The Collins Institute for Gifted Youngsters RP

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Alex: Alex laughed again at the boy and smiles, " Nowhere that I know of, I'm so excited to finally learn how to control my powers! It's so annoying having to run away somewhere when they come out. Oh, I'm Alexandria by the way, but you can call me whatever you want." She tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear and sighs crossing her legs.

Jack: Jack opened his eyes and glares at the girl named Alexandria for getting on his nerves." Why is she laughing and smiling so much? Geez." He thinks to himself annoyed. "Can you keep it down over there? Some people really don't want to hear you." He said just as annoyed as he had thought.

Alex: Alex narrowed her eyes at the rude boy, how dare he be so rude to her! What's his problem? Alex decided to voice her thought, "What's your problem? If you don't want to hear me then don't listen and pout in your seat. You don't need to damper everyone else's mood just because you're a sour pants." She wished she hadn't said it, but she couldn't help it! He got on her nerves and he needed to be told, but maybe it was too early in the year to start anything. She turned back tot he boy she was previously talking to and hoped no one would think she was a bad person. " Great way to start the year." She thought to herself.

Jack: Jack rolled his eyes at the silly girl, "Whatever." He goes back to his former position ignoring everyone, especially that silly girl.

Daniel: Daniel smiled at Alexandria, and then watched as she confronted the other boy. He shrugged, frowned and said to her, "Oh, I don't think you'll get anywhere with him. It's a noble cause, but that's just how people like him work. I tried earlier, it didn't work." He smiled again, going back to what she'd said earlier. "Anyway, it would be good to get some control over mine too. As for the running, I got used to it before I even got my powers. I've moved more times than years I've been alive. So, what can you do?"
Sam: She laughed and smiled at all the jokes. She was happy to be heading back to school. Her home life wasn't awful, it was actually pretty good. Nothing tradgic. Just life at this school was awesome.
OOC: Is this set in the Marvel, DC, or our universe. Or is it combined.

OOC: Never thought about it honestly. What do you guys like, or do you care?
Daniel: Daniel smiled at Alexandria, and then watched as she confronted the other boy. He shrugged, frowned and said to her, "Oh, I don't think you'll get anywhere with him. It's a noble cause, but that's just how people like him work. I tried earlier, it didn't work." He smiled again, going back to what she'd said earlier. "Anyway, it would be good to get some control over mine too. As for the running, I got used to it before I even got my powers. I've moved more times than years I've been alive. So, what can you do?"

Alex: Alex nods to him about the boy and smiles at them going back to the earlier topic, she turns from the other girl to look at him while they're speaking. She speaks a little shyly about her powers, " Oh, I can um control the elements. Not really control yet I suppose, I mean fire is easier to control since I've known about it longer, but I should be able to control them all soon. What about you?"
Amelia: Oh Lord, she thought, Avoidance didn't work I guess. Okay, it's okay. Just tell her you name. "I'm Amelia," she mumbled, barely looking at the girl. Okay, good, you told her your name. She'll probably leave you alone now, she thought, looking back down at the floor.

Alex: Alex hears her even though she's mumbled and turns her head towards her making her bangs fall in to her eyes, "Darn things." She says and fixes them across her forehead again and smiles at the girl, "Nice to meet you Amelia, I'm Alexandria. Is this your first year at the school as well or have you been before?
Alex: Alex nods to him about the boy and smiles at them going back to the earlier topic, she turns from the other girl to look at him while they're speaking. She speaks a little shyly about her powers, " Oh, I can um control the elements. Not really control yet I suppose, I mean fire is easier to control since I've known about it longer, but I should be able to control them all soon. What about you?"

Daniel: Daniel smiled even wider at hearing of her awesome powers. "That's cooler than what I can do! I'm just a teleporter! Though it has gotten me into some.......interesting situations before." he said.
Alex: Alex hears her even though she's mumbled and turns her head towards her making her bangs fall in to her eyes, "Darn things." She says and fixes them across her forehead again and smiles at the girl, "Nice to meet you Amelia, I'm Alexandria. Is this your first year at the school as well or have you been before?

Shoot, she thought, can't this girl see I don't want to talk? "This is my first year," she said quickly. Amelia didn't think this girl was so bad. She wasn't opposed to making friends, she was just no good at it. She didn't know how, so she didn't try. She was afraid of people and afraid of being rejected, so she just tried to stay out of the way. Maybe this year could be different...
Daniel: Daniel smiled even wider at hearing of her awesome powers. "That's cooler than what I can do! I'm just a teleporter! Though it has gotten me into some.......interesting situations before." he said.

Alex: Alex grinned at him, "My powers are cool? Yours is so awesome! A teleporter! That's so cool, so you can just go one place to another?" She leans forward in her seat interested in his power," Maybe making friends won't be so hard this year." She thought gladly.
Fairywings said:
OOC: Never thought about it honestly. What do you guys like, or do you care?
I don't really mind. Here are my suggestions.
1.Marvel-Good for the fact of S.H.E.I.D.
2. Our world- Pretend that Marvel and DC movies are stories but we are real heros.
3. Combine whatever we want as we go along-easy and ability to be creative. Downside is people may be confused and think differently but in all still good option.
Shoot, she thought, can't this girl see I don't want to talk? "This is my first year," she said quickly. Amelia didn't think this girl was so bad. She wasn't opposed to making friends, she was just no good at it. She didn't know how, so she didn't try. She was afraid of people and afraid of being rejected, so she just tried to stay out of the way. Maybe this year could be different...

Alex: Alex grins not noticing she isn't wanting to have a conversation," Mine to! I've always went to public schools so the weirdest thing to me is having to wear the uniforms." She laughs at herself and pulls her hair over her left shoulder letting it fall over.
Samantha: She loved hearing about.powers, it was so cool. She sat contently and listened, playing with her light brown hair.

