The call of the Dark Side is strong...

You cannot go wrong with a Ravenclaw sweatshirt. I have taken many quizzes just like you and I am always a Ravenclaw as well. The only one in my family. I got the blue zip up hoodie when we were there in September and it is easily my favorite! I wear it all the time.

I think that Hubs is Gryffindor. I haven't sorted any of the kids yet, but I am still waiting on my oldest two to actually read the first book! My oldest (Punky) is reading it for her school reading log. Still waiting for Pod to get interested.
What a week! Poor Boo Bear was really sick with a high fever all week! She ran a fever for 5 days straight. I couldn't get it to go down, even with meds! Two visits to the Dr later and we still don't know what caused it, but thankfully she is feeling much better! However, I missed an entire week of work and she missed a week of school.

I actually had some of my coworkers and student's parents question whether my daughter was actually sick and comments were made that eventually made their way back to me. Long story short, I was angry and later very hurt. It makes me question whether I should stay at my job. I actually entertained the idea of quitting, I was so upset. Granted, we do need the money right now and I was very tired and emotional already when I found out what was said. Oh well.. hopefully I will get a better job next year.

Speaking of jobs.. my husband put in an application for a job in Orlando. We sort of stumbled across it accidentally and thought, "why not?" Who knows if anything would come of it, but it couldn't hurt to try! :)

Still dreaming of vacation! I just put $60 in the vacation fund. Slowly but surely starting to build up some funds..

I went out to play Bunco with a friend of mine. It was a fundraiser for our church's MOPS group. I won a dozen cupcakes from a local bakery that we LOOVE :lovestruc and I happened to win a silent auction for a super cute area rug for the girls' bedroom! It's a $250 rug and I got it for $39! It matches the girls' room perfectly and their carpet got destroyed when our A/C leaked. I'm pretty excited about it!
Hubs does not want to use hotwire again after the mix up last year when we were given a single king bed although we requested a double. I have been looking into our stopover in Charleston and was checking out Priceline. Has anyone ever used them before? Have you done the whole bidding process? And, if you have, what were your experiences?
I don't know if we should opt to stay further from the coastal areas to save money or if we should try to find something closer yet affordable. We have a car, so that isn't an issue, but I think the Mount Pleasant area just looks so.. Well, pleasant! :)
Hubs really, really, really wants to visit Patriot's Point. It will cost us about $80 to get in. The plan is to spend the morning at Patriot's Point and then spend he afternoon at the beach. Leaning towards Isle of Palms. We will probably have lunch in between. I will pack snacks and things in the car with us to take to the beach. That will be our Friday plans.
Hubs does not want to use hotwire again after the mix up last year when we were given a single king bed although we requested a double. I have been looking into our stopover in Charleston and was checking out Priceline. Has anyone ever used them before? Have you done the whole bidding process? And, if you have, what were your experiences?

I've used Priceline many times for hotels and cars (I think it's pretty bad for air travel, but that was several years ago, they may have changed since then).

Unlike Hotwire, you do need to actually bid a specific amount, so it can be hard to know where to start. I always check out betterbidding(dot)com - you can search by city and state to see recent winning bids. That site also has a list of hotels that participate in Hotwire and Priceline, so you can often get a pretty good idea of which hotels you'll get. I'll warn you that it's not 100% accurate, but it helps.

The other issue with Priceline - as you have probably seen with Hotwire - is that each city or area is divided up into specific regions, and you could get a hotel anywhere in that region. If you're uncomfortable with Priceline's region - for example, if it goes too far inland, too far north or south, etc. - then I suggest not using it, because you could end up ANYWHERE in that area. However, I have noticed that Hotwire and Priceline often use different maps/regions - the main reason I switch back and forth between Hotwire and Priceline is usually to narrow down the search area to better fit my needs.

I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with Hotwire. In my years of using Hotwire and Priceline, I've really only had one that really went badly like that. In general, though, I feel like my experiences with Priceline have been better than Hotwire. I don't have any data to back that up, it's just a general impression. Of course, the bidding process makes Priceline more complicated and probably more time consuming, though they do have an "Express" page now with deals similar to Hotwire if you don't want to bid.

My one suggestion in both cases is to try for higher-starred hotels, if you can fit that in your budget. The bid difference between a two star and a four star hotel is often surprisingly small on Priceline. The higher the stars, the more likely hotel staff is to treat you well, even if you paid a lot less than everyone around you. If you have a bad stay, your bad review on TripAdvisor (or wherever) is just as damaging as someone who paid rack rate, so I think they tend to treat Priceline bidders better than the people at two star hotels, who frankly don't care what kind of review you leave.

