The Dress Shop on Cherry Tree Lane

Ok, that new Mickey dress is so cute! The ears on the cardigan? OMG. Love it! Like many of you said, I'd also like to see it as a skirt.
Ok, this isn't Dress Shop but still wanted to share. I just got back from a trip and wore this Minnie Mouse inspired outfit to After Hours at Hollywood Studios (which was AMAZING! Loved it!) The skirt is from Unique Vintage. And yeah, my shoes don't really go but when you're doing that much walking, comfort is king.

Ok, this isn't Dress Shop but still wanted to share. I just got back from a trip and wore this Minnie Mouse inspired outfit to After Hours at Hollywood Studios (which was AMAZING! Loved it!) The skirt is from Unique Vintage. And yeah, my shoes don't really go but when you're doing that much walking, comfort is king.

You look amazing. Thanks for Sharing
Ok, this isn't Dress Shop but still wanted to share. I just got back from a trip and wore this Minnie Mouse inspired outfit to After Hours at Hollywood Studios (which was AMAZING! Loved it!) The skirt is from Unique Vintage. And yeah, my shoes don't really go but when you're doing that much walking, comfort is king.


So happy you shared this! Always a pleasure and a treat to see your smile! :love:
Helppppp I need to find a skirt similar to this for my Belle disneybound! I love the uneven bottom and the length. I have a skirt currently but it's a little short and I think something like this would be better. I've looked on amazon etc but so far the ones I'm seeing just look too heavy/hot for Florida.
Helppppp I need to find a skirt similar to this for my Belle disneybound! I love the uneven bottom and the length. I have a skirt currently but it's a little short and I think something like this would be better. I've looked on amazon etc but so far the ones I'm seeing just look too heavy/hot for Florida.

per the tweet:
@musicastronaut it’s actually a dress! I found it at a thrift store.

Sooo, that's going to be hard to find in a skirt. What color are you looking for?
Helppppp I need to find a skirt similar to this for my Belle disneybound! I love the uneven bottom and the length. I have a skirt currently but it's a little short and I think something like this would be better. I've looked on amazon etc but so far the ones I'm seeing just look too heavy/hot for Florida.



per the tweet:
@musicastronaut it’s actually a dress! I found it at a thrift store.

Sooo, that's going to be hard to find in a skirt. What color are you looking for?
Yeah, that’s me she replied to. :/ I’d love a skirt in the same color/style, like the ModCloth tiger lilies skirt! I want it to be blue for a Belle Disneybound. If that second one you linked comes in a lighter color it’ll be perfect, I’m off to check the links now! Thanks!
I ordered this after seeing the ones you linked (I liked the asymmetrical describer) and I currently have this that I ordered last week. It's just a little short for my taste while at the theme parks. I have a pair of shorts I can wear underneath to be safe, of course, but still. I've attached a thumbnail with the style I'm trying to copy. :)


  • cae99e9b9f130eb653c3232ce22dd487--casual-belle-outfit-belle-outfit-ideas.jpg
    45.4 KB · Views: 34
I ordered this after seeing the ones you linked (I liked the asymmetrical describer) and I currently have this that I ordered last week. It's just a little short for my taste while at the theme parks. I have a pair of shorts I can wear underneath to be safe, of course, but still. I've attached a thumbnail with the style I'm trying to copy. :)

LOVE the skirt you ordered; agree about the length.
I couldn't get away with it even with shorts underneath. too bad because I really like.
I ordered this after seeing the ones you linked (I liked the asymmetrical describer) and I currently have this that I ordered last week. It's just a little short for my taste while at the theme parks. I have a pair of shorts I can wear underneath to be safe, of course, but still. I've attached a thumbnail with the style I'm trying to copy. :)

The image of the skirt is referred to as a skater skirt. I find them too short for my taste, I'm not a prude just private. Regarding the first Amazon purchase, what a pain to have to wear a pair of shorts and a skirt in humid weather. I would think that would be hotter two layers of clothing plus undergarments. Too much!

So even though you made purchases are you still looking?
The image of the skirt is referred to as a skater skirt. I find them too short for my taste, I'm not a prude just private. Regarding the first Amazon purchase, what a pain to have to wear a pair of shorts and a skirt in humid weather. I would think that would be hotter two layers of clothing plus undergarments. Too much!

