The Fairy Godmother's Escape Wedding at Sunset Point 2/22/12 - 5/28 TR cake page 7

Happy wedding day!!

I remember reading last night your dress came in but too tired to comment. I was so excited for you. Can't wait to see pics of the dress that gave you all this trouble.
I'm so happy you got your dress! Can't wait to see the pictures! Congratulations on your wedding I hope it was everything you dreamed it would be and more!
Thank you everyone for the good wishes.

here are a couple of pictures of the dress. Sorry I don't have a good picture showing me in the dress.

:eek: how unbelieveably stunning is that dress on you girl!!!!!!!! Many congratulations! xxx
:love: BEAUTIFUL!! You look stunning, what an amazing dress!!

So dare I ask...which one is this? The first choice or the backup?

Hope you're having an amazing time!! :banana:
Just beautiful - that looks like the original choice to me. Can't wait to hear the story behind it after all you went through.

Congratulations, you both look amazing. Cant wait to see more pictures!

I have been back from WDW for over a week now and am almost ready to start my trip report. Real life has been crazy, I arrived home Sunday night and it snowed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (it melted by the afternoon but it was still cold). Additionally work sucks and I have been sick.
I would like to thank everyone for the pixie dust they sent my way that got my dress to me. My wedding day was just a magical wonderful day and I wouldn't have changed anything about it. I don't know if I would be saying the same thing if my dress hadn't arrived.
Hopefully tomorrow I will start my trip report.
My one piece of wedding advice is to take a real honeymoon if at all possible.
2/16 The day before I leave
So it was the day before I leave for the wedding and my wedding dress still wasn’t here. The night before I had left a not so nice message on the Alfred Angelo Southwest district manager’s voicemail basically saying they had ruined my wedding and I was going to have to get married in shorts and flip flops.
Today I had to drive to Sacramento to get my hair cut. I know it is crazy to drive almost 2 ½ hours to get my hair cut but Randy is the best. He cut my hair when I was in high school and has done my mom’s hair for almost 30 years. It also gives me an excuse to go see my best friend Dawn since her office is about 5 minutes from Randy’s salon.
I left my house at 8:00 am and dropped my dogs off at the kennel. I stopped and got gas and then I was on my way over the hill. (that saying is somewhat of a misnomer because I have to go over 2 7000ft passes to get there). Around 9:30 I stopped to use the bathroom and of course that was when the district manager called me back. She said my dress had missed the plane to Reno but was boxed to ship and could be at the Altamonte Springs store on Monday. She also told me they were giving me back my money for the dress and the alterations would be free. Since it was less than a week before my wedding I decided to stick with them and hope my dress arrived. After I thought about it for awhile I called back and asked if I could take the Cinderella dress with my just in case the other dress didn’t show up.
Randy did a fabulous job on my hair. The highlights were really stood out with the way I wore my hair for the wedding. I then stopped by to see my friend Dawn. She had a client stop by before I arrived so I had to wait for a little bit to see her. She is a CPA so I am getting married at a very inconvenient time for her. She is taking the red eye Monday night and then leaving at 8:30 am Thursday morning.
After visiting Dawn and giving her the latest update on the dress I stopped by Nordstrom since I had gift certificates for there. I came home the longer way through Reno so I could stop by Alfred Angelo to pick up the backup dress. I tried it on and it fit ok but it was a little long and the bust need to be fitted better. After that I headed home and did what felt like 9 million errands. I did remember to call my dad and wish him a happy 60th birthday. I finally started packing about 10:30pm and was asleep by 1:30am. I didn’t sleep very well because I was afraid I was going to oversleep. I was quite tired when my alarm went off at 5:30am.
2/17 Travel Day
So I woke up bright and early after finally going to bed at 1:30. I left my house at 6:20am and the temperature was 21 F. I arrived at my brother’s house at 6:45 to leave my car. Reggie (the family house manager) was giving me a ride to the airport. After taking and emailing a photo of Reggie for his class reunion we were off to the airport.
I arrived with plenty of time for my 8:20 flight. I checked my 2 suitcases filled with wedding stuff and my back up dress and was quickly through security. My flight to Vegas was completely full; fortunately the flight is less than an hour. During my layover I dealt with work drama and got a sandwich from Port of Subs. It was a long flight from Vegas to Orlando and once again not an empty seat on the plane. I ate my sandwich and slept for most of the flight. The plane arrived a little bit early. I finally made it off the plane and went to the Magical Express.
I had to wait maybe 15 minutes for the bus to arrive and maybe another 10 until the bus left. I was staying the night at All Star Movies and transferring over to the Gland Floridian the next day. Of course I was the last stop. I checked in and walked over to the Mighty Ducks Building.
As a side note since moving to Nevada I have learned that on the East Coast everyone thinks that if you are from Nevada you live in Vegas and whenever anyone saw my driver’s license this trip they would ask me about Vegas. I actually live just south of the capitol Carson City and about 45 minutes south of Reno the second largest city in Nevada. Las Vegas is actually about a 7 hour drive.
After settling into my room my friend Gretchen picked me up and we went to Downtown Disney for dinner. We went to Fulton’s Crab House. It was a 45 minute wait which was fine because it gave us a chance to catch up. It had been a year since I had seen Gretchen so we had a lot of catching up to do. After dinner we went to the World of Disney because I needed a wedding band and I wanted Mickey Mouse earrings.
I arrived back at my room around midnight and my luggage wasn’t there yet. I called bell services and at first they couldn’t find any record of my luggage which almost caused me to start hyperventilating since the backup wedding dress was in one of them. She then figured out that my bags had just arrived and would be delivered in the morning. Not a very magical experience since my plane had landed over 6 hours ago. Fortunately I had packed my pajamas in my carry on unfortunately my toothbrush was in my suitcase. I fell asleep and woke up about 1:30 to the message light on the phone flashing. I listened to the message telling me my bags had arrived and to call when I wanted them delivered. I decided to go back to sleep and call in the morning.
I am a horrible DIS bride. Real life has so interfered with my TR. Time goes so fast. I cannot believe I have already been married for over 2 months (it will be 10 weeks on Wednesday but whose counting).
I think I have a little bit of post wedding depression. Strangely it is harder to be living apart now that we are married then it was before. I think part of the reason is we didn't really have alone time after the wedding. The good news is only 14 more months and we will be living in the same house for the first time ever:cloud9:
I have finally finished another installment which I will post and hopefully I will have posted about the wedding day before we go on our honeymoon in November. I will try to be speedier with my installments.
February 18, 2012
My alarm went off waaayy too earlier this morning. I got up and called bell service to deliver my bags. After they delivered them I took a shower and got ready. I then lugged my bags back down to bell service to be transferred to the Grand Floridian. I was going to take the bus to the Magic Kingdom but the line was very long so instead I got in the much shorter Epcot bus line. Of course the Magic Kingdom bus came first and I actually would have made it on to that bus but fortunately the Epcot bus came shortly after and I had a nice uncrowned ride over to Epcot. On there I hopped on the monorail to the Ticket and Transportation center and from there got on the resort monorail finally arriving at the Grand Floridian. I went through the check in process and they told my room was ready but it was a dormer room and didn’t have a day bed. They offered to call and see if a room with a daybed was available since we have 2 teenagers. There was one available but it wasn’t ready yet. It was in Big Pine Key on the first floor.

