~The BOT Battalion~ BOTS On The Run

Jodi - For some odd reason, my girls are most excited to see you:confused3 so if we can't make Biergarten work, can you possibly meet us on the Boardwalk for a Beaches & Cream deal one daypopcorn::.

Sara - This is by far more disturbing than your cancer diagnosis! ;). Everyone's welcome @ Biergarten!! I will be on my best behavior for all the children sake. popcorn::

OK, let's talk about the big pink elephant in the room. My sister had Thyroid cancer 2 years ago, as well. They popped that puppy (ruff) out & she's been fine ever since (except for the tiny little scar on her throat that she tells people I inflicted on her when we were young). If I weren't such a heathen I'd pray for you every night :eek:. :idea: I know, I'll just think nice, positive things about you every day.

Seriously, I have every confidence that you will be fine

- you are far too heinous of an entity for cancer to want to hang out too long. :hug:.

The GOOD news is I WILL be in WDW with my family from 1/9-1/17:banana:. I think I am even (hopefully) bringing my 19 year old son:thumbsup2 So, does Colleen have any room for 5 on the Biergarten ADR's or do I need to tackle thatpopcorn::?!?! I hear BEER kills cancer cells and I've got a whole bunch of those going on:sad2:. The BAD news is I have thyroid cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes, hence why I need to lift my spirits with a vacation to WDW:lmao: Actually, it's because I can't have surgery until 2/11 and that's when I was flying to Charleston, SC to catch a Christian concert that I'm now going to catch in Tampa on 1/16 AND because I really need to see WISH'ers to warm my soul:grouphug: I LUV Southwest Airlines for making it that easy for me to change 4 rewards tickets!!


So sorry to hear about the final diagnosis. :hug: We are glad that you will be able to come to Disney though. You will be in our prayers during this time.

Sara - ...
OK, let's talk about the big pink elephant in the room. ....

Well since I ran everyone off, I have a question for Jodi. What exactly do you put into the BOT Kool-aid that causes you to see pink elephants?
Sara - The most positive thoughts, prayers, and all that coming your way. It's great that we will be able to see you all soon.

I will be on my best behavior for all the children sake. popcorn::
Hey! That's not part of the deal! I was counting for someething even more entertaining than the oompah band!

Remind me why I couldn't live without FB. I feel like a blind man with rearranged furniture. Ow! My shin!
Good Morning :surfweb:

Happy Christmas Eve to all!!! I happen to like Pink Elephants, especially the ones with the up and down controls in the Magic Kingdom.

I am at work for most of the day, hope to get out of here somewhat early. :rolleyes1

Sara~ :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: I am sad about your not so good news, I'm sorry you have to get through this. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am not sure if it'll help, but I am sending a caravan of dump trucks with Pixie Dust pixiedust: to you in Upstate New York. Be on the look-out for them. I am so glad we'll see you and the family in WDW in just a few days! Woo Hoo!

I will be at the Biergarten with all of my BOT Family and I'm bringing Cam in-tow. Colleen has assured me that there will be room at the kiddie table for us. There is a possibility that Judy and Charlie might want to join us for a :drinking1 also.

I am confirming that I am indeed a fellow LOAD just like Jodi and some others around here. I just haven't had the time to get out there. To make matters worse, the YMCA is not far but the mall and shopping/retail central lies between here and there. It is just clogged with traffic and I can't stand it anymore! :headache: I'll manage some additional miles before marathon weekend gets here. I'll just have to do my best. I am so glad I'm not Goofy this year!

Have a blessed Christmas and a lovely Christmas Eve.


Sara - So glad to hear you will be coming to WDW. That was the right move to make. More prayers coming your way. :hug:

Sorry guys for the belated Christmas card but I was a little busy the past few days. Did manage to run 4 miles today in the rain/wind. The rich holiday food caused an expected Jodistop at Mile 2 that must have looked like a scene from Man vs Wild as I trudged into the woods in 12" of melted snow to find a private hiding place.

Good evening all,

Just a quick drop by to say hello.

Also wanted to try posting from DD6,s hot pink Nintendo DS. Pretty tricky stuff for those of us without hopped up phones!
Merry post Christmas everyone:thumbsup2

Sara: A few extra :hug::hug: for you and wishes for good luck with the upcoming medical ordeal. You can run marathons-- the cancer doesn't stand a chance against you. Glad to hear you will be in WDW.

