The Goofy Identity (Just whose side are you on anyway?) - Compleated!

:sad2: You'll never get it.

Not on this trip at least.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: It is absurd how quickly that one backs up. But then again when you consider the fact that you're looking at a solid half hour to ride, even if you have FP... it doesn't take too much to back it up like that.

Truth. I knew better, but it's still just amazing to see.

::yes:: Live guides tend to make it more interesting.

Lectures are good, discussions are better.

::yes:: I've always enjoyed the "historic" EPCOT attractions that still try to remain educational. And I can't argue against the Nemo addition to the Living Seas. They still have their educational displays, but the addition of Nemo and Crush gives the kids something to be excited about.

Agreed on all points.
(Good Lord, I hate when I have to say that to you)

You call that skunk smell painless?


Survivable, maybe?

Retched, probably still fits the bill here.

::yes:: My favorite part of the refurb.

The bit of it that they got right.

Well, of course!

Just wait...
Your time is coming.

Power definitely is the most important thing. :thumbsup2


What???? :eek: They were focusing on power and didn't go with the Plasma Burner???? Rookies... :rolleyes1

Ya' know... That may have been it.
They went with whichever system it was that dropped "Responsiveness" down into the teens and Efficiency down to about -3.

Nice looking car, indeed.

I'll take the compliment.
I don't see many.

Close... I call it Tron Track. But same difference.

Pomegranate... Hand Grenade...
Close enough

Well, beating you is priority number one.

Yah, yah...
We'd already established that much.

But I don't believe I've ever designed one that has scored under 210. :rolleyes1

Having done it only once thus far,
I believe I've got a couple rounds ahead of me before we declare a winner here.

It may take a decade or two, to build up a representative sample, but still...

Ok... I can see this one. I wouldn't particularly want to go see a movie during park hours. But if you're going to see a premier showing of a Disney film, on Disney property, in a theater that serves you dinner. I can't exactly argue against it. :confused3

I can also see the general merits, but questioned their timing.
Beidh Oibríocht Slam mhór tosú ag breacadh an lae ar an lá nuair a gabhadh an teach Eabhrac an Rí ag Naomh Albans.
Understood tá gach gníomhairí go hoifigiúil ar orduithe ag fanacht fuireachas as oifig ceann an lae luaite. Beidh gach teachtaireacht eile a chur ar fáil i dteanga oifigiúil an lae
Howdy all...
I'd like to take just a moment here to say something to my DW.
OK, here goes...

I am nothing without you.

Well, that pretty much sums it up.
A Happy 24th Anniversary to my Baby Girl.

An now I think I'll take this opportunity to post up a chapter about spending time with my Lovely.
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Congratulations on celebrating the fact that you found someone willing to put up with you for 24 years!

Happy Anniversary to both of you! :thumbsup2
Chapter 8: Redemption


Part 2: Searching for Lost Identities

I envy those that know exactly who they are.

The ones that are convinced that they’ve got everything worked out, an effective contingency on hand for every situation and an unwavering answer to every possible question. What I envy about them is that despite the likelihood that their absolute certainty is at best a fallacy and at worst an illusion, the piece of mind that can be drawn from such fallacies or illusions must be blissful.

I’ve got no clue as to what all the questions are much less what all those answers might be.
Contingencies, well those often have to be derived on the fly and certainly don’t always come off as anticipated.

Heck, I can’t say with complete unwavering certainty exactly who I am.

I mean… can you?
Say who you are, that is?

Truth is, once you think you’ve established your place in the world, it pretty quickly changes.

I mean just as a simple example: we go from single folks, to flirtations couple, to committed partners, to “stable” parents (hopefully that is), to parents of teens (and no, that’s neither stable nor the same thing as the last example), and all these transitions take place in the blink of an eye.

And none of those different people there are in anyway the same person as the previous one.

And what is the next step after that?
Are we still committed partners at that point?

Or, just folks that probably need to be committed?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Dating My Wife


In the spring of 1993, my wife and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary by visiting Orlando. As a part of that adventure we took a day to explore Epcot Center (as it was called then). I remember first stopping by “Earth Station” to make dinner reservations. I remember how enjoyable “Horizons” was and how World of Motion was rather light hearted. We learned that simulators aren’t Tamara’s best friend when we took a whirl on Body Wars. On the other side of the park we ran across the Dreamfinder, “Listened” to the Land and encountered The Living Seas with our first descent to Sea Base Alpha. All these experiences entertained “the kid” in us, especially as we had no young’ens of our own at the time.