My friend Gretchen picked me up and gave me a ride to Wal-Mart and Downtown Disney. I need to pick up a couple of things to make the wedding favors. After we were done at Wal-Mart it was after 11 so I called the Alfred Angelo store here. Of course the store manager knew nothing about me and my dress. She looked me up in the computer saw the notes and said she would try to contact her seamstress about coming in on Monday and that she also wasn’t showing a tracking number. I realized my wedding dress nightmare is continuing.
I get back to the hotel around one and finally get the text that my room is ready at 2. We had a great room! First floor Big Pine Key and with a view of Sunset Point where we are getting married.



I settled into my room and then decided to take the boat over to the Magic Kingdom to get our annual passes.
Of course I had just missed the boat and it seemed liked it took forever for the next one to arrive. I finally made it to the Magic Kingdom and exchanged our vouchers from the wedding and purchased annual passes for the boys. I proceeded into the Magic Kingdom to City Hall to purchase a Tables in Wonderland card. This is when I figured out how stressed I was over not having my wedding dress. Somehow between entering the Magic Kingdom and arriving at City Hall I had misplaced the 4 APs I had just received. I almost started crying; fortunately this nice CM still sold me the TIW since I had the receipt for the APs. I went outside to a bench and dumped my backpack and found the AP so crisis averted.

By this time I was starving because it was late afternoon and I hadn’t eaten all day so I headed down main street feeling like a fish swimming upstream because the afternoon parade was just ending. Usually we go to WDW Memorial Day week end. I knew President’s Day Week End was going to be very crowded but I was in no way prepared for the mass of humanity I encountered at the Magic Kingdom that day. I did a loop through Fantasyland and Tomorrow land and ended up at Tomorrowland Terrace which I had never actually seen open in my last 8 trips to WDW. I had the Beef and Blue Salad. It was quite tasty. After eating I decided to head back to the GF because I didn’t have the energy to deal with crowds. This would become a reoccurring theme throughout the week.

Once back in the room I unpacked and settled into to wait for DF and the boys to arrive. I was in for a long wait. Fortunately the wait was interrupted by a knock on the door. The GF had been kind of enough to send us a bottle of champagne which definitely helped my wait.


Based on the time DF had called me when he left his house I expected him to arrive around 8:30. The original plan was for them to leave early because we has an 8:45 ADR at Tony’s Town Square. I had cancelled this ADR and rescheduled for later in the week which was another reoccurring theme throughout the week. Around 8:00 he called to tell me they were about 90 minutes away. At this point I was starving so I went to Gasparilla Grill to get a quick bite to eat. Finally at 9:30 DF called again to say they were driving through the main gate and to meet them at valet. So I went there and waited and waited and waited. Finally about 9:50 I called to find out they were lost in the Magic Kingdom parking lot! I tried to explain to DF how to get from there to the GF but being a man he won’t listen to me. They finally arrived sometime after 10:00 because I was trying to watch Wishes over the GF roof top. We got the car unload and everything carted off to the room and then they went to get something to eat at Gasparilla Grill. We had planned to go to MK for EMH but we were all too tired from our days. I fell asleep around midnight but DF and the boys probably stayed up until 3 am as they often do at WDW (no rope drops for this family)


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