The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Playing catch up again! Congrats on the job. Hope your son is ok. Good luck with your studying!

Jill in CO
K is for Keepin' in Kooky- Drinks P-U
2 more parts to go for my unique take on Drinking Around the World, then we'll shift gears to an altogether different kind of planning I've been busy with. In order to keep your rapt attention, I'll just say that my SSDA (Super Secret Disney Account) has been getting a bit of a workout.

Meantime, let's dive into another round of yummy Disney drinks specifically designed to take deep, deep gouges out of any remaining funds you may still yet have after a day of directing you to dumpshops and extracting monumental sums from you on tickets and lodging, amounting to somewhere near the amount our family spends on car insurance yearly. On the bright side, it effectively keeps most guests in line and able to keep spending rather than passed out in their rooms.

Monday, the 17th we'll be packing up and heading out to a different continent. Africa to be specific. I hear there are lemurs there. They even happened to be painted!

Let's take a look at this exotic animal!


Looks delicious, doesn't it? If you think it looks pretty, you just may think it will taste pretty decent too.

Painted Lemur – Amarula Fruit Cream Liqueur and Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur from South Africa combined in a Chocolate-striped glass inspired by the distinctive striped tail of the Madagascar Lemur- around $400.

Should be quite a nice addition to whatever we get at Sana'a, the beautiful place where you can really be kooky:

'Q' is going to either be far less intriguing... or a whole lot more so.

Because it's another Challenge Drink, I'll either NOT get it, or find something altogether super cool and delicious. The rest of the afternoon/evening will be spent on our Wanyama Tour and at Jiko for dinner. Chances are about 50/50 that Mike and I relax in Victoria Falls Lounge afterwards since we'll have not seen each other the entire afternoon. From what I can tell, there is not one single drink, wine, NOTHING, at Jiko OR Victoria Falls Lounge that starts with Q. This, sadly, might be the collapse of my entire quest. But, I have something up my sleeve. And I shall keep that to myself for TR purposes. A little suspense is a good thing.

If 'Q' doesn't pan out, 'R' almost certainly will. Afterall, from what I understand, Jiko is more than generous with their wine pairings after the Wanyama Tour. I can almost certainly guarantee that there will be a South African Riesling as one of their pours. If it is not, there are plenty of other options for making sure 'R' is checked off the list.

Hollywood Studios has its own array of offerings for our next day. I LOVE the feel of past eras of elegance and classy good times. In fact, if I were to ever win the Lottery (a very long shot, as I don't play... very often) I would open up a 1940's style Dinner Club replete with a dress code and live War Era music. And yes, I'd fly you all in to come to its grand opening. It'd look somewhat like Hollywood Brown Derby, but even nicer. And yes, there would be expensive cocktails and Cobb salads.

Speaking of HBD, I hear it serves up a mean Summer Sangria:

The Summer Sangria is white wine, gin, peach schnapps, white cranberry juice and apple juice topped off with fresh fruit.

I could go for one of those right now after my workout, but then that would defeat the whole point, wouldn't it. (I had iced tea. :P )

If that doesn't strike my fancy at the time, there is always the old standby: The Side Car.

Sidecar (cocktail) Pour all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. The sidecar is a cocktail traditionally made with cognac, orange liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, Grand Gala or another triple sec), and lemon juice. I'd be happy to share...

Later that night is our Date Night as Artist Point. Been wanting to try that place for a while, not for the theming or atmosphere, but for that soup. You know which one I'm talking about. Mhmm... that one. Shame on me if that isn't consumed. This one I won't be sharing. But I will gladly accompany you another time and enjoy a bowl with you.

After taking a peek at their menu, I found this that looks intriguing:

Tropical Infusion

Cocktail Description:
SKYY Infusions Dragon Fruit vodka, strawberry puree, pineapple juice, coconut and fresh lime juice.

I'm pretty sure this is one of those that you can get at most places throughout the World. One at Artist Point might be quite nice and light since I imagine this'll be quite a "heavy" dinner.

Go back a few paragraphs and you'll have a beautiful description of 'U'. A big, fat, 'Hmmmm, I'm not sure this one's gonna be a go or not'. Another Challenge Drink; another one that may turn out to be just too hard to find. I mean, from where I'll be, and I'm NOT going to go re-arrange my whole darn itinerary just for one drink. Even if it IS a pretty cool way to mix things up and do something original and maybe-never-done-before thing at WDW.

Next up: The last few drinks, V-Z. Meanwhile, be good kids; make good choices. Tomorrow is my last day as a pre-employed citizen and I want to take full advantage of it by doing mundane things like laundry, some organizing of places in the house that haven't seen my face since Christmas and working on my REALLY cool little Disney Trip books. I'll bet you can't wait to see the final project!!!

Praying for answers from the MRI...preferably good ones.