But the adults in us (and still newlywed ones at that) were most enthralled by the stroll through the
World Showcase.


It was a delight for the senses.

We explored all the pavilions, marveled at the architecture, breather in the details and even caught a good number of the shows and films. It all instilled that proper sense of wonder. We followed all that up with dinner and a show at the Biergarten (when it was not yet a buffet) and capped the evening watching “IllumiNations” (long before it became: “Reflections of Earth”).

Much has changed since then…


We have returned to WDW many times since that expedition, including just as many encounters with Epcot. But the focus since then has always been on Future World where the kids were more drawn and entertained. When and if we’d venture out into “the countries” it was often more of a glancing blow then a direct attack.

With this trip, things were far different. As you saw in previous chapters, the “kids” were old enough to actually draw something out of the pavilions out here and even interested in exploring a number of them. But with our charges gallivanting off on their own, came a new chance to do something old. To do something I’d not done in quite literally twenty years. To escort my lovely bride on a meandering stroll through the Showcase with nowhere in particular we had to be and no one tugging at our shirt sleeves to hurry us along.

Time to take our time…

Well the first nation along our current path just happened to be Mexico…


Having explored this spot on the map thoroughly a couple days before, we didn’t head into the pyramid this time. Instead, being as it was now about lunch time (and we had no dining reservations this day), this seemed to be a good time to partake of some nibbles. We farther figured that rather than a big meal at any one place we’d grab several different noshes from around the entire WS. So with that in mind, we dropped by the Cantina de San Angel intending just to split something simple.

While relaxing in the shad and nibbling on some nachos, Tamara’s cell phone gave out a little chirp.
Turns out that this was a text from the guys.
They just wanted to pass on something that they recently learned...

“Did you know that there are no busses to DTD at the TTC?”

…I do believe their expedition out into the “larger world” had hit its first snag.

We told them to take one to the nearest resort and switch from there. They’d already reached the same conclusion, so I didn’t need to worry about them anymore.

The Cantina was a nice distraction and allowed us to take the edge of the hungries and get back out into the crowd pretty quickly. So quick that upon leaving we had time to stop and take in some of the atmosphere.

In this instance that came in the form of a Mariachi band…


…which we were able to listen to for a while without thinking we were losing time for other things
(or having young’ens clamoring that we should move on.)

These two things - music and a lack of urgency - would end up being a theme this afternoon.

But after a bit (and largely because they had finished up their set)…
it was time to move on to our next stop of the day.



Still not being in a hurry, we decided to rummage through the little museum first…


Something that that generally boars young’ens to distraction.

The notion of getting another nosh out of the bakery while we were here was floated as well, but there was quite the jostling crowd in there (battling to get the last serving of School Bread no doubt) so that idea got shelved. I was looking for serenity more than sustenance at that moment, and there didn’t seem to be much of it in supply here. But there was serenity to be had elsewhere in the pavilion. Since we were here (and in the near future this place might not be), it seemed only proper to take one last ride on…


The Maelstrom

As I hinted, there wasn’t much crowd to speak of here which was quite a change from when it first opened. I remember bringing my then five-year-old here and having to acquire a fast-pass just to get inside.

This was quite different.

I doubt there were more than twenty folks ahead of us, so it was in short order that we were loaded aboard one of the Long Boats, released form the dock and headed up the main lift hill. At which point the mechanicals chose to show their age by breaking down for a moment or two as we were just shy of the hill top.

Good thing the design wouldn’t allow gravity to pull us back down.
That would have been – shall we say – rather the thrill ride.

It didn’t take terribly long for the situation to get sorted out though, and we again sent off on our way to learn a bit of Nordic historical fact and myth, anger a few trolls and be whisked backward toward waterfalls and stormy seas.

As for the obligatory film at the end of the ride…
Yeah, we skipped that (just and nearly everyone else does)

Now it was time for one of those Indiana Jones style interludes where a map illustrates our grand trek traveling through and past China (having explored that one previously as well), over African and its “Outpost” and onward toward Europe, or more specifically:



Such an arduous trip across vast continents would leave even the most seasoned travel somewhat spent.
So it was only natural that we felt the need for some more nibbles and noshes.

And where better to requisition such necessary supplies then…


The Karamell-Küche

Bet you can’t guess what type of confection we were after at the time.
Yea, that’s a pretty foolish bet, now ain’t it?

Well, Caramels of course. A couple nice sized pieces of the Dark Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt would do us nicely thank you very much, oh and a bag of the Caramel kettle-corn while you’re at it, please.

Yummy stuff.

