The Busy Busy Countdo-own!!!!

Busy Busy

DIS Veteran
Nov 18, 2010
So now that there are only 10 sleeps to go for us, I thought that I would allow myself to start a countdown. The is still so much to do before we leave, but things always seem to get done don't they? :)

To kick off, I have a few words that have me terrified.........those words are "OzTag Gala Day"! Yes, DS13 has been chosen in the school team and off he goes tomorrow :scared1: please, please, please, please don't let him get even so much as a grass stain!

DS also has a haircut this afternoon, that mop is NOT coming away with us! Plus we will stop by my parents place to pick up the suitcases - wow suitcases make it very real! :cool1:
OK so my teenagers must be weird - they practically beg us to get their hair cut.

I like it when it is a little bit longer and he jhooges (you know what I am trying to say, but how would you spell it?) with product -

but as soon as it is a little bit longish - they are begging to go to the barber for the short back and sides (was going to say a No2 but it didnt sound good)

Last time they had a haircut we said - next hair cut will be trip time, guess what, its hair cut time.!!!!!:banana:
I knew just what you meant...jhooge, jzuz, jooge....who knows how to spell it, we just know that they do it!

DS13's hair seemed to be a hit with the ladies, but now that he wants it short I have figured out that he's not worried about girls....he's looking for aerodynamics - he has state 4 x 100m relay on Thursday! I love that he's still so easy to read (except for the one legged toothbrushing - I don't want to know what that's about)! :lovestruc
I am feeling sick about everything , I hope I have packed the right clothes, shoes, medications, I hope we have enough money, in the right form, am I going to miss anything, Where, when, and what we are going to eat - I have read and planned every detail -

I had a dream the other night that we got to the airport without our passports :scared1:- which is a bit of a problem, but anything else we can work around.

I think we are all feeding each others OCD - remember the days when you went down to the local TA and booked a trip that was in their books and off you went.:rolleyes1 (I am hyperventilating at the thought!!!)

The other night I went to bed, about midnight, and said to DH, "thats it I have finished reading the internet, I have read it all" and he said what did it say at the finish -and I said "THE END"
I think we are all feeding each others OCD - remember the days when you went down to the local TA and booked a trip that was in their books and off you went.:rolleyes1 (I am hyperventilating at the thought!!!)
I remember that! Vaguely! And a to Disneyland in 1989 was one day only with no reservations needed. You just went.

10 days - how exciting. Single digit dance tomorrow for you :cool1::cool1:
Oooh yeah!
I just filled my car with petrol - and am wondering if that will last until next Friday!!! Plan on running the fridge and pantry low for the next 10days. Looks like we will be having some strange dinners! :rotfl:

There are a few bills that I need to sort before we go, and DH's car will need to be registered, but I havent received a renewal yet. I still havent done my tax return, as I have been waiting on a statement from an investment we have, that usually turns up end of August - I was planning on using that money :mad:

I have five suitcases sitting in my bedroom at the moment, I should do something with those -

I should be cleaning the windows, and spraying the lawn for bindi, washing the dog, visit the inlaws, take the kids to the orthodontist, get haircuts, get waxed, buy new underwear...


I really am feeling weird - I reckon I am going to have full on OCD next week.
I love Disboards, you all understand my mental state at the moment! :upsidedow

Picked up the suitcases, they are in the lounge room which is probably where they will stay for the next 9 days! We stayed up until after 1am last night sorting last minute things out, calling the Atlantis resort and just getting things right. I am ready for bed now and it's not quite 9pm!

DH has big meetings this week, DS has big sport days too, DD's birthday is on Friday and I am up to my neck in a huge annual change over at work. :eek: I had an evil moment this afternoon when I told a completely painful woman that have to deal with a lot that I couldn't come to a meeting on the 20th of September because I will be in NEW YORK CITY!!! Heaven! :cloud9:
It's 2am and I can't sleep! :eek:

Tonight I accidentally deleted my entire Tripit trip plan :scared1::scared1::scared1: I still can't believe how easy it was to do it! Thankfully my lovely DH had printed it out a couple of days ago, so I can follow that copy to put a lot of stuff back in....but.....all of the pics that I searched for and the confirmation numbers and websites and times all have to be done again! :upsidedow:upsidedow

At least I know what I'll be doing tonight....another Tripit plan! :surfweb:

Ugh, DS has to be at school at 7.30am, looks like I might get about 4 hours sleep. :mad: why isn't there a "feeling sorry for myself" smiley?!

