The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

Signing on. I hope to get caught up one of these days. On a side note, I visited Bowling Green one summer in my teen years (just a couple of years ago). I remember going to Mammoth Cave.
Well, now I can say and official welcome, Glenn! I'm tickled you're here. I can say you've aged well being you're in your early 20's. ;)

Since I bought the AP for National Parks I'm hoping to visit those myself in the next year!
Being in the moment is always the best! Thanks for the sneak peeks and travel safely!
It really is! We tried to minimize distractions- not even looking at the dismal World or US news even once. Kinda loved that, actually. I hope you'll be back often as I write the chapters for the amazing things we saw and did.
Be sure to send me a message and let me know if you're ever planning to come up this way and I'll happily plan for a meet-up! Maine and eastern Canada are beautiful in the fall, and I'm sure the rest of NE as well...just thinking of some of the lush treed areas we drove through on our way down the east coast to Florida and I can imagine how beautiful it would be! <3

Oh I definitely will! I'd LOVE to meet you for sure. I will do this trip someday for sure and will look forward to it until I can.

That so neat! And what a cool Mom you are for encouraging these cooking adventures! I think Nathan and Zach would probably get along swimmingly.

I really think they would!

Oh dear! On the one hand, like you, I would understand respect people's different comfort levels with travel these days. Totally. I would probably have a similar feeling. But on the other hand, unfortunate you had to make some changes at the last minute. Hopefully it all turned out for the best! (I'm sure I'll hear more soon enough when you arrive at your destination and have more trip details for us!)

I think it did for sure. Gave us a bit more freedom and in the end I honestly didn't want to have to adjust to the differing levels of that comfort being a bit more okay with being in public and restaurants. I think it would have prevented us from seeing and doing the myriad of things we got to experience.

What an adventure! It's nice to have this option when it's just the two of you. I've not much experience with roughing it in the car overnight, but Nathan did this all the time when he was travelling for work.

We had some good nights this way, and some very, very bad. I'll get to that....

100%! I already have seen a taste of how this could be tricky on your Disney trip with Marcia, and the rest of the world isn't always as accommodating to special diets as Disney either, as I know well. Two people instead of four is half the number of appetites to please.

We ate all of the local specialties of each region we went through as we passed. So many varieties and we loved every one of them. I was glad to not have had to spend time hunting for places that would work.

I DID Google it! I was NOT sorry! It looks beautiful. <3 As do many of your planned stops.

I sure hope some of the photos turned out!

Terrifying and cool? Sounds like a recipe for a fun time and an awesome Steppesister trip report!


Yay! Off on your new adventure with your boy! I guess by now your trip is nearing its end, and I'm anxious to hear more about it soon :)

I hope it's fun to read and the photos are nice to look at!

Oh my goodness I love this little one so much! A donkey? Mule? I'd really like to have a small hobby farm someday with a donkey...a few chickens...maybe a goat or two...but the donkey is a must. A friend of mine had a donkey from the time she was very young and they grew up together. His name was Small One (I've always assumed probably named after the animated short, but I never asked,) and he was a wonderful companion.

A burro according to locals and websites, but not sure if that only means "wild donkey" or ??? Donkeys are great pets- my ex SIL had one and it liked to hang out by the window to be nearer the family.
We just returned from our trip to Maine, from Portland to Bar Harbor, and we loved it! We are planning a return to visit more of Acadia National Park next year. It was too early for the fall color change but the weather was fantastic. Kids were back at school so the crowds were low and mostly retired people, like us. :)

OH I'm so happy you enjoyed your trip so much! And even planning another. YAY for travel!

It's only now starting have the blush of Fall here too, but until today, according to Mom and Dad, it's been very hot. I think we brought a season change along with us. I like the "quiet" of a retired person even though I'm years off still.
Wait! It just dawned on me that you talked about Greg and Marsha back on page 6. You were going to travel with the Brady Bunch? I'm so sorry they didn't come along! :rotfl2:

I see you made it to the missions. Sleeping in a TeePee! too cool! I can't wait to read the actual report. Your pics are so intriguing on FB. Stay Safe my friend.
LOL!! But not in a big giant station wagon!

We did, we did! But just the San Juan which was super interesting.

It's going to be a slow slog getting through all those thousands of photos I took!
Wow! Sorry it took so long for me to read and get caught up. What an amazing adventure - from a "beaver" about 35 miles southwest of your previous home ;-)
(If I ever get tired of my home state, I'll probably end up in NorCal - don't think I could stand being so far from an ocean, or not being a PNWer!)

You take all the time you need to enjoy this TR. It'll be here for quite a while and no one's in a hurry here. :D

I totally understand the draw and lure of the seaside and Oregon/NorCal beaches. They are certainly quite lovely.

