The Dirty Dozen – 12 Days of Disney, Drinks & Dining - Updated 2/26

es bonds of our Disney and drinking friendship know no bounds so I'll be sure to do it up right that day. Good news front covid in Florida seems to be trending down finally so all the fingers crossed
Crossing everything! Eyes, legs, fingers and toes here’s hoping those numbers stay down 🤞🤪
Usually Jason steers me clear of any confrontations (cause not gonna lie I love a good argument) but since he wasn't around I could let my sarcasm fly
God I think I like you even more now :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
I have not seen Father Jack but if he says DRINK sounds like Jason's kinda guy.

Yes bonds of our Disney and drinking friendship know no bounds so I'll be sure to do it up right that day. Good news front covid in Florida seems to be trending down finally so all the fingers crossed

I had not heard that but it sounds absolutely miserable. Not the ride you wanna be stuck on.

I had to laugh at it because it was so absurd. Now I probably should not have gotten in line before I'd got the order ready but I figured I had nothing better to do so why not.

I didn't realize your trip was the same time as ours. Hope you enjoy The Plaza. Any chance you are going to the Boo Bash on the 19th? That is the only park time we have planned

I couldn't tell ya because she is afraid to take it in the rain so we haven't even tried it yet. They did tell us it had to stay dry for the first 2 hours but guess seems to have extended that timeline to 2 months

Thanks! Jason got that for me last year for my bday as it seems like the perfect covid sentiment. Sadly it got a bit worn from my purse strap so it probably only has one good wear in it.

It was so perfect. Disney Karma was certainly on our side all the way around.

It will be Christmas before you know it!

:rotfl: I figure at least if I can play some role I'll take it. After spending the last 18 months together the already tight Casey and Jason are now virtually inseparable. Knew I should have had another kid :earboy2:

My treat if you promise to walk around MK all day like Jason did :D

I have no idea. This one was so random. Usually Jason steers me clear of any confrontations (cause not gonna lie I love a good argument) but since he wasn't around I could let my sarcasm fly

It really would have been good with just the beef and au jus. Certainly hit the spot.

Solid is definitely the right word for it. I actually prefer Liberty Tree but because they did away with the a la carte menu its back to the Plaza or Skippers for us

Must be nice to be the favorite :earboy2: Casey used to only want to ride the things that scared her with me but since nothing scares her anymore (or she won't ride what does) its all Daddy all day. Though she does like to ride by herself sometimestoo

Your fear should be she is subscribed to my youtube channel so she'll see that Casey got one :rotfl:

Thanks Sue! It really was great day and trip. We certainly lucked into the right time to go. Even if we're a bunch of Karen's :rotfl:

Oh no!!! So sorry you can't get there but glad I can bring you a little Disney food joy. I thought they had opened the borders back up. Are they closed again?
You can fly into the States, but no driving. So many testing requirements though—pre arrival, three days before flight home. Testing at airport upon arrival. Then there is the worry of testing positive before coming home and having to quarantine down at WDW and not being able to fly until receiving a negative test. Lots of headaches. Until testing requirements change, we are stuck.
I'm so happy to hear a good review from the Plaza. It used to be my go-to but then they changed the burger and ditched the thick steak fries for the skinny fast food fries and I have been holding a food grudge. Perhaps time to give it another try. Dining options in the MK really are generally lackluster. It's such a shame. I agree with you that Skipper's Canteen is my current fave. Hope you're having a great Labor Day weekend!
Yes, we will be at that Boo Bash! :cheer2: I'm not really sure that I'm going to do anything costume either. The one year we did the Halloween party in October it was sweltering awful hot in a costume. I bought my daughter some surprise cat ears from Etsy, so she will be cat themed.
Where are you guys staying?


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So excited to see one of your dining reviews again! I have always loved reading them and I especially love your reference to Dazed and Confused . . . A favorite movie of mine. We are hoping to snag a Plaza ADR in November when we head back. Looking forward to the rest of your trip!
Overall this was a solid trip to The Plaza. We were in and out in about 45 minutes, our service was great (shout out to Aura), the comfort food hit the spot, and it was the perfect mid-day break.

I've always liked The Plaza, but I like it a little less now that they got rid of my FGT sandwich. And sadly, I have to agree with you about MK food now…they even changed my beloved Peco Bill's salad and it was honestly disgusting 🤢

Where Casey rode with Jason and told me that Daddy is for riding and I’m for sharing dinner.


Somewhere along the way Casey randomly wanted a parasol and what does a guilt ridden mother whose only child has been stuck at home for 15 months in a global pandemic do?

That's adorable :goodvibes

And boy am I glad I did because without that parasol this couldn’t have happened.

Oh, my! So nice to see Jason enjoying that parasol! :rotfl2:

Before departing we had one last requirement for our best day ever, any guesses?

