That's Cuckoo Bananas *Updated 9/21 Complete*


DIS Veteran
Jan 2, 2014

Hello and welcome to another one of my TRs. My family and I traveled to Walt Disney World in February to have a little getaway from the real world. Even though it was a short trip, it was one of our best to date. I am so excited to shar it all with you.

Important Details

The Who


I am the wrangler of children, Disney trip planner extraordinaire, Disneyoholic, and narrator of this here trip report. I have loved Disney all my life. I was lucky enough to live in California until I was 8 and visited Disneyland a few times. My family took our one and only Disney World trip in 2001. Once I entered high school I became too cool for Disney and didn’t really pick up the obsession again until my second baby was born and I decided we had to go to WDW. Planning that trip, I of course got bitten with the bug, and I have been obsessed ever since. Even turning my hobby into a career.


Joe, hence forth known as DH, was not a Disney nut at any point in his life, until now that is. He is however, a Marvel and Star Wars geek. I will never forget the moment on our first trip when we were walking through the hub, and he turns to me and says, “I get why you love this so much”. He has slowly become just as obsessed with me, I have even caught him researching. It’s always funny when he comes across something and needs to tell me about. I think he forgets what I do.


C is our oldest child. If any of kids will be obsessed for life, it’s this one. C is 10, an avid reader, and spectacular artist. He took his first trip at almost 4, and he was a thrill junkie, even conquering tower of terror. Now he is much more reserved, and opts out of many of the thrills, but he loves the classics. He fancies himself a mini Disney historian who loves learning about Walt and the parks. He desperately wants to do a tour like Backstage Magic, for now though he spends his time hunting hidden mickeys in the park.


J is my sweet middle child. He is the classic middle child, quiet, peacemaker, and enjoys his solitude. He loves sports and reading, and is starting to warm up to some of the thrill rides.


N is 6 years old and as the baby of the family, he can be your typical youngest child. He is my little sidekick. He is still so enthralled by everything at Disney and it all seems new to him. He is a big fan of animals and characters. He became very good at spotting Hidden Mickeys on the trip.

The What

A trip to Disney of course.


February 5-9, 2021


Art of Animation Resort


This one’s a little bit convoluted, but here we go. J and I had just been to Disney in August. We had an absolutely amazing time. As the real world became a little toxic in the fall, I dreamed about getting away again. The trick would be…how to convince DH. See we have a trip to Hawaii, hopefully, coming up this summer. My mom and dad are treating the whole family after the crappy year and a half or so. Even though the big things are paid for, do you know how expensive Hawaii is just for activities and food??? $$$ Well Southwest came out with $49 fares, and we still had airline credits for DH, J, and myself. Then I remembered that we still had around $350 in Marriott gift cards left over from our summer road trip. If we ate most of our meals offsite, the biggest expense would be park tickets, we would just go for two days, no park hopping. I laid out my plan, and it was a big fat no.:sad:

I am not one to give up so easily, so I would casually mention Disney here or there. Always the same response…no. About a month after I hatched my plan, I got a nibble. We were watching the Disney investor day announcements and I said, “Doesn’t this make you want to go to Disney?” His response, “Well actually I’ve been thinking about that all day.” And that folks was all I needed, the trip was booked that night.
Based on the above description, our plans changed along the way. Thanks to amazingly generous Christmas gifts and a crazy good visa discount from Disney, we were able to upgrade to staying on site. Also, thanks to working my behind off in January, we were going to be able to not have to penny pinch when it came to meals. This wouldn’t be an extravagant trip by any means, but it was nice to not have to stress about the budget too much.