Sometimes, good hotels just have a slow season, and they put rooms on Priceline/Hotwire just to fill them up. In general, I do think that the three & four star-type hotels on Priceline/Hotwire are good hotels, but like any facility, they have a few rooms that aren't as good as the rest. Maybe most rooms have a scenic view of the lake, but others have a view of the parking lot. However, SOMEBODY has a view of the Dumpster, and no full-price paying guest will accept that room. So, they put it on Priceline (or Hotwire). You'll still get all the same services and benefits to staying at a 3-4 star hotel, but be aware that you're getting a room that might not be quite up to the level of the rooms around you. So, if you're staying somewhere scenic and the view is important to you, I'd avoid the bidding sites. Other than that, though, I think it can be a good way to find a good deal on a better hotel than you could otherwise afford.

For reference, I'm in the (very) early stages of planning a trip to Universal, and I'm not considering Priceline at all. I probably want to stay on property, and the specific location, theme, amenities, etc. are all too important to me, so I just can't accept a random hotel.

I hope that helps!
Thank you for the tips on Priceline! :)

We went through VRBO for our Florida resort, but are spending 2 nights in the Charleston area on our way down. Looking for a cheap but still decent place for our stopover! :)
So, I really like VRBO and will likely use it again in the future. I did a lot of research and we ended up picking a condo at Bahama Bay. We know what the resort is like as a whole and were pleased with it. We also know what the surrounding area is like and also how far the commute is to the parks. The only thing that was a little nerve-wracking was that privately owned condos can be hit or miss. Some are nice, others are outdated or worn out. I have read vastly different reviews of condos within the same resort.

We took a risk and opted to reserve a condo that didn't have any reviews. The price was right for our budget and the photos looked nice. It looked similar to the one we stayed at previously. The owners were certainly on the ball about responding and answering questions.

I hopped back on VRBO and, lo and behold, there were some reviews of our condo on there! And, thankfully, they are ALL POSITIVE!! :dance3:

In case you wanted to take a peek.. here is the link:

I know that it isn't as upscale as some of the resorts and isn't as awesome as staying onsite.. but if you are looking for a good value and decent location then I recommend Bahama Bay! And VRBO is a great resource for finding good deals, no matter where you decide to stay!
All the bidding sites Ive tried to use automatically reserve a king bed room. It is up to the hotels discretion to move you to a 2 Q bed. Our fam of 6 can not use these sites.

The majority of hotels will not allow 6 in one room. You need a suite or 2 rooms due to fire code rules. It is very hard to travel with a large family!!
All the bidding sites Ive tried to use automatically reserve a king bed room. It is up to the hotels discretion to move you to a 2 Q bed. Our fam of 6 can not use these sites.

The majority of hotels will not allow 6 in one room. You need a suite or 2 rooms due to fire code rules. It is very hard to travel with a large family!!

You know.. I didn't even think of that.. For one night, most places don't seem to care but we would be staying 2 nights.. Hmmm..

So.. Hubs applied for a job in Orlando and we really didn't think we would hear back BUT... they want to schedule a FACE TO FACE INTERVIEW!!!!!! :cool1:

The bad news is that we have to pay out of pocket for him to fly there but his brother said they can pick him up/drop him off and that he could stay with them. So, that is super good news!!

I can't believe it.. I am going to take my SIL's advice. Walk towards the open door and pray for God to either open it all the way or close it shut!

If he DOES get the job offer and we DO end up having to move.. We will most likely be cancelling our Florida vacation plans. I am pretty sure that our tax returns will be going towards MOVING!!

Okay, don't want to put the cart before the horse or anything..
Best of luck to your husband in getting the job in Orlando.

In July I used VRBO to rent a 'flat' in London for a week and everything worked out GREAT! The place you'll be using in Bahama Bay looked Fantastic!!!
Best of luck to your husband in getting the job in Orlando.

In July I used VRBO to rent a 'flat' in London for a week and everything worked out GREAT! The place you'll be using in Bahama Bay looked Fantastic!!!

We really enjoyed Bahama Breeze when we were there the last time and look forward to spending more time there.. that is, if our vacation fund doesn't turn into a moving fund! :)

So, Hubs' flight is booked. Still need to rent him a car. He will be staying overnight at BIL's house. He didn't have any good interview clothes, so I got him some pants, shirt, and shoes. He tried it on for me and he looks SOOO handsome! :lovestruc

Trying not to put the cart before the horse or anything, but yes.. I spent some time looking into rental houses..