The next pavilion along was Italy. That one is relatively small pavilion once you discount the restaurants. This being the case and it also being another location explored previously, we limited our recon activities to rummaging through the few shops and generally just enjoying the scenery. I did snap a few images here, but none of them really please me. Considering that my photography skills may well be questionable at best, this should not be too surprising.

I did pick up a decent shot of the golf ball from back here though…


So there is that at least…

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Coming to America


Time to hop across the pond

The next pavilion along has a unique distinction among the various facades found within the confines of WDW.
That would be its use of forced perspective.

Not so, you say…
All the building fronts from Main Street, to Sunset Boulevard to the Himalayas use that trick.

Ahhh yes, but this one reverses that ‘trick” to appear smaller than it actually is…


As a structure, The American Experience is massive compared to everything else around it, but that’s actually quite hard to discern right off. It’s also more attraction than pavilion, but being as vast stretches of Walt Land are already dedicated to our own national heritage in the first place…
that’s neither shocking nor a detriment.

Turns out that just as we entered the lobby, the “Voices of Freedom” were beginning their performance…


They sing right pur’ty now don’t they...
We’ll be chalking that experience up in the win column.

Being a two story space with only the central “rotunda area” open all the way to the ceiling, the lobby design still doesn’t let you catch on to the amount of room there is in here. It’s once you’re ushered toward the main theater via the “Flag Gallery” where the escalators are, one finally gets a visual hint of the scale of the place.


Upon entering the grand space that is the main theater for the next “experience” we made a bee line past the folks squashing their way into the higher rows in favorer of grabbing a couple seats right down front. That way neither of us had to be concerned about having overly tall personages plop down right smack in the way of our somewhat height challenged lines of vision. A secondary bonus of this strategy is that with no rows ahead of you, one can also sink into the fairly comfy seats and stretch out a bit. Add on the copious amounts of AC and that the performance has a decent length to it and you’ll see that this is one of the best places in the WS to take a break and relax for a while.

It they served food and drinks, I might not leave.

I enjoy this show.
It’s a proper feel good piece.

The soundtrack is expansive and enthralling, the animatronics are effective,
the set changes add wonderful visual interest…

It’s all just really well put together and thought out.

There is this one spot though while they’re representing the Civil War where the visuals are accompanied by a rendition of a period folk song titled “All on a Beautiful Morning”…

Well from my perspective, they really need to dial back on the amount of dust and pollen that they’re pumping into the theater at that particular point.

I’m pretty sure I’ve had to bust out a hankie every time.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Back on the Streets

We’d seen the show about “mostly America” and it was something even Sam the Eagle would have been proud of. With another pavilion ticked off the list it was time once again to circle the globe in search of something different.

Continuing along that mile or so main pathway that rings the World Showcase we encountered Asia once more as we passed over Japan…


Well… more passed by rather than over…


…but we’d explored that one earlier this week as well so in any case, we didn’t linger very long here today.

Instead, the plan was to continue onward toward North Africa and the only pavilion designed, built and staffed by the nation in question…



I like rummaging around in this pavilion.
Partly because a lot of folks ignore it so it’s usually right calm here.

I’m also partial to Moorish architecture so the vibe of the place intrigues me.
If you take time to rummage around the bazar you’ll find some of the more interesting knick-knacks on property as well. Nothing I intend to buy, but still interesting to browse through.

It’s also about the only place where you’ll encounter Jasmin…
but sadly, not on this trip.

The main thing we were after here though was some more in the way of nibbles.


Like most quick-service options, the Tangerine Café maintains a fairly simple menu, but the items on it aren’t quite as common as what can be found elsewhere.

I mean besides the burger and chicken tenders for the kids, that is.
I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of other spots on-world where one can obtain falafel or kafta.

What we ended up splitting this time though came in the form of schwarma. The chicken variety (as Tamara isn’t very fond of lamb). Add some tabouleh along with hummus and flat bread on the side and for decent bucks (compared to other WDW QS offerings that is) and we ended up with a nice variety of flavors that you don’t encounter so often on property.

Both filling and refreshing.

Having enjoyed a good entrée what was called for next was a proper after dinner cocktail and just maybe a little bit of desert. Not only is that a good plan…
we just happened to be in a good place to execute it in high style.

From Morocco, you just hop over the Straits of Gibraltar, then head northeast until you cross the Pyrenees and onward toward the Seine.


