The Greatest Hits: A Trip Like This Needs a Soundtrack!-A July 2012 TR Upd. 5/5!

Welcome back Joni! That was great news about your husband and I am so happy for you. Also another trip this weekend. I am so jealous.

DH and I recently returned from a surprise last minute trip to DL. It wax wonderful and now I am dying to go back to either place. I will say the castle is not very impressiveness though.

I do prefer the animation academy at DL. They post a schedule of what character will be drawn at what time. We wanted to draw Donald and that was the time we went. No wasting time picking characters or drawing one you might not like.

Have a great trip and don't forget about your loyal fans!

Mary Kay

Thank you so much! :) It was so nice to have him home, but I have really missed all my DIS friends! I'm glad to be back!

AHH that is so cool that you had a surprise trip to DL! I want to go there so badly someday!

Ooh that is a really good idea! I wish the Animation Academy at WDW would try that!

Thank you so much! :) Don't worry, I could never forget my wonderful friends! :goodvibes
Hi everyone! I want to say thank you so much to everyone for the warm welcome back and the well wishes about John. It never ceases to amaze me how blessed I am to have so many wonderful friends that I have connected with through our love of Disney! It really is a magical thing!

As you can see in my ticker, my next trip is a very short THREE DAYS away, so I am going to try my best to squeeze in a couple updates before I go. Also, I promise I am working on catching up on everyone else’s TRs! I enjoy reading them so much, so I want to make sure I devote an adequate amount of time to each one so I can fully enjoy it!

Okay, so let’s get back to our trip, and a brand new day!

"Soak up the Sun"- Sheryl Crow

July 10, 2012

I’m gonna soak up the sun
Gonna tell everyone
To lighten up

I woke up the next morning at about 7:30. My original intention had been to wake John up then too, but I looked at the bed and saw this:


…so I decided to let him sleep in a little bit! Disneying is hard work!

While John caught up on his beauty sleep I headed down to the Beach Club Marketplace to grab some breakfast. While I was there I went ahead and bought a couple of reusable resort mugs, so my mom and I would be able to use them when she came down. I considered buying some fresh raspberries, but a pint was NINE DOLLARS. :scared: I wish I was joking. I love Disney, and I’m sure their raspberries are magically delicious, but I wasn’t about to find out.

I grabbed our breakfast (sans raspberries) and headed back to the room. I woke John up at about 8:30, and we sat on our wonderful full balcony to enjoy our breakfast! You know what that means…it’s time for a dining review!

Service: Well, I think I would pretty much count myself as the service for this meal, since I bought it and delivered it to John…soooo…it was AWESOME! :thumbsup2

Atmosphere: The atmosphere was wonderful, because we ate breakfast together on our quiet, sunny balcony on a beautiful Disney morning! Really, it couldn’t have been better!

Food Quality: For breakfast that morning I picked up an egg and cheese croissant for John:


And a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese for myself:


My bagel was very satisfying, but just a bagel. John said that his sandwich was “pretty good,” but it was just generic quick service Disney fare. Not our best meal, but filling and satisfying enough for us to start our morning!

Overall Dining Experience: Overall it was a wonderful experience! It felt good to let John sleep in and pamper him a little bit by delivering breakfast to him, and enjoying a quiet breakfast on our balcony was a nice change from the hustle and bustle of our typical Disney mornings!

Therefore, I give this meal the following rating:

Category 1- Remy​


It was a simple meal, but it was the simplicity of it that made it so special. It’s moments like these with my wonderful husband at Disney that I really truly cherish!

After breakfast I went back inside to get ready for the relaxing morning that we had planned at the amazing Stormalong Bay, while John sat on the balcony and enjoyed a little more sunshine and a little Song Pop on his iPhone!


While John enjoyed his morning a little more, I got out my new beach bag that my in laws gave me for my 25th birthday!


I love the inside! It’s so bright and colorful!


Isn’t it a cute bag? They also got me a shirt that matches it, which you will see me wear later in the trip!

After getting into my bathing suit and getting my beach bag packed, we were finally ready to head down to the pool at about 9:00!


Oooh….it’s so *exclusive* :snooty: (P.S- Forgive the foginess of my camera. I had just come from the AC inside to the humid air outside, so this is the result.)

Unfortunately we weren’t going to be enjoying the exclusivity :-)snooty:) of the lovely Stormalong Bay right away, because apparently it doesn’t open until 10. Womp womp. Classic frump move!

We brushed it off pretty quickly, however, and decided to go sit on the lovely sandy beach while we waited for the pool to open!


That looks inviting, right?

The beach was totally empty, so we had our choice of chairs. I grabbed one and seized the opportunity to take a picture of my sandy toes. Sandy toes are like palm trees- anytime they’re spotted, you know a good time is being had by all.


