The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

Ugh I don't even know how I got so far behind :duck:I'm glad the issues with your right side seem to be subsiding and you're getting around more ❤

It was so nice to see you back in Sept! I know it's hard when you're with family sometimes to fit in those DISmeets because, well, you're with family! I think your kids had gone back to rest actually lol which is something my kids do quite often when they're in Disney with us!

And that picture of Steve and Billie in Chefs :laughing: I believe I had run to the little girls' room when you spied them.
Ugh I don't even know how I got so far behind :duck:
It's so easy to do!

I'm glad the issues with your right side seem to be subsiding and you're getting around more ❤

Me too!! Still VERY painful, but not absolutely and literally, debilitating like last week.

It was so nice to see you back in Sept! I know it's hard when you're with family sometimes to fit in those DISmeets because, well, you're with family! I think your kids had gone back to rest actually lol which is something my kids do quite often when they're in Disney with us!

To cut them some slack, we had been up since 4:00AM for SW:GE that morning, so after lunch I think they went back to catch a nap before dinner. Made for some nice touring on my own.

And that picture of Steve and Billie in Chefs :laughing: I believe I had run to the little girls' room when you spied them.

Wasn't that a riot?! His FACE! :laughing:
“Fun was had by all.” Cliché at its worst, and yet, looking back, I’d take the worst cliché fun over most anything when it comes to our vacation last Fall.
Much better than... The War of the Roses...
of course with its ups and downs as any family vacation ever does,
As long as there are more (hopefully much more) ups than downs.
We also spent a fair portion of our time in WS seeing what skeleton attractions were left.
move on to the food. Priorities and all.
Wish they’d kept the Fountain though. THAT makes me sad, but I digress…
I'm hoping that they'll replace the fountain... with a fountain. I have zero clue, mind you. But that's what I'm hoping for.
One thing that does make me content is the no-touchy of Figment. He’s curious, child-like, energetic, fun! Everything I so long to be.
You long to be no-touchy?
She still has her plush after all these years and he still makes her smile.
“This is Disney’s Customer Service calling to tell you that you’ve been selected to receive a lifetime of free Annual Passes for your entire family!”
I might not screen that call...
for the adult, slot-loving crowd.
I first read that "slot-loving" with a "u" instead of an "o"... :rolleyes:
See that smile on his face just before he pulls the trigger? Yeah, that’s every dad, everywhere with this one.
Someday, I’m going to actualy count the number of Figments on the attraction; I think I left off at 14,302.
Actually... that might make that ride... almost bearable.

started with getting some face painting done with Billie
Nice! DISmeet #1.
I've never met her and only know her through others as we don't seem to be on the same threads.
It’s the first time I’ve done face painting and I LOVED IT!!! YES!
:laughing: Glad you liked it. :)
you can get touchups in the same park for 2 days with your receipt
Really! That's a nice perk.
You guys look great. :)
Dish after delicious and expensive dish was consumed.
<sigh> Do they really need to gouge us that much more?
I threw caution to the check-out statement and pulled money out my account like Mary Poppins pulls spoonfuls of sugar from her bag.
:laughing: Nicely said.
Move over, Mary, the new bag is a band.

So did you guys deliberately pose on the yellow circles?
the Loaded Mac and Cheese. It was just as phenomenal as always
Baked Shrimp and Scallop Scampi Dip
That was such a surprise. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was.
It scored a resounding... meh.
So... is that referring to the pie, the crab cake or both?
It was awesome meeting Lindsay and her hubby, Billie, Steve and Ariane!
DISmeet #2. Nice. :)
Face paint, deodorant, and ice cream all have one thing in common
You slather it on skin?
Sitting, I expressed my gratefulness and began to eat my ice cream when the boy began to ask me questions. It became very clear, very quickly that he was autistic and struggled with communication, but was unbelievably friendly, engaging, and wanted to interact. I could sense moments of frustration in our conversation, but it was… magical. His dad let him lead the questions and answers and let his son and I have a very natural, sweet talk about Figment, Remy, ice cream, Disney… Time melted along with my ice cream; it wasn’t about gelato anymore. It was all about making this 10 minutes of my day matter and connecting with another human being on a more than passing level. And it was clear who was more blessed by pausing, allowing, inviting. Disney has had more than a few existential moments for me; this was one in the top few I will not too soon forget.
Oh, wow. That's really a magical moment all right. And as much as it made you day, I'm thinking it probably also made the boy's and the dad's day.
I suddenly realized I’d lost my almost completely filled out Remy Hunt Map!!! CRAP!! $7.95 down the toilet!
Oh, no!
raced into L’Artisans with the dismal hope I’d find my map.

