Thank you my friends you are real to me


I married a beast and found my prince
Mar 19, 2004
To all my friends thorough out this magical adventure. Some I saw for less than a year some for the whole time. So many wonderful memories.

From my first days on VMK never having played computer games to the ending of VMK with real true friends.

I wonder if we will ever experience this kind of caring community in a game on the net again. Though I am full of tears I am so thankful for all we shared together. Our personal real live tradegies to our victories and successes. From beating cancer and other diseases many struggled with, babies being born, parents passing away we share so much together. From our great New Years Eve party's to Christmas in VMK.

When I started VMK I was healthy and active. Less than a year later I lost the ability to walk for a while. It was then I knew how real you all were to me. From the mailed cards to the great hugs of encouragement. Really made a difference in my life. My world get a lot smaller that year but on VMK I could still do what I enjoyed most spreading pixie dust to as many as I could. Thank you to all who would donate to help me to this.

To my Zeta pals. Many had already moved on to other things but we have stayed friends to this day. With out VMK I would have lost some very cherish friends.

To my mansion pals. The first game I actually could play. The many hours of mansion and everest building I will always remember (Though I think Yeti on a surf board should have won most creative Yeti of the year Picture )

To the kids I have gotten to know as they stuggle to beat many diseases. I will forever keep you in my prayers that you continue to beat the odds.

To all my special friends that would stay in my guest room hoping night after night for red ears to show up. Always giving me hugs and saying it is best in my vote.

To the day I finally made best game. What was more awesome than winning was all the wonderful congrats. I was not in the same league of players with millions of credits, I was not the best really at anything. I was and still am one of the riches VMK people when you count all my true wonderful friends. That is one thing Disney can never ever pull the pull on :)

I have many more friends that I ever could have hoped for. I will miss your little tiny avatars in the Game. But out friendships I know will last a lifetime.

Hugs to you all :grouphug:
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :hug: :grouphug:
The lag was too bad last night, I couldn't stay on and never did get by to say a final goodbye. Glad to hear that Hula did :goodvibes
May all your days be filled with rainbows.
No not a good bye it is a till we see you again. And the way VFK is going could be a while. I miss all you very much. I hope VFK can get it together if not I will pop into other games to try.


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