The fizz went flat: give me some Disney!! NEARLY THERE!! POST 130, PAGE 9


<font color=33cc99>Dreams about being stuck on Spa
May 6, 2004
I have made an irresponsible, spontaneous, desperate, absolutely vital not frivolous decision that I am returning to Disney World this summer, end of!! i have had some pretty down times in the last few years, had my heart broken, gone through a divorce, nearly lost everything, been very broke, but all of that i have taken in my stride, i am one of life's survivors, bouncy people, who will always see the good in all, who has a nieve disney bubble approach to life and where fairytales and happy endings can still happen. Finally last week I cracked. and no i havent had a mental breakdown:lmao:but i have had a couple of things happen in my personal life which were sort of the straw that broke the camels back, my bubble burst so to speak. I dont want to go into details, a few of you do know, and yes i have been struggling to function. I am sure all of us reach a point where we sort of lose our way and feel like we are just going through the motions, just trying to get through the day. and thats sort of where i am now. and this is most definitely NOT where i want to stay.
i have 3 beautiful gorgeous children, my very precious gifts and they deserve to have the best mummy they can, who gives 100% to them every day. i have friends who sometimes i feel give so much more than i give back, I know i can do it, I know I am in there, i just need to find my way back!:headache:

and this is where this trip has come from really. I have had a week booked off from the children since last year. their father unfortunately sees them as a road bump to his freedom and while some men are desperate to devote as much free time as they can to thier children, my ex would rather wriggle out of it each time, he knows not the damage he does and i fear it will come back to bite him one day but he is not having the children, his parents are. nanny and grandad asked last summer if they would be able to take the children camping. 3 weeks ago they asked if they could extend this to 9 days, so to have the week running across two weekends. It will be two years in august that I last had this opportunity. August 2007 became the summer of the Girly Tour, some of you may remember:cheer2: so i have been given the dates of August 22nd to August 29th.

Now i am not going to lie, my bank balance is not very healthy. I have just about crawled my way back, i am very nearly making all bill payments on time, we have food, we have days out, its not great but its been a lot worse. and realistically i was anticipating maybe a week in spain, my boyfriend wanted greece, not a disney fan, out of budget etc (well he was my boyfriend at the time). Then the rug was pulled out from under me, certain events have occured, me and boyfriend split up (my decision, for very good reasons, cant believe someone i love so much could do what they did) and i was suddenly on my own, have 9 days to fill, and the first day is actually my birthday!!

I am not a girly girl really, I did a girls holdiay a few years ago and it was hell on earth for me, i dont need to fake tan, i dont need to pluck, i can be ready in half an hour from shower to door with makeup and hair done, so didnt fancy that one. i am an independant person most of the time and am happy to holiday alone, my schedule, no compromising, sounds good to me. but when all this happened, its like i lost my spirit, lost my way, i really needed something to look forward to. And that for me is Disney World. So when i say i need this trip, i am not exagerrating, this isnt a wanting whim, it is the only place in the world where i feel happy from morning to night, where everything feels right, where my bounce and spirit comes back, so yes Fizz is going to get her Fizz back, and come what may i am going back to my happy place.

will post more details later, off to pick up child no3!:goodvibes oh and i promise to be a lot more cheerful from now on, i am a smiley friendly person honestly:hug:
Good for you Claire! You go Girl!!!! :woohoo: :cheer2:

Can't wait to hear more of your plans. :goodvibes
I hope you have a wicked birthdy trip in August, it sounds like you really deserve it :)

Sorry to hear things haven't been great but your attitude is very admirable and the world needs more people like you :)
Sounds fab! If i'm being honest I can't really afford our October trip either (if the bf wasn't going halves with me there would be no way as I don't like putting holidays on credit unless I can pay it off before we go!) but I know it'll be worth all the saving and cutting back.. Where there's a will there's a way :) Happy planning, can't wait to read your TR :goodvibes
Good for you Claire! You go Girl!!!! :woohoo: :cheer2:

Can't wait to hear more of your plans. :goodvibes
Thanks Claire, I can't wait to share them with you:goodvibes

I hope you have a wicked birthdy trip in August, it sounds like you really deserve it :)

Sorry to hear things haven't been great but your attitude is very admirable and the world needs more people like you :)
Thank you very much! I just found your trippie last night and of course your special evening moved me to tears. It is wonderful guys like you that will always have me believing in the fairytale, and why the magic is so important, and i will never give up on finding my special prince charming too. i wish you two so much happiness for the future, you look wonderful together, i dream of moments like the one you had. keep the magic going for the rest of us, it really did lift me so thankyou:hug:

Sounds fab! If i'm being honest I can't really afford our October trip either (if the bf wasn't going halves with me there would be no way as I don't like putting holidays on credit unless I can pay it off before we go!) but I know it'll be worth all the saving and cutting back.. Where there's a will there's a way :) Happy planning, can't wait to read your TR :goodvibes
Oh i so know what you mean, my last two trips i have done cash only and it was really nice not having a bill at the end of it. but yes it will all be worth it, lucky girl having such a fab bf:love: trust me gathering the money will be a work in progress right to the last minute;)

and on to the next bit!
ok so i'm going to WDW and have no money saved up and the trip is in oohh....just under 4 months:scared1:easy peasy right?:rotfl:well no brainer I am staying at a value and Pop is way more appealing to me than All Stars. i stayed at ASMo in Dec 07, it was fine, the kids loved it, no complaints, would stay there again, but i am on a mission to stay at every hotel on property, nope its not enough to just visit, i literally want to have done it all. so far i have been very lucky and stayed at Polynesian (paradise on earth:cloud9:), Coronado Springs (very nice, lovely themeing), POFQ (so pretty, nice and small, loved it), ASMo and Wilderness Lodge at xmas time..dont think I need to add to that one, perfect!
so this time I am going for Pop. As it is free dining i priced it up through us site, converted back and eeks! so I priced up on uk site POFQ with free quick plan dining and small upgrade to dining plan...hhmmm..then I priced up Pop with park hopper and just pay for dining plan, and it came out cheaper than POFQ, so had decided to book a package through disney uk at Pop. I dont know why but curiosity got the better of me and I got a quote through us agent for pop free dining and all of a sudden it was cheaper, i dont know why:lmao:but its coming in at around £100 less at £622, the package through uk site is £723. why am i so set on dining plan when I am on a budget? weeellll i know i am going to want to eat in the restaurants, i think if you divide the price by the number of days it is a really good deal and I would end up spending more, I have also pre-paid for my food and i know I wont run out of money and starve:lmao: i have the booking on hold till next week.
oh i should probably explain how i am doing my money this trip. i do not use credit cards any more and have a strict debit card and cash only policy, I got into trouble before and I wont do it again. However i do have a credit card. So what i am going to do is pay my money into this empty credit card, i will stay in credit at all times and i will be able to pay with my card for everything i need to apy for online and when i am there etc. i have already started sending it over ready to put down my package deposit and buy my plane ticket which leads me nicely into....
air fare prices! I knew i would not be flying direct, that was a given, the price difference is shocking actually and the only reason i will fly direct in the future is if i take the children, even then they are getting older and i think they will be able to handle a transfer now. Anyway air shopping:lmao:i have a couple of choices. US Airways are at £360 but i would land at 8:55pm which is a bit late for me, i want to get to a park on my birthday, or £384, better time slightly. Delta are at £379 and are much better times, United would be my first choice with awesome times and i flew them before and loved them but they are showing at £634:scared1:nope it will have to be delta I think, seem to get good reports, i have done the changing flights before, and it is different airport on each way which i love *** it just fascinates me to nosey at other airports, i loved Chicago airport, they have the coolest light effects down the hallways that are a bit like the lights going through the line at Soarin, and i had time to stop for a real chicago hot dog in a bar with the cubs on tv at the terminal:cheer2:see the little things keep me happy!!

whoops, i am off on one again..where was I...right so airfare around £379 which earliest i can pay for is next wednesday, its stayed around that price for last week or so, so fingers crossed it stays right there. Deposit for package is $200 =£142 or thereabouts. Once that is done i have till 4th July to pay the balance. BUT think about it, that is flight, hotel, park ticket and food all in for £1001 and i think thats a pretty good deal considering its august!

Coming up: maybe i wont have to foot the whole bill;)
Sounds like a brilliant plan - I love your positive attitude and I'm looking forward to reading more :)
sending you a big :hug:

So happy to hear you and getting to escape to your happy place and looking forward to hearing all your plans :)
Always love reading your trip reports, well anything really that you write. your plans sound fab so far and can't wait to read more.

so sorry to hear about you and your bloke. really thought he was "the one" , but I love a happy ending too. I'm sure your fairytale is just round the corner.

sounds like agreat plan, cant wait to read more :goodvibes
Sounding great so far Claire. I'm looking forward to seeing Chicago airport when we get there now.
Good for you girl :)

I hope that this trip (and planning it) gets you well on the way to a better place (emotionally as well as physically!)
Firstly thank you to all of you for your lovely comments, i was half expecting to get slated for taking a trip i clearly cant afford, so its really nice to know that you all seem to understand the mentality behind this trip, its hard when you think ok i could pay this off or i could finally get that. But I guess maybe its ok to allow myself a selfish moment at this place in my life, so thank you very much for your support:hug:
Apologies for a mini-hanger on the report:rotfl:will get on with it right now!


