The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7


That was wonderful! Well done, you! You must be feeling pleased with how this update came out, especially since I know we were both commenting about how it feels like we can get into a rut on the Dis sometimes. I always have fun reading your posts, but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this!

I honestly thought it was okay, not amazing, but better than my last BUNCH of chapters have been. I was definitely in a writing rut and feeling discouraged, not only with my own thread but how far behind I'd let myself get. (Sometimes life, even the BEST things in life, can lessen free time for all you want to do. And that's okay. ) I needed to get something up that was a bit out of the ordinary and this fit the bill. I"m really glad you liked it.

I love this photo :)

Thanks, Meghan. I like how it ended up being framed. :)
Impressive post ! Also , congratulations on your grand baby!
Why thank you so much! It was fun to write and I'm glad folks are enjoying it!!

He's a precious little bundle for sure. I loved snuggling him day before yesterday and hope to maybe see him tomorrow too!
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I really enjoyed reading your Christmas spin on Star Wars! The pictures are awesome. It makes me excited to give it a second chance, especially for taking in all the details.
Did your kids enjoy the land? I hope so! Love the face painting. Andi use to do this on our trips, very cool!
I really enjoyed reading your Christmas spin on Star Wars! The pictures are awesome. It makes me excited to give it a second chance, especially for taking in all the details.
Did your kids enjoy the land? I hope so! Love the face painting. Andi use to do this on our trips, very cool!
THanks, Caroline! I had a fun time writing it. :)

I think it's best for just wandering and seeing all there is to see. Still, I can't see myself back in there too terribly much, maybe not even every trip. But, the new ride will be open next time I go (whenever that is) so I'll have to give it a go.

Yes, the kids did and we all had fun playing with the app games. We only rode SR once, but that seemed to be enough for them.

Face painting was a blast! I'd TOTALLY do this again in a heartbeat. It lasted 2 days and they will give you touch ups throughout the day (same park) with the receipt.
I've never once had a raw oyster. Too a'scared!
next time we're all together with Alison, we'll order some... will you do it then? Peer pressure and all...
Now that's actually a plausible theory I can stand on.

The theory, not the bench.
Thanks for clarifying.
Which begs the question, did you get the white or the black napkin?
Are you kidding? With this Canadian, winter-sun deprived skin?
They don't make a napkin white enough!
It didn't. But hey, who's counting.
Sorry to hear that. Hope things are better now.
We had an extremely tragic death at work of one of our MAs. 27 years old, and 28 weeks pregnant who suddenly passed away from a pulmonary embolism. They saved the baby but she too passed away a few days after her C-section. They were able to keep mom on life support for 3 hours until they could take the baby, but... it's been a very grief-filled atmosphere all week. She'd only been married a few months. :(
OMG. That's terrible! How are you????
Mom and Baby are doing fine.
This is very good.
Thanks, PK. I enjoy writing and chronicling (sp?) the trips.
I hope things are going better and you are rested going into the Holiday Season!
I am, actually... but that's likely to change, unfortunately.
I drive fast. Only 40 for me.
41. You have to factor in the four stops for tickets at 15 minutes per.
All of those are 1) more $$ and 2) connect through ORD or DEN or something like that.
Knew they'd be more (or assumed), but... bit surprised there aren't any direct flights.
Yes, from being late. I had been told, "We don't need to be there that early. I don't like sitting around."
Wow. Um... that's just dumb. Presume you don't do that anymore.
Great, now you can sit around for a LOT more hours while you wait for the next flight.
... with yellow mustard?
No. I like it just the bread and the liverwurst. But would happily try it with mustard? That sounds good!
Lights are dimmed. NO shops except a couple are open. The coffee shops are JUST opening (we Oregonians DO have our priorities!), maintenance is still going on, security is as quiet as a graveyard....
Hehe! I was going to Disney!