It was there.
Only in Disney...
You can stop counting now how many times I had already lost something on this trip and would find it. There will be more.
Thank goodness they finally bolted your head on so you won't lose that too.
I glanced into the windows of Chefs De France and spied Billie and Steve sitting at a table ready for their dinner. Surprise!! Gotcha!!
Paparazzi shot!
I met up with Coni and Doc
And... DISmeet #3.
Meeting lots of folks!
Grand Marnier Slushie
Yum! Yes, please!
We also spent a fair amount of time in the Japan Pavilion later and then had a nice dinner at Teppan Edo later.
Spent lots of time with them!
Cute shot of you guys. :)
our dinner at San Angel- a surprisingly, bright shining spot in our vacation dining along the way.
Oh! Good to hear.
I've been hearing better things about the place after hearing not so good things for years.
But, if you are willing to stick with me, Dear Reader
But of course.
If you’re still here… roll call time. Encourage me and tell me so. 😊 A simple, “Hi there!” would be amazing.
You're doing great. Not sure why you need encouragement when you write this well... but if it makes the writing even better??

Go Liesa! Go!
I do believe I've turned the corner of the hardest work of my recovery.
Good to hear. :hug:
My entire body feels like it has been in a bad car wreck; every single muscle from my legs torso, shoulders, arms, neck is sore or downright painful.
:( That sounds like no fun at all.
There was a very real concern earlier this week that the surgery itself had caused some damage not expected on my right side, but that too is subsiding.
Thank goodness.
I also now have a very VERY real insight as to the scope of the recovery that some may face with this procedure. And nothing is a better teacher than personal experience. I love that I have new tools and knowledge to offer my patients moving forward!
That is a very upbeat and positive thought!
the Oregon Coast- a place they really treasure.
And one I really need to get to. While I came close, I never quite got there.
What happened next was ethereal! This may very well be my most favorite photograph I have EVER taken.
That's much bigger than the one I saw on my phone on FB.
That really is an excellent photo. ::yes::
Friends are like cheese, some are salty, some are sharp. Some can be smooth and others clean and soft. Choose wisely.
Some are stinky...
:laughing: Cute shot.
Oh, about that.... the pain in my right side (armpit, arm, hand, fingers) is still pretty bad, hence a trip to the ER for some imaging last night. It showed no NEW nerves being pinched or pressed that would cause this, so my only other guess is that I was overly stretched into a traction position during the procedure and got some sort of brachio-plexus injury or spinal nerve stretch. I just hope it only takes time for something like that to heal and it's a temporary thing. I am never very patient with myself for things like this.
I completely understand how hard it is to be patient....we expect ourselves to be perfect right away. Hopefully you will be 100% again ans sooner than later.
Anyway, enough of my whining. I have so many blessings to count- I had a wonderful evening with all of my kids under my roof last Saturday, they are all healthy, I have 3 beautiful, healthy grandbabies that I got to snuggle, I have a great job that I love, I have vacations planned and things to look forward to, the list goes on and on and on. This too shall pass, things will be better.
I don't think you were whining before, simply stating how things are. You are right though, you have an abundance of blessings and I am glad you appreciate them.:goodvibes
One thing that does make me content is the no-touchy of Figment. He’s curious, child-like, energetic, fun! Everything I so long to be. Aside from that, he is one of Anara’s longest-standing memories of WDW. She still has her plush after all these years and he still makes her smile. So, it went without question that we’d have to pay the little imp a visit.
So fun! I love the connections from when our now almost adult kiddos were little.
Later that day at some point, a group of us met up again in EPCOT and hung out a bit. We did a little Food and Wining and rode LWTL together too. It was awesome meeting Lindsay and her hubby, Billie, Steve and Ariane! (@ariane37 ) Thanks for letting me hang out with you while my kids were off doing whatever they were doing!! (My notes do say this did happen the same day, but I have no idea if my kids went back for a rest and we met later or??) Either way, I had my own adventures to do and see, so said my good-byes over a Bloody Mary from the Refreshment Post and took off to find stuff. Remy’s to be exact, but that’s for another chapter.