Thanks, Kim. Tomorrow we'll schedule it. I misunderstood; I thought he was GETTING it tomorrow. GAH!!

Tell us you really feel.

I was really, really frustrated?

Ah. So you have TTIBB*. Sorry to hear that.

*Teeny Tiny Itsy Bitsy Bladder

It's a sad malady of birthing 5 children. The same reason I will never, EVER wear a bikini again.

Ugh. Been doing that all morning.
I just want to check prices.


Oh boy, do I ever feel your pain. Aggravating is a mild way of put it..

Well, I suppose it's better than waiting on hold.

Yes, it gave me more time to try and do it on my own... to no avail.

No way! And you didn't throw the phone against a wall or anything?

No, because ATT's Customer Service is 100 times worse to deal with.

Hello! Nice score! And all it cost you was enough aggravation to drive you to an early grave.

Between that and the fact that we have no cookies...

That one should (hopefully) be a little easier.

I really wish you wouldn't have said that. ;)

Just cheking in . Off to Lancaster on Thursday!! Can't wait !!

Hooray!! You're going to have such a nice trip!

Playing catch up again! Congrats on the job. Hope your son is ok. Good luck with your studying!

Thanks, Jill!! Great to see you again!
Haven't been on your PTR for awhile so saying hi! I have more time now that Ponzi's TR is wrapping up. Plus I just haven't been in the mood to DIS. I'm still sore that I won't get to WDW this year but since I've now started planning for next year I feel better.
My favorite drink is the Welsh Dragon and it's only at Epcot in the UK pub. It tastes like melon. SOOOO good! Very fruity and no alcohol taste. I tried the lapu lapu and almost gagged at the amount of alcohol in it! I'm not a big drinker. New Year's Eve is about the only time I drink and then it's just kahula and creme. I like jello shots too. I'm not a real adult drinker! :drinking:
Haven't been on your PTR for awhile so saying hi! I have more time now that Ponzi's TR is wrapping up. Plus I just haven't been in the mood to DIS. I'm still sore that I won't get to WDW this year but since I've now started planning for next year I feel better.
My favorite drink is the Welsh Dragon and it's only at Epcot in the UK pub. It tastes like melon. SOOOO good! Very fruity and no alcohol taste. I tried the lapu lapu and almost gagged at the amount of alcohol in it! I'm not a big drinker. New Year's Eve is about the only time I drink and then it's just kahula and creme. I like jello shots too. I'm not a real adult drinker! :drinking:

Yes, it's been quite a long time since you've been here. I've missed you!!!! Glad you have a trip on the horizon!! I'm guessing the next one I plan will be DLR, just because it's so much more affordable for me. HOWEVER, if I can find 3 more ladies who'd like to go with me to WDW and share the cost of a room, I MIGHT be able to swing WDW again next year. BUT, we have a trip to Guam looming in the near-ish future to visit my son, so we'll have to see.... You're right having something to plan eases the pain of missing a trip.

Oddly, I actually got that drink on my last trip. It was amazing! I really loved it and the Rose and Crown- where I got mine. I also had a Lapu Lapu which I actually thought was great! Maybe you had one that was just stronger than usual. Mine wasn't so full of alcohol that it was bad, but yeah it was strong. But we were pigging out on O'hana all you can eat, so I was pretty safe from getting too tipsy.

Anyway, glad you came to visit! Come around more often!!
Go back a few paragraphs and you'll have a beautiful description of 'U'. A big, fat, 'Hmmmm, I'm not sure this one's gonna be a go or not'. Another Challenge Drink; another one that may turn out to be just too hard to find. I mean, from where I'll be, and I'm NOT going to go re-arrange my whole darn itinerary just for one drink. Even if it IS a pretty cool way to mix things up and do something original and maybe-never-done-before thing at WDW.
Well, you could surely find an "umbrella" drink somewhere on property. :rolleyes1

I'm glad you finally managed to get your flight booked!
Well, you could surely find an "umbrella" drink somewhere on property. :rolleyes1

I'm glad you finally managed to get your flight booked!

So, that's not taking a little TOO much creative license, Andy? HAHA! (Actually, that's pretty darn clever!) A purist probably wouldn't let it fly, but I'm making the rules, so who knows...

Me too- Alaska almost had a lawsuit for emotional damage.
Wow, I feel like it's been ages since I checked in here. I'm so sorry! I need to do better.

It was a very difficult decision, I think I would also really love hospice, but the on-call hours would be tough on the family until my daughter is 18 and graduated. For all of you who've supported me during the last years leading up to this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! You are an amazing encouragement!!

I'm so proud of you! Congratulations on the job! And yes, your family is still the primary ministry, so better hours for them is a big deal. I hope it's a great experience!

So I saw you had a big guessing game contest back a few pages, and I just don't feel like I can keep track of it all. Sorry to be the stick-in-the-mud, but I'll let the other guys battle it out. I'll be happy to follow along, though!

