The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

Hello all! I have bursitis in my right hip. Ugh. I want to get out walking more, but it’s getting painful. I feel like my thigh is attached to my hip with a spike, ugh.
I’m also motivated to get moving because my daughter and I are going to Universal late April/May. My November DL trip I averaged 12-15Km daily.
My question is: has anyone had the anti inflammatory (cortisone I think?) injections in the hip joint? And has it worked? It would be nice if I could enjoy walking again without pain, and loose some weight in the process!

Have you tried physio already? If not, give it a shot. PRP injections seem to have fewer side effects than cortisone, but I think they aren’t covered by OHIP.
Hello all! I have bursitis in my right hip. Ugh. I want to get out walking more, but it’s getting painful. I feel like my thigh is attached to my hip with a spike, ugh.
I’m also motivated to get moving because my daughter and I are going to Universal late April/May. My November DL trip I averaged 12-15Km daily.
My question is: has anyone had the anti inflammatory (cortisone I think?) injections in the hip joint? And has it worked? It would be nice if I could enjoy walking again without pain, and loose some weight in the process!
Ah Hon
I am so sorry you are having so much pain,,I know the feeling.
Listen if the past couple of years has taught me anything it is everyone is an individual and the best person to help you decide a path to
no or less pain is going to be the doc. I have the shot ordered and ready at my doctors should I decide to go for it.
Many people I work with are dead set against getting cortisone shots but none of them have had one or can tell me why they are so dead set against it--yeah I know alot of help eh?
The internet is so full of stuff that my head spins when I try reading up on it.
I know the pool near me offers heated therapeutic water exercise which I was wondering if that might take the stress off the hip but still allow you
to strengthen your muscles? Maybe even a place that has a hot tub where you could do some gentle movements. I want to go someday but until I can find a bathing suit that fits this body I am not going.(Top is 3x bottom is xL) Upside down pear.

I know people love massage therapy--my two visits were not enjoyable and I actually felt pain so I am not one to advise on this but maybe others could.
Hugs and good thoughts are being sent your way

Everyday health
I lost my baby magic bag today and boy do I miss it. I pop that baby in the microwave for 2 minutes and it soothes my knees so nicely.
I am going to order two new ones.
I use and just pick the order up at my closest drug store listed.(no shipping fees).
So I took an *off* day today,,just a super busy work day,grocery shopping and lots of home chores got done.
Good buy at Giant Tiger on 6 boxes of Kleenex $3.97--no limits,, still fighting this head chest cold.
I will be out tomorrow for a walk.
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Ah Hon
I am so sorry you are having so much pain,,I know the feeling.
Listen if the past couple of years has taught me anything it is everyone is an individual and the best person to help you decide a path to
no or less pain is going to be the doc. I have the shot ordered and ready at my doctors should I decide to go for it.
Many people I work with are dead set against getting cortisone shots but none of them have had one or can tell me why they are so dead set against it--yeah I know alot of help eh?
The internet is so full of stuff that my head spins when I try reading up on it.
I know the pool near me offers heated therapeutic water exercise which I was wondering if that might take the stress off the hip but still allow you
to strengthen your muscles? Maybe even a place that has a hot tub where you could do some gentle movements. I want to go someday but until I can find a bathing suit that fits this body I am not going.(Top is 3x bottom is xL) Upside down pear.

I know people love massage therapy--my two visits were not enjoyable and I actually felt pain so I am not one to advise on this but maybe others could.
Hugs and good thoughts are being sent your way

Everyday health
Thanks Mel!
Have you tried physio already? If not, give it a shot. PRP injections seem to have fewer side effects than cortisone, but I think they aren’t covered by OHIP.
I have Blue Cross extended medical. I should give them a call to see if they cover.
I had Physio for my knee replacement but not for the hip on other side. I am doing stretching exercise at home but have to be more consistent!
Ah it's so cold out! And promises to be cold all weekend. May have to shovel, that should be fun! I plan to do some longer "walks" in the house on the weekend. I slept in again today! And am too tired to do anything now... I feel like someday I will get back to a schedule I want instead of one dictated by my kid. Any way! I do feel I did ok this week, got a few workouts in, met my stair goals most days and steps a few as well. Even met the "active minutes" goal my garmin set for me for the week already!

WW is harder than I expected, but I bought a bunch of veggies today on my way home, though we had hot dogs for supper and I could only have 1 in a bun for the points I wanted to use. The points thing is weird. I get a certain amount every day plus what works out to an extra 6 per day for the week, but I can use them all in one day or spread them out... but if I use them I don't get a little blue circle on my day for meeting the points! So I feel a bit punished. Any way. I'm sure I'll figure it out. I guess if I ate fruit it might help too since that's all 0 points too. I did not buy any extra fruit, and I forgot eggs. I hope I don't have to go out this weekend... but I guess I will if I have to!

Hope all those with sore knees/hips find some relief!
Well I braved the cold this morning (-35C with windchill) and walked the dog. Even she didn't want to go that far and she's a Russian sled dog (Samoyed). I feel better when I've got my walk finished. I can't wait for things to warm up a bit more so I can get out for longer walks again. I want to get a treadmill but there are just so many choices out there it's hard to decide.