I also had a stiff latte onboard. ;)
:laughing: Okay, acceptable reason.
It's a GameBoy game that let's you play Ground Controller at an airport. You assign gates, give clearances for pushback, assign taxiing routes, etc...
GameBoy???? He has a GameBoy still??? Wow!
I'm rather fond of them. :)
I'm there FOR the show. The food is good of course, but why go only to sit in a booth that you can't see. The food isn't THAT great to go for alone, imho. However, there are plenty of folks who think the food IS that good and do. But for us, it's totally about the music and dancing.
yeah, you need to see. Otherwise... just sit outside.
Bah, dum, dum

And now you know how to post those.
Her blonde hair was pretty memorable.
"Girl with blonde hair! News at 11!"
I guess... seemed just.. not really malicious or intentionally as a dig, but more... odd.
Huh. A dig...

No, playing in the area. Always well chosen or better yet, in some areas, original scores.
Good. :)
I imagine if they had to call, it'd be too time intensive for a busy manager to do. I get that. I realize it was my responsibility, but... this probably happens on occasion and you'd sure think there'd be a solution that doesn't cost time on their part or money on the customer's.
Valid point.
A few random notes :rockband:

Nice that you can fly nonstop.

Having recently spent the night at Newark, I know what you mean about airports being creepy at night. We were surprised how many stores didn't have their security gates down.

I've never been to Raglan Road. Since it has entertainment could be a good choice for a solo trip, and, I like your idea of asking for a table with a time limit of how long you'd be willing to wait. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Enjoy every moment you have with Declan.
First off... Fun chapter! :)
I like how you incorporated your prose into your photos. :)

Not a creature was stirring by Jedi command
Isn't it usually the First Order that issues the command? I guess the resistance is getting more organized.
The Spires of Batuu stood tall in their black
With witness to every First Order attack
That's why they're scarred. Makes perfect sense now.
While visions of Green Milk would soon underwhelm
No kidding... Coconut... blech!
With Momma in facepaint and I in disguise
Wait... If Momma is in facepaint and that's you... who is "I"?
Away to the portal I flew like a flash
Tore open the airlock and saw this awful crash
Never noticed that! Where is that?
The moon of the planet far in the distance
Gave luster to those who stood firm in resistance
:worship: Nicely done!
On Nari, On Zachy, on Mikki too!
Do you call them those nicknames? :)
Quick! Some Storm Troopers have come into view!
Meh. They'll shoot... and they'll miss. No worries.
A bundle of weapons we'd smuggled onboard
We looked like mere traders with innocent hoard
Hah! You guys look anything but innocent. No one's gonna buy that one!
And we laughed when we saw it; the Falcon poor ship
She’d barely hung on as we made our quick trip
"Piece of junk"...
You sucked at your mission, but I’ll give you a break
What you can fit into Crate 80 is all yours to take
:laughing: Generous of him. Guess you didn't do too badly.
"May your forces be strong as you continue the fight!"
Fun read! :)
To be perfectly honest, I think @pkondz 's was a billion times better with FAR better photos
pshaw... did you not see what Jeff wrote?
Loved your Batuu before Christmas poem! Nicely done and lots of fun! ETA: I'm on the train, just passed you, staying in PDX and heading out to Israel early Tuesday morning! I didn't see the pics because it wasn't loading fast enough so I saw Ponz say something about pics and prose and I had to go back! Even more talent was revealed! Thanks so much for your writing!
A is for Arrival- Pt. 2

In an effort to clean up the cliffhanger, let’s pick up where we left off… that ridiculously long trek to the bus stops after a thoroughly enjoyable dinner at Raglan Road. A bus was just pulling away keeping in perfect harmony with the amazingly crappy bus luck we always have. In this case, it would be a good thing. Let’s all hold hands and enjoy another chapter of: Moronic Moments with Steppe , shall we?

Phone? Check.

Camera? Check.

Children? Check. (You think that’s funny, don’t you? Ask me about the time I left my toddler sleeping in a stroller in the men’s clothing section of the Goodwill once for a few minutes.)

Packages? Uhh…. Er… <a few grown up expletives>… Nope.

