The Great Mask Debate

What do you think will happen regarding masks when WDW re-opens?

  • There will be no mention of masks.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • They will be recommended but not required by anyone--guests or CMs.

    Votes: 9 3.1%
  • They will be required by CMs only--no mention of guests.

    Votes: 15 5.1%
  • They will be required by everyone--guests and CMs (except toddlers).

    Votes: 105 36.0%
  • They will not be required by the time the parks re-open because this won't be for a loooong time.

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • The parks aren't opening for a long time so no need to worry about masks.

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • They will be required for CMs and recommended for guests.

    Votes: 153 52.4%

  • Total voters
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Got what will be a vastly unpopular hot take coming here. But its because its all nonsense. Just to make people feel better and feel safer.

No different then a place (like my gym does) taking your Temp when you come in. (Thats not going to catch a potential asymptomatic person from spreading it but it makes people feel better)
No different then a grocery store having one way aisles. People pass each other and such just like normal.

I know COVID is an issue. And if you are elderly or have preexisting conditions then you need to take steps to protect your. But so much of what is going on here is so laughable.
Next time youre in a store do me a favor and watch how often people WITH MASK touch their mask/Face/move their mask. Yeah that really helped Karen good job.

Masks help prevent or lower the viral load to transfer to other people in the case of a sneeze or cough as well as reduce or eliminate the viral load you breath in. Regardless of the mask, you still need to be careful of what you touch.
Got what will be a vastly unpopular hot take coming here. But its because its all nonsense. Just to make people feel better and feel safer.

No different then a place (like my gym does) taking your Temp when you come in. (Thats not going to catch a potential asymptomatic person from spreading it but it makes people feel better)
No different then a grocery store having one way aisles. People pass each other and such just like normal.

I know COVID is an issue. And if you are elderly or have preexisting conditions then you need to take steps to protect your. But so much of what is going on here is so laughable.
Next time youre in a store do me a favor and watch how often people WITH MASK touch their mask/Face/move their mask. Yeah that really helped Karen good job.
I don't think it's only a feel good thing. If at least most people wore masks, then the spread of the disease would drastically slow. That would probably require a rule on the federal level that you're not likely to see. I think they should be required, but I don't think they will be.

On the other hand, I probably wouldn't make a trip if they were required. I find wearing a mask to be uncomfortable and I wouldn't want to pay Disney prices for a vacation where I had to wear one all the time.
There is no point to guests wearing masks. If it isnt medical grade,if you touch your face,if you touch anything,then touch your mask,if you remove your mask yourself or if you adjust your mask it defeats the purpose. Also, since guests will be eating they will be removing thier masks. I don't think guests will be required. In fact I think mask wearing is for visual peace of mind. Masks are meant for people who are sick to wear to protect them from getting others sick not to prevent the wearer from getting sick. So, if your sick in the first place you shouldn't even be going out. I see no reason for masks. At risk people wont be traveling.
Got what will be a vastly unpopular hot take coming here. But its because its all nonsense. Just to make people feel better and feel safer.

No different then a place (like my gym does) taking your Temp when you come in. (Thats not going to catch a potential asymptomatic person from spreading it but it makes people feel better)
No different then a grocery store having one way aisles. People pass each other and such just like normal.

I know COVID is an issue. And if you are elderly or have preexisting conditions then you need to take steps to protect your. But so much of what is going on here is so laughable.
Next time youre in a store do me a favor and watch how often people WITH MASK touch their mask/Face/move their mask. Yeah that really helped Karen good job.
You can touch your mask if you want. The point of the mask is to reduce respiratory particulates from being inhaled by passersby. The masks recommended are not hospital COVID ICU PPE nor are they intended to be. They REDUCE risk, not eliminate it.
There is no point to guests wearing masks. If it isnt medical grade,if you touch your face,if you touch anything,then touch your mask,if you remove your mask yourself or if you adjust your mask it defeats the purpose. Also, since guests will be eating they will be removing thier masks. I don't think guests will be required. In fact I think mask wearing is for visual peace of mind. Masks are meant for people who are sick to wear to protect them from getting others sick not to prevent the wearer from getting sick. So, if your sick in the first place you shouldn't even be going out. I see no reason for masks. At risk people wont be traveling.

