The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

"the girls gloved it." :rotfl2:

I probably have the wrong reference but I busted a gut when I read that because it reminded me of the blue meanies from Yellow Submarine. I often like to weird out my husband when we're cooking by donning the oven mits and cooing silly things like, "Gooooooood Glove," and, "I Glooooove you," and so on and so forth. ;)

Your daughters are really cute and it looks like you were all having so much fun. And while I'm not a big fan of the whole Pirate thing that seems to be sweeping the Disney community I do think that dessert looks really cool. :thumbsup2

PS. The food was not undelicious? Wow ... that's a strong statement! :lmao:

Hey Oy!
While the girls do GLOVE the Yellow Submarine (I can't stand that movie but my husband turned them onto it and they all enjoy the crap out of it...I do love the Beatles though!) the reference was actually to the fact that in VMK you couldn't say certain non-Disney approved words.

In fact you really couldn't say ANYTHING related to pretty much anything.. weird stuff like "blueberry" was out! So instead of love the kids would say "Glove" Maybe they did get it from the YSub early on but I don't know :)

In terms of the pirate issues. Well, I agree to a certain extent.. you know I think Walt had respect for other talents besides his own and his imagineers. But now adays if something sells, the other things get covereted to sell right along with it. I've heard that the Small World will be getting Disney characters... Oy... what's the deal? I thought it was just because of us fat bottom girls draggin the boats down! :woohoo: and when I say us, I mean me. :rotfl:

I'm glad you caught the undelicious reference. You are my idol for food reviews! :hug:
I love the Blue Bayou! I had the pork chops my last visit and they were delicious. I debated about the cookie boat, but ended up with the key lime pie.

This time we're not going to eat there, but maybe we should stop in for the cookie boat dessert-it looks fabulous in your photo!

Hi Phalene,
The cookie boat was actually REALLY tasty, too. It was big and had plenty of ice cream which is something to say if you knew my families taste for sweets! We usually only get one or two desserts at a table and the person who has to share with my husband always pouts (even if it's me) and makes him split the plate before he takes his bites.. that man can wolf down some brownie sunday! :rotfl2:

But this thing was good.. filling and satisfying. Definitely recommend it.. and, look how darn cute it is!
After enjoying our elegant sufficiency at the famed and fabled Blue Bayou (I'm comin' back some day.. come what may!) we marched or shall we say floated :cloud9: over to tomorrowland to use our Buzz and SpaceMountain FP's.

We are pretty adept at getting/using FP's and this helped SO much I cannot STRESS enough how important it is to study and USE the FP system. It amazes me that people wait in lines. :confused:

come on people...LEARN IT, USE IT, fuggetaboutit. It's good stuff. :teacher:

We spent about 3-5 minutes in line for Space Mountain. This was my husband's first time and I requested the front for him. The front of SM so totally rocks! It's like you are really, really zooming through space (without the requisite air helmet thingy). You can't see a thing in front of you except stars and pitch black night.

I've heard that they change the music sometimes and that sounds like a lot of fun, too... we never experienced it though. Maybe it's just weekends? :confused3

The only downside of all that rushing through space (sans helmet) is that your eyes are watering like tiny brooks when you come into the station. :sad1:

At the end of the trip I solved this probelm by wearing sunglasses! It worked for me! I think it's only the very front that has to worry about the waterworks but it was WELL worth it to me. :cool1:

I'm a terrible photographer!

Next we were off to fight the evil Zurg :eek: The queue for this ride is really cute! The toy storia mania ride has the potato head hawker but he barely said a thing! This giant buzz is full of chit chat and he's INDOORS where you are much more likely to enjoy looking at something.

Something about shooting stuff allowed me to focus for the first time that day!

At the end of this ride is a really cute little station where you can see your "photo" from the ride and get this... rather than pay $20 for your copy you can EMAIL yourself a copy for FREE! :dance3:

that last focused shot was a fluke.. you can tell by the fingerprint smudge just one shot later

I've heard people say that their email stuff through WDW did not arrive but I'm happy to report that ours did and they were so much fun to see when we got home :yay:

Space Popeye.. hug ug ug

Let me add in a time table here as I have been negligent in time checks:
All times are approximate!
7:05 am: arrive at front gates
8:00 am: Rope Drop
8-30: Fantasyland mania
8:45 ish: FP for Indie, Dole Whip (what? it's vacation!), BTMRR, Pirates, HM, Splash
10:00 am: Tom Sawyers Island
11:10 am: Check in for 11:30 ressie's at Blue Bayou..second or third table set for the day was US.. it was empty as we walked in.. really cool!
12:15: tomorrow land - Buzz, SP, stuff

1:15: On schedule... headin to DCA!

