The call of the Dark Side is strong...

I remember gong to kings island as a child. I remember going on the first inverted (I think that's what it's called) coaster built. I think it was called the bat. Looks of good memories of that place and if kennywood in Pittsburgh. Love the old wooden coasters! Last time I went to kennywood they had just built the fastest steel coaster, at that time, I think it was called the phantom. Once my kids are old enough we will be taking a trip to cedar point. I'm a coaster junkie!
Don't know if u know this but if you were able to go in the middle of August you could stay at cabana bay resort with the stay more save more discount for $119 a night (plus tax). Also through undercover tourist u can get park hopper tickets with wet and wild tickets that are good for up to 14 days for a little over $200 a person. Even when u add food and transportation to the mix it seems like that would still be well below your original budget if $6000! HTH
Thanks y'all! :hug:

Life has actually taken a very unexpected turn!

Hubs went to Orlando for the interview with PepsiCo. He came home saying he didn't think it would work (for a few reasons) and they probably wouldn't offer him a job. He did mention that the guy who was doing the hiring said that they had a different position (which Hubs said sounded interesting) but the guy made it sound like he would have to do the application/interview process all over again and we just couldn't afford to do that. So, we just figured that God was closing that door and we didn't think any more about it.

Fast forward to Wednesday. Hubs and I both received phone calls from an Orlando number, although no voicemail was left. (My number is the alternate number on his paperwork.) I thought it might be my cousin calling me, so I called back and got an automated "if you know your party's extension.." message from PepsiCo. I mentioned it to Hubs and he tried calling and got the same thing. We both figured it was probably a perfunctory "Thank you for your time but we've decided to go with someone else" message and again just let it go.

And then, there was today. It just so happened that, because our ratio was so low for the holidays, I got off work a little earlier than usual. I was driving to the bank when I got a call from the Orlando number again. Turns out, it was the guy who interviewed Hubs at PepsiCo! I told him that Hubs was working and asked to take a message. He mentioned the other job that he told Hubs about and I said, "yes, he said something about that when he got home". I told him that we were waiting to hear back about the other job before deciding anything and the guy said that they decided to hire someone else for the position he interviewed for BUT that he really thought Hubs would be perfect for this other position. He said Hubs would have more flexibility on his days/times that he worked. He also said that he'd already TOLD HIS BOSS about Hubs and that they really wanted Hubs to put in his application for this specific position!!! :eek:

Now, this kind of blew me away. I mean, the guy mentioned the other position to Hubs and told him that Hubs should apply for it. However, I have never heard of them CALLING him to ask him to PLEASE APPLY and that he has already spoken to his supervisor about Hubs! Wow!

He asked if we were still wanting to move to Orlando and I said to him, "Well, we do but it all depends on what is offered." and he said he totally understood that. I then asked him if Hubs would be expected to fly back to Orlando for another interview and the guy said that once Hub's app went through, his name would be flagged and they would do a phone interview instead of making him fly out again since he has already been interviewed in person.

He then asked if Hubs could call him directly and we worked it out that Hubs would call on Monday. This guy totally made it sound like the job would be his if he wanted it, all he had to do was put in the application! So, maybe God is opening a whole new door??? I don't know! All I know is that my head is spinning!

The crazy thing is.. I hadn't given up our resort reservation yet (still hoping against hope that it would work out) and we were toying with the idea of coming to Florida anyways and just not doing the parks. Relaxing, maybe ride the monorails and do some Downtown Disney to let Buds get his Mickey Mouse fix (he's obsessed!!) and take a trip to the beach one day. Visit with family, that sort of thing. Explore the area more in depth..