No offense intended but you're incorrect in your reasoning.
No offense intended but you're incorrect in your reasoning.
How so? Masks at best might be 20% effective at reducing the wearers risk but not once you touch them. Unless you are not going to touch the mask at all theres really no use. Doctors wear masks but nurses remove them and throw them away. Masks are not going to protect you if someone sick coughs or sneezes on you. In fact they will trap the particles and then you'll touch your mask. And same goes for wearing gloves. Unless you slather purell on those too and dont touch the outside of them they are pointless. Theres a certain way to remove those. My friend is a bio scientist that tests blood for viruses. I've learned a lot about what we are doing wrong and what to do right from the proper way to wash my hands what soap breaks open viruses and kills them, and how to properly remove gloves so you never touch the outside.
I still stand by my reasoning. Theres no point to wearing a mask unless your sick or its medical grade and you can avoid touching it or removing it. And, that requires not removing it to eat.
How so? Masks at best might be 20% effective at reducing the wearers risk but not once you touch them. Unless you are not going to touch the mask at all theres really no use. Doctors wear masks but nurses remove them and throw them away. Masks are not going to protect you if someone sick coughs or sneezes on you. In fact they will trap the particles and then you'll touch your mask. And same goes for wearing gloves. Unless you slather purell on those too and dont touch the outside of them they are pointless. Theres a certain way to remove those. My friend is a bio scientist that tests blood for viruses. I've learned a lot about what we are doing wrong and what to do right from the proper way to wash my hands what soap breaks open viruses and kills them, and how to properly remove gloves so you never touch the outside.
I still stand by my reasoning. Theres no point to wearing a mask unless your sick or its medical grade and you can avoid touching it or removing it. And, that requires not removing it to eat.
Masks protect everyone else from you. They stop you from propelling droplets as far as you normally would. If you're unknowingly infected with COVID, it stops you from spreading the disease nearly as far.
Masks protect everyone else from you. They stop you from propelling droplets as far as you normally would. If you're unknowingly infected with COVID, it stops you from spreading the disease nearly as

Exactly my point. Unless you are sick theres no reason to force guests to wear them. And those who are sick shouldn't be in the park anyway. If they require temperature checks then that would eliminate that element.
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How so? Masks at best might be 20% effective at reducing the wearers risk but not once you touch them. Unless you are not going to touch the mask at all theres really no use. Doctors wear masks but nurses remove them and throw them away. Masks are not going to protect you if someone sick coughs or sneezes on you. In fact they will trap the particles and then you'll touch your mask. And same goes for wearing gloves. Unless you slather purell on those too and dont touch the outside of them they are pointless. Theres a certain way to remove those. My friend is a bio scientist that tests blood for viruses. I've learned a lot about what we are doing wrong and what to do right from the proper way to wash my hands what soap breaks open viruses and kills them, and how to properly remove gloves so you never touch the outside.
I still stand by my reasoning. Theres no point to wearing a mask unless your sick or its medical grade and you can avoid touching it or removing it. And, that requires not removing it to eat.
I responded above why masks reduce risk even if you touch them. You may be confusing COVID PPE N95 masks, which are designed to protect the wearer from exposure, with surgical or cloth masks, which protect the surrounding people from the mask wearer's respiratory droplets. That is why it is ok if you touch them and simply wash your hands. No one is recommending gloves in the park for guests and you are correct that gloves are no more sanitary than hands. And I am not sure what you mean about doctors and nurses. At this point they are ALL wearing masks.
Exactly my point. Unless you are sick theres no reason to force guests to wear them. And those who are sick shouldn't be in the park anyway. If they require temperature checks then that would eliminate that element.

Except lots of people don't KNOW they are sick. That's the problem with asymptomatic carriers and the lag we have seen between exposure and symptom onset. The mask is to prevent these people from doing further damage. I don't know how many times this needs to be discussed before people understand. The way I explained it to a preschool aged child is like this:

Think of the mask like pants. If you are not wearing pants and someone without pants pees on you, you get very wet. If you are wearing pants and someone without pants pees on you, you still get wet but not as wet as if you weren't wearing pants. However, if the person who is peeing wears their pants, even if you aren't wearing your pants, you won't get very wet because their pants trap most of it. And if you wear your pants, and they wear their pants, you probably won't get wet at all.

Now in disease terms this isn't perfect, since the virus is small enough to possibly get through both sets of "pants", or masks, but with each layer in the middle it gets less likely. Then you add 6 feet of distance and it gets even less likely. So masks + social distance = less transmission from people who don't know they are carrying the disease.

Preschool kids got it and left their masks on. No one likes getting pee on them...
Looks like they are requiring them in Shanghai. I would argue that anyone with such extreme medical conditions that they cannot wear a light surgical mask should not be out in a high risk environment such as a theme park while the pandemic is still ongoing.

It's pretty common across Asia to wear a mask in public if you aren't feeling well or if pollution is bad. It's not out of their comfort zone like it is for most Americans. From a customer service perspective, I'm betting they recommend for guests when in queues and indoor attractions.
Suggesting that "masking" will be up to the state of FL, and individual counties. Disney will simply comply.
Exactly my point. Unless you are sick theres no reason to force guests to wear them. And those who are sick shouldn't be in the park anyway. If they require temperature checks then that would eliminate that element.
The problem is that you may not know that you are sick. There are a large amount of asymptomatic carriers of COVID. That’s why it spreads so easily.
I don't see Disney requiring for everyone, as I don't think they will ever enforce that and it will just lead to issues.

My guess is required for certain CM's, recommended for all, and recommended for guests. I could see them requiring guests in limited situations, like transportation.
I don't see Disney requiring for everyone, as I don't think they will ever enforce that and it will just lead to issues.

My guess is required for certain CM's, recommended for all, and recommended for guests. I could see them requiring guests in limited situations, like transportation.

Yes, I can't see it being any other way. Along with the automatic purell stations everywhere, and i mean everywhere. Probably the 6 ft rule imposed in every lineup area with markings. And other adjustments TBD.
I am very excited for this poll... obviously I need more in my life right now 🤣

I’m in the recommend for guests, required for CMs boat BUT I think it will only be required for some CMs (like those working food service) not all CMs.
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