Heading through the tunnel towards DCA
Gloving your trip review so far! Though it sure is making me miss VMK as well. I know when I am at DLR in a couple weeks I will be taking pics like your daughters at BB...and I am an adult!!

You guys look like such a fun family. I am doing Ridemax as well, and I am happy to hear it worked so well for you. When were you at DL? The crowds seem fairly light.

Ok...waiting for more!
Gloving your trip review so far! Though it sure is making me miss VMK as well. I know when I am at DLR in a couple weeks I will be taking pics like your daughters at BB...and I am an adult!!

You guys look like such a fun family. I am doing Ridemax as well, and I am happy to hear it worked so well for you. When were you at DL? The crowds seem fairly light.

Ok...waiting for more!

glad you are enjoying my TR. It's a labor of glove :rotfl2: sorry...

We were there On Sunday July 13th and Monday July 14th. Sunday was BY FAR AND AWAY less crowded than Monday. Speaking to some of the cast members we heard the same story...weekends have been uncharacteristically dead compared to weekdays. Plus.... that particular Sunday fell after a freak thunder storm (OMG they're M-E-L-T-I-N-G) the night before (sat) so that probably scared away most of the locals :laughing:

NEWSBULLETIN: THe great storm of '08 ravages the southland :lmao:

They can't help themselves... but yes, between that and "church" was another guess as to why sunday was dead. Either way, it rocked!

I love RideMax but don't follow it religiously...and I also realized that if you're going for more than one day it's almost impossible to use ridemax because of all the "what if's" on the first day.. what if I already rode this, what if I didn't get a chance to ride that.. etc etc.

My favorite way to use ridemax is to study, study, study..figure out what they're getting at by trying different scenerio's and finding the common gournd.....then use the rough outline and wing it!

Can't wait to hear about your trip! Thank you for all the nice comments.. we sure do like to have fun
Can't wait to eat at the Blue Bayou in Dec. Hope we are lucky like you & get a table next to the water.
Cute Buzz picture!!!
Just a quick picture post with classic comparrison shots through the years...

Storybook Canal Flashbacks..

Summer 2008

Summer 2007

And the one that started it all... Winter 2004

We loves us some scary mansions!

This trip..

Last summer...

And wholley crap she's cute...

It is at the time where I will share a mother moment: My first trip to DL with my kid(S) was ALL set to be the experience of a lifetime (though I didn't take any pictures, apparently). However, my little one was sort of a Donald Duck on a bad day EVERYDAY.. so I took just the older one who was 4 at the time.

Even getting on the parkinglot tram I think I got misty eyed.. I was so excited for the magic pixiedust:

We boarded the Pirates of the Caribean and she looked at me and said, "Those are animatronics, mom."

:scared: whaaa?

Why you little #%$@! Broke the ole mum's heart! Ah well, better luck next year.

Skip forwad the following year. I brought both of them this time and the little one was hiding under the bench trying to avoid the canon fire over head! :banana: WOOO HOO! Fear accomplished via oversized role playing set design! Memories.... la la la la la la la laaaaaa.....:woohoo:

Goodtimes.... very good times. pirate:
So.. DCA... it's not popular but I LIKE IT! are the attractions at DCA vs the WDW:

Things on the Left are at DCA and things on the right are their counterparts out there somewhere... some are exact, some are close-ish! The point of this story is that you can see a LOT of WDW in this little, TINY, CUTE, filled with goodness park! :3dglasses