Being as we’re in the World Showcase…
Just continue on around counter clock wise and in both cases you’ll encounter



Now granted, the first set of directions leads to the real thing and the second only to a Disney Pavilion, but I’ll be going with option two for now (or is that: la deuxième option). Besides, if I were to buy into the stereotypes, I’ll be treated less rudely by the CM’s here then the populous there.

The first stop was for that cocktail I mentioned. There is a kiosk out on the main walkway that purveys several intriguing libations. The one that we’re most fond of would happen to be the “Grand Marnier Slush”.

This ain’t your standard Icee to be sure.

Two of those got ordered and delivered in quick succession.
Good thing too, as a rain shower popped without any warning just as I grabbed the stems of the chintzy plastic goblets (but it’s the contents that count so chintz is fine by me). There happened to be several umbrellas placed around the cart where I’m sure several tables and chairs were supposed to have been placed as well. The absence of those accoutrements though meant that we ended up with a perfect place to stand, keep dry and leisurely enjoy our delicate orange potables.


The shower didn’t last very long actually and was rather light by Florida standards. The ground dried almost immediately in the mid afternoon heat as well. Given those condition and our desire to now partake of a bit of desert we chose to pass by the vast assortment of pastries available here for something a bit cooler.
And something that at the time was new to this pavilion…


Tucked away in the little side street in a spot that once housed patisserie you’ll now encounter:

L'artisan des Glace

The only dedicated ice-cream parlor that I’m aware of out here in the WS.

And it’s some mighty fine ice-cream as well, or so I’m told.
What I can tell you from personal experience is that the sorbet is most certainly mighty fine.
At least the Pomegranate Sorbet managed to hit our spot.
Heck, it jumped up and down on that spot and knocked it senseless.

About the only thing that would have been better is another one of those slushes.
(or one made from the sorbet)


From France it’s a short hop across the channel to our next destination.
Ok, it’s really just crossing the bridge at the International Gateway in this instance, but water does actually get crossed, so it still counts.

But again the result is that we’ve arrived at the pavilion dedicated to…


The United Kingdom

This happens to be home to one of my single favorite dining locations at WDW much less Epcot. That being the Rose and Crown. To this day, I’ve not had a better meal anywhere on property then here (but then again, there are a number of the supremely high-end locations that I also just haven’t had the bucks to try either). That said, today there is just one itsy-bitsy little problem pertaining to the R&C…

The fact that I don’t have reservations.
Nor will I be obtaining any this time around.


So what else is there to do in the UK then?

Well if you’re lucky, you could catch the world Showcase Players doing a rousing street performance of "Romeo and Edna" (at least at the time you could, not sure that’s true anymore). Or, you might poke around in the various shops. If one happens to be into Premier League Football they’d especially like the jerseys and such available here. It is also entirely possible that you might even run across a practically perfect nanny. We didn’t happen to encounter any of those things though (we saw the shops – true – but I’m not much of a footballer so, still no cigar). What we did run across though was this collection of blokes…


Referred to as “British Revolution”, they were knocking out a series of rather nice covers to a few modern and even a few classic tunes from the Brit rock scene. And the bonus is that there were no young’ens sayin’

“Daaaaaaaaad… can we go now?”

Meaning, I actually got to stop for a bit and listen to the whole set.
So was I ever so terribly pleased by this turn of events?

Well, you might say I was chuffed to bits.


Last but not least when traveling the WS (or first if you happen to be going to your right) you’ll find yourself in


This was once home to another regularly performing band: “Off Kilter”.
Note that I said “once”.

As it turns out that once bit of the equation would add up to my losing out twice on this topic. First off, they weren’t scheduled to perform anytime in the near (so we’d not be seeing them this day) and second, they’ve since been dis-Band-ed (sorry… couldn’t resist) so I’ll not have the chance to catch them next time either.
Nor any other time for that matter.

I’m a might unhappy with the folks at Disney over that one actually.

Well I could drown my sorrows with cheese soup and pretzel bread followed by a nice southing desert of steak at Le Cellier. A lack of reservation and extra cash was interfering with that idea though.

That leaves the Circle-Vision-360 theater presentation:


Which is something I can say for certain is actually quite good for entertainment value.
But this time around we chose to skip that as well.


Because I noticed something concerning while trying to frame up a decent picture of the pavilions rendition of the Château Laurier hotel…


I noticed those threatening skis in the background…

I also noticed that the temperature and dropped suddenly and that the winds were becoming both a bit fierce and somewhat erratic. It seemed to us that just maybe this wasn’t going to be another one of those quick little afternoon showers and that just maybe we ought to consider heading back toward the front of the park.

