The DIS Dad's Club XII: Oh... There You Are Perry!

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Ok, so we just moved to a new city and state. My son and I were involved in Cub Scouts last year (Tiger/Bobcat) and I was Asst. Den Leader. Almost all Dad led...camping, woodworking, carpentry etc.
At his new school/pack/ seems to be all mom led??? I went to the first den mtg...we wore our uniforms as we were used to. It was about 6 moms and a couple of high schools girls leading the den mtg of about 12 boys. We were the only ones in scout apparel. There did not seem to be much personal interaction with the boys, just rotating them through stations to "accomplish" activities. I tried to hang back (to see how they did things/ don't want to step on any toes).
I was very disappointed....not with the moms, I'm glad they were leading. Where are the dads? My son also plays football and almost every dad is there for every practice T/Th 5:30-6:30 and games on Sat. Not one other dad bothered to take his son to scouts on a sunday afternoon!?
What are y'alls thoughts?
I am more than happy to try to help the den, but not real comfortable being the only dad. I'm also not sure all the Leaders/helper s are certified/youth protection etc.(high school girls) I can do alot of the activities with my son outside of the meetings, but this so different than we were used to.

Any scouting DisDads...advice?
Thanks for the chance to vent.

I would do what you did. Sit back for a meeting or two at the most. I also would find out who your district director is and speak with him. Ask questions but don't say, "well we did it this way." So ask questions and make suggestions. See how the pack meetings are. If they are just the same then I would defiantly talk to the district director. They should, but may not be aware of the situation. My oldest boy joined as a tiger last year. I became his den leader. Now this year my youngest son is in it. I am his den leader. My wife is our older sons leader. I have also now become the Cubmaster. There was lots of unorganization and we haven't been a quality pack for the last several years. I hope to change that. I talked with our district director and he knew a little bit about how things were going but not all of it. We were actually losing scouts to the unorganization. Also you may want to talk to your charter organization and see what they have to say.
I try to be involved and hands on with mine as much as I can (though he recently broke my heart by saying he "doesn't like fishing"--but that's OK, he's his own person:lmao:)

Buck up little camper, you'll always have Father/Son cricket wrangling to look back on!:lmao::rotfl2:

As long as he still likes soccer I get the feeling the two of you will do just fine. (hopefully he'll have his mom's ankle strength)
just in case your keeping track, i have 3days,10 hours , 15 min. to go till we are on our way!!!:woohoo:
Having a potluck at work today so I decided to go Gourmet and made this...that my brothers is a Corndog Pizza!!!

I married an Italian girl whose family originated from Naples (the birthplace of pizza), so mine is definitely a jaundiced view.

But, that pizza is just so wrong. It probably tasted great, though.

I used to run Pioneer, until I bit the bullet and tried out a Harmon Kardon after very extensive research. The sound was so much better and full-sounding - I am hooked. Keep in mind, when looking at specs for the Pioneer's compared to HK - the HK's are much more efficient with power delivery so a lower wattage HK matches up with with a higher rated Pioneer. (ie. a 100w per channel Pioneer would be comparable to a 75w per channel HK.) I had to hear it to believe it. :wizard:

A great place to get all the info you would ever want (and a lot more) is at

I too love HK - unfortunately, the pocket book couldn't quite afford it this time around.

I run two separate Home theater setup's in my house. I had the Pany upstairs that croaked...and downstairs I have an Onkyo 608 system. My Onkyo rocks!

Another reason why I went with the Pioneer....It has an A/B speaker switch built in!! Many of the newer receivers these days only have "zone 2" which will only play analog signals. This is important for us since we have a set of outdoor speakers hooked up to the upstairs setup. Also this Pioneer model has apple's airplay technology which will allow me to stream from any iOS device or my Mac's itunes to the receiver.

I'm looking forward to the updated technology and HDMI switching for that matter.
I could use some of Fed's happy pills today. My hip is about 3 shades of purple, blue and black today.:headache: I had a softball game last night and I play first base. I was one of the last batters the prior inning, and we had the 3B dugout, so I just stayed to coach first. I was talking to a guy on the other team when another player walked by me carrying a bat. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain on my hip. I thought the guy who walked by hit me with the bat. Just as I'm starting to turn around to say something I see a softball on the ground near me. About that time their second baseman starts apologizing and I hear somebody in the dugout say "Holy $@&%, what did that hit? It sounded like it hit a wall!" It hurt like Beverly, but after hearing that I wasn't about to let on that it hurt. I just picked the ball up and tossed it back to the guy.... then I went home and got the ice out.:lmao::rotfl2: We won the game, but it probably helped that they had Chuck Knoblauch playing 2B.:rotfl2:

geez, havnt been on for a few hours and the place goes nuts.
That's because you weren't around to kill the thread.

in fact the owner of the dance studio wants me to come back next year to usher. what a shame,all those kids and they cant find one father to take my place.:sad2:
Don't look at it as they can't find another father willing to do it. Look at it from the perspective that she's telling you that you can't be replaced! :thumbsup2

(hopefully he'll have his mom's ankle strength)
I run two separate Home theater setup's in my house. I had the Pany upstairs that croaked...and downstairs I have an Onkyo 608 system. My Onkyo rocks!