I mean if the ears fit…

Of course! She should be the Dole Whip advertisement…perfect :thumbsup2

Random aside I had mobile ordered the dole whip and Sunshine Tree Terrace was packed. I hadn’t gotten a notice that my order was ready yet but jumped in a line anyway hoping it would be by the time I got to the front. The ladies behind me asked if I had gotten my notification yet and when I said no they insisted on going in front of me. Um no. At this point I was promptly called a Karen to which I said no my name was Kari and did I know them. 🙄 Somewhere in the universe karma was shining down on me because whose order was ready in the exact line she was in before she got to the counter. You guessed it…Karen

That's super rude of them and frankly none of their business whether or not you got your notification. What a weird interaction :confused3
Oh she saw it already!!!! She said she wanted to get one so Andy could do the same thing....
:rotfl:Make sure Andy knows it was Gwen's idea not mine.

Crossing everything! Eyes, legs, fingers and toes here’s hoping those numbers stay down 🤞🤪
Keep on crossing. Latest numbers are looking optimistic

God I think I like you even more now :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Is that even possible :D

You can fly into the States, but no driving. So many testing requirements though—pre arrival, three days before flight home. Testing at airport upon arrival. Then there is the worry of testing positive before coming home and having to quarantine down at WDW and not being able to fly until receiving a negative test. Lots of headaches. Until testing requirements change, we are stuck.
That completely makes sense. Good to know that the option is there, but it sounds like the bureaucracy around it is an absolute nightmare.

'm so happy to hear a good review from the Plaza. It used to be my go-to but then they changed the burger and ditched the thick steak fries for the skinny fast food fries and I have been holding a food grudge.
I'm gonna have to steal the food grudge saying. Don't think I've heard that one before and I love it. Though I'm so with you on the Plaza fries. I still miss their tomato soup and grilled cheese too. Those were always my favorites.

Yes, we will be at that Boo Bash! :cheer2: I'm not really sure that I'm going to do anything costume either. The one year we did the Halloween party in October it was sweltering awful hot in a costume. I bought my daughter some surprise cat ears from Etsy, so she will be cat themed.
Where are you guys staying?
Awesome!!! Please say hi if you see us. Casey would love to meet another 10 year old.

Love her ears. Those are adorable. We'll have costumes but they aren't over the top so we shouldn't be hot in them. Casey has been planning hers since July so I'm hopeful she actually gets to wear it.

We are staying at Wildness Lodge. How about you all?

So excited to see one of your dining reviews again! I have always loved reading them and I especially love your reference to Dazed and Confused . . . A favorite movie of mine. We are hoping to snag a Plaza ADR in November when we head back. Looking forward to the rest of your trip!

've always liked The Plaza, but I like it a little less now that they got rid of my FGT sandwich. And sadly, I have to agree with you about MK food now…they even changed my beloved Peco Bill's salad and it was honestly disgusting 🤢
Ok now they can change fries at The Plaza and go back to Thanksgiving at Liberty tree. But NOT THE PECOS BILL SALAD!!!

Oh, my! So nice to see Jason enjoying that parasol! :rotfl2:
Wasn't it nice of me to buy that for him. I figure he was such a good boy during the pandemic too he deserved one.

Of course! She should be the Dole Whip advertisement…perfect :thumbsup2
For our triumphant return to Disney World we could not have scripted a better day. The crowd levels were low, the heat tolerable, and we could pretty much ride everything to our hearts content. We had hit the sweet spot before the July crowds came in and covid raged its ugly head again. This was the least crowded day of the trip and rope drop would get reinstated before we left, but man oh man it felt good to be home.
So happy for you that you had such a perfect day! That "I'm home" feeling is the best ever! :)
We are staying at Wildness Lodge. How about you all?
Yay! Track the numbers through the Mayo Clinic Covid Map. They are slowly but surely decreasing! :) So exciting that you are at the Lodge! Be sure to say hi to my beloved Geyser Point for me!
It better happen or else I think my travel agent is going to drop me 😬
:P I don't think so but she may take it upon herself to rebook you when she's there whether you like it or not!
63331962, member: 291374"]
And boy am I glad I did because without that parasol this couldn’t have happened.
Perfection lol
We are staying at Wildness Lodge. How about you all?
Loving all your reviews, trying to catch up since we just returned about 1 week ago!
I’m excited you are heading back for the Boo Bash, we did the one on 8/31 and really enjoyed it! Very low crowds and loads of candy 🍭
I’m glad you enjoyed the Plaza, we haven’t been in quite sometime.
Yay! Track the numbers through the Mayo Clinic Covid Map. They are slowly but surely decreasing! :) So exciting that you are at the Lodge! Be sure to say hi to my beloved Geyser Point for me!
Those numbers are certainly looking much better. I look at about every data source out there and all signs point to promising. I will be sure to tell the point hi for you!

:P I don't think so but she may take it upon herself to rebook you when she's there whether you like it or not!
:rotfl: Lucky for her we are definitely going

Somehow I missed this TR....have to go back and read it all...but happy you got to go back!!
Hi Kathy! Thanks for jumping in

Loving all your reviews, trying to catch up since we just returned about 1 week ago!
I’m excited you are heading back for the Boo Bash, we did the one on 8/31 and really enjoyed it! Very low crowds and loads of candy 🍭
I’m glad you enjoyed the Plaza, we haven’t been in quite sometime.
Hope you and Andi had a great time. I'm excited for the boo bash and low crowds in general. We actually contemplated going for a week instead of a long weekend since the crowds are so low but had some grown up bills to pay so figured that may not have been our best decision.
We probably kept the charade up for just a bit too long as it wasn’t until we walked out of the airport that months of surprise was finally unveiled.