And I really am no help on what cocktails are available where. I mostly keep track of where I can get a Dole Whip.
I'm so proud of you! Congratulations on the job! And yes, your family is still the primary ministry, so better hours for them is a big deal. I hope it's a great experience!

Thanks, Mark! Been a long tough slog, but absolutely worth it! I think I'll be able to use this for many years and that it will allow me to get back out in foreign "missions" work with Medical Teams Int'l, Doctors without Borders or Mercy Ships eventually. And you are right. Family first! I love that this job will have no weekends or holidays.

So I saw you had a big guessing game contest back a few pages, and I just don't feel like I can keep track of it all. Sorry to be the stick-in-the-mud, but I'll let the other guys battle it out. I'll be happy to follow along, though!

So, just to clarify, you only need to guess ONCE on those categories and really not think about it again at all. It's a game that was designed to have you invest about 20 minutes tops into it and then just watch it unfold as the TR plays out. It's not an ongoing thing (intentionally) because I really can't do that either.

But, I DO get that. I've had to bow out of a few I'd have loved to play simply because I just don't have as much time as I'd like to here right now with all the transition. So, I totally understand... :)

And I really am no help on what cocktails are available where. I mostly keep track of where I can get a Dole Whip.

... of which I hear you can now get with rum. How is that not a cocktail?
So, just to clarify, you only need to guess ONCE on those categories and really not think about it again at all. It's a game that was designed to have you invest about 20 minutes tops into it and then just watch it unfold as the TR plays out. It's not an ongoing thing (intentionally) because I really can't do that either.

But, I DO get that. I've had to bow out of a few I'd have loved to play simply because I just don't have as much time as I'd like to here right now with all the transition. So, I totally understand... :)

Oh, really? I guess I didn't read it carefully enough. Maybe I will be able to jump in, then. I've been finding myself with more limited DIS time lately, so I was thinking contest participation in general might have to take a hit.

... of which I hear you can now get with rum. How is that not a cocktail?

Works for me! I'm happy with the pineapple juice, though. It's pretty much perfection.
Have fun with all that mundane life stuff!! So scary about the seizure, or whatever that was. I hope he is ok now.

The Sangria looked awesome...I may have to try to re-create that at home, looked very refreshing.
DFww that's from my kitten Gracie.

When are you thinking about doing an all girls trip? I probably can't go, gotta save every penny for our trip.
Yeah, that Welsh Dragon is probably my favorite drink ever!

I am following you on FB so I haven't been completely out of the loop.
Yay!!!!! Zachy just passed his drivers permit written test! 3rd time's a charm, right? I can tell y'all ahead of him posting on FB; I'm just so excited I can't help myself!!

That's awesome! Didn't he have his MRI today? When will you get the results from that?
They've already jacked my flight, which really pissed me off. Now, instead of arriving at 10:30 AM, we are arriving at 1:35. BOOOOO!!!! i had really wanted a little nap and some pool time.before heading over to DTD for Raglan Rd.

Well then that changes my answers .....

But it's done, and now I can say, everything except the Rental Car is booked and paid for. Lord have mercy on me as I do that one another day.

MEK posted this site I used it and other than a slight adjustment in San Diego because the company firefly ceased to exist ( Luckily I found out they are owned by Hertz) but they honored the reservation it was great.

Monday, the 17th we'll be packing up and heading out to a different continent. Africa to be specific. I hear there are lemurs there. They even happened to be painted!

Let's take a look at this exotic animal!


Looks yummy

Painted Lemur – Amarula Fruit Cream Liqueur and Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur from South Africa combined in a Chocolate-striped glass inspired by the distinctive striped tail of the Madagascar Lemur- around $400.

I am guess $8.50. :rotfl2:

Cocktail Description:
SKYY Infusions Dragon Fruit vodka, strawberry puree, pineapple juice, coconut and fresh lime juice.

OOOOhhhh another yummy drink.
My favorite drink is the Welsh Dragon and it's only at Epcot in the UK pub.

I have had one of those and yummy as well.
Oh, really? I guess I didn't read it carefully enough. Maybe I will be able to jump in, then. I've been finding myself with more limited DIS time lately, so I was thinking contest participation in general might have to take a hit.

You have ALLLLLLL the way until the day I leave to get your numbers i n. Really, it's either you think I'll get in 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 pools while I'm there and other mundane things like that. Well, mundane on YOUR end. I however, will be having the time of my life.
Works for me! I'm happy with the pineapple juice, though. It's pretty much perfection.

I would actually have to agree 100% with you on this one. And I love that they are showing up in a few more places now too.

Have fun with all that mundane life stuff!!