I had a nice home theater in my single days. I upgraded different components but after 11 years of marriage, there is not much left. I still have an Onkyo receiver and agree with you, it had a lot of power. I did have a set of 12" Cerwin-Vega speakers and my Onkyo pushed them hard. I upgraded to the Bose 5 speaker (Subwoofer) system, but not nearly good as the CVs. Now, it mostly sits upstairs unused.
I had a nice home theater in my single days. I upgraded different components but after 11 years of marriage, there is not much left. I still have an Onkyo receiver and agree with you, it had a lot of power. I did have a set of 12" Cerwin-Vega speakers and my Onkyo pushed them hard. I upgraded to the Bose 5 speaker (Subwoofer) system, but not nearly good as the CVs. Now, it mostly sits upstairs unused.

CV's thump! In my single days I could only hope to have CV's....I had some hand-me-down Fisher 15"s! They did the job for a while.

Now my upstairs consists of all Polk Audio speakers and the downstairs is all Onkyo. It's probably the best sounding HTIaB I have heard!
CV's thump! In my single days I could only hope to have CV's....I had some hand-me-down Fisher 15"s! They did the job for a while.

Now my upstairs consists of all Polk Audio speakers and the downstairs is all Onkyo. It's probably the best sounding HTIaB I have heard!

I checked out Polk and really liked them. I think DW wanted Bose and since she was letting me buy speakers, I was willing to take her up on that offer. But, nothing still beats the CVs.
I had a nice home theater in my single days. I upgraded different components but after 11 years of marriage, there is not much left. I still have an Onkyo receiver and agree with you, it had a lot of power. I did have a set of 12" Cerwin-Vega speakers and my Onkyo pushed them hard. I upgraded to the Bose 5 speaker (Subwoofer) system, but not nearly good as the CVs. Now, it mostly sits upstairs unused.

BOSE... ugh. Would you really call that an 'upgrade'? LOL
BOSE... ugh. Would you really call that an 'upgrade'? LOL

Kinda. Since I actually damaged one (despite the fuse protection) it was an upgrade at the time. I popped so many fuses with them over the years. The good ole days.
Having a potluck at work today so I decided to go Gourmet and made this...that my brothers is a Corndog Pizza!!!

Nice - love the mickey pizza holder thingie.

anyone hear from aaron???? i seen he was having internet problems. just wondered how his trip was going?

He posted a pic on the Princess thread

Can't believe it took me this long to find you !

I am from Southern NB, Canada, and have a DW, DS (17) and a DD (12).

We are going next Sunday. :cool1: I am the planner in the family and this is our 4th trip. We've done Christmas :santa: (my favourite), Summer (HOT) and early fall (still Hot).

My son is a horror show freak. I thought aboyt taking him too MNSSHP (done that b4 as well), but somehow he found out about HHN. Guess where we are going? ;)

He's graduatung, I am 40 and feel 60 (darn arthritis). Love to golf, but only get out occassionally. Daughter is in that " Daddy can I have..." stage. (I will resist, I will resist, I will resist..I never resist ) Easier toi give in then deal with demon daughter. :littleangel:

Hope to be able to join the club!


:welcome: Chris.

just in case your keeping track, i have 3days,10 hours , 15 min. to go till we are on our way!!!:woohoo:

Saves me the math time - cause I really was keeping track for you. ;)
wow, i hope it covers the treatments for you completely. maybe its a network, out of network thing your looking at? tammys had the one time, stereotactic treatment. we were at the hospital all day. we got there a 6am, they did a cat scan first, than an mri. then they bolted, when i say bolted i mean bolted a halo looking thing on her head. her treatment lasted about 15 min. they billed my insurance company $65,000. my insurance paid $8600. and they took it as payment in full. :confused3 im not complaining but i just dont get it. im sure the hospital knows how much my insurance company is going to pay for the treatment. they know my insurance pays all but $150.00 for an mri and collects that before every mri. ehich i dont have a problem with that but if you know the insurance company only pays $8600, why bill for $65,000.:confused3 the dentist does the same thing. we need a pre auth. for mris so we always know we are covered before going into it, same way with her treatment, we had a pre auth. so we knew it would only cost me $150 for the mri. im sure they will let you know monday how your insurance works before they do anything. good luck mike!! will be keeping you guys in our prayers!! :thumbsup2