I love this!!! I did this with my DD when she was about that age and the surprise is priceless.

Enjoying living (and dining) vicariously with your TR...
She's Gonna Explode

To cap off the best day ever we fittingly had a reservation at one of the best restaurants ever: Sanaa. This has long been a favorite of ours largely due to one menu item alone…. Bread Service (shocking I know). Seriously if could eat only one thing in Disney this may well be it. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

We arrived a little early and spent some time scoping out the savanna.

Soon enough we were seated and Casey commented that she loves that you always feel comfortable in a Disney restaurant even if its fancy or you haven’t been there before. ❤ that kid of mine.

Speaking of said child in the beverage department she ordered a No Jito which is Lime Juice, Pure Cane Sugar, and Mint topped with Soda Water.

She loved it because you can pretty much guarantee Casey will love anything that contains pure sugar.

Jason needed some Yes in his Jito so he got the Whiskey Breeze, with Jack Beam Black Extra-aged Bourbon, Cointreau, and Lime Juice with flavors of Guava and Mango.

I don’t love Whiskey but this was really good. It was nicely balanced with just a hint of citrus and smokiness but thankfully it wasn’t too sweet. I would definitely order this for myself.

Boring old me just got a Pinot Noir.

It tasted like Pinot Noir.

But moving on to the not boring department we of course started with the Bread Service.
Yes Oprah, we all do.

Up first is the glorious bread. We always order this with regular naan vs. all of the flavored ones so the bread doesn’t overwhelm the sauces.

Speaking of sauces I will spare you listing them all out but my favorites were the garlic pickle and the spicy pickle. I don’t recall loving these as much previously but I guess I was pretty pickled today 🥒

And for anyone keeping score at home Casey’s favorite was the Tamarind Chutney.

We had heard that there was a secret 10th sauce you could order so of course we had to go that route. I didn’t catch what it was called so we’ll go with Valley of Death.

This was so crazy spicy I could only eat a tiny bit. Someone else should have done the same but could not help themselves. Any guesses?

He was literally sweating from this stuff.

This was as close to the secret spicy 10th sauce that Casey choose to get.

After all that bread I’m not really sure we needed anything else, but feeling compelled Casey and I shared the Fish of the Day which was Salmon served with Yellow Rice, Sukama Wiki, and Citrus Butter.

This was unquestionably the best entrée I’ve ever had at Sanaa. The salmon was cooked a perfect medium rare and was accented well by the citrus butter and just a hint of cinnamon. The Sukama Wiki, which was collard greens and tomatoes, was absolutely divine with just a hint of spice and turmeric flavor. As good as the salmon was I would have been happy with just the greens.

Jason ordered the African-inspired Biryani with Chicken

Like my dish Jason said he didn’t even need the chicken because the rice was the real star. He of course ate said chicken, which was a bit dry, but he didn’t care because the aromatic and flavorful rice was perfect.

At some point we called Uncle but the damage was already done. Jason said he was so full he could feel it in his chest. Not to be out done by her father Casey declared that her brace (which she wears for scoliosis) may explode. So Sanaa is a great spot with fabulous food, but consider yourself warned in the explosion department.

Despite all of this we still ordered some dessert to go

This is the African Triple chocolate mousse with Nyangbo Dark Chocolate from Ghana, Tanariva Milk Chocolate from Madagascar, Orelys Blond Chocolate, Chocolate Almond Biscuit, and Strawberries. This looked and sounded divine but in the end was pretty blah. The flavors were all a bit muted and the strawberries ended up overpowering the chocolate flavor. But did I mention we loved the bread?

Up next, we rise but do we resist?
You are so lucky to have a kid that will eat all the things. My daughter is 15 and is getting more adventurous with age, but my 18 year old son still eats like a toddler.

The bread service is the you I always order an entree and often wish I hadn't...because that bread is really all you need lol
Your meal sounds amazing. We’ve never been to Sanaa but I’d love it! Unfortunately I’m the only one in my family that would love it so I’ll probably never get to taste the awesomeness that is the bread service. Jason’s expression on sampling sauce number 10 is priceless :rotfl:
Casey is a true champ and I’m so glad she didn’t explode! She is getting so grown up and wears that brace with style. Always smiling :love:
Sanaa is a favorite here too - gimme drinks, spicy food and exotic animal watching and I'm camping for a while. Well, until they kick me out.
I agree with Casey ... Disney restaurants are the best. And Sanaa is one of the best of the best. Like you and Oprah, I love bread and that bread service is sooooo good. I am impressed you tried the 10th sauce. I sweat just thinking about it but I'm a mild to medium spice kind of person. Very fitting end to the best day ever!


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