I am both excited and nervous and hopeful and totally freaked out! LOL! One of the first things that crossed my mind was, "FLORIDA RESIDENT SEASON PASSES!!!" LOL!
Really sorry to hear you've had to delay things, MrsAbbott. I'm sure you'll find a fun alternative--I remember the day last summer when we took the kids to a local amusement park. (One old wooden coaster, one water slide, a flume ride and the lamest 6-vehicle bumper boats, IIRC...) Dd said as we were leaving "this isn't as big as Universal, but it's almost as good". Honestly, I think my jaw hit the dirt because I couldn't believe she could even compare the two. But it also made me wonder why I spent thousands trucking them down to Fl and buying passes! :confused3 She's not 4 or 5, she's 11, and a veteran of both WDW and UO. But for her a day dedicated to wandering around a fun place with the family, eating some junk food and enjoying the sun was absolutely great. :goodvibes

See you around, I hope!

You know, the kids were disappointed but they were more excited about the idea of just GOING SOMEWHERE AS A FAMILY!! :) We went over different options and ideas and they were excited about any and all of them! I even asked if they would still want to visit Florida even if we didn't do the parks and they were all for it! Their request was that they wanted to check out the pools at the resort more and wanted to go back to the T-rex Café again! LOL!
Kings Island is awesome. We typically buy annual passes because we are in Cincy so often for Reds games. I would recommend not visiting on the weekend. Wednesdays and Thursdays used to be their slowest days but most weekdays are pretty evenly populated.

I also recommend Great Wolf Lodge, which is next door. They are pretty expensive but they run mid-week specials all the time where you can stay for under $150 including water park passes. Be sure to budget for the add-ons like Magiquest, arcade, and mini golf, though.

We got to visit Great Wolf once for a marriage retreat back when Hubs was still in the Army! That place is so awesome!! Expensive, but awesome! We had also considered staying a couple of nights there as well! :) Especially if the weather is still cold around spring break time!
I remember gong to kings island as a child. I remember going on the first inverted (I think that's what it's called) coaster built. I think it was called the bat. Looks of good memories of that place and if kennywood in Pittsburgh. Love the old wooden coasters! Last time I went to kennywood they had just built the fastest steel coaster, at that time, I think it was called the phantom. Once my kids are old enough we will be taking a trip to cedar point. I'm a coaster junkie!

I haven't been to King's Island since high school and have never been to Cedar Point! Cedar Point doesn't open until May, so that option was out! Hubs is a huge coaster junkie too! I think that a couple of the kids are going to take after him on that one too! I don't mind them, although I get sick now that I've gotten so "old"! LOL!

Never heard of Kennywood? Is it sort of like a Dollywood in Tennessee?
Life has actually taken a very unexpected turn!

He then asked if Hubs could call him directly and we worked it out that Hubs would call on Monday. This guy totally made it sound like the job would be his if he wanted it, all he had to do was put in the application! So, maybe God is opening a whole new door??? I don't know! All I know is that my head is spinning!

Wow, exciting stuff! Fingers crossed that everything works out for you guys :goodvibes .
Fingers crossed for you! We have moved cross-country a couple of times on the strength of a job offer--it's pretty exciting, though of course moving to Orlando would be extra exciting!!
So, here is the latest update. Hubs called the guy today and talked to him some more about the job. The pay is actually a little higher than the job posting stated. Hubs would also get a work truck to use when on the job, so there won't be any wear and tear on his truck. Day shift, M-F with the opportunity for overtime.

Here is the thing.. the guy said Hubs needed a "clean driving record". Hubs got a speeding ticket about 2 years ago. That is it, no other tickets (well, he got another speeding ticket about 6 years or more prior to that last one, but our understanding is that they only go back 3 years) and nothing major like reckless driving or DUI or anything at all like that.

I did some research and some things say that clean means absolutely NOTHING on your record and some say that one ticket a long time ago isn't a big deal.

We are waiting to hear back. I was only able to talk to Hubs briefly at work today and he was gone when I got home. I am just so nervous about this! I feel like he will get the job, that the guy doing the hiring really feels like Hubs is the man for the job, but I am afraid that something is going to happen and we will be disappointed! :(
So, here is the latest update. Hubs called the guy today and talked to him some more about the job. The pay is actually a little higher than the job posting stated. Hubs would also get a work truck to use when on the job, so there won't be any wear and tear on his truck. Day shift, M-F with the opportunity for overtime.