My very first purchase of the trip and it’s sitting back at Jock Lindsay’s, or worse, happily packaged up in someone’s luggage ready for a trip to Philadelphia, Atlanta, LA... instead of to Salem with me. I told the kids to go on without me and that I’d catch up on the next bus. With a heaving sigh, I turned around, and started jog-walking back through the Westside along Planet Hollywood (does anyone EVER go in there?! Have you?) and across the pathway into Town Center (no, no one knows how to navigate in DTD anymore, and most people I know just wander around in that Cretan Labyrinth until they find a way out. Of course, there is always this solution.)


At that point, I was far more anxious about retrieving my cool new mug than catching a bus. I got all hot and steamy getting there and the servers were probably thinking this was an exceptionally impressive hot flash going on. Blurting out my blunder in some fashion of unintelligible garble, I seemed to get my point across that I’d left my mug on the booth we’d sat at.

“Oh, yeah, we put it in the back for you and have been waiting for you. We were already looking up your information so we could call you and send it to your resort if you were staying here.”

While I was elated that they’d found it for me and kept it safe from pilfering hands, I inwardly rolled my eyes at knowing I could have saved my old, out-of-shape body from a near coronary implosion by knowing they would have just sent it over Red Rover, Red Rover. Foregoing as much thankful chit-chat as I’d normally dole out, I swung around and retraced my steps at a swift jog. I’m not sure why, except that I did indeed make it back just as the kids were boarding the bus.

That ridiculous jaunt ended up inviting a thorn-in-the-flesh Companion to me. For the next 5 days I endured a small piece of Hell on Earth. I limped by day and practiced religious exorcism by night. Yes, I am well aware that popping blisters and removing these liquid demons is unorthodox practice, but when one is driven mad by pain one turns to foolish, yet sometimes effective, measures of relief.

However, this little imp, or is that "limp", was tenacious and persistent. Within a couple of hours of abusing my poor feet each morning, it’d practice self-replication and wiggle its way to the surface again making each step agonizing torture. I tried walking on the side of my foot, I tried soaking it at night, moleskin, changing shoes… everything I could think of to outsmart that little SOB (Son of Beelzebub) to no avail. I simply needed to outwait it. Then again, the repeated exorcisms may have been exactly what was needed to finally drive him into the pigs. Eventually, it made a sexy little callous over itself and I depleted, for the first time in 10 years of going to Disney, my entire supply of bandaids and moleskin.


The lesson here, Boys and Girls is that I am not made for running in Disney (or anywhere for that matter). Of course, some of you smart donkeys are thinking that the lesson here is to affix one’s head on firmly before walking out the door so things like this don’t happen in the first place.

You’d be right.

Are you still holding hands? How about a nice warm round of Kumbaya?

Now... it's YOUR TURN!

Have you ever forgotten or lost something at Disney? Did you get it back or find it? Tell us your stories!!!
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next time we're all together with Alison, we'll order some... will you do it then? Peer pressure and all...

Hmm.... now I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into.

Thanks for clarifying.

Standing on a bench seems... unwise.
Are you kidding? With this Canadian, winter-sun deprived skin?
They don't make a napkin white enough!

Another thing we have in common. White is Oregon legs.

Sorry to hear that. Hope things are better now.

Improving for sure. In several arenas. Thanks!

OMG. That's terrible! How are you????

I'm okay, just wish our company had given us more time to collectively grieve and debrief.

I am, actually... but that's likely to change, unfortunately.


41. You have to factor in the four stops for tickets at 15 minutes per.

True, still...

Knew they'd be more (or assumed), but... bit surprised there aren't any direct flights.

I am too. Wish there was more selection, PDX is a smaller airport than say SEA or LAX.
Wow. Um... that's just dumb. Presume you don't do that anymore.

It wasn't by my choice. ;)

No. I like it just the bread and the liverwurst. But would happily try it with mustard? That sounds good!

Hmmm, I'm envisioning a liverwurst sammie now with dijon (or yellow) and pickled onions, dark rye with lots of caraway....

GameBoy???? He has a GameBoy still??? Wow!

IKR?! Old school!

And now you know how to post those.
Yep, although I wanted to post one just now and there wasn't one!!!
Nice that you can fly nonstop.