Awesome Dismeet!
Sitting, I expressed my gratefulness and began to eat my ice cream when the boy began to ask me questions. It became very clear, very quickly that he was autistic and struggled with communication, but was unbelievably friendly, engaging, and wanted to interact. I could sense moments of frustration in our conversation, but it was… magical. His dad let him lead the questions and answers and let his son and I have a very natural, sweet talk about Figment, Remy, ice cream, Disney… Time melted along with my ice cream; it wasn’t about gelato anymore. It was all about making this 10 minutes of my day matter and connecting with another human being on a more than passing level. And it was clear who was more blessed by pausing, allowing, inviting. Disney has had more than a few existential moments for me; this was one in the top few I will not too soon forget.
This is everything....such a beautiful, magical moment that I am so glad you engaged in and treasured. Who knows the impact you made on that family. Definitely one of those moments where you made Disney magical for somone else. I love it!:love:
We met up a couple of different times and things are more-than-usually blurry right now given that I’m hopped up on more meds than I’d like to admit to. Anywho, Doc, Coni, and I shared a few minutes over a Grand Marnier Slushie also in France (lots of fun to be had in France!) and a nice photo opp. (ETA: referring to my notes, it looks like this was a different day, but was no less special to get to see them). We also spent a fair amount of time in the Japan Pavilion later and then had a nice dinner at Teppan Edo later. Reserving a whole chapter for that too. My guess is that it’ll be for Letter T, but that’s just a guess. LOL!
Looking forward to hearing all about it.
But, if you are willing to stick with me, Dear Reader, I do have more material to share, more memories made, more stories to pass along. I know this TR has REALLY, tragically bogged down with my surgery, the Holidays, and a general lack to oomph. I have, at a minimum, 3 weeks still off of work and would like to keep focusing on writing and posting. Maybe, I can earn a few of my readers back. If you’re still here… roll call time. Encourage me and tell me so. 😊 A simple, “Hi there!” would be amazing.
I'm here and happily reading along whenever you have time to post. We are all rooting for you as you recover. :hug:
Having said all of that, every day I see and feel improvement. The immediate concerns of every post-op recovery (getting backed up, pneumonia, blood clots, etc...) are all long past me now and the discomforts I have now will begin to resolve and fade. There was a very real concern earlier this week that the surgery itself had caused some damage not expected on my right side, but that too is subsiding. In the end, I now believe that I was somehow over-stretched (for this surgery, they put you in a prone position in traction) and I received a brachio-plexus nerve injury in the process. While excrucitating enough that it landed me in the ER, I am confident it will resolve over time. I'm grateful I can use my arm at all. All this to say, my recovery is taking a LOT longer and taking a LOT more out of me than I ever anticipated, but as recovery room nurse, I also now have a very VERY real insight as to the scope of the recovery that some may face with this procedure. And nothing is a better teacher than personal experience. I love that I have new tools and knowledge to offer my patients moving forward!
Love the positive are going to be just great! :)
First, let yourself heal, don’t overdo and you know, what ever the “expected recovery period is” double it! I was a long time PACU/ICU RN and the brachial plexus nerve impinging is very common after certain surgeries which require prolonged less than ideal positions. I sure hope each day shows improvement and the nerve pain lessens, it should but remember nerve pain takes a long time!
Second, Happy New Year and I am very glad to see you updating us with your recovery and TR.
Epcot during F&W is always lovely just like F&G time.
How nice to share a table and have an engaging conversation!
I love hearing about your Dis meets and the face painting looks great!
Take good care of yourself and heal well!!
Hi Terri! :) You know us nurses well!! Having said that, my neck did reach a "breaking point" last year. Finally went to the surgeon who, of course, made me do all the treatments (that didn't help at all) in order to satisfy the insurance requirements. What should have been done a year and a half ago is finally going to happen. Finally.