You mentioned looking for gators 🐊- finally got to go to WDW for the first time (well, first time since I was in 5th grade, in 1985) and I kept my eyes peeled for some signs of gator - was super disappointed I didn't see a single one, darn it!

I've looked for YEARS for a gator in FL. The only one I think I saw was from the Fake 'O Rail from a distance. I was beginning to think they were a legendary myth.

When (if) I ever retire, I'm going to use this TR as a road map for my first post-work-life road map. Everything you're doing is right up my alley! Looking forward to your further adventures, especially when you hit WDW!!

I think it ended up being a pretty good route with plenty of historic highways and scenic routes. Tons of museums and memorabilia to keep us busy for the entire time. I'm so glad it's been an inspiration to you!
Hi there! I am new to your travels but found you while looking for info for our big Rt 66 road trip in 9 days. I am from Kentucky, in a town close to LBL/Paducah! Glad you got to see some of the sights around here and welcome HOME to KENTUCKY!

Can't wait to hear all the details of this adventure!

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: New Friend! It's so great to have you here! If you have any questions before you go, shoot me a PM as it'll take quite some time to do this report. :) And what a wonderful welcome home! Thank you for the warm words and maybe we can meet sometime; DISMeets are always very nice!

Welcome home!! Can't wait to hear more.

Thank you Meghan! It's good to start the process of putting down roots!

Enjoying it so far! We went to Crater Lake a couple years ago and stayed in the lodge a couple nights. So beautiful - mid June and we got snow. You never know what you're gonna get!

Thank you!! I tend to mix up my styles and hope it continues to be inviting and engaging. I wish I had had unlimited funds for lodge lodging ( ;) ) but the places we stayed were mostly enjoyable for the most part and adequate.

Crater Lake is quite unpredictable and despite not ever having visited, I had heard about it and it's weather/roads for a very long time. I had tried to see it before being married on the way to meet my inlaws for the first time and couldn't get into the actual park- that road was already closed so we camped nearby. That was Christmas so definitely not surprising.
Salem, Oregon to Klamath Falls, Oregon
What? A whole day of travel and you're not even out of Oregon yet???

You really aren't in a hurry.
(Yeah... I'm totally envious.)
Early Risers often find the sweetest rewards.
Like... going back to sleep for a few more hours?
We were determined to savor each and every delicious sunrise,
Not me. I would prefer to savour more sleep.
take us over 5,000 miles and through 12 states.
Wait... you said 13 States. So which is it?
set our maps on “start”,
I'll come back to this.
Good and Plenty's found themselves consumed here
I had to Google what those were.

Yuck. No thank you.
We'd stick to little known, off-the-beaten-path places
Very nice. I'd love to do that.
Usually, I'm pressed for time.
that would keep us off of the major interstates, slowing us down, of course, but with 16 days to explore, this was not a concern.
Yeah... 16 days.
Much better.
I usually have to cross half the country in 3 days.
So... how exactly does one set this map on "Start"??? Hmmmm???
we began what I’d hoped to be a gorgeous meandering along the bright and crystal-clear Umpqua River
That sounds really nice. Shame you couldn't see it from the smoke.
we endured endless swathes of blackened and scarred landscape
Yup. Familiar with those landscapes.
Our eyes burned and our throats felt dry – the taste of smoke was not unnoticed and water was inadequate in washing it away
Ugh. Sounds awful.
And... been there, too.
Dozens of fire crew trucks passed us coming the opposite way, were pulled over here or there, coming out of hot shot camps- aside from us they were the only ones on this road over the Cascade Range.
Maybe that's a hint that you shouldn't be there??
Yeah. Looks familiar... and not at all appealing.
We made our turn to see “the Dynamite Hole”, but after only 2 short miles, perhaps less, of the 6 we needed to go off the highway, we were met with what we’d thought we might see: "Road Closed Due to Fire Activity".
Well, poop. :(
Here is a little article about this little spot along Steamboat Creek that some of you may find interesting.
Thanks for that. Was interesting.
I wouldn’t know. I’d never been. It’s pretty likely I’ll never be back. It’s not on the well-beaten path and takes a bit of effort to get to.
Was wondering why you'd never been.
"You're right there! Go!"
Like that shot. :)
I can thank our Oblivious Captain for that pass hack but little did I know, after hemming and hawing a great deal, just how much money I'd saved myself in deciding to pony up for the AP.
I remember that advice (on his TR).
Glad you were able to take advantage.
For 5 or 10 minutes this monster circled above providing speculation and wrong guesses as to its purpose. Her identity would be explained later.
Not that big, especially compared to your C17 Globemaster or even larger C5 Galaxy.
One does not simply make use of the Facilitrees in a National Monument.