yep let the angsty panic set in.........
so it's:
too soon to pack pack, but too kinda too late to start looking for things
need haircut #4 but need to take time off to do it
cant give up a gym session to get hair cut
pedicure but need to go to gym
wax [I know, too much info].....
work out what shoes to take for formal night
fit in family dinner with parents
mow lawn/ gardens
clean house, cause if i die I'd hate for my mother to find my house a mess:cool1:
suspend gym
delete IQ programs on foxtel
find window lock keys
organise mail pick up/ garbage take out
dog sitter

and the list goes on, I think I now need a lie down:eek:

yep let the angsty panic set in.........
so it's:
too soon to pack pack, but too kinda too late to start looking for things
need haircut #4 but need to take time off to do it
cant give up a gym session to get hair cut
pedicure but need to go to gym
wax [I know, too much info].....
work out what shoes to take for formal night
fit in family dinner with parents
mow lawn/ gardens
clean house, cause if i die I'd hate for my mother to find my house a mess:cool1:
suspend gym
delete IQ programs on foxtel
find window lock keys
organise mail pick up/ garbage take out
dog sitter

and the list goes on, I think I now need a lie down:eek:

I actually know someone who has an arrangement with her sister, should she die, she will clean up her house before their mother sees it! :rolleyes1
Oh feel my pain!! I have to:

* Do new Tripit plan :surfweb:
* Too early to pack :confused:
* Have to take 2 tops back to Miranda (what was I thinking when I bought THEM?) :confused3
* Clean the house - I have the "if I die" issues too! :guilty:
* Booked hair for Thursday - then it will look fab for DD's performing arts concert that night :yay:
* Organise DD's stuff to take to my parent's place tomorrow (teacher's strike) :rolleyes1
* Still haven't got any fake tan :eek:
* Mani/pedi/eyebrows (I never have these - but I WANT these!) :lmao:
* See my friend perform in "Nun-sensations" - yes I lead such a thrilling life! :dance3:
* Wrap DD's birthday presents :flower3:
* Celebrate DD's birthday princess:
* Help at school disco (on DD's birthday) :cool2:
* Finish P&C reports/write cheques/send stuff to auditors :headache:
* Finish 6 gazillion things here at work (yep - so much to do - but I'm on Disboards!) :surfweb:
* Stupid achilles tendonitis is KILLING me - have to see massage guy (3 shops away - still can't find time) :mad:
* Wash, sort, iron clothes for packing - this warm weather meant that we wore some of the stuff we are taking...grrr :laundy:
* DH has cancelled our Foxtel for while we are away - I am DEVASTATED - no Fashion Police for a month - oh the humanity.... :sad1:

All of this PLUS - my lovely next door neighbour who is going to watch the house, collect mail, do bins etc., will now be away for the first week of our trip because she and her DH are flying to Thailand tomorrow for her to have "enhancement" surgery!!! :scared1::scared1: Only in MY life would that happen!!

OK....enough giant posts for now! :goodvibes peace out :hippie:
hey again,

here at work, they now know I am useless for everything except bear stay away and no one will be hurt:lmao:

lists, i have sub lists for the lists I have...joys of cataloguing for a living [librarian]...

anyway, glad I'm not the only one who fears leaving a house in disarray if I pass away.....

ok, back to sorting out yr 11's.....oh joy.....I think they smell the blood in the water and are on their best behaviour........:rolleyes1
OzTag Gala Day is over! DS's team made the grand final, then lost, I was just happy about him coming through 9 games with no I injuries. I watched the last game and had my heart in my mouth the whole time! All that happened to him was that he got spectacularly dirty (wearing a white sport top :headache:) but I can handle dirt! Cricket training is over for tonight too with no hits to the head, so we'll call it a great day! :cool2:

Now dinner, no food poisoning please! ;)
DS13 got through the state athletics carnival today unscathed - phew. :cool2:

Now he just has to make it through indoor soccer later this afternoon with no injuries.......I've got everything crossed!! ;)

......and.....8 more sleeps!! :yay::yay::yay:
I actually know someone who has an arrangement with her sister, should she die, she will clean up her house before their mother sees it! :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: My and her best friend have the same pact. they both have a spare key and they both know where the evil stuff that should never be found is hidden. With four daughters between them you just have to laugh and here I was thinking it was just them.

Enjoy your packing. Looking forward to hearing of your trip
:rotfl2: My and her best friend have the same pact. they both have a spare key and they both know where the evil stuff that should never be found is hidden. With four daughters between them you just have to laugh and here I was thinking it was just them.

Enjoy your packing. Looking forward to hearing of your trip

Thought I should clarify the granny undies, comfy bras and hokey pajamas. Mum still has avoid pair of undies and pj's in the cupboard in case you have to go to hospital. She hasn't been for thirty years but just in case
Made it through indoor soccer, he might get strangled for the mess that he's left in the bathroom though! :mad:


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