The CapElDano Chronicles - Episode 1


<font color=blue>I owe Davy Jones My Soul..</font>
Jun 19, 2006
Ok, I've been hard at work trying to decide what to do for my weekly thread. I got a lot of positive feedback from both the Conversation Corner and the Emporium of the Weird/Unnatural. So, I've decided to combine them with a few other new elements and I've come up with this. The CapElDano Chronicles will basically be a newsletter of sorts based around the wonderful idea of "discusion" which will relate to VMK, Disney, and well whatever sounds like a good topic to talk about. So, without further ado, Cap's Chronicles - Episode 1.

Cap's Emporium of the VMK Weird/Unnatual

This week we're heading over to frontierland, yet again.

So that's where she got those shoes..
In the Frontierland Hub, you will occasionally see a raft to Tom Sawyer's Island pass by in the distance. If you look closely at two of the people in the raft, they look just like.. you guessed it, Haley and Jake. Could this raft possibly be taking them to Haley's unreleased shoe storage facility? Or maybe this is Jake's way of getting from park to park so fast. Either way, it's just another VMK fact, from CapElDaano.

VMK - Would you Rather?
This section is based upon the popular game, Would You Rather. Basically you pick one of the choices and explain why you picked it. Oh and for those of you who have played the game, don't worry, it's 100% appropriate and 100% VMK related. So let's begin

Would you rather..
Have Yavn on your friends list?
Have one piece of furniture in VMK that no one besides testers and you would ever get?

Cap's Conversation Corner
With the upcoming 3rd PotC movie, there is talk of converting Disneyland's Tom Sawyer Island into a Jack Sparrow or Pirates Adventure Island instead. Which do you think would be the best for DLR and explain why.

Well, that about wraps it up for my first issue. Please, please, please send feedback on the new Cap's Chronicles, I love attention and i love feedback on what i write here on the DIS, so send me some feedback that way I'll know what to take out, add or change, thank you.

-CapElDano :thumbsup2
i would rather have one item that nobody else had but testers in VMK. If i could choose the item though.

good first episode i liked it a lot.

you should send these to TiV he might put them in his show.

Alphawazup said:
i would rather have one item that nobody else had but testers in VMK. If i could choose the item though.

good first episode i liked it a lot.

you should send these to TiV he might put them in his show.

I thought about that, but i want to hear some feedback first ;)
I think this is a good idea, Cap :thumbsup2

First, for the "Would You Rather", I'd rather have Yavn on my friends list. The only unreleased items I'd like to have would be pins, so I think it would be more fun to have Yavn on my friends list.

As for the Conversation Corner, I think they need to leave Tom Sawyer's Island the way it is. They already have a pirates ride and they added Jack Sparrow to that (which I think is uneccessary, as well). Now, I am a HUGE fan of the first two movies, but I'm not a huge fan of them changing the attractions. I never have been, because more often than not, the change is not for the better. I hope Tom Sawyer's Island stays.
TiV=Today in VMK

he has a podcast about VMK that anybody can listen to.

Great work cap. I would rather have yavn on my list, because friends matter more than the items in vmk, though if he gave me an unreleased item, I wouldn't say no. ;)
I would have the item since plenty people are on yavn's list heh I want to be the only one heh nice I liked the boat one


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