The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

So I found this article when I was cleaning on one of those bad days that it was too wicked to go out and walk. I think it was from a magazine in the summer time but the walking guide will remain the same. I actually do this - increase my speed for a bit then go back for normal speed. Some days I actually get in a little jog when I am walking (usually when I think I am running behind schedule and need to get somewhere in a hurry . :dogdance::dancer:
I have to have music when I walk otherwise I find my walks boring (guess it is time to take off the Christmas music and put back my regular tunes) :music:

IMG_20190202_0001 walking.jpg
So I finally got back on the scales (try not to torture myself with ups and downs all the time), and 5 pounds gone in January. (I don't say lost, I don't want them to find their way back!). I'm learning just to try and make small changes whenever possible/reasonable, so I don't deprive myself and beat myself up when I make old choices...

Congrats on the 5lbs!!

I am having a rest day today so far although my husband and I might end up at the gym tonight to watch the Jets game. I have no planned workout in mind so will have to come up with something. It’s also cheat day today. Can’t complain about this Saturday. :)

Tomorrow I have an one hour trial session booked with a trainer so that should be a good workout.
I'll be doing my afternoon walk while watching the Valentines movies on Slice channel. The Notebook is on at 4pm est if anyone is in need of a good cry. (love that movie)

It's still snowing in this "coldest, snowiest" Capital. I'm thinking that treadmill is the best investment I've made in a while.
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I have not been feeling well all weekend, not sure why! I did shovel this morning. Doesn't really look like it any more, but there is also freezing rain so I did want some snow under that, don't like it to be a sheet of ice.

Wishing I could afford a treadmill, and have a place for it! My birthday is next week and my parents gave me money which is great but I have no idea what to use it on! Normally I buy the stuff we need. But this is just for me... I'm not used to that. Maybe I will save it and buy some new clothes in the spring? I'll need sandals this summer I'm sure. I can't think of anything I need. They normally give me a gift card for somewhere but this time it was just cash. I'll have to think on it I guess.

I hope kiddo doesn't give me a hard time at bed time so I can get to bed early. Can't believe the weekend is almost over!
It is currently 7 and partly sunny here!
Just lovely.......
I cry everytime I watch the Notebook.

Send that warm weather this way.

I'm always glad when the weekend is over and I get the house back to myself. I can get things done around here then.

@hdrolfe hope you get a good nights sleep tonight. I always feel better when I've had a good night and I haven't had one of those this weekend. DS3 drama (work/school related), we never stop worrying. I think I've finally come to a place where I can let it go and know he will deal with it and it will all work out in the end (as it should).
Sometimes stress can make us sick and also affect our sleep.....................
Son #1 still no job on the horizon.............................................:headache:
I have been coming to terms with a mistake I made re DVC (Disney Vacation Club) timeshare and finally decided to bite the bullet and admit it to myself. I really do not enjoy staying at AKV and wish that I had never bought a small point contract there last year. I gave it an honest retry this past Jan and yep I don't want to stay there. I am sure lots of people love it.(sorry son #3 who loves AKV).
So I listed the contract and sold it in a day. I may at some point add on a small OKW (Old Key West ) contract as I love staying there and my other 3 contracts are there,,easier to combine points too.