Dave ~ I talked to our HR person today and she thinks we shouldn't have to pay anything, except copays, once Inez meets her $2000 deductible, which she should have by now. I sure hope so! St. Luke's and UHC are still battling it out over who has to pay for a $6500 MRI when she had the dye injected a few months back. The losers in this one could be us since we received a bill for it. This one is unbelievable! She was in the machine; already had an MRI of her neck. The girl working the MRI came out and told her they noticed something odd and wanted to inject dye and do another scan. She checked with billing and they thought it wouldn't be a problem. The did another scan with the dye and now we are getting the bill. They are paying for the first scan but no the one with the dye. My HR person thinks that shouldn't be a problem either. I'm hopeful, again! Off to the radiologist Monday morning.

Welcome New Dads!
Can't believe it took me this long to find you !

I am from Southern NB, Canada, and have a DW, DS (17) and a DD (12).

We are going next Sunday. :cool1: I am the planner in the family and this is our 4th trip. We've done Christmas :santa: (my favourite), Summer (HOT) and early fall (still Hot).

My son is a horror show freak. I thought aboyt taking him too MNSSHP (done that b4 as well), but somehow he found out about HHN. Guess where we are going? ;)

He's graduatung, I am 40 and feel 60 (darn arthritis). Love to golf, but only get out occassionally. Daughter is in that " Daddy can I have..." stage. (I will resist, I will resist, I will resist..I never resist ) Easier toi give in then deal with demon daughter. :littleangel:

Hope to be able to join the club!


Welcome aboard Chris ( We are going to have to start numbering our Chrises there are so many of them!!!) You are going to love HHN...wife and i did that before the kdis came along and LOVED it! I can't wait until they are old enough so that we can go back! Amazing is all I can say!!!
Dave ~ I talked to our HR person today and she thinks we shouldn't have to pay anything, except copays, once Inez meets her $2000 deductible, which she should have by now. I sure hope so! St. Luke's and UHC are still battling it out over who has to pay for a $6500 MRI when she had the dye injected a few months back. The losers in this one could be us since we received a bill for it. This one is unbelievable! She was in the machine; already had an MRI of her neck. The girl working the MRI came out and told her they noticed something odd and wanted to inject dye and do another scan. She checked with billing and they thought it wouldn't be a problem. The did another scan with the dye and now we are getting the bill. They are paying for the first scan but no the one with the dye. My HR person thinks that shouldn't be a problem either. I'm hopeful, again! Off to the radiologist Monday morning.

Welcome New Dads!

:eek: wow!! im no doctor, but tammy always gets the inhansing dye. they put her in the machine for series of knocking and banging as she calls it.:lmao: they pull her back out and shoot the dye and stick her back in for another round. the only thing is she has to go for blood work for the dye. unless theres different dyes. whats odd is she needs a presciption for an mri.and for the inhansing dye. tammy one time asked if there was anything on the scan when she was done, the girl said she wasnt a doctor and not qualified to read an mri, that tammy had to direct her questions to the doctor. tammys doctor takes us into a room with some computers in it and he shows us her mris. once he points out what your looking at, there like looking at a black and white picture. they are pretty cool, its amazing what they can see. we can see her old tumor and what it looked like before and after.
Welcome aboard Chris ( We are going to have to start numbering our Chrises there are so many of them!!!) You are going to love HHN...wife and i did that before the kdis came along and LOVED it! I can't wait until they are old enough so that we can go back! Amazing is all I can say!!!

hi steve!!!!
Dave ~ I talked to our HR person today and she thinks we shouldn't have to pay anything, except copays, once Inez meets her $2000 deductible, which she should have by now. I sure hope so! St. Luke's and UHC are still battling it out over who has to pay for a $6500 MRI when she had the dye injected a few months back. The losers in this one could be us since we received a bill for it. This one is unbelievable! She was in the machine; already had an MRI of her neck. The girl working the MRI came out and told her they noticed something odd and wanted to inject dye and do another scan. She checked with billing and they thought it wouldn't be a problem. The did another scan with the dye and now we are getting the bill. They are paying for the first scan but no the one with the dye. My HR person thinks that shouldn't be a problem either. I'm hopeful, again! Off to the radiologist Monday morning.

Welcome New Dads!

here ya go, her presciptions say mri orbits/face/neck with and without contrast. contrast is the dye. i was trying to think what they call it. but she always has to have blood work done before the mri because of the dye. i think they look at creatinine levels??? than inez probably had so much blood work done, maybe they checked that already. i think tammy has to go for the blood work within 2 weeks or so of the mri.
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