As for a nursey intervention... :rolleyes1 ;)

Thanks, that one was particulary fun to write!
Sorry to hear you had a few complications post op. Hopefully things will be on the right path soon! We are horrible at being patient... but great at giving advice to others about that very thing! Wishing you the best! :crutches:
Oh, about that.... the pain in my right side (armpit, arm, hand, fingers) is still pretty bad, hence a trip to the ER for some imaging last night. It showed no NEW nerves being pinched or pressed that would cause this, so my only other guess is that I was overly stretched into a traction position during the procedure and got some sort of brachio-plexus injury or spinal nerve stretch. I just hope it only takes time for something like that to heal and it's a temporary thing. I am never very patient with myself for things like this.

Yuck. I would think most people are impatient with pain. They just want it to stop.

I’ll be the first to say, I’m really happy that EPCOT, once my favorite park, is getting a major overhaul. Like a 50-something, it was long overdue for that needed facelift. Wish they’d kept the Fountain though. THAT makes me sad, but I digress…

I agree on all counts! It could still be my favorite park again someday.

One thing that does make me content is the no-touchy of Figment. He’s curious, child-like, energetic, fun! Everything I so long to be. Aside from that, he is one of Anara’s longest-standing memories of WDW. She still has her plush after all these years and he still makes her smile.

I'm fine with Figment himself, but man, that ride needs some serious work.

See that smile on his face just before he pulls the trigger? Yeah, that’s every dad, everywhere with this one.

I're not wrong.

After a spin through the eras of human communication, the kids and I headed to start making our way through the kiosks. It did not disappoint. Dish after delicious and expensive dish was consumed. I threw caution to the check-out statement and pulled money out my account like Mary Poppins pulls spoonfuls of sugar from her bag. Move over, Mary, the new bag is a band.

1. Wow, that's impressive!

2. Can I borrow the magic money bag?

It was hot. I know, riveting writing considering this is Florida in Fall. Face paint, deodorant, and ice cream all have one thing in common, and while I couldn’t do anything about the melting first 2, I could get an ice cream and make sure it was being eaten while it melted.

They all taste delicious!

I mean, uh, yes...melting.

Most people are pretty amenable and thankfully, the dad said, “Sure!”

What a nice dude.

Sitting, I expressed my gratefulness and began to eat my ice cream when the boy began to ask me questions. It became very clear, very quickly that he was autistic and struggled with communication, but was unbelievably friendly, engaging, and wanted to interact. I could sense moments of frustration in our conversation, but it was… magical. His dad let him lead the questions and answers and let his son and I have a very natural, sweet talk about Figment, Remy, ice cream, Disney… Time melted along with my ice cream; it wasn’t about gelato anymore.

Aww...that's wonderful! I hope it made his day great.

Right by the register where I’d left it when I paid. You can stop counting now how many times I had already lost something on this trip and would find it. There will be more.

:sad2: Getting old sucks, doesn't it?


Yay! Glad you got to meet them!

If you’re still here… roll call time. Encourage me and tell me so. 😊 A simple, “Hi there!” would be amazing.

Hi there.

My entire body feels like it has been in a bad car wreck; every single muscle from my legs torso, shoulders, arms, neck is sore or downright painful. Turning over in bed to change positions is, in simple terms... hard work.

I'm praying this goes away soon. Sorry it's been so slow and painful.

Glorious shot!

Friends are like cheese, some are salty, some are sharp. Some can be smooth and others clean and soft.

And some just make you constipated.
So sorry your recovery isn’t going as expected. Hoping things change soon !
Just taking one day at a time. :) I certainly feel a lot better than I did a couple of weeks ago, but I think it's just going to take a lot longer than I thought it might. As long we we keep heading in the right direction, I'll be ok. :)
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Much better than... The War of the Roses...

Very true.
As long as there are more (hopefully much more) ups than downs.

And there were. :)

That looks, in my present condition, very painful.




I'm hoping that they'll replace the fountain... with a fountain. I have zero clue, mind you. But that's what I'm hoping for.

I"m not going to hold my breath. Seems an awful lot of DE-construction to just rebuild it.

You long to be no-touchy?

Right now? Gentle, GENTLE touchy.

I might not screen that call...


I first read that "slot-loving" with a "u" instead of an "o"... :rolleyes:

Actually... that might make that ride... almost bearable.


Your list of unbearable rides is long.

Nice! DISmeet #1.
I've never met her and only know her through others as we don't seem to be on the same threads.

She's not on any threads right now. To my knowledge, she's not on the boards at all any more.

Really! That's a nice perk.

For sure! $$$, yes, but lasts a while.