Then again... why not? Bet they've been used that way for centuries.
(However, the haze and smoke was so bad along the Umpqua I deemed it safe to make a roadside pitstop.)
So... did you use a roadside facilitree? Or wait for the washroom at the gift shop?
Relieved, we decided to take a look around the gift shop
I see what you did there.

What a great shot!!! Seriously!
While not “breathtaking”, it was a surreal topography that held more than enough interest for this old gal’s college Earth Science Minor.
It's interesting for sure. ::yes::
Other environmental stuff cropped up though which was almost equally annoying.
Oh? popcorn::
But "home" now. ;)
Yes you are. :)
LOL! Yep!!
It would have been, but we actually traveled pretty well together.
That's good. Better than the alternative.
There were a few tense moments when I think he got impatient with me over this or that, but it passed quickly and the online book kept things from escalating too much. ;)
That's to be expected. Glad they passed quickly, though.
We saw hundreds and all of them were still so picturesque. They really are pretty cool to see!
Well in my defense, that's when everything in that TINY town buttoned up. LOL!!
Well... okay. I'll allow it.
AND, we had to be up by 6:00 so we could walk the town before breakfast.
6:00? Betting it was a real ghost town at that time.
No. We really had a hard time that day. We'd hoped to do more hiking, but both time restraints and weather said... nope.
122 degrees will do that!
We made quite a few new friends. :)
LOL!! Almost! Less than a week now.
I see your ticker. ::yes::
Which is odd, because it's equally as large as the Hoover.
Huh. Nope. Never heard of it.

Yes! Good job!
I get lucky once in a while.
We had such a lovely visit!! She is really a nice lady for sure!
:lmao:I hadn't noticed that!
What? A whole day of travel and you're not even out of Oregon yet???

You really aren't in a hurry.
(Yeah... I'm totally envious.)

We definitely took our time. Sure, we could have sped down I-5 and made it all the way to Cali, but,.... why? How boring!

Like... going back to sleep for a few more hours?

Nah, not when adventure awaits...

Not me. I would prefer to savour more sleep.

...there are, however, times I love a little extra. Or even some.

Wait... you said 13 States. So which is it?
I had to Google what those were.

Yuck. No thank you.

Admittedly, I ate nary a single one. But will on occasion eat one- I do like black licorice.

Yeah... 16 days.
Much better.
I usually have to cross half the country in 3 days.

"HAVE" to be? or choose to be?

So... how exactly does one set this map on "Start"??? Hmmmm???

Well, that was the map in case all e-versions failed. And trust me, they did. More than once.

That sounds really nice. Shame you couldn't see it from the smoke.

It really was. :(

Ugh. Sounds awful.
And... been there, too.
I heard that there has been quite a bit of smoke in Canada this year as well. BC I believe?

Maybe that's a hint that you shouldn't be there??

Nah, I did check at least the Hwy statuses as we left. Took a chance on the smaller side road.

Yeah. Looks familiar... and not at all appealing.

But I've seen worse, far worse, last year in Salem itself.

Was wondering why you'd never been.
"You're right there! Go!"

Now ya know!

I remember that advice (on his TR).
Glad you were able to take advantage.

I have a comment or two about this...

Not that big, especially compared to your C17 Globemaster or even larger C5 Galaxy.

I dunno, probably not (the C130), but it's also the largest *I've* ever seen.


Then again... why not? Bet they've been used that way for centuries.

Very true, but most roadside locales probably didn't get the same traffic flow with needs to pee.

Tree #1: "I miss the old days! Used to only get a couple folks stop in every few months."

Tree #2: "I know! Had 500 folks take a leak on me already today."

So... did you use a roadside facilitree? Or wait for the washroom at the gift shop?

Yep. Needed one hours before we got to Crater Lake. (Probably a few more times in between too.)


What a great shot!!! Seriously!

I kinda like that one too!
We definitely took our time. Sure, we could have sped down I-5 and made it all the way to Cali, but,.... why? How boring!
Sure! You had plenty of time. :)
Nah, not when adventure awaits...
Good point.
...there are, however, times I love a little extra. Or even some.
Some would be nice.
Admittedly, I ate nary a single one. But will on occasion eat one- I do like black licorice.
Not a fan.
"HAVE" to be? or choose to be?
Usually "HAVE" to be.
I heard that there has been quite a bit of smoke in Canada this year as well. BC I believe?
That was one place, yes.
But I've seen worse, far worse, last year in Salem itself.
I have a comment or two about this...
I dunno, probably not (the C130), but it's also the largest *I've* ever seen.
Very true, but most roadside locales probably didn't get the same traffic flow with needs to pee.
Good point.
Tree #1: "I miss the old days! Used to only get a couple folks stop in every few months."

Tree #2: "I know! Had 500 folks take a leak on me already today."
Tree #1: You look a little yellow...
Yep. Needed one hours before we got to Crater Lake. (Probably a few more times in between too.)
:laughing: I bet!


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