sneakers at night.

Thanks for the help Tink!
mrsmouse, just another thought,while you break in your new Teva's,if you continue to have problems try wearing sox. If they bother your feet it's easy enough to take them off!!
I put my tevas in the washer to soften up the straps. Mine are all fabric and are nice and soft on the edges.



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