Next up: Into each life some rain must fall…
(Oh… and a repeat performance, but let’s not give too much away about that one just yet.)
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Congratulations on celebrating the fact that you found someone willing to put up with you for 24 years!

Happy Anniversary to both of you! :thumbsup2

My point precisely.
Good that you picked up on the only truly realavent fact there.

Oh, and Thanks.
One day left. That’s it, that’s all.
Tomorrow we need to head back from where we came.

NO! That always comes way to quickly.

The return time for four passes acquired at 8:40?



I’ve always liked this little excursion, although I do miss having the live guides aboard these boats.

Me too. I remember wearing a Phillies jacket there when I was a kid and the guide was so thrilled to see someone from her area and strike up a conversation that she blew half her lines on the ride.:rotfl2:

As an actual working aquarium, this place along with greenhouse boat ride over at the land, does one of the better jobs of carrying out the mission that Future World strived for when it was originally opened. It offers not only a possible vision of things that could be, but also goes out of its way to actually provide a teaching opportunity.

Hopefully they'll keep finding ways to keep that mission alive.

They did a fine job of coaxing one’s own imagination to venture beyond its perceived boundaries and consider new possibilities. Change happens though, and often for good reasons. Not to mention, there is still plenty here that one cannot experience readily on their own and much that will spark that desire to learn.

I remember being really disappointed with the "hydrolators". All that buildup, and then you climb inside and...nothing happens.:rotfl:

Ok, since we are on this side of the park, and since it’s generally a walk on and thus “relatively” painless, we went ahead and knocked off the last “attraction” in the area.

This one here…

:sad2: You could have fooled around with the jumping fountains instead.

But just as we’d experienced a few days before, for some reason there was no “Beverly” available.

That's just wrong.

That is if you were to call sitting through ‘Figment Roulette” a struggle

Yes. Yes, I would.

So he asked how long our wait was once we hit the line. I figured it was only about six minutes. He noted that they’d been on line near two hours.

I struggle to find anything worth standing in line 2 hours for.

It looked so much like the film that we immediately renamed the entire attraction:

Test Tron

Very, very appropriate! I haven't experienced this version yet. But I miss the story of the old one.

Well my design pulled a total of 198.

The boys…
They got 199
Thus justifying their youthful belief that power is all that matters
(in their minds at least).

I demand a re-count! The fix was in! Solar? Seriously?

So the question that got asked at the beginning of this exercise was: who does things like that?

Well now we have an answer.
Apparently, we do.

Well, whatever floats your boat. It's your vacation.
I envy those that know exactly who they are.

The ones that are convinced that they’ve got everything worked out, an effective contingency on hand for every situation and an unwavering answer to every possible question.

Of course, these people don't actually exist. They just think they do.

And what is the next step after that?
Are we still committed partners at that point?

Or, just folks that probably need to be committed?

I always thought the answer would just be that you're tired.:rotfl2:

I remember how enjoyable “Horizons” was

Horizons was my favorite ride as a kid!

But the adults in us (and still newlywed ones at that) were most enthralled by the stroll through the
World Showcase.

On the other hand, I couldn't get out of the World Showcase fast enough. No rides!:rotfl:

To do something I’d not done in quite literally twenty years. To escort my lovely bride on a meandering stroll through the Showcase with nowhere in particular we had to be and no one tugging at our shirt sleeves to hurry us along.

I can't remember what that's like. It sounds amazing, though. And happy anniversary!

“Did you know that there are no busses to DTD at the TTC?”

…I do believe their expedition out into the “larger world” had hit its first snag.

The best part about this is, it's not your problem.:thumbsup2

It didn’t take terribly long for the situation to get sorted out though, and we again sent off on our way to learn a bit of Nordic historical fact and myth, anger a few trolls and be whisked backward toward waterfalls and stormy seas.

Is that what happens? I never could figure that out.:confused3

Not so, you say…
All the building fronts from Main Street, to Sunset Boulevard to the Himalayas use that trick.

Ahhh yes, but this one reverses that ‘trick” to appear smaller than it actually is…

I remember hearing about that somewhere...I guess they didn't want the World Showcase to be a salute to all nations, but mostly America.

They sing right pur’ty now don’t they...
We’ll be chalking that experience up in the win column.

One of the best experiences around...

I enjoy this show.
It’s a proper feel good piece.

The soundtrack is expansive and enthralling, the animatronics are effective,
the set changes add wonderful visual interest…

It’s all just really well put together and thought out.


I’m pretty sure I’ve had to bust out a hankie every time.

Darn allergies. You should get that looked at.