<sigh> Do they really need to gouge us that much more?

It's Disney.

So did you guys deliberately pose on the yellow circles?

Yes. I thought we were supposed to. LOL!

That was such a surprise. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was.

I know! I'd do that one again in a heartbeat!

So... is that referring to the pie, the crab cake or both?

Both, but more to the crabcake.
You slather it on skin?

har har. Wait.... an ice cream face wash... I can see this being a thing.

Oh, wow. That's really a magical moment all right. And as much as it made you day, I'm thinking it probably also made the boy's and the dad's day.

I'll never know that, but it sure was fun for me.

Thank goodness they finally bolted your head on so you won't lose that too.

Hey, that's a good point. I wonder if my new hardware in my neck will keep my head screwed on straight. Cool!

And... DISmeet #3.
Meeting lots of folks!

I did that day!

Oh! Good to hear.
I've been hearing better things about the place after hearing not so good things for years.

I know, me too. If it wasn't for the ambiance and the fact that I'd not tried it myself, I'd have passed it up, but I was pleasantly surprised. More soon...

You're doing great. Not sure why you need encouragement when you write this well... but if it makes the writing even better??

Go Liesa! Go!

Heh, one chapter at a time. Some are better than others.

That is a very upbeat and positive thought!

I find it helps with feeling just a tiny bit better.

And one I really need to get to. While I came close, I never quite got there.

You won't be sorry.

That's much bigger than the one I saw on my phone on FB.
That really is an excellent photo. ::yes::

Thanks. :) Might be my favorite in years.

Some are stinky...

I was hoping someone would go there.
I completely understand how hard it is to be patient....we expect ourselves to be perfect right away. Hopefully you will be 100% again ans sooner than later.

I sure do too. Tired of hurting and being lazy. I have a minimum of 3 more weeks off and need to find some things to do.

I don't think you were whining before, simply stating how things are. You are right though, you have an abundance of blessings and I am glad you appreciate them.:goodvibes

I really do. Life has it's ups and downs and always will, but I'm more blessed than suffering.

So fun! I love the connections from when our now almost adult kiddos were little.

Disney certainly has they pull on the nostalgia heartstrings.

This is everything....such a beautiful, magical moment that I am so glad you engaged in and treasured. Who knows the impact you made on that family. Definitely one of those moments where you made Disney magical for somone else. I love it!:love:


I'm here and happily reading along whenever you have time to post. We are all rooting for you as you recover. :hug:

Maybe another post very soon.... I seem to have caught some sort of bug with some "unpleasantness" on top of everything else. Thinking seriously of spending the rest of the day in bed while not in the bathroom.

Love the positive are going to be just great! :)

Chin up!!
First, let yourself heal, don’t overdo and you know, what ever the “expected recovery period is” double it! I was a long time PACU/ICU RN and the brachial plexus nerve impinging is very common after certain surgeries which require prolonged less than ideal positions. I sure hope each day shows improvement and the nerve pain lessens, it should but remember nerve pain takes a long time!

It says 2-4 weeks for feeling oneself again. I guess I'll go with the 4 before I get too worried. The OR staff all but admitted underestimating my size and I really do wonder if things got a bit out of hand while positioning me.

Second, Happy New Year and I am very glad to see you updating us with your recovery and TR.

Happy New Year to you too!! I'll try and put a few more chatpers up as I can while I'm off. Sorting photos is proving to take a lot of time!

Epcot during F&W is always lovely just like F&G time.

It really is! Lots to see and do for sure!

How nice to share a table and have an engaging conversation!

I love hearing about your Dis meets and the face painting looks great!

We all had such a nice time that day. :) Short-lived, but still really nice.

Take good care of yourself and heal well!!

Thanks, Caroline! Doing my best.
Sorry to hear you had a few complications post op. Hopefully things will be on the right path soon! We are horrible at being patient... but great at giving advice to others about that very thing! Wishing you the best! :crutches:
Hey Terri,

It's so true! We suck at being patients. But, I understand now how to best councel my own post-op patients (at least with this procedure) and can offer some firsthand knowledge of just how hard this recovery can be. I certainly hope no one else has the same complications I've ended up with, but now understand it can happen and how long it'll take to heal from.
Yuck. I would think most people are impatient with pain. They just want it to stop.