Anyhoo.. hope that everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! Our plans altered a bit and we aren't heading up to Indianapolis until tomorrow. I had to throw together a Thanksgiving meal from stuff at home, but thankfully we had lots of stuff in the freezer/pantry! Hubs is making himself a pork loin. The kids and I are having tofurkey! Mac n' Cheese, green beans, cheddar biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, and stuffin' muffins to go with it! We also have cupcakes from our favorite bakery, no bake cheesecake (Punky made that), and lemon squares for dessert. Not bad for throwing something together at the last minute! ;)
So, Hubs leaves on Monday and his interview is on Tuesday. He seems calm, but I am nervous. I know that they are doing interviews all next week, so I am guessing that they will contact us the following week?? I am anxious to know if I should continue planning a Florida vacation or planning a move!

On a complete random side note, Punky wanted to be "sorted" and she is a Ravenclaw like her Momma!
So, Hubs leaves on Monday and his interview is on Tuesday. He seems calm, but I am nervous. I know that they are doing interviews all next week, so I am guessing that they will contact us the following week?? I am anxious to know if I should continue planning a Florida vacation or planning a move!

Wishing him the best of luck :goodvibes . I hope everything works out just the way you hope it will!
Sending good thoughts for the job interview.

Glad to hear fever is gone. I had the same thing. DD lost a week of school too. Could not get her fever down either. Must be a virus or other going around.
People can be mean everywhere. Let it roll off your back.

I have only used hotwire for car rentals. Larger families always seem to have to be creative in room reservations. I generally only deal with the hotels or agent for rooms.

Hope your weekend is warmer and not as wet as our Saturday.
The interview went ok but the job and days/hours are NOT what the job posting said which was frustrating. Hubs doesn't want to work nights and on weekends. The job posting specifically said day shift M-F and that is not what they were hiring for.

We haven't heard anything yet, but we don't feel like it is going to pan out for us at this point. We will see....

Looks like vacation planning is still on, although Hubs' current bosses are now saying that if he takes off that many days for vacation then he won't have a job when he gets back. He works at least 60 hours a week, 5-6 days a week. He told them when he got hired that we were planning a vacation in he Spring and put in the exact dates 6 months in advance. His boss said, "yeah, that's not going to happen."

What to do??
To top it all off, Bessie needs a new water pump. There goes our savings.. Again. I wish we could afford a new vehicle...
Our Florida vacation plans are off. :guilty::sad1::sad:

Pretty broken-hearted right now. We are hoping to go back in 2016...
Our Florida vacation plans are off. :guilty::sad1::sad:

Pretty broken-hearted right now. We are hoping to go back in 2016...

Big hugs to you. How bitterly disappointed you all must be :hug:.

Any chance that you might be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and still make things work? If not for April, perhaps a little later in the year?
Thanks.. We are still pretty bummed. :guilty::sad:

We went over and over our numbers and it just can't happen until 2016. We considered keeping our condo and going to Florida anyways, but we agreed that being so close to Universal but not getting to go would be too much. We do have a plan for 2016 though! Actually, Hubs and I have been doing some budget talking and we are going to try hard to knock out our excess debt and we are putting one of my pay checks a month into a savings account that is separate from our checking and plan to use that as a vacation fund! :)

We are still taking a family "vacation" but we are going to stick closer to home. We are thinking of taking the kids to King's Island or Holiday World, which is nothing at all like going to Universal, but hopefully it will still be fun. Certainly will be less expensive.

I will be back in a few months, planning our 2016 trip!
Really sorry to hear you've had to delay things, MrsAbbott. I'm sure you'll find a fun alternative--I remember the day last summer when we took the kids to a local amusement park. (One old wooden coaster, one water slide, a flume ride and the lamest 6-vehicle bumper boats, IIRC...) Dd said as we were leaving "this isn't as big as Universal, but it's almost as good". Honestly, I think my jaw hit the dirt because I couldn't believe she could even compare the two. But it also made me wonder why I spent thousands trucking them down to Fl and buying passes! :confused3 She's not 4 or 5, she's 11, and a veteran of both WDW and UO. But for her a day dedicated to wandering around a fun place with the family, eating some junk food and enjoying the sun was absolutely great. :goodvibes

See you around, I hope!
Kings Island is awesome. We typically buy annual passes because we are in Cincy so often for Reds games. I would recommend not visiting on the weekend. Wednesdays and Thursdays used to be their slowest days but most weekdays are pretty evenly populated.

I also recommend Great Wolf Lodge, which is next door. They are pretty expensive but they run mid-week specials all the time where you can stay for under $150 including water park passes. Be sure to budget for the add-ons like Magiquest, arcade, and mini golf, though.


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