Here is the thing.. the guy said Hubs needed a "clean driving record". Hubs got a speeding ticket about 2 years ago. That is it, no other tickets (well, he got another speeding ticket about 6 years or more prior to that last one, but our understanding is that they only go back 3 years) and nothing major like reckless driving or DUI or anything at all like that.

I did some research and some things say that clean means absolutely NOTHING on your record and some say that one ticket a long time ago isn't a big deal.

We are waiting to hear back. I was only able to talk to Hubs briefly at work today and he was gone when I got home. I am just so nervous about this! I feel like he will get the job, that the guy doing the hiring really feels like Hubs is the man for the job, but I am afraid that something is going to happen and we will be disappointed! :(

Fingers crossed and positive vibes being sent your way :goodvibes . Do keep us posted on what happens!
PepsiCo is so STRANGE!!

Hubs was really worried about that ticket being a stumbling block, so we looked up his driving record and it is spotless! Turns out, tickets in neighboring states don't show up on your record unless you don't pay them? At least, in our state they don't. So, Hubs dodged a bullet on that one. That said, there is NOTHING that we can think of that would stand in the way of him being offered a job.

We thought Hubs would get a call on Tuesday for the "phone interview" or whatever. Nothing. And then, Hubs got a call yesterday..

It was a different recruiter/interviewer person from the same office. She said they wanted Hubs to apply for the FIRST position again (Fleet Mechanic) only it would be a second shift position. Hubs was confused and said that wasn't what he had talked to "Mike" about and that Hubs wasn't wanting an evening or night job. I mean, he applied for the day shift fleet mechanic position and it wasn't until he got to Orlando for the interview that they told him that they were really looking for second shift. Never would have applied if the posting had said second shift. They put a posting for second shift on their website and called and asked him to apply for THAT one.. and so he just told her he wasn't interested.

I wasn't sure what that meant. I mean, did that mean they didn't want him for the Cold Vault Mechanic position that "Mike" had called him about and asked him to apply for??

They have a thing where you can check your application status on their website, so I decided to take a look when I got home from work. The day shift fleet mechanic position he applied for originally had a message that the position had been filled. The day shift cold vault mechanic that "Mike" asked him to apply for still said that it was open and he information was being reviewed. But THEN, there was a SECOND day shift fleet mechanic posting.. one that we didn't apply for, that said Hubs was being considered for the position and someone would be in contact with him about it.

So far, we haven't heard anything else today about it. I did do some searching online and I guess it can take WEEKS before Pepsi offers the job and give you a start date.. Nothing to do but wait and attempt to be patient.

(I'm not very good at being patient..)
Well it all sounds promising, anyway!!! If confusing... I have applied for lots of government jobs, and their process is verrrry long. To the point where in one case I was ignored so long I wrote the person who interviewed me and said "thanks for your time, I'm sorry I wasn't successful in the competition" and she called me back as soon as she got the letter and said "we want you! Hasn't HR contacted you yet??" :rotfl:

So, hang in there!!! And it'd be easier to move after the end of the school year anyway. ;)
On a completely different note..

Hubs and I talked it over and we are NOT going to Florida at all over Spring Break. I am letting go of the reservation and, hopefully, I will get part of my deposit back. I think it is early enough that they can find another renter for that week. We considered driving to Florida but just not doing the parks, but it would still go over our revised and much smaller $1000 family vacation budget total.

We decided that we are going to, instead, spend a couple of days at Great Wolf Lodge! Even if the weather is awful, it won't matter because the water park is indoors. We will bring lots of snacks and stuff with us and maybe splurge on some pizza or something. MAYBE do MagiQuest if we can afford it. We are still taking off work that whole week (I am sure that there will be plenty of projects for us to do at home) so we will go midweek and hopefully get a cheaper rate. Going to shop around.
So far, we haven't heard anything else today about it. I did do some searching online and I guess it can take WEEKS before Pepsi offers the job and give you a start date.. Nothing to do but wait and attempt to be patient.