The past week has been crazy for me. Last weekend we had about 2 feet of snow and five people snowed in at our house. Two of our guests missed their plane home on Monday due to American Airlines being a bunch of jerks. They were not able to get a flight back to CA until Christmas Day, so they spent the week with us. DD6 had no school on the 21st and 22nd so we had extra people, a bored 6 year old and holiday prep to do above and beyond normal work-- it was really interesting. We somehow managed it all and had a really nice Christmas. I fit in 13 miles yesterday morning and tonight is the first night in over a week we have the house back to ourselves :cloud9: Tomorrow it is back to work and time to start last minute trip plans for marathon weekend.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Lou~ I love the BOTman... he's cool. Get it?!? I'm here all week. :laughing:

I made it to the YMCA yesterday for 9 miles on the TM at a 10 min. pace, I wanted to do 10 but my knee started to feel crappy (in pain) so I stopped at 9, walking the last 1/2 mile. Today the knee is stiff and sore. Not sure what to make of this. I will be taking it easy for now and hopefully getting a LR like Colleen before the upcoming marathon.

I have to work this week so I need to run. Cam's knee surgery is tomorrow at 10:45 AM. I'll be sending Judy updates throughout the day. I'll also try to post on Facebook for everyone to get an update. Thankfully Mike is on board now despite the Kool-Aid mustache he has on his upper lip.

Have a great week! Happy New Year to the best bunch of folks I know, I am honored to be a BOT!



[Pssst: Jodi ~ Did Kathy chose a 2010 race yet?]
Wow, lots of activity on the WISH thread with the pending races in less then 2 weeks. That being said, this thread is dead. Everyone here must be all set and ready to go. Well, I'm not.

Got in 8 lame miles today. Felt okay for the first 3, sluggish for the next 3, and good the last 2. I figure I will try 10-12 tomorrow and then try to find time to run a 20-miler before the weekend.

So, what are you BOTs doing for New Years?

Thinking about Cam today.:hug:Hope she is resting at home comfortably with a doting husband by her side.:love:

OK, got my 15 miles in today. Now I know what "Respect the Distance" really means.:sad2::rolleyes::sick:

Hoping race day magic will pull me through.
OK, got my 15 miles in today. Now I know what "Respect the Distance" really means.:sad2::rolleyes::sick:

Hoping race day magic will pull me through.

So does this mean you're running the full??? popcorn::

I'm also wishing Cam a speeding recovery. :hug:

Lou - LOVE the card - it made my day, thanks. :banana: I think we're all so well prepared here on this thread :-)lmao:) that we do not find the need to discuss such trivial things as upcoming marathons & such....:rolleyes1
I'll have you all know that I am very well trained...

for a cookie eating contest!

I actually did get 8 miles in today on the TM.

Kathy left this morning for Tampa with DD13 and DD9 so it is just me and DD6. We watched the new Tinkerbell movie together while I ran. I'm just dang glad Santa brought her a 75 minute movie vs. some 4 hour Gone With The Wind collector's edition.;)
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to give everyone an update on Cam. She is resting watching a marathon of Hallmark Channel/Lifetime/Oxygen Channel type movies with a big ice pack on her knee. :sad2: She is medicated nicely with Percoset and doing OK. Not great, but OK. I am taking care of her needs as they arise. Her lesion was worse than they originally thought, but their plan of action was similar for either case. They cut it out, and "picked" the bones causing them to bleed. The idea is for them to bleed, form scar tissue and that tissue heals the affected area. They have two other options. Borrow from Peter to pay Paul with a cartiledge graft of sorts or to use a "spackle" of infant cells that will seal off, grow and heal the affected area.:confused: The doctor said her problem is on the outside of the knee which is good, it is not in a weight bearing area. That should help her heal faster and give her a better chance of this working. She also had some other areas that wrere flaking up and he heated those up to make them bonf to the tissue around them. High tech stuff, I got to see the pics too. :rolleyes1 She is using crutches to get around when she needs to.

My knee is feeling better today, but not quite 100%. I am going to attempt some no impact XT on it tomorrow at the gym.

Keep it real folks! We're looking forward to seeing everyone soon!


:confused3Don't know, right now I am 70-30 yes. Tell Bruce I won't cry too profusely.

70-30 my shiny white behind! You were 100% all in from the first moment you inquired about a full bib. Why is the actual runner always the last to know?
Just a quick hi to my Bots and lots of :hug::hug: for Cam and Sara.

As for me, I haven't acutally run (as in, at all) in a couple of weeks. Oh well. I still think I can get through the Goofy by doing a walk/run combo and I'm not even nervous about it. Perhaps I am delusional?:confused3


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