It is although I don't alway. SW is a lot cheaper most of the time and I'll go with cheap over easy sometimes. :)
Having recently spent the night at Newark, I know what you mean about airports being creepy at night. We were surprised how many stores didn't have their security gates down.

I was too!!!! Last time I arrived around midnight at PDX most of them had their gates open and I could have EASILY grabbed a water, chips, pastry, whatever! Of course I didn't, but it sure was weird!!

I've never been to Raglan Road. Since it has entertainment could be a good choice for a solo trip, and, I like your idea of asking for a table with a time limit of how long you'd be willing to wait. I'll have to keep that in mind.

I would totally recommend for a solo!! And with a time limit you are forced to make a choice to either just get what you get and by happy or head over to somewhere else.

Enjoy every moment you have with Declan.
I am and even did again today. Visits are short, but very, very sweet. :)
First off... Fun chapter! :)
I like how you incorporated your prose into your photos. :)

Thanks! Yours was a million times better, but this was fun to do!

Isn't it usually the First Order that issues the command? I guess the resistance is getting more organized.

giphy (1).gif

That's why they're scarred. Makes perfect sense now.
I love all the scars and blaster/bomb? marks on the buildings in there.

Wait... If Momma is in facepaint and that's you... who is "I"?

Your Authoress, of course!

Never noticed that! Where is that?

Honestly? I have no idea. I was just wandering around and happened to see them somewhere. I'd have to hunt again for a while to spot them.

Do you call them those nicknames?

Yes, I actually do. ;)

Meh. They'll shoot... and they'll miss. No worries.

Hah! You guys look anything but innocent. No one's gonna buy that one!

:laughing: Generous of him. Guess you didn't do too badly.

He's really just a softie sympathizer.

pshaw... did you not see what Jeff wrote?
Very sweet and gererous!
A is for Arrival- Pt. 2
This is such a missed opportunity!!!!\

You had A... then B (for Batuu)… you absolutely should have posted a B part two before A!!

Then you could have said you posted ABBA.
A bus was just pulling away keeping in perfect harmony with the amazingly crappy bus luck we always have.
I don't understand this? Bus pulled away? Crappy bus luck?
Let’s all hold hands and enjoy another chapter of: Moronic Moments with Steppe , shall we?
I categorically refuse to say what I was going to say here. 100%. I will say why in the last comment.
Children? Check. (You think that’s funny, don’t you? Ask me about the time I left my toddler sleeping in a stroller in the men’s clothing section of the Goodwill once for a few minutes.)
:scared: You didn't!!!!
Packages? Uhh…. Er… <a few grown up expletives>… Nope.
Ruh, roh...
Planet Hollywood (does anyone EVER go in there?! Have you?)
I have been in one... I think in Niagara Falls? Won't bother to go back and certainly wouldn't waste my time with it at Disney.
most people I know just wander around in that Cretan Labyrinth until they find a way out.
Disney should build an animatronic minotaur to terrorize the guests!!!!
Of course, there is always this solution.)
Holy crap... is that your photo?!?!?
I got all hot and steamy getting there and the servers were probably thinking this was an exceptionally impressive hot flash going on.
“Oh, yeah, we put it in the back for you and have been waiting for you. We were already looking up your information so we could call you and send it to your resort if you were staying here.”
Huh! That's very good service!
I inwardly rolled my eyes at knowing I could have saved my old, out-of-shape body from a near coronary implosion by knowing they would have just sent it over Red Rover, Red Rover.
And yet... I still would have gone back, even knowing. Because the not knowing would be worse.
For the next 5 days I endured a small piece of Hell on Earth. I limped by day and practiced religious exorcism by night. Yes, I am well aware that popping blisters and removing these liquid demons is unorthodox practice, but when one is driven mad by pain one turns to foolish, yet sometimes effective, measures of relief.
This doesn't sound... pleasant.
it’d practice self-replication and wiggle its way to the surface again making each step agonizing torture.
Not fun...
that little SOB (Son of Beelzebub)
:laughing: Nice save.
I'm not sure what to be most... impressed? with.
The fact you took an actual photo... or that you posted it!
Are you still holding hands? How about a nice warm round of Kumbaya?
This! This! I had freaking Googled the spelling of Kumbaya and was going to put that as my first comment! How did you know I was going to do that???? How????
Congratulations Liesa! He is a beautiful boy!