Let's see.... today consisted of:

Dropping off my uniforms at school to see if any of the incoming students want to buy them

Driving over to Dallas (1/2 an hour away) for Zachy's driver's permit test

Making broiled salmon, hollandaise sauce, beet greens and corn on the cob for dinner (Cherry pie a la mode in a bit)

Working on my Disney Trip Companion Books

And taking Zach on his first ever driving lesson (God help me)

There is a GLARING lack of studying going on here!! I am FREAKING OUT!!!! I NEED to keep at that!

So scary about the seizure, or whatever that was. I hope he is ok now.

He seems to be fine.... But the MRI STILL isn't scheduled!

he Sangria looked awesome...I may have to try to re-create that at home, looked very refreshing.

We like to go to a local place that has a killer Happy Hour that serves Spanish tapas and both white and red sangria for $3 a glass. Both are UUUUUUUUUh-mazing!!

Why yes, that does look both pretty and delicious!

I will certainly let you know how that tastes as well!

DFww that's from my kitten Gracie.

You may have to translate that for me... ;)

When are you thinking about doing an all girls trip? I probably can't go, gotta save every penny for our trip.

I'm thinking Flower and Garden in Spring, 2018. This Spring is too close already for me to plan and save.

I am following you on FB so I haven't been completely out of the loop.

I love that FB has it's place for quick updates and the day to day little things. But honestly, as I've said before, the DIS serves a different purpose for me. I seem to make deeper friendships here as I can share a bit more and in more detail. Sometimes the "why's" of things get shared a bit more than on FB, and not all the "friends" I have on FB are more than acquaintances way at work or such. Honestly, there is more "room" to develop friendships around a common starting point which I may or may not have on FB. LOL! It's GREAT that we can keep current and see everyday life of each other, but sometimes you'll get more of the real me here.
That's awesome! Didn't he have his MRI today? When will you get the results from that?

Well, I didn't realize that the PCP had to call over to the imaging place and they were supposed to call me today. So, after calling at 4:00, they said that the Imagine place should have called me, so she is going to re-send the referral and that I should also call them tomorrow. I will at 8:00. So, no, it hasn't been scheduled yet, but they are super quick at getting people in and I'm sure it'll be this week.

Well then that changes my answers .....

I imagine as I get closer and add more information, there will be changes. JUST MAKE SURE YOU PM ME OR TELL ME IN A POST. DON'T GO BACK AND CHANGE YOUR ANSWERS IN YOUR POST; I WILL NOT SEE THEM. (That was not yelling, just adding emphasis, Sis.)

MEK posted this site I used it and other than a slight adjustment in San Diego because the company firefly ceased to exist ( Luckily I found out they are owned by Hertz) but they honored the reservation it was great.

OH, I will def check them out. They sound legit. I do wish that picking up from the airport isn't generally a gazillion bucks more though.

I am guess $8.50. :rotfl2:

Nope. $400. $8.50 will get you the tissue to cry in when you get your bill.

OOOOhhhh another yummy drink.

I search long and hard for these things.

I have had one of those and yummy as well.

Too bad I won't be anywhere near EPCOT when 'W' rolls around.

allears has Food and Wine booth info..........:thumbsup2:cool1:

You KNOW it does. Been cruising that one for DAYS.
In order to keep your rapt attention, I'll just say that my SSDA (Super Secret Disney Account) has been getting a bit of a workout.

Hopefully in a good way?

amounting to somewhere near the amount our family spends on car insurance yearly.

Disney will do that to you.
Perhaps hourly.

Let's take a look at this exotic animal!


Looks delicious, doesn't it? If you think it looks pretty, you just may think it will taste pretty decent too.


Painted Lemur – Amarula Fruit Cream Liqueur and Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur from South Africa combined in a Chocolate-striped glass inspired by the distinctive striped tail of the Madagascar Lemur

Sounds pretty good!

around $400.

I trust this is a typo?
Then again, considering it's Disney...

From what I can tell, there is not one single drink, wine, NOTHING, at Jiko OR Victoria Falls Lounge that starts with Q. This, sadly, might be the collapse of my entire quest. But, I have something up my sleeve. And I shall keep that to myself for TR purposes.

So you might Quit on Q.

A little suspense is a good thing.

A lot is a better thing if it's a suspension bridge.

I LOVE the feel of past eras of elegance and classy good times.


I would open up a 1940's style Dinner Club replete with a dress code and live War Era music.

I like your style, lady.

And yes, I'd fly you all in to come to its grand opening.

Woot! I'll get packed right now!

Been wanting to try that place for a while, not for the theming or atmosphere, but for that soup. You know which one I'm talking about.


I'll bet you can't wait to see the final project!!!


It's a sad malady of birthing 5 children. The same reason I will never, EVER wear a bikini again.

Never say never.
Rumour has it you've been going to the gym lately.
Bikini bod in no time.

No, because ATT's Customer Service is 100 times worse to deal with.



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