OCC: Sorry no colors on mobile.
Alex: Alex grinned at him, "My powers are cool? Yours is so awesome! A teleporter! That's so cool, so you can just go one place to another?" She leans forward in her seat interested in his power," Maybe making friends won't be so hard this year." She thought gladly.

Daniel: Daniel was happy she actually thought his powers were cool. He was worried his would be the lamest powers, and maybe they would be, but at least someone liked them. "Theoretically, yeah. Of course, I have limits. If I make too far of a "jump" as I call them, then it can wipe me out. And I usually have to be able to see where I'm going, or I can end up in a wall. As you can imagine, I learned both of those through experience." Daniel laughed a little, thinking of his ten year old self testing out his powers. He continued, "Of course, a small jump, like from here to a seat on the other side of the helicopter, is pretty easy and doesn't leave me tired." Daniel seemed to be making friends for once, and this made him really happy.
Samantha: She loved hearing about.powers, it was so cool. She sat contently and listened.

OCC: Sorry no colors on mobile.

OOC: It's okay. Colors are really optional, and you've only got one character so it shouldn't matter much.

I can send the pilot back for others or have a second helicopter if you guys wanna head off to the school.
Fairywings said:
Daniel: Daniel was happy she actually thought his powers were cool. He was worried his would be the lamest powers, and maybe they would be, but at least someone liked them. "Theoretically, yeah. Of course, I have limits. If I make too far of a "jump" as I call them, then it can wipe me out. And I usually have to be able to see where I'm going, or I can end up in a wall. As you can imagine, I learned both of those through experience." Daniel laughed a little, thinking of his ten year old self testing out his powers. He continued, "Of course, a small jump, like from here to a seat on the other side of the helicopter, is pretty easy and doesn't leave me tired." Daniel seemed to be making friends for once, and this made him really happy.

Samantha: She thought teleportation sounded swell. Sam loved travel and free airfare was nice. She asked Daniel, "Hey, if it doesn't take a lot to teleport to a different part of the helicopter, can you show us? Teleportion sounds cool."
Fairywings said:
OOC: It's okay. Colors are really optional, and you've only got one character so it shouldn't matter much.

I can send the pilot back for others or have a second helicopter if you guys wanna head off to the school.

OK cool. And I vote to head off to school! :)
Daniel: Daniel was happy she actually thought his powers were cool. He was worried his would be the lamest powers, and maybe they would be, but at least someone liked them. "Theoretically, yeah. Of course, I have limits. If I make too far of a "jump" as I call them, then it can wipe me out. And I usually have to be able to see where I'm going, or I can end up in a wall. As you can imagine, I learned both of those through experience." Daniel laughed a little, thinking of his ten year old self testing out his powers. He continued, "Of course, a small jump, like from here to a seat on the other side of the helicopter, is pretty easy and doesn't leave me tired." Daniel seemed to be making friends for once, and this made him really happy.

Alex: Alex looked at him in awe, she loved his power! "Oh my goodness your power is so cool! You have to show us when we get to the school or whenever we hang out. I would love to see someone else's power." She said with excitement clear in her voice.
Alex: Alex grins not noticing she isn't wanting to have a conversation," Mine to! I've always went to public schools so the weirdest thing to me is having to wear the uniforms." She laughs at herself and pulls her hair over her left shoulder letting it fall over.

Max: Max heard this part of the conversation and glanced over, just for a moment before turning away again. For one second, Max wanted to tell her all about boarding schools. How half the clothes Max owned were uniforms from boarding schools. How you didn't only go to class with those jerks you hated, you ate your meals with them, you had them in study hall, and sometimes depending on your luck you even slept in the same dorm as them. How in some schools you had houses, and sometimes they were like families, but more often they were like competitive gangs, sometimes even having whole houses fight because one guy insulted another. Max wanted to tell her about the feeling of abandonment, month after month, as her father shuffled her from boarding school to boarding school. But after that one second, Max had come back to her senses, and turned away. It was better not to crush the girl's hopes before they even got there. Anyway, no one on here probably took here seriously, and they definitely wouldn't after their first day in class. Max thought she had to be the youngest on here, she was fourteen and everyone else looked older.
Samantha: She thought teleportation sounded swell. Sam loved travel and free airfare was nice. She asked Daniel, "Hey, if it doesn't take a lot to teleport to a different part of the helicopter, can you show us? Teleportion sounds cool."

OK cool. And I vote to head off to school! :)

Alex: Alex looked at him in awe, she loved his power! "Oh my goodness your power is so cool! You have to show us when we get to the school or whenever we hang out. I would love to see someone else's power." She said with excitement clear in her voice.

Daniel: Daniel looked at them skeptically. "You really wanna see? It's not that cool, but okay." He took a deep breath, picked a seat across the aisle, and willed his body into that seat. He felt his body move as he heard the bang and saw a green and black cloud erupt around him. As it dissipated, Daniel was gone from the seat. He wasnt even in the dimension anymore, he was in a place comparable to a teleporter's Grand Central Station. He could see the seat in front of him and put himself there, appearing in the present. All of this took thirty seconds, maybe a minute at most.

OOC: Okay.
OK cool. And I vote to head off to school! :)

OOc: Ooh same!

Alex: Alex sighed and twisted a strand of her hair getting lost in her thoughts. "I wonder if I'll make any more friends, these people seem really cool even though Amelia and that one girl aren't talking much. Will there be bullies? I'm not good with bullies or jerks, if I lose my temper I might set another fire. Will they give me detention if I accidently set a desk on fire or something? That happened at one of my old schools.
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