So even though you made purchases are you still looking?
Yeah, because the shorter one isn't perfect but it'll do. Plus I have Amazon Prime so I have a really bad habit of ordering 8 things, comparing them, and then returning 7. :P I always wear shorts under skirts/sundresses! They're just the thin jockey ones. I can't stand sitting down on metal chairs and having my bare legs on them and stuff like that.
Thanks @FoxC63!

I'd love to see pictures if anyone buys/tries on the new Mickey dress!

Me too!
Every time I think of that dress I picture it with a high/low hem line, not too drastic but like this...
I think it would look great with all that it has to offer with the white camisole and red bolero sweater.
I wonder how wide the straps are too, are they wide enough to hide bra straps? We need Intel!!!!
UPDATE - Making my own Dress Form

A while ago I told you about a new project I was working on: Bootstrap Fashion Dress Form

I purchased the pattern opting for 36" pdf then took the USB flash drive to FEDEX to print it out:

Instead of cutting into the paper pattern I traced it onto non woven, non-fusible interfacing as I do with all commercial patterns. I only use Sakura Pigma Graphic Pens to draft patterns. In my experience, it does not bleed through the interfacing onto any pattern.

Then I went to JOANN Fabrics to buy what I needed for the main body, everything else I'll pull from my stash. Here's what I got:
4 yards - Pellon SF101 Shape-Flex Fusible Interfacing 20''-White
Link: SF101 Shape-Flex Fusible Interfacing 20''-White

2 - yards Drill Utility Fabric 40''-White
Link: Fabric 40''-White

Note, you will need to buy twice the amount of the Pellon because it's so narrow. Also I increased the amount of both to make an arm. ;) And lastly, if you plan on making a dress form make sure you use the correct needle for your fabric.

Next Step: WASH EVERYTHING in hot water!!!
The pattern directions says to wash your fabrics and lay them flat to dry.
I always wash everything prior to sewing to remove any chemicals, dust and grime from others. This includes zippers and trims, these get put into a small laundry bag to prevent getting tangled. While it's all in the wash I lay out a cotton bedspread on the floor to put my fabrics and trims on. Leave overnight and I'm set to iron and fuse my fabric the following day.

Instead of making this post longer than it needs to be I followed along with Kelly Hogaboom who did a step by step tutorial with great photos. I'll add what I did differently. Here's her site:
Post #1:

Post #2:

Post #3:

Post 3
is where I partially set off on my own. This pattern has many curves but the directions lack adding staystitching and ease-stitching which are essential to prevent the fabric from stretching and fraying at critical points especially when stuffing. Also by adding ease-stitching you know how close to snip and clip as shown.
Need more encouragement, read this article:

We got breasts!

For all horizontal lines I used heavy weight denim thread and for vertical seams I used matching all purpose thread, because I have plans! :scratchin I opted to add tailors tape on all seams both horizontal and vertical. The horizontal lines are like "stays" which prevents the fabric not only from stretching out but also keeps the fabric from stressing out. The vertical lines help fuse the seams together making them stronger. Hopefully by doing both I get many years out of my mini me.

Whoo Hoo! Moving onto Post #4

Post #4:

Unfortunately I have no photos when sewing the armhole cover #8 to the armhole but I will say, I added staystitching and ease-stitching, pinned the pieces together and hand basted it just under the staystitching. I'm not a big fan of sewing with a ton on needles keeping it all together especially at this point. Take heed, the curve on piece #2 is extremely tight and when having to sew the cover onto it makes sewing 3/8" very challenging. Hand baste my friends, then remove all the needles and sew on!!!

Instead of cardboard, I'll be using wood. Yep, more diversion!
  • 1/4" thick for the arm
  • 1/2" thick for the neck and lower base.
I'm currently waiting for my hubby to cut those out for me. Meanwhile I sewed pattern pieces 12 and 13 Front and Back Base Support and opted to use snaps instead if two zippers along with tailors tape as shown:

I cut six stripes of tape 2 1/4" long and hand basted them to #13 Front Base Support and spaced them 1 1/2" apart.

I imagine you could use Velcro, buttons, ties, buckles, metal grommet tape or D ring tape, whatever is in your stash.

Well that's it for me! Happy Easter weekend everyone! :grouphug:
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@FoxC63 You're so talented (and ambitious!) I can't sew at all (I keep thinking I should learn so I can make myself some fabulous skirts & dresses but that's just feeding my clothing addiction, which is probably the last thing I need!) But it's awesome that you're undertaking this project, very cool!


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