Make it stooooooooooooop....

I agree on all counts! It could still be my favorite park again someday.

I am hopeful but in the meantime, AK holds my heart.

I'm fine with Figment himself, but man, that ride needs some serious work.

100% agree. It's 2020 (almost)... a little techno updating, please?

1. Wow, that's impressive!

2. Can I borrow the magic money bag?

Sure, I only charge 35% interest which is a little less than Disney.

They all taste delicious!

I dunno, been a while since I've licked an armpit.

Aww...that's wonderful! I hope it made his day great.

I'll never know about his. Mine was enriched for sure.

:sad2: Getting old sucks, doesn't it?


Yay! Glad you got to meet them!

Love DISMeets! Never been disappointed yet!

Hi there.

I'm praying this goes away soon. Sorry it's been so slow and painful.

I've been doing a lot of research on the injury I'm pretty sure I got. Could take up to 6 months. As Caroline pointed out, nerve pain and injuries take a very long time.

And some just make you constipated.

I do love my cheese, but man, sometimes, ^ makes it just not worth it.
And there were. :)
Good. :)
That looks, in my present condition, very painful.


Definitely no skeleton for you. Stick to 4-man bobsled.
I"m not going to hold my breath. Seems an awful lot of DE-construction to just rebuild it.
I know.
But... maybe a better/different fountain? :confused3
Right now? Gentle, GENTLE touchy.
Ah... please take care of yourself.
Your list of unbearable rides is long.
But my list of loved rides is longer.
She's not on any threads right now. To my knowledge, she's not on the boards at all any more.
Ah. Well, that would explain it then.
Yes. I thought we were supposed to. LOL!
Break the rules!!!
har har. Wait.... an ice cream face wash... I can see this being a thing.
Pets around the world rejoice.
I'll never know that, but it sure was fun for me.
Hey, that's a good point. I wonder if my new hardware in my neck will keep my head screwed on straight. Cool!
I know, me too. If it wasn't for the ambiance and the fact that I'd not tried it myself, I'd have passed it up, but I was pleasantly surprised. More soon...
Standing by. :)
I was hoping someone would go there.
But of course!
I'm sorry you are having such a tough recovery. And to be sick on top of it. Yuck! I guess it can only get better from here! I will be back tomorrow to share some of my pics. I can't seem to get them from my FB page on this chromebook.
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G is for: Good Times in Germany!

Sadly, while we absolutely DID spend time in Germany, as well as Galaxy’s Edge, for Letter G, I failed to get a selfie. Doesn’t matter… it’s the memories made that count, and those are neatly stored in my “feel good banks”.

Before making our way to WS, the 3 of us grabbed a couple of kiosk bites in Food Alley- the area of kiosks with Flavors of Fire, Earth Eats, etc… I chose Coastal Eats because I wanted my own Seafood Dip, which is super delish. So… I’m standing there in line while my kids found something else, dinking around on my phone. This is after I realized that I’d forgotten my camera battery back at the room.


I did tell you there’d be more stuff forgotten. I don’t know if I can chalk it up to age, just being generally distracted, dull, or otherwise.

I texted Kari and luckily, she was just leaving the room for EPCOT as was able to grab it, but it’d be a while before we could meet up for me to grab it. Fortunate timing at least in part!


I’m just standing there texting her and minding my own business when this guy in line in front of me rips a gigantic fart. He casually looked around to see who’d have heard, and I can neither confirm nor deny I was dying from trying not to laugh myself into apoplexy. Seriously, I just about gave myself a seizure from stifling the fact that I totally heard it and wished I’d had the guts to tell him I wished he’d just asked me to pull his finger. I mean Food and Wine can absolutely “do things” to one’s constitution, but this dude didn’t even TRY to hold back. I’m sure he must have known I 100% heard it, I mean, his rear end was mere feet from my face, but he cooly turned back around and pretended all was right in the Coastal Eats Queue.

Still giggling like a 10-year old schoolgirl, because I’m just that immature, I headed to the WS Entrance and met the kids in Mexico to begin our leisurely stroll around the Loop. Getting to Norway, we hopped into Kringla for the treat we’d all been craving- Rice Cream. I’ve done something to raise my kids right, and they love it just as much as I do. It makes me a happy woman that this is available year-round. One thing they did NOT want to try was the raved-about F&W offering from The Alps- Cheese Fondue with potatoes and a pickle. The smell alone emanating from that area literally turned our stomachs. I can only describe it as sweaty, locker room socks with a hint of wet diaper. Seriously, a total turn off! For the record, later in the trip, I did try it, and while it wasn’t knock my wet, smelly socks off great, it wasn’t bad at all. Not worth repeating, but not like it smelled earlier in the week.