  • ·Soarin' Over California - Soarin Over California (EPCOT)
  • ·Turtle Talk with Crush - (opened July 15, 2005) – Turtle Talk with Crush (EPCOT)
  • ·Toy Story Midway Mania – Toy Story Midway Mania (MGM)
  • ·Grizzly River Run – Kali River Rapids (AK)
  • ·The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (MGM studio’s)
  • ·Animation Academy – The Magic of Disney Animation (MGM)
  • ·Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage! – Playhouse Disney –Live on Stage (MGM)
  • ·Muppet*Vision 3D – Muppet Vision 3-D (MGM)
  • ·California Screamin'– Rockin’ Roller Coaster – (MGM)
  • ·Mulholland Madness – Primeaval Whirl (AK) (yes, I know they’re quite different)
  • ·Jumpin' Jellyfish: this exact attraction exists somewhere.. tokyo or something?
  • ·Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue! – Is there another one of these somewhere?
  • ·Sorcerer's Workshop - (opened February 8, 2001) : An exitbit featureing the "Sorcerer's Workshop" where visitors can create their own animation, "Beast's Library" where visitors can find out which Disney Character they are most like – I’ve heard of this at (MGM?) maybe but don’t know what it’s called. The DCA version is BEAUTIFULLY themed and gorgeous towalk through…Amazing.
  • ·Disney's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular – I have never seen the Finding Nemo Show or the Lion King show at AK but I bet this Aladdin is better (IMHO).
  • ·Redwood Creek Challenge Trail - The Boneyard (AK)
  • ·The Hollywood Backlot Stage - (opened February 8, 2001) : Disney's California Adventure's performing center – Other shows throughout the other parks!

I don't care if they improve on DCA, I'm not tied to it nostalgically speaking. I hear about "Cars Land" rumors and I say that just SCREAMS TEST TRACK to me!
·Toy Story Midway Mania – this is somewhere in WDW I forget where.

Disney Hollywood Studios (old MGM)
Can't wait to eat at the Blue Bayou in Dec. Hope we are lucky like you & get a table next to the water.
Cute Buzz picture!!!

The reservations were pretty easy, actually... and there was availablity for a later dinner even THAT DAY :eek:

Make the ressie for as early as available and check in a bit early and I bet you'll have no trouble with the water seat. :)

I think we walked through the park (My goodness it's a long walk when there's no hub!) to get FP for California Screamin. I don't know if you guys have visited the Disneyland Photo of the Day Thread but OMG there's this guy named Nostalgic Dad ... his photo's BLOW MY MIND :dance3: They're amazing... this DCA park is very photogenic.

Ok... so then we decided to spend some time at the "carnival" type rides. We started with the Maliboomer which is basically a take you up and drop you kind of gig ....and it is a BLAST (omg that automatic voiceover was KILLING ME) but really, it IS a blast! I hate to admit it... I really HATE to admit it but.. this was my favorite THRILL ride at DLR. True story. It's fun. It's fast. It's a BLAST.

TIP: take shoes/socks off to feel the wind beneath your toes!

We decided to go get ToT FP... WHOLLEY CRAP it's far! I can see it... I just can't get to it unless I walk the FULL length of the park and MORE again! :sick:

Then we waited for seats to the Aladdin show. If you haven't seen this show you SUCK! Ok, just kidding.. but OMG it is SOO so so SOO very awesome! It's a broadway type show but it's also got very hip and up to the minute ad-libs by the :genie: and without giving much away KNOW THIS: It is WORTH IT! Last year when we went, this was the girls FAVORITE part of DLR.

The show is dark on Mon and Tues.. (at least at the present time) plan accordingly!

These guys were actually hanging around in the Sorcer's Workshop area...

I took another cue from a poster and snapped this cool angle of ToT from the Aladdin exit platforms

Has anybody seen this movie? It's actually REALLY GOOD! Steve Guttenburg Rocks!

After we got FP my husband realized he had blisters on his feet. :sad1: I probably shoulda offered to go to the car for him but he didn't ask me because he's the nicest husband in the world and he knows that Disney time is so valuable... he sacrificed himself and went for the shoes. We waited at the Sorcer's Workshop..

Title Unneccesary

I can't say enough about this cute place! Walk into this area and you are transfixed at the 100 foot screens surrounding you showing you beautiful images of all your disney favorites. It's hard to tear yourself away. Turtle Talk with Crush and the Disney Animation Workshop are on the top floor.

Teaching the unteachable..

You can do it!

Underground from here is the Beast's Library (I have issues with Beauty and the Beast, however. Basically, your teaching girls that if you love big, grumpy, abusive men LONG ENOUGH and GOOD ENOUGH then they'll CHANGE. Not so much, sista.) moving was pretty though! You also get to find out what kind of Disney character you are and a few other interactive stations. This is the one area that we didn't actually spend enough time in despite our two day luxury excursion.
Just a quick stop on memory lane... down the road away from ToT there's this spot:

: Necessary Photo Moment #1

Continue on and there's a spot currently taken up by a "Wall-E" poster but it used to be much cuter as Cruella's trailer: (photo from last year)

I expect her to burst out any minute and hit Cass with the door!