I'm so happy to read about all the different ways people are getting moving. Reading what others are doing helps to keep my motivated to want to do more each day. Remember, two steps forward one step back. We'll get there.
Yesterday I didn't get out to the treadmill at PF. We all slept in so I was rushing around getting the kids to school, then figured I had better get the banking and groceries done and out of the way as I heard the snow and cold were coming for the weekend. Picked up the kids from school at 1 pm for their optomitrist appointment in Peterborough, as well as stopped at FreshCo on the way back home. We didn't get home until 5:30 or so. Thankfully my husband had made dinner. At least with all the rushing around I hit my step goal and more so I didn't feel too bad yesterday.

Today however... Ugh. It's past 10:30 and I'm still not dressed. I feel so dragged, so tired. I hope I pick up soon.

Have a good weekend every one!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so cold ......................
did the walk and it felt good to get outside........ but so cold.Felt sorry for the dogs out for a walk in this weather . One guy was even trying to ride his bike! Slipping and a sliding.
Now for a nice hot cup of tea.

I had great plans of doing a fair bit of diddly-squat mixed with a healthy dose of nada today but the hubby had other plans! I needed a haircut and made the appointment for 10:30 to allow a bit of a sleep in and for him to get some work done before he drove me. So what happened? HE slept in NOT ME, so once again, bundled up like Bib the Michelin Man and out for a 40 minute walk :cold: Coupled with the laundry i need to do today and that will be more than enough for one day! We live in a split level house and there are 4 sets of stairs between the bedroom and the laundry and every week i ask the same question: how can 2 people generate so much laundry?!?!?!
Morning all I’m still lounging in bed and debating whether CBR is the right resort for us .. I’m cold and tired and the blisters hurt to walk but I will do this today .. I can and I will

Hi Hon
Sorry your feet are giving you problems. If you have any mole skin it will protect the blistered skin and help the skin heal.
A nice spa soak is what you need and a warm fluffy housecoat. Rest well!
I had great plans of doing a fair bit of diddly-squat mixed with a healthy dose of nada today but the hubby had other plans! I needed a haircut and made the appointment for 10:30 to allow a bit of a sleep in and for him to get some work done before he drove me. So what happened? HE slept in NOT ME, so once again, bundled up like Bib the Michelin Man and out for a 40 minute walk :cold: Coupled with the laundry i need to do today and that will be more than enough for one day! We live in a split level house and there are 4 sets of stairs between the bedroom and the laundry and every week i ask the same question: how can 2 people generate so much laundry?!?!?!

I say doing laundry can be considered a work out.
Hugs Hon
My plans today are to go out and shovel the driveway and side walks. I am lucky (not) to have to city sidewalk on my side of the street so have to do it whether I really want to or not. I also did a bit of vacuuming today and that is a workout.
I remember having to do that when we lived in Toronto. The city plows the sidewalks here but we pay for it with higher taxes.
I did a two mile "walk" and it felt good but boy the house feels cold today! I had to turn the furnace up a bit. I normally have it at 20. I'm not sure if that's "normal" or not but seems to be ok for us most of the winter. It goes down over night.

I have had an annoying day. My son asked for a new video game. He gets $20 a month to buy "stuff" with and has already spent $10 so I at first had said I would get the game for him any way and then changed my mind because he has been acting a bit too much. He got REALLY mad and hasn't stopped talking about it. I am so tired of it. I told him he can earn some extra money by doing chores he doesn't normally do. So he cleaned his bathroom for a couple dollars, and if it snows as forecast he can earn some more if he shovels. To be perfectly honest I hate the xbox and wish he'd never gotten it.

At least my workout left me feeling good for a little bit! I will try and do it again tomorrow.
@hdrolfe ,

Don't get me started on video games. If you have any chance of curbing it, do it now. It is addictive. My youngest DS plays his games online till all hours. Somehow he gets up and heads out to work or school at 6:30am. I am kicking myself now for not having been tougher on his game playing when he was younger. Too late to change him now he's 22.

On the allowance front, middle DS has issues with waiting for a reward. He has struggled to learn to live within his means. Your monthly budget for stuff is a great idea. Great opportunity for him to learn valuable life lessons. Stay tough.

Writing this I realize I didn't do such a great job raising 2 of my 3 boys. Learn from my mistakes. (Don't worry I'm not really beating myself up over it. They are really great kids, we all have our weaknesses. Just wish I could do some of it over again.)

The only reason my house was warm today was because I decided to run the self clean on the oven (oven runs at 500F). Really heated up the kitchen but boy was it cold upstairs.
:scared1::scared1: You guys going out in -35 wow! Us West coast people freak if it’s minus anything! I wouldn’t leave the house!
I knew i should have gone to take dogs on a walk when I got home from shopping today but I procrastinated and took a nap instead. Shopping for new dishwasher is exhausting :faint:
I'm riding the bike at a hotel gym as I read this thread. Had a very early flight yesterday, did lots of walking inside and out in this crazy cold weather in Winnipeg, but forced myself to do at least half hr cardio at the end of the day yesterday.
Managed healthy eating all week and I did pack some meal replacement shakes but I'm with my sister who is single - one of those people who likes sitting down in a restaurant to enjoy her meal. So will have to find some balance here. Lol

I have an old Fitbit at home a friend Ga e me. I think I need to dig it out to keep track during the days when I can't get to gym. Force me to run up the stairs a few more times or walk in place in front of the tv.


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