"The Box" has arrived... (w/pics)

Can there be any doubt as to the evil genius of the Disney Marketing Machine? Here we have yet another customer so giddily excited about the sales paperwork that they are compeled to take pictures of it!!! :lmao:

Actually, this type of thing goes on all of the time in the Apple fanboy world, which I'm also a part of. Every time Apple releases a new iPod or computer, one of the first things we fans look for is the "unboxing" photos.

I've never been able to take unboxing photos of Apple products, but I saw this as a chance to do something similar.

Gosh, I am a BIG nerd!!!

Gotta go clean my retainer and organize my Pokemon cards now...
Linda is correct. The original contract owner would have received the "kit" with DVC Tote bag, etc.

We have purchased thru Disney, and have purchased resale. We had received the Welcome Home Kit (and bag) with every Disney purchase (we did that on site), but never received any kind of kit or info (other than our new member cards) from Disney for our resale. It would seem to me that they had originally given this to the original owners, and have no great need to give another for the "resale" purchase people.
The conversation with Quality Assurance basically consisted of "sign by the Mickey's and date by the Palm Tree's". We could have figured that out. We got a nice tote bag with our add on - it came in the big box. I though we should get two since we had two 100 point contracts but I wasn't going to complain. It was our first tote bag. When we bought our original contract, we got a nice DVC back pack. I keep my original paperwork in it.
I'll trade both of mine with the "I know the secret" on them for one without,lol!!
You can buy the DVC bags at the gift shop at SSR. I believe they are just under 30 bucks. We lucked out in that our guide gave us 3 bags when we bought in Jan. :goodvibes


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