Back to 2008...Then we ran into GOOFY!

On my resume, honest to goodness, it says under hobbies: tourist traps.. this is an Homage to The Goofy Movie.

I love Goofy... I LOVE that movie.. it's so cute how he tries to get max to go to what is blatantly a defunct Disney park with a defunct Bear Country Jamboree show made out of Opossums... I love that Disney was able to wink at itself like that. I also adore the Biggest Ball of String that he and Max stopped at. I am DEFINITELY a Goof at heart. :love:

I'm cheating again now and entering some pictures from last years trip as I was trying to conserve space on my 4 gig card that was FULL and didn't take much in terms of new pictures of some of the things I knew I already had.

Tot Lobby


And from this year....

Somebody should not have stayed up passed midnight Dancin' it up last night!

shot-n-shot cam

I think we then moved on to do the following things: Get Soarin FP, see Muppet Vision 3-D, ride Cal Screamin, ride Soarin, sit the girls down in a good spot to see the Electric Light Parade, run and grab burgers at Taste Pilots Grill which we ate on the curb waiting for it might have looked like this:

I loved this show! I loved the guys in the balcony.. loved the bubbles, the graphics worked well on me..which is not easy as I am "cross eyed"

What a smooth coaster.. it breaks down quite a bit, I hear but it is worth the time and effort for the smooth ride. It looks like a wooden coaster but rides like a slick new BLAST OFF machine!

Shot n shot cam

I'm ready for my Close Up Mr Deville

On the move between FP action..

Soarin' is a great ride. It's basically OMNIMAX turned upside down with movement and smell.. but it's a really cool sensation. I would love to see a couple new Shows worked out though. Just like those little motion simulators.. I bet you could reprogam it for different movies and different moves.

This hallway is lined with Aviators and's a little bit boring and even though you use FP it can be a healthy wait time

The burgers here were Ok. I had the steak sauce one which came with blue cheese and cold A-1 which quickly cooled off my patty making me wonder if it was cooked. The Onion rings were REALLY good. I thought that the burgers were ala carte so I ordered a bunch of fries and the CM told me that they came with fries... I was glad she did cause that would have been a big waste of money... I was impressed with her thoughtful thinking

I like these next picture are out of sequence but who cares. :confused3

Old Hollywood

another twilight shot.. pardon if this is a repeat!

Then we sat down for the Main Street Electrical Light Parade (Cue music!)....:yay:
Hi there:

Just wanted to let you know that I saw you and your girls at the Blue Bayou on Sunday. I recognized the t-shirts. ;) We were the family sitting on the bench across from you while we were waiting to be seated. I wish I had known then that you were a fellow DISer. You're my first DIS sighting! :)
Hi there:

Just wanted to let you know that I saw you and your girls at the Blue Bayou on Sunday. I recognized the t-shirts. ;) We were the family sitting on the bench across from you while we were waiting to be seated. I wish I had known then that you were a fellow DISer. You're my first DIS sighting! :)

Wow! I think that's totally cool :) Thanks for stopping by my TR and saying hi!

I can't believe it didn't cross your mind that we were Dis' crazies. Of course, there are a lot of other boards, I guess :)

Did you guys enjoy your experience?
Sorry if this info is already there, but where did you stay during the trip?

We were at a wedding in Newport Beach and we stayed at the Ramada there... it was only a 15-20 min drive. The next night we stayed with family in Diamond Bar.. even closer :thumbsup2
Wow! I think that's totally cool :) Thanks for stopping by my TR and saying hi!

I can't believe it didn't cross your mind that we were Dis' crazies. Of course, there are a lot of other boards, I guess :)

Did you guys enjoy your experience?

I know! I totally should have guessed by the shirts, but I guess I just thought you were just a super-organized trip planning mom! ;) But your girls were beautiful, and very polite. :)

We had a great trip. It was our first time at Disneyland after MANY trips to WDW. It was a little strange visiting a place that was so familiar, yet so different, but we're glad we got a chance to go!

And I agree, Sunday was much less crowded than Monday was!


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