(I'm not very good at being patient..)

Well....they say good things come to those who wait ;) . Maybe there are really, REALLY good things coming your way! :goodvibes

We decided that we are going to, instead, spend a couple of days at Great Wolf Lodge! Even if the weather is awful, it won't matter because the water park is indoors. We will bring lots of snacks and stuff with us and maybe splurge on some pizza or something. MAYBE do MagiQuest if we can afford it. We are still taking off work that whole week (I am sure that there will be plenty of projects for us to do at home) so we will go midweek and hopefully get a cheaper rate. Going to shop around.

Great Wolf Lodge is A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! :cool1: Your kids are the perfect age to enjoy every last feature, too (not that us big kids don't enjoy them, lol....we just look a little weird when we do :rotfl:). We have been 6 (maybe 7?) times to the Niagara Falls location (we were just there before Christmas, in fact) and it never gets old. Such a great place for family fun!
I haven't been to King's Island since high school and have never been to Cedar Point! Cedar Point doesn't open until May, so that option was out! Hubs is a huge coaster junkie too! I think that a couple of the kids are going to take after him on that one too! I don't mind them, although I get sick now that I've gotten so "old"! LOL!

Never heard of Kennywood? Is it sort of like a Dollywood in Tennessee?

I haven't been to Dollywood in a LONG time! Kennywood is a full blown amusement park with a lot of classic wooden coasters. Love those!
Well....they say good things come to those who wait ;) . Maybe there are really, REALLY good things coming your way! :goodvibes

Great Wolf Lodge is A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! :cool1: Your kids are the perfect age to enjoy every last feature, too (not that us big kids don't enjoy them, lol....we just look a little weird when we do :rotfl:). We have been 6 (maybe 7?) times to the Niagara Falls location (we were just there before Christmas, in fact) and it never gets old. Such a great place for family fun!

Hubs has pretty much written off getting a job there and moving to Orlando.. but I haven't quite given up hope just yet.

Hubs and I got to go to Great Wolf Lodge a few years back for FREE! It was a marriage retreat sponsored by the Army. We had a blast!! The kids didn't go with us at the time (Buds wasn't even a twinkle in my Hubs' eye then) and we often talked about how much we would love to take them.

Unfortunately, it is costing more than I thought it would. I signed up awhile back to get their emails and they had a code for "members" and the rates were around $179 a night!! Sounds great, right? Well, the rates shoot up to about $279 a night, even midweek, when we want to go. Spring break and all, I suppose. For two nights, with taxes and fees, it will be over $600. That is about how much our condo in Florida costs for the entire week!!

Hubs now says that maybe we can up our vacation budget to $2000 instead (I'm shooting for $1500) and go ahead and go to Florida. We were planning the cost of gas, food, and possible activities.. Oh how I WISH that we could afford Universal Tickets this time!!

So, I don't have a clue WHAT we are going to do for vacation!
I am happy to say that PepsiCo has OFFERED HUBS THE JOB!!!!!

We weighed the pros and cons and thought it over and decided that he is going to accept! :cool1:

So, basically what happens now is that they will put together the formal offer (which involves paperwork and whatnot) and once that is accepted then they will give him his report date. The recruiter guy told him that the last guy they gave 30 days to move there and stuff, so we are hoping that is what will happen this time as well.

Hubs is going to move before we do. He will hopefully stay with his brother but I'm also looking into monthly rates at extended stay places. Kids and I will go down there during spring break as planned, only instead of vacationing we will be house hunting (renting only right now).

We are going to use our tax returns for moving instead of paying off debt. That is the down side. We also have to get our house ready to rent/sell. Market is sluggish around here right now, so it is a big gamble.

There is SO MUCH TO DO!!!! :eek:


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