There was one little hitch in the plans though, the boy’s school. When we booked the trip, the boys had been in remote learning by choice since the beginning of the year. A few days after we booked the trip, we got some news that pretty much forced our hands in putting the little boys back into school. C was given the option and he chose to stay virtual, so we let him. This presented a problem though, I cannot in good conscious travel to Disney on an airplane, and then the next day plop them back in the classroom. The school district’s COVID policies are lackluster to say the least, N doesn’t even need to wear a mask in school, for example. So I didn’t want to be a potential spreader of COVID if we were unknowingly exposed and asymptomatic. Thanks for Southwest’s policy, we were able to rebook our flights for different dates for the same price. Now we would come back and there would be only two days left in the school week thanks to a four day weekend. This meant that they would only miss a total of 6 days of school. Per CDC travel guidelines, you should restrict activities for 7 days after travel and get tested 3-5 days after travel. Those seemed like reasonable guidelines, we’ll just do the whole remote learning for those other days. In reality, we came back and had a huge snow storm that caused school to be cancelled for a week after our quarantine, so we were really good when they finally got back into the classroom.

With all that background and boring stuff out of the way, let’s go to Walt Disney World!
Following along. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.
I am glad you were able to change your DH’s mind about the trip, and even happier that it was a good one! Can’t wait to read more!
Joining in! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Cant wait to hear about your trip!
Glad to have you here.

Following along. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.
Thanks fir reading again!

I am glad you were able to change your DH’s mind about the trip, and even happier that it was a good one! Can’t wait to read more!
Lol, I always get him somehow.

Joining in! Can't wait to hear all about it!
thanks for comin‘ along!
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We’re Almost in the Air

Doesn’t it always work out that the week leading up to vacation must be chaotic? I’m not kidding when I say my normal pandemic life is pretty boring, but of course all my random obligations happened to fall on that week. The good thing is that it made the week fly by. The day before we left, I spent most of the day cleaning and packing for the trip. It was also Joe’s birthday, so we celebrated.

We had not told the boys about the trip yet. We didn’t do this so we could have a big reveal, but because we didn’t want to have to disappoint them if we had to cancel. We had to cancel so much stuff last year, we learned that until this is all over, we won’t be telling them things in advance to avoid possible disappointments. Now that we were 12 hours from our trip, we thought it was safe to tell them. They were super excited, obviously. We got them off to bed, while Joe and I finished up the last of the chores, before we were off to dreamland too.

As with any big trip, I was not able to get much sleep. I was up at 5 to get myself ready. I got Joe up and told him to make sure the boys were Ready. Meanwhile, I stopped at Starbucks for coffee and McDonalds for breakfast. We enjoyed our breakfast while watching the latest episode of Wandavision. This was by far the most relaxing day of travel we have ever had. Usually we’re rushing around, but it was so nice to just relax. Of course, you know that couldn’t last. We were getting our shoes on and finishing up the last minute things. Our cat who is old and developed IBS recently, had gotten sick from both ends minutes before we needed to be out the door:headache:. So in keeping with normal tradition, we ran around like chicken with our heads cut off trying to clean everything up. I was super concerned about our cat, but I texted my SIL to see if she would make an extra check in on her.

Our drive to the airport, was surprisingly calm considering we were traveling during rush hour. We even had a nice sunrise.

When we got to the airport, we noticed immediately how many people there were. It was a noticeable difference to when J and I traveled in August. We sent our bags off to the unknown bowls of the airport, and walked over to security. Joe and I have pre-check, which means everyone has pre-check. We were through security quickly. We walked over to some benches to collect ourselves, and I noticed a TSA agent standing in front of the escalator, which I thought was strange. Then a second TSA agent came over to us and told us we needed to stand still and not move. When I tell you my stomach dropped:scared:. We see all the TSA agent roaming around, while all passengers needed to stand still. I found out from another person that this was just a drill, but even still, the following minutes were stressful. We were finally given the go ahead to move around again and we were on our way to our gate. I stopped in the shop to get some water and gum for us. Then we found a nice uncrowded spot near our gate and settled in for the wait.

Finally is was time to board, we were utilizing family boarding this time around. Typically we pay for early bird, but I didn’t want to this time. Can you tell this boy is happy to be getting on the plane?

We picked a seat in the middle of the plane.