As I lingered a bit in Norway trying to find a Shop-Around-the-World trinket for this year, the kids went on ahead to China. I told them I’d catch up and we’d all see the show together. I took a bit longer than I had anticipated and the kids texted saying the show was starting and they’d just head in. I was happy they were trudging ahead and enjoying finding things to do. As I was waiting on the benches there for the next show when I finally made my way over there, the kids texted and said there wasn’t going to be a next show… there had been a medical emergency RIGHT next to them during the show.

This is how it was recounted to me:

“We were standing there watching the show, when all of a sudden we heard this huge “thud”. We looked over and this lady was on the floor with people standing around her. She hit her head HARD on the railing when she went down. The show stopped, and it seemed like she had enough help, so we evacuated with everyone else.”

It was obvious that it had JUST happened, so I trotted around to the exit and Nursey-Liesa kicked in. I waltzed right in like I owned the place, told those caring for her that I was an RN and was able to assess and help as I could. Other than CMs and her family, there was also an EMT at her side. In the end, it seemed to be a very bad case of dehydration, over-exertion, or possibly a bug coming on. Regardless of the cause, she began to vomit uncontrollably and I became the barf bag holder/exchanger, comforter, and general professional presence until EMS got there. She was passed off into capable care, I met the kids in the gift shop, and we went our merry way.

As I snapped a quick photo to jog my memory, I was sad to think that this family’s vacation was impacted in such a bummer of a way. I do hope she was okay….

About that time, Kari texted she was over by the Cheese Studio and headed to the DVC Lounge, but she could pass off the battery then. She was not feeling well by this point in her own trip and needed to minimize her steps so couldn’t join us for touring. So, I hoofed it back to that area (do you have ANY idea how far that is?!), grabbed my battery, and was back to the kids within 20 or so minutes rejoining them in the “Africa Area”. They spent a few minutes playing out a rhythm on the drums that they’d picked up from the drummers at Sanaa the evening before, and soon we moved on towards Germany.

No pass through Germany is complete without a little stop to see the trains. I am a simple person and am tickled by the little Food and Wine banners on the lampposts and chuckle when I see the giant lizards invading the little hamlets. I think it’d be a fun movie if all the little people would come to life after the park closes like a cross between Toy Story and Night at the Museum, but more a drama of all the village business with a science-fiction element of invading creatures like Iguanadon and Mothra. Storms would come through and blow stuff over causing occasional mayhem, but the little people are resilient, make the repairs, and plod on while the trains circle on endlessly. Mind you, this is still in the development stages. When I get my contract, I'll invite you all to the red carpet premiere.

The kids were a little peckish, so I grabbed them the Pasta Gratin and a strudel to munch on. All 4 of us nibbled a bit, enjoying 3 or 4 bites per person. They are decent picks- consistent and tasty, but not amazing.

Yes, Mark (@Captain_Oblivious ) they still have the dead grapes which IMHO, make the strudel that much better. I'll take your portion, thank you very much.

Perched at one of the official eating surfaces of Food and Wine, the latest music act of the German Pavilion assembled in the little Bavarian hut and the kids insisted we stay. I was not opposed if you know my love for all things live music at Disney. They played a really nice set of both German and English songs with a decided oom-pah-pah and a contemporary flavor. It was upbeat, fun, and full of energy and I loved seeing my kids enjoying it was much as I did.

As they finished their set, Anara wanted her photo with them and asked if I’d snap her picture. They told her that they’d sensed her enthusiasm and were actually going to ask HER if she wanted one. I guess her smile and toe-tapping gave her away.

I talked Zach into getting one as well and it turned out to be one of my favorites of him from the trip.

I’ll save the rest of our afternoon and evening for another time, wherein we have a taste of Italy, another medical issue, and an encounter with a cheeky little squirrel….

Now, it's YOUR turn...

1) My movie needs a title.

2) Would you be sad if they took out the train set?


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