Thanks, Tammie! It's fun to snuggle and dote on him. :D

Loved your Batuu before Christmas poem! Nicely done and lots of fun! ETA: I'm on the train, just passed you, staying in PDX and heading out to Israel early Tuesday morning! I didn't see the pics because it wasn't loading fast enough so I saw Ponz say something about pics and prose and I had to go back! Even more talent was revealed! Thanks so much for your writing!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!! :)

OH!! Sleepy little Salem. Did you wave?

Enjoy every minute of Israel; there's so much to see and do there!
Hmm.... now I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into.
Oh, not to worry. You can always say "no" and we won't think any less of you.

Image result for disney chicken moana
Another thing we have in common. White is Oregon legs.
Improving for sure. In several arenas. Thanks!
I'm okay, just wish our company had given us more time to collectively grieve and debrief.
:sad2: That's not so great.
Start training a new guy soon. More work.
I am too. Wish there was more selection, PDX is a smaller airport than say SEA or LAX.
Cost prohibitive to go up to SEA?
It wasn't by my choice. ;)
I figured... ;)
Hmmm, I'm envisioning a liverwurst sammie now with dijon (or yellow) and pickled onions, dark rye with lots of caraway....
mmmm… sounds good!
IKR?! Old school!
Yep, although I wanted to post one just now and there wasn't one!!!
Thanks! Yours was a million times better, but this was fun to do!
pfffttt… Mine was not "a million times better". But thank you. :)
Very good point!!

(Loving posting those gifs, aren't you. ::yes::)
I love all the scars and blaster/bomb? marks on the buildings in there.
Your Authoress, of course!
Ah. Of course. :sad2:
Yes, I actually do. ;)
Wonder if I can crack your password now? :laughing:
(No... won't even try. :))
This is such a missed opportunity!!!!\

You had A... then B (for Batuu)… you absolutely should have posted a B part two before A!!

Then you could have said you posted ABBA.


Well dang it. My chance is gone forever.

I don't understand this? Bus pulled away? Crappy bus luck?

It pulled away before we got there. Happens to us all the time. We're too far away to run and watch it drive away.

I categorically refuse to say what I was going to say here. 100%. I will say why in the last comment.

Buahahahahaha! I'm dying!

:scared: You didn't!!!!

I did! :blush:

I have been in one... I think in Niagara Falls? Won't bother to go back and certainly wouldn't waste my time with it at Disney.

I have literally not ONCE seen a review of it or anyone even mention they've ever been IN it.

Disney should build an animatronic minotaur to terrorize the guests!!!!

I'd love to see that!

Holy crap... is that your photo?!?!?

OH dear no. I'm way too rushed in HM to get to concentrate on photography and you can't really open a tripod in the stretching room.

And yet... I still would have gone back, even knowing. Because the not knowing would be worse.

100%. I really had no choice.

I'm not sure what to be most... impressed? with.
The fact you took an actual photo... or that you posted it!

If nothing else, I am thorough in my TRs, no?

This! This! I had freaking Googled the spelling of Kumbaya and was going to put that as my first comment! How did you know I was going to do that???? How????

Oh, not to worry. You can always say "no" and we won't think any less of you.

Image result for disney chicken moana

HEI HEI now!

Start training a new guy soon. More work.
Oh my, that will be a lot work.

Cost prohibitive to go up to SEA?

No, not too much, but it is a minimum 3-4 hour drive which is what flying with a connection would add anyway.

I like that one. But I wanted a gif of the HM hanging dude "of course there's always my way..."
pfffttt… Mine was not "a million times better". But thank you. :)

I thought so. ;)
Very good point!!

(Loving posting those gifs, aren't you. ::yes::)

Wonder if I can crack your password now? :laughing:
(No... won't even try. :))
LOL! You might be able to!

(But probably not)


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