Take time for you ladies,,Hugs
~~~~~Warm weather being sent your way~~
Check in: Week 3!

Activity: It was cold this week. Really stinkin cold. Like, not safe to be outside long, let alone take leisurely family walks. So much less walking this week, but that’s okay.
Distance: 52.7km
Steps: 57 233
Calories burned: 3912

Nutrition: I planned to make a pot of turkey chili last week, but i ended up not. We still ate at home every night, but not quite the plan. I also baked two cakes :rotfl: in my defense, the first one (blueberry) sucked and i took the second one (strawberry lemonade) to dinner with my in laws. but still.
Food highlights: the strawberry lemonade cake was delicious! one night i made a roast and properly portioned it out instead of guessing. most stuff i eyeball pretty well, but not roast—I was waaaaaaay overestimating.

Goals for next week:
Activity: I would love to average 10 km per day one week (goal carried over from last week), but with more cold coming, it won’t be this week! My goal for this week is to just find smaller ways to move around my apartment/work and try to aim for 50 km minimum.
Nutrition: making that turkey chili i planned for last week!

so this week is kind of a do over. last week wasn’t a total bust, but it’s so much harder to be active and cook nutritious food when it’s freezing!
Sometimes stress can make us sick and also affect our sleep.....................
Son #1 still no job on the horizon.............................................:headache:
I have been coming to terms with a mistake I made re DVC (Disney Vacation Club) timeshare and finally decided to bite the bullet and admit it to myself. I really do not enjoy staying at AKV and wish that I had never bought a small point contract there last year. I gave it an honest retry this past Jan and yep I don't want to stay there. I am sure lots of people love it.(sorry son #3 who loves AKV).
So I listed the contract and sold it in a day. I may at some point add on a small OKW (Old Key West ) contract as I love staying there and my other 3 contracts are there,,easier to combine points too.

it sucks that you didn’t care for AKV. can i ask you about dvc? where do you buy/sell contracts? why do you have multiple small ones? i’d love to hear any details you want to share. i’m so curious about dvc but i know basically nothing
Great weeks report marchingstar. You inspire me to do more.

As I was walking this morning in the drizzly cold. I was looking at the snow at my feet and thinking it looked an awful lot like a sandy beach. All the sand they put on the snow last week makes it that nice pale sand colour. Walking was like walking on a sandy beach because they are not doing the best job clearing it all away this year. Try as I might to indulge my fantasy it didn't quite work. (I so need a vacations somewhere warm)

All in my week this past week was pretty productive. Got on the treadmill 2x each day for 1.5 miles each time. Walk the dog 1 km outside each day. Works out to about 40km per week. I've only had two pops this past week and have cut my portions back at mealtime. Snacking has been an apple mid afternoon and the water intake is on the rise.

How is everyone else doing? Reports please.:tiptoe:
Reporting in...Stepped on the scale...down almost 9 lbs for the month of Jan. So that's a win in my books.
I didn't meal plan for the week. Hubby did the grocery shopping on Saturday while I was working a long shift at the second job since we are at record lows here. So i have a few ideas on what to make based off what he bought. We will see how that goes.
I was hoping to hit play on my beachbody on demand today...but honestly...with it being colder than -50 with the windchill house and floors are cool and I'm VERY wimpy, I stayed in bed where it was nice and warm. I don't tolerate this cold very well at all. I did venture out today on my own to drive to work...hubby drove me over the weekend...and my car was NOT happy to be moving out of the driveway and having to travel across the city. It is supposed to let up a bit by Wednesday...but not be more tolerable until later next week. It's going to be a long week and a bit. Oh never last forever.

Hoping I can start to push play and stop being such a wimp and get my butt moving
My check in:
So this week went well for me as I have been able to use the school gym at work during recess for a bit of morning walking,,helps to have a few kids that challenge me. :tiptoe: Ready set go,,lets beat Mrs.M.!!!
I also have been doing alot of dancing each day.:dogdance:
My steps are averaging 5,200 and up each day.

A great thing happened on the weekend,,,outside sitting in a lawn chair and I crossed my legs.
Now I haven't been able to do that in 2-3 years, due to swelling,stiffness and pain.
So a good week for me.

Keep On Moving!
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Hmmm DVC
Disney Timeshare
Difference --regular timeshares are usually fixed weeks,,Disney's is a point system based on seasons,
Adventure,Choice, Dream, Magic, Premier, season.
example of 2020 chart here

Spend 6 months on the DVC forums here on the DIS and ask lots of questions before deciding to buy in.
Have a look at TUG (Timeshare Users Group).

Disney Guides are really Disney timeshare sales people.

Yearly dues will go up each year (due Jan each year),,this year was a shock for AKV 10% increase.
When choosing a home resort choose one that if you could only stay there you'd be ok with that.
Don't look at any Perks,discounts etc they offer as being permanent as Perks can disappear at anytime.

Lots of resale places out there
I am not sure I can post them here.
Timeshare store is the a DIS sponsor so:
dvc resale market
Google DVC resale .

Try renting out points and never buy into a resort without first visiting and staying there,,amazes me that people do this,,,I mean would you buy a house without looking at it?
David is Canadian and is well known on the DIS,,I've rented points from him.
Our Mort from the Airmiles thread is well versed in renting DVC and also owns DVC.

Why DVC for me.
I never had the opportunity to take a holiday or trip for most of my life.
I made taking a break a priority in my life,,I learned that life sometimes sends us some curveballs to deal with.
I was scared to buy in and spent a year researching it and also visited every DVC resort one trip.
My dad has since passed on but at the time I knew he was against Timeshares in general and if I didn't have an answer to his questions then
he's be very disappointed in me.
I am somewhat frugal so I decided that buying a 39 point contract at OKW to start. I also wanted to pay cash for DVC,,,no credit.
By banking and borrowing it would get me 117 points and we took our first family trip,,,I've created a monster as my sons now only stay in VERY ritzy hotels.(My Resort Snobs),,,lol.

That's about all I can think of
Hugs to you
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@bababear_50 I'm so jealous you were sitting in a lawn chair. Mine are buried under two feet of snow. DH continues to have to dig Mickey and Minnie out of the snow in the backyard (Christmas blow molds). Just there little faces are showing today.
@bababear_50 I'm so jealous you were sitting in a lawn chair. Mine are buried under two feet of snow. DH continues to have to dig Mickey and Minnie out of the snow in the backyard (Christmas blow molds). Just there little faces are showing today.

I said to my son earlier everyone is talking about how cold it is and here we are enjoying 10 and tomorrow 8. It may not be hot summer weather but after last weeks extreme cold I'll take anything above 0.
The snow is melting so fast and I can even see grass!
I am jealous of the Mickey and Minnie decoration,,how wonderful!
~~~~~~Sending warm thoughts your way~~~~
No need for me to check in ---
activity? minimal, embarrassingly little
food? meh, nothing special IP is getting a good work-out and i love being able to decide at 4:30 to make stew and be eating it at 6
liquids? the nightly treks to the bathroom would say excellent
motivation? NONE
sleep? dismal