so i already explained that i would feel totally comfortable travelling alone, the freedom of my own schedule and choices. When i met my bf one of the first things he learnt about me was my obsession for wdw and all things disney. you only have to walk into my house to see the signs, both my house phones are character phones, the calendar is wdw, my ornaments on the fireplace are disney, and my bedroom should really belong to a 5 year old girl:rotfl: So he knew it was there. he knew i would go back one day but i suppose it wasnt an immediate issue because I had taken 2 trips in 2006, 2 trips in 2007, i was a bit disneyed out:scared1: and well..i wasnt in planning mode, i didnt take a holiday last year, we were definitely going somewhere this summer but like i explained before it was a budget thing and when you are in love you put others first so if the beach in greece was more his thing i would just go along with it, i think i remember how to do that:rolleyes1

When we broke up it wasnt about not being in love and no he didnt cheat on me, and it was more about that what we went through, we just couldnt stay a couple, it was too hard, i made the break, i just couldnt deal with it anymore. But when you have a bond, when if you take away the relationship stuff and you have two people who genuinely get along, who laugh together, who know you better than you know yourself (and if I'm honest he is the only person who i allow to see me upset or vunlerable and i know i am safe), you dont cut them off, because you know that they are special, and we still had so much to talk through, we were the only ones that understood. I have needed a lot of support the last two weeks and yes i cut him off at first, i didnt understand and i put my walls up, but when it mattered the most he stepped up, he instinctively knew what i needed and he was able to support me through it, he still is now, i am starting to smile again slowly, he can hear my voice on a phone and know i need a jar of nutella:lmao:he just knows..and vice versa really. Should quickly say we have known each other for a year and were together for 10 months.he came over on sunday night, I was very low, i had already decided I was going and i talked to him about it. i think he knew i would, he said "you need to escape to your bubble, good for you".
Obviously over the months he has picked up on that wdw is about so much more than rides to me, i talk about the food, i talk about drinking at WS;), i talk about the amazing attention to detail, my magical moments, and i often say wdw is too good for kids, there is just so much more to it! And then i put the planning dvd on, its the closest thing i have to seeing it all sometimes. well he was genuinely mesmerised!:scared1:I watched nearly every section i think, well i was on a roll with him:lmao: and the fun for grown ups one was where his eyes lit up..FOOD!!! he saw watersports, he saw gorgeous resorts and pools, he saw richard petty (not a chance of this happening but he doesnt need to know that:cool1:) and i think it clicked.
Anyway he left, i went to bed and i woke up feeling happier on Monday than i had in a while. Monday night i hit down again, its like that right now, i got a txt very late asking if i was awake, he knew i would be, well we talked for 3 hours till about 2am, and he asked how my plans were going, we talked about other stuff...then out of the blue "I would go you know"...I reply "where?", we stopped talking wdw about an hour ago...he says "wdw, dont tell anyone but i have always wanted to go, and with the prices you're telling me even i can afford that, i thought it would cost £1000s, but i know you wouldnt want me tagging along":scared1:
so here i am nearly dropping the phone at 1:30am, the person i love most in the world (apart from my kids) is telling me he volunterily wants to go to wdw, we are getting along better than ever, its like we are getting to know each other all over again at the mo, there is no pressure, i feel like my dreams are coming true. i tell him that i have always wanted to take a trip with him, that i would love that more than anything, all the things I want to show him there, that was it, he was in!
I will stop at this point and say we are not back together, but we are not really apart either, we are spending more time together at the mo than when we were i think, for the first time in ages I am being put first, all the qualities that i adored about him when we met are back, his affection for me and that look are back, so no we are not back together because things are going so well the way they are, and to define it and label it, i am not ready, there is too much going on....but yes we are going on this trip together, right now all is good with us, not with the world but with us and we are supporting each other as best we can. neither one of us is going to let go beacuse we know its worth holding onto.
so after my essay that sounds like a cheesy teen soap opera the short of it is that my ex-semi-friend-bf:lmao: is coming with me to wdw, we are splitting costs and i am so happy to be able to show the world to him for the first time.

Coming up: making an itinerary without park hours gggrrrr:headache:
Aww that has just brought tears to my eyes :hug: and now i've got to go to work.
Looking forward to the next part :goodvibes
Wow Claire, what a rollercoaster of a pre-trip report. I am so pleased that you're going back to WDW, and whether you go on your own or not ~ I know you'll have a fab time (and boy do you deserve it)

I look forward to hearing all about your itinerary, it's just a shame that we leave WDW the day you arrive - it would've been nice to meet up with you again

Have fun with your planning and take care :hug:


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