It’s also about the only place where you’ll encounter Jasmin…
but sadly, not on this trip.

Maybe for the best if you're in the middle of a date, anyway.

And the bonus is that there were no young’ens sayin’

“Daaaaaaaaad… can we go now?”

Is that allowed to happen?:scared1:

This was once home to another regularly performing band: “Off Kilter”.
Note that I said “once”.

As it turns out that once bit of the equation would add up to my losing out twice on this topic. First off, they weren’t scheduled to perform anytime in the near (so we’d not be seeing them this day) and second, they’ve since been dis-Band-ed (sorry… couldn’t resist) so I’ll not have the chance to catch them next time either.
Nor any other time for that matter.

Not thrilled that they're gone, either. I liked them a lot. And from all accounts the replacement show is awful.
All agents have now reported in. onobhala nopholi uthulisiwe abalindele iziqondiso ezengeziwe ngaphambi kokuqhubeka futher.
I mean… can you?
Say who you are, that is?
Yes. I'm Andy. :rolleyes1

Or, just folks that probably need to be committed?
Well, I won't speak ill about your bride, but you certainly should be. :rotfl2:

In the spring of 1993, my wife and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary by visiting Orlando. As a part of that adventure we took a day to explore Epcot Center (as it was called then). I remember first stopping by “Earth Station” to make dinner reservations. I remember how enjoyable “Horizons” was and how World of Motion was rather light hearted. We learned that simulators aren’t Tamara’s best friend when we took a whirl on Body Wars. On the other side of the park we ran across the Dreamfinder, “Listened” to the Land and encountered The Living Seas with our first descent to Sea Base Alpha. All these experiences entertained “the kid” in us, especially as we had no young’ens of our own at the time.
Ahhh... the good old days.

But the adults in us (and still newlywed ones at that) were most enthralled by the stroll through the
World Showcase.
And rightfully so.

Much has changed since then…


So with that in mind, we dropped by the Cantina de San Angel intending just to split something simple.

While relaxing in the shad and nibbling on some nachos
MMMM... one of my favorite snacks/meals around the World Showcase.

“Did you know that there are no busses to DTD at the TTC?”

…I do believe their expedition out into the “larger world” had hit its first snag.

We told them to take one to the nearest resort and switch from there. They’d already reached the same conclusion, so I didn’t need to worry about them anymore.
:sad2: Well, at least they figured it out. Aren't you glad they let you both know about it right then and there?

I was looking for serenity more than sustenance at that moment, and there didn’t seem to be much of it in supply here. But there was serenity to be had elsewhere in the pavilion. Since we were here (and in the near future this place might not be), it seemed only proper to take one last ride on…
Maelstrom? For serenity??? Being cursed by trolls is serene?

I'm glad you got a last ride in there. I'll miss it, but I look forward to seeing what they do with it. I hope they make the change worthwhile.

Well, Caramels of course. A couple nice sized pieces of the Dark Chocolate Caramel with Sea Salt would do us nicely thank you very much, oh and a bag of the Caramel kettle-corn while you’re at it, please.
Love, love, love the caramel corn!

Turns out that just as we entered the lobby, the “Voices of Freedom” were beginning their performance…
And you were both lucky and very happy. I screwed that one up. :crazy2:

It they served food and drinks, I might not leave.
::yes:: They need to transform that theater into one like the theater the boys are headed to.

It’s all just really well put together and thought out.
::yes:: A fantastic show!

The first stop was for that cocktail I mentioned. There is a kiosk out on the main walkway that purveys several intriguing libations. The one that we’re most fond of would happen to be the “Grand Marnier Slush”.

This ain’t your standard Icee to be sure.
One of my favorite stops around the WS.

Two of those got ordered and delivered in quick succession.
Should have gotten one of each. One of the grand marnier and one of the orange. You know so you can share and sample each.

The only dedicated ice-cream parlor that I’m aware of out here in the WS.
The only one in EPCOT now that Starbucks has invaded, I believe. Now we can see why that one conveniently opened.

About the only thing that would have been better is another one of those slushes.
(or one made from the sorbet)
:idea: Next time just get one sorbet and one slush and mix them!

As it turns out that once bit of the equation would add up to my losing out twice on this topic. First off, they weren’t scheduled to perform anytime in the near (so we’d not be seeing them this day) and second, they’ve since been dis-Band-ed (sorry… couldn’t resist) so I’ll not have the chance to catch them next time either.
Nor any other time for that matter.
Well, you can still see them. At least you could this past winter. They got rid of the chainsaw show during the holiday season and had off kilter back performing a holiday show. They weren't "off kilter" anymore though. I forget the name, but it was the same performers.