Move along, nothing to see here :P
Well your fingers are getting a workout with all the typing and you're reading about getting moving, that's the first step. It'll be spring soon enough (not quick enough for me). The garbage truck going down the street had to make cars back into a driveway so he could get by and finish his route (our street is that narrow, and I don't live downtown where the narrow streets usually are).
I'm tired. Very tired. this cold and winter are taking it out of me. I tend to get SAD in the winter, and this one seems long already, perhaps because I don't have a winter trip to look forward to? We've gone away the past 4 years and this year's trip isn't until August. Work has been driving me crazy, my boss is just so frustrating. She is a stickler for some rules for some people and for other people it's a free for all. No one can keep track. So. The past week hasn't been great, food or walking wise. I hope this week will be better but I did not work out today. I'm not even sure what food is in the house for lunches tomorrow, I think we have some hot dogs for kiddo, I will have a shake or something I guess. I need to get groceries, but have no money, so it has to wait until Wednesday. We do have stuff in the house, I just can't think what to do with any of it. Any way. I'll keep going and trying, and hopefully the weather will cooperate on Wednesday and I'll be able to get some healthy groceries that will last. My birthday is this week too, which is not really going to be a celebration or anything. I have a meeting with the school/new VP/social worker to discuss kiddo's progress this year. Should be fun times. Is 8 too early for bed?
I'm tired. Very tired. this cold and winter are taking it out of me. I tend to get SAD in the winter, and this one seems long already, perhaps because I don't have a winter trip to look forward to? We've gone away the past 4 years and this year's trip isn't until August. Work has been driving me crazy, my boss is just so frustrating. She is a stickler for some rules for some people and for other people it's a free for all. No one can keep track. So. The past week hasn't been great, food or walking wise. I hope this week will be better but I did not work out today. I'm not even sure what food is in the house for lunches tomorrow, I think we have some hot dogs for kiddo, I will have a shake or something I guess. I need to get groceries, but have no money, so it has to wait until Wednesday. We do have stuff in the house, I just can't think what to do with any of it. Any way. I'll keep going and trying, and hopefully the weather will cooperate on Wednesday and I'll be able to get some healthy groceries that will last. My birthday is this week too, which is not really going to be a celebration or anything. I have a meeting with the school/new VP/social worker to discuss kiddo's progress this year. Should be fun times. Is 8 too early for bed?

Hi Hon
Ah I am so sorry you have SAD.
My bubbly,happy,wonderful sister in law has SAD.

I do know a couple of things she has tried and they seem to help.
1. Vitamin D drops.
2. Infrared Sauna
I have tried this one for my skin issues.
3. Walk / Visit and indoor conservatory,,pick up a hot herbal tea and off you go.
4. Spa weekend away
Check airmiles
5. Scented Epsom salts baths

I know she is considering a winter break away no matter how short and it will have to be in her yearly planning for the future. She lives near the lake and sometimes she will just drive down to the lakefront and sit in the warm car facing the reflection from the sun while listening the music.
I know this is going to sound crazy but she buys a lot of houseplants in the winter time and I swear it's related to SAD.
Do something just for you this week and celebrate your special day!
Hugs to you

Bedtime : Negotiate;;you say 8pm and he says 9pm and you say 8:30,,,lol
do Rock Paper Scissors,,lol
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