Sadly, we were on a full plane, so Joe and J had to share their row. Luckily they were sharing with someone who was compliant with the mask policy. But we were surrounded by people that had their masks down and only pull them up as an attendant came by. It became such a problem that the entire plane got a from scolding halfway through the trip. This was just one day after the federal mask mandate had started, so I was hoping for better compliance, but that was not the case.
N was so excited, it was infectious. C and J are older and less excitable, but N still has the pure innocence where he finds everything so exciting and joyous. He made sure to narrate events as we taxied and took off.

We’re almost in the air!

Our flight was uneventful and we landed right on schedule. We boarded my second favorite poeplemover, and the only one I would ride this trip. The boys grabbed a seat.

Once we got into the main part of the airport, I became very concerned with the crowds. It was wall-to-wall people. There were many people dressed in Kansas City Chiefs gear, which made me hope they were just flying into Orlando and then heading to Tampa for the Super Bowl. I was worried about the rental counter, so I sent Joe and N to stand in line for our car, while the rest of us waited for the bags. It took awhile to get our bags, which ended up being fine because the car line was super long. Thankfully, we had Fastbreak, which allowed us to skip most of it. We rented the cheapest option that would seat us, I think it was a midsize. We were trying to avoid shared transportation options as much as possible. Boys were happy to get their masks off.

By the time we were driving over, we were feeling quiet hungry. I wasn’t super thrilled with the options at Art of Animation so we decided to eat before we got on property. Chick-Fil-A was conveniently located close to Disney Springs, so we stopped there.

We ate in the car, not even realizing dining rooms were open. Our CFAs here in Texas are still closed. Our lunch hit the spot, and we were ready to get in the Disney bubble. I haven’t spent much time outside the bubble in Orlando, spotted many of these stores.

It’s funny because right before we got back on the freeway, I realized that this was right where we were supposed to stay before we switched to on property. We entered from the Osceola parkway entrance, which was still undergoing its transformation.

I love the new look.

I was so excited to get back to AoA. It’s funny because I kind of credit AoA for my entrance into the crazy Disney parks fandom. Back when C was little and I was pregnant with J, I saw an advertisement for the opening of AoA. Seeing the Finding Nemo rooms, I knew I had to take my kids there. From that point on, I worked for two years to make that dream a reality, and on our first trip we had to stay at AoA. So this resort brings back all sorts of nostalgic feelings for me. We of course were listening to our Disney playlist and Hakuna Matata started playing right as we pulled into the resort.

We were staying in the Lion King section, and our room had already been assigned.

Our view of the Skyliner

We loved our room and all the space it gave us. Having two bathrooms was a real game changer, and probably spoiled us for other WDW trips. We quickly got unpacked and changed into our swimsuits. The Big Blue Pool was under refurbishment, which is one of the reasons the resort was so affordable at the time. They still had the Little Mermaid pool open so we went over there. It was not exactly warm, I would say low 70’s, but in the late afternoon with the sun hidden behind the clouds, it was too cool for me. The boys had so much fun playing and I hung out on the side. We got there at trivia time, so we had fun answering Disney Guess Who and trivia. We didn’t stay long, just enough time to unwind after our travels.
We got changed and then headed back out. The boys loved all the big icons around the resort.

I needed to stop at the front desk first. With bands not being complementary anymore the only way you can get your luggage tags and magical extras is to go to the front desk. It’s kind of silly when they are urging everyone to skip the front desk right now.

The line was long, and normally I wouldn’t worry about it, but for the first time ever I planned on using the magical extras card. I had scoured the internet and didn’t see a single piece of information mentioned that the mini golf had to be used before 4pm. I knew that used to be the case, but the Walt Disney World site doesn’t mention it, so I hoped that they got rid of that rule, at least the time being. Sadly, once I had the card in hand, it does state it has to be used before 4. Determined to still go mini golfing, we made our way over to the Skyliner.
Looks like a great travel day and arrival at the resort! Too bad about the non-compliance on the plane......some people are special friends.
Sounds like a great travel day! A room with 2 bathrooms - how great! I can understand why it was a game changer. We flew to Orlando Feb 28 and home mid-March. Both flights were full but I didn't see any mask non-compliance. Interested to hear how you found the park crowds.


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