I’m a might unhappy with the folks at Disney over that one actually.
You and everybody else.

What corporate idiot thought it would be a good idea to have the sound of chainsaws roaring across the World Showcase Lagoon???
NO! That always comes way to quickly.

Yes it does...
Well, not in relation to this TR... it took forever to get here from that perspective.
But during the trip itself, yah, that last day always gets here way too quickly.

Me too. I remember wearing a Phillies jacket there when I was a kid and the guide was so thrilled to see someone from her area and strike up a conversation that she blew half her lines on the ride.:rotfl2:

Yep… It’ll be pretty difficult to get the automated narrator to blow his line.
But it’s also impossible to get them off topic or onto something interesting or behind the scenes that would have “plused” the experience (as Walt liked to say).

Hopefully they'll keep finding ways to keep that mission alive.

I do hope so. I know that entertainment and thrills are the main goal of most visitors…
But I’m pretty thrilled when I learn something new myself.

I remember being really disappointed with the "hydrolators". All that buildup, and then you climb inside and...nothing happens.:rotfl:

Oh something happened…
The floor shimmied a bit and fake rock walls moved by the windows (and to make the Imagineers and crowd control folks happy, some of your time got spent and the crowd got spread out a bit :rolleyes: ).

:sad2: You could have fooled around with the jumping fountains instead.

Ehhh, it was there…
Honestly, I’d have kept going but the boys wanted to hit it just to say that that had done so.

That's just wrong.

I wondered if they were going to stop offering it, but I’ve since herd that Beverly is back in stock so I suppose that the tradition will continue for a while yet.

Yes. Yes, I would.

Pretty sure no one is surprised by your opinion of Figment Roulette.

I struggle to find anything worth standing in line 2 hours for.

As do I.
For want of a Fast-Pass I have missed attractions that most folks would agree are must do’s.
As a for instance, we’ve have missed out of TSMM many several times for this reason. Truth is I’ve only ever ridden that one twice. It was fun to be sure, but unless you’ve got a pass to cut that wait down, it just ain’t worth it.

Very, very appropriate! I haven't experienced this version yet. But I miss the story of the old one.

I think it worse for the long time park vets. Knowing what should be going on at the various stages of the drive makes the updates version more jarring. You still go through the two breaking tests, but there is no explanation as to why you’re doing so… you still crash through a wall before heading out on the high speed track, but there is no back story that gives you a reason for the effect. It just kind’a happens. The ride it still great, but the story got lost. Not very Disney.

I demand a re-count! The fix was in! Solar? Seriously?

I’ll whoop ‘em next time.

Well, whatever floats your boat. It's your vacation.

Someone has to be the exception.
Of course, these people don't actually exist. They just think they do.

And they think it with all their might.

I always thought the answer would just be that you're tired.:rotfl2:

Show me a parent that ain’t
(other than the ones with enough money to have a nanny do the work that is).

Horizons was my favorite ride as a kid!

From my first experience of Epcot, that’s the one that left the most vibrant images in my mind.
I still run across memories of scenes from that one.

On the other hand, I couldn't get out of the World Showcase fast enough. No rides!:rotfl:

Like I said: newlywed…
I was on a different kind of ride at the time.

I can't remember what that's like. It sounds amazing, though. And happy anniversary!

Thank you sir.
Sounds to me like y’all need a no-kids trip down there.
So do I for that matter. I need to work on that.

The best part about this is, it's not your problem.:thumbsup2

::yes:: Not that time.

Is that what happens? I never could figure that out.:confused3

The Trolls must have messed with your memory as well.

I remember hearing about that somewhere...I guess they didn't want the World Showcase to be a salute to all nations, but mostly America.

And somewhere, Sam Eagle is shocked… Shocked I tell you!

One of the best experiences around...

Disney does live music right well.
Or more rather, they do a good job of finding the right people to perform that music.

It just ain’t a good trip if I don’t see that one at least once.

Darn allergies. You should get that looked at.

Yah, it’s really odd. I rarely have allergy issues ‘round the house or at work or such…
But they crop up a lot at WDW for some reason.

Oh, and in theaters too; ones showing Disney films

Maybe for the best if you're in the middle of a date, anyway.

Good point.
Fate interviewing on my behalf there..

Is that allowed to happen?:scared1:

Never happened to you?
Pffft… Ain’t buyin’ that one :lmao:

Not thrilled that they're gone, either. I liked them a lot. And from all accounts the replacement show is awful.

