The August 2018 "Vacation Vote" Exercise Thread

@sophy1996 @Twilight Sparkle I love hawks (and really all birds). I'm lucky I live right by a family of them, possibly red tails? All spring/summer, I've been seeing and hearing them around our house. Another cool bird that comes around is a pileated woodpecker. Ooh and we also have a few different kinds of owls that hoot to each other at night. I love hearing them. There's a great horned that will "talk" to my bf sometimes lol it's so cute

Sounds like you live in a beautiful area. We had pileated woodpeckers in the greenbelt a few years ago, but I haven't seen any recently. I guess they've moved on. They're not very common here, probably because developers keep buying up and leveling the land. :sad1: They are so cool to see, though! It would make me quite happy to have them around all the time.

Love that idea! I do something a little bit similar when I exercise in front of the TV as well, only I speed up the pace when I fast-forward over commercials.

The time goes by so much faster when you mix things up a bit, doesn't it? Your posts make me want to get a mini trampoline! With my luck, I'd probably bounce off and break a leg.

We haven't been to Pandora yet. Heck, I haven't even seen Avatar! But I hear great things about the ride.

I think these might be red tails as well. One had a snack in our backyard the other week. We've known there were hawks around for awhile, but given the number of sitings in the last few weeks, it seems like at least one has decided to relocate to the greenbelt behind our house. Thursday morning it came in for a landing on the roof then moved to one of our trees to survey the area for a bit. Then Thursday night it was on the telephone pole down the path, and was joined by a second hawk.

The city has been painting murals to brighten up underpasses on our walking/biking path, and the one right by us (less than a year old) is a beautiful hawk. Maybe it drew the hawks to us!

Pandora and FoP are incredible and must dos. We haven't ridden on Na'vi yet, but I hope to do so in Dec. DD and I are having a disagreement over how to end the night at AK. She wants to stay on Everest until closing, and I want to do Pandora at night. It's magical and gorgeous at night and supposedly much shorter stand by times right at park closing. I am a sucker for my daughter's happiness, though, so most likely Everest will win.

Your greenbelt area sounds a lot like ours. No need to visit our deck then, though it would be nice to enjoy your company. Snacking in the yard, huh? I'm just hoping our hawks don't decide to snack on our backyard chickens. I think one of the hawks might have made a snack of the bunny that was living in our yard a few weeks ago. We used to see her everyday and then she disappeared. We miss her. If murals bring animals to the area, then I need to paint a bunny mural in our backyard.

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As for my minute update:

110, combo of working with the horses and walk/jog later in the evening

Love that idea! I do something a little bit similar when I exercise in front of the TV as well, only I speed up the pace when I fast-forward over commercials.

The time goes by so much faster when you mix things up a bit, doesn't it? Your posts make me want to get a mini trampoline! With my luck, I'd probably bounce off and break a leg.

I don't really bounce too high - more like march on it (or run in place when I speed up). I just figured it was lying around the house, and would probably be better for my joints than the hard floor, so why not use it?

And I definitely agree with breaking things up! I've done exercise videos before, but watching the routine just bores me after a while. I want to be entertained while I exercise :laughing:
8/10 - 45 Minutes walking for exercise
8/11 - 45 Minutes walking the dog


I'm hoping to get short run in tomorrow and a long walk. That should make up some minutes! (And start training for the Wine and Dine half marathon :scared:)

FoP is such an amazing ride!! Unfortunately, DH gets some serious motion sickness so we'll be skipping it when we go for the Wine and Dine Half.
Hey everyone! Hope you had a great Saturday! We have color changes!!! Bonnie F and vikdeco have reached Stand by Blue! And DaddysPrincess is now Open to Close Orange and so is the TEAM!

So, we're at the Animal Kingdom now! Let's pick 8 attractions each from the list below and we'll do our top 8 choices!

  1. Avatar Flight of Passage
  2. Conservation Station
  4. Discovery Island Trails
  5. Expedition Everest - Legend of the Forbidden Mountain
  6. Festival of the Lion King
  7. Finding Nemo - The Musical
  8. Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
  9. It's Tough to Be a Bug!
  10. Kali River Rapids
  11. Kilimanjaro Safaris
  12. Maharajah Jungle Trek
  13. Meet Favorite Disney Pals at Adventurers Outpost
  14. Na'vi River Journey
  15. Primeval Whirl
  16. Rivers of Light
  17. TriceraTop Spin
  18. UP! A Great Bird Adventure
  19. Wilderness Explorers
While we're at it, let's go ahead and get lunch suggestions! I'm going to throw Satul'i Canteen in the ring!
20 new minutes, for 320/620

My AK votes are:
Avatar Flight of Passage (because it's new!)
Conservation Station (because it's so peaceful.)
Expedition Everest - Legend of the Forbidden Mountain (because...coasters!)
Finding Nemo - The Musical (because I still haven't seen it!)
Kilimanjaro Safaris (because how can you not?)
Maharajah Jungle Trek (because...tigers!)
Na'vi River Journey (because it's new!)
UP! A Great Bird Adventure (because I love birds.)

As for food, I've heard excellent things about Tiffins, and I've never been. Since we're spending imaginary money, let's splurge on that!
8/13 - 60m (45m circuit class, 15m elliptical)


My votes for the AK are -

Flight of Passage
Conservation Station (really for the train ride!!)
Festival of the Lion King
Kali River Rapids
Kilimanjaro Safari
Maharajah Jungle Trek
Na'vi River Journey
Rivers of Light

I vote for Sa'tuli Canteen because I am excited to try it out!
Adding 30 minutes tonight from taking my dog out on a walk. I have a new job now and it's been harder to make time for exercise since I can't really do it on my lunch break anymore...

We have color changes! DaddysPrincess and PollyannaMom are now Parade Purple! And vikdeco is now Open to Close Orange!

The votes are in! Unsurprisingly, we all pretty much voted to ride Avatar Flight of Passage. Here is the rest of the list: Expedition Everest, Kali River Rapids, Kilimanjaro Safari, Maharajah Jungle Trek, Navi River Journey, Festival of the Lion King and Rivers of Light!

And it also looks like we've voted for lunch at Satuli Canteen! It will be quite the refreshing meal on a hot Animal Kingdom day! I'm going to get cheeseburger pods!

Now that we're full of Nav'i food, let's think about dinner! PollyannaMom suggested Tiffins for lunch as an imaginary splurge, and I have to say I second that motion! Everyone sound off with your opinions!


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