I think I recently heard that they just may be backtracking off that decision to some extent.
Disney has made a few mistakes along the way, but they also generally admitted it fairly quick.
May this be another example of such.
Yes. I'm Andy. :rolleyes1

Do I know you?

Well, I won't speak ill about your bride, but you certainly should be. :rotfl2:

And you’d think my bride would have figured that out by now and moved on.

Ahhh... the good old days.

Certainly the Carefree days…

And rightfully so.

Wait… You’re agreeing with me?
Now who are you again?

MMMM... one of my favorite snacks/meals around the World Showcase.

I like the Cantina a lot.
I like the Tangerine Café more, but I’m in the minority on that one even within my own house.

:sad2: Well, at least they figured it out. Aren't you glad they let you both know about it right then and there?

It’s a generational thing.
They have to text, tweet, or post about everything, good, bad or indifferent.

Maelstrom? For serenity??? Being cursed by trolls is serene?

Boat rides are serine (so long as there aren’t ten-thousand animatronic dolls singing about a Small something-or-other). Compared to that, trolls are a minor distraction.

Love, love, love the caramel corn!

A bag of the stuff certainly doesn’t seem to last very long, that’s for sure.

And you were both lucky and very happy. I screwed that one up. :crazy2:

Whoops… ya’ gott’a go back and fix that then.

::yes:: They need to transform that theater into one like the theater the boys are headed to.

I’ve been trying to convince the folks down there that I need to be added on to the Imagineering staff,
but I think my resume keeps getting lost.

::yes:: A fantastic show!

And one that wears well.
Unlike, say… COP (or the last scene of it at least)

One of my favorite stops around the WS.

And well it should be.
Wait a second! Are you agreeing with me again?

Do I know you?

Should have gotten one of each. One of the grand marnier and one of the orange. You know so you can share and sample each.

Now I have to admit that you had a good idea.

That just knocks some of the shine off the day.

The only one in EPCOT now that Starbucks has invaded, I believe. Now we can see why that one conveniently opened.

Makes since.
Being Florida, you’d think there’d be even more opportunities to acquire frozen concoctions and premium prices.

:idea: Next time just get one sorbet and one slush and mix them!

Dag-nab it!
There you go again, knocking more of the shine of the day.

Well, you can still see them. At least you could this past winter. They got rid of the chainsaw show during the holiday season and had off kilter back performing a holiday show. They weren't "off kilter" anymore though. I forget the name, but it was the same performers.

That’s where I heard it from! It was you.
I hope that wasn’t just a delusion on your part and that they don’t switch back.

You and everybody else.

What corporate idiot thought it would be a good idea to have the sound of chainsaws roaring across the World Showcase Lagoon???

Don’t know, but whoever it was…
No more Mickey Bars for you!
Do I know you?
I can neither confirm nor deny...

Boat rides are serine (so long as there aren’t ten-thousand animatronic dolls singing about a Small something-or-other). Compared to that, trolls are a minor distraction.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. It is a boat. Of course...

And one that wears well.
Unlike, say… COP (or the last scene of it at least)
I like COP... but I definitely can't argue with that point.

Now I have to admit that you had a good idea.

That just knocks some of the shine off the day.
Woohoo!!!! :jumping1:

Makes since.
Being Florida, you’d think there’d be even more opportunities to acquire frozen concoctions and premium prices.
I'd ask what idiot decided it was smart to close an ice cream shop in Florida to sell something hot like coffee. But it has Starbucks on the door so I'm sure they're making a lot more money anyway. Considering the fact that people will follow the siren song of Starbucks at any cost... and as far as I can tell, it is quite a cost. Not that they ever cost me a dime. :rotfl2:

Dag-nab it!
There you go again, knocking more of the shine of the day.
:thumbsup2 :jumping1::jumping2::jumping3::Pinkbounc

That’s where I heard it from! It was you.
I hope that wasn’t just a delusion on your part and that they don’t switch back.
I believe they've already switched it back to the chainsaws. I think they were only doing a limited time thing during the Holidays around the world celebration.

Oh, and a bit of a warning…

I’ve decided that this pointless TR is in need of at least one more pointless Bonus Feature.
One based on a rambling day trip I decided to take myself on a little bit ago.

I’m not going to inflict it on y’all just yet (I need to get it written first), but I also promise there will be another actual update to the TR in just a moment or two (and that’s punishment enough).

All is not completely lost here.
If nothing else it will include at least one stop at a place that at least one of my readers may actually find familiar…




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