We enjoyed our time on the beach while we waited for the pool to open. I spent most of the time reading The Help, which I was completely sucked into. However, it got hot REALLY quickly, and by the time 10 o’clock rolled around I was more than ready to go for a swim! On our way over to Stormalong Bay I found someone else’s KTTW card in the sand, and I noticed that it had charging privileges on it, so I quickly turned it over to the CM working at the Stormalong Bay entrance. He thanked me profusely, gave us our exclusive wristbands, and let us into the gorgeous (and exclusive :snooty:) Stormalong Bay!

Hello, beautiful!





I can’t imagine a more perfect morning in a more perfect place!


We grabbed a spot by the lazy river, and immediately hopped in for a quick swim. I was instantly in love with the sand bottom! It feels so cool! We didn’t have any kind of flotation devices, so we bobbed around the lazy river a few times. I, unfortunately, am a very weak swimmer, so after a few rounds I started feeling like I just might be drowning a little bit, so I decided to go get some sun.

Here’s the view from my pool chair:


John is way more into swimming than I am, so he stayed in the pool. Don’t get me wrong, I love to swim, but I’m a southern girl to my core, so what I really love is tanning! I could lay in the sun all day, even though my poor skin would probably turn into a fried up piece of bacon. Anyway, while I was relaxing in the sun enjoying my book, John explored Stormalong Bay.

He found one spot with a little waterfall that he really liked. He stayed in the position for about half an hour, so I’m pretty sure he fell asleep:


HAHA I don’t know why, but that picture cracks me up!

He was having such a good time!


I got in to swim with him a few more times, and at about 11:30 he was ready to go inside. I wanted to get a little more sun, so he went in to take a shower while I laid out until 12. At noon I decided to head up too, so I said goodbye for now to the beautiful Stormalong Bay! If you have never stayed at the Beach or Yacht Club, I’m telling you, the pool alone makes it totally worth it. It is seriously the most amazing pool I’ve ever swam in in my entire life!

When I headed back up to the room at noon I had to take a picture of my gross pool self:



Ughhh pool hair. But then it got really bad…I took my ponytail down, and I was left with THIS:


John thought that was pretty hilarious. Yuck it up, buddy. He should try having pool dread locks and see how he likes it!

As you can tell from my disgusting hair, I was more than ready for a shower!

Up Next: We head to Epcot for a lunch date at Le Cellier, but first- I get the royal treatment! Stay tuned!
Oh man, I love that pool! I wish I could use it while staying at Boardwalk in September. But, oh well!

I can't wait to see the shirt that matches your bag, cause I'm pretty certain I have it!!!

Lol at the frump post pool pictures!:lmao: love it!!
That beach bag is so adorable!! I'm not a beach person because I'm so fair skinned that I just burn, but I would absolutely go if I had a bag that looked like that, haha.

I hope I get to hang out at that pool someday!
Breakfast on the balcony sounds divine! It seems like such a peaceful way to start the day. We always ate our breakfast in the room, but a dark, boring room at Pop doesn't seem as nice as the brightness of a balcony with a view!

Haha, I love that pool hair! You're too cute :flower3:
What a great, relaxing way to start the day! And it looks like it was really a beautiful day!
I am joining in a little late. I haven't gotten all the way through your report but I love how you're including songs with each update (not gonna lie, I enjoyed the Aly and AJ one...:rolleyes1).

I totally agree about Stormalong Bay. It is so awesome!

YAY for your next trip being so soon!
HAHA the John photos are hilarious- can't figure out which is funnier: the mountain under the covers or the bodiless head under the waterfall! And what an abs adorable beach bag! I adore Stormalong Bay- isn't there a slide attached to a pirate ship there or something...? My dream is to whoosh down the volcano slide at the Poly- the pool at Shades of Green, where I usually stay, is unfortunately slideless. :sad2:
Joni!!! So glad you're back and updating! Hope you had an amazing couple of months with John! And you're going to Disney this weekend! :cool1: I can't believe I missed you by a week, I just got home Monday! I feel like we're always in Disney within a couple weeks of each other! :rotfl2:

I have SO many TR's to get caught up on, but I decided to read yours first! I love your drawing! I've never seen UP! Is it really good? I think my mom has the DVD, maybe I should give it a try...I mean, it is a Disney movie, and I think that dog is ridiculously cute! :upsidedow

OMG your Stormalong Bay update made me miss the Beach Club SOOOOO much! :sad: I'm not going back to Disney until the end of the year, and we're booked at the Yacht Club, so at least I'll get to see Stormalong Bay again, but not for SOOOOO long! Seriously, I don't know how I'm going to make it! :sad::sad::sad:

But yes, Stormalong Bay is the BEST pool ever! Brandon likes swimming more than I do too, but I'm not a big lay out in the sun kind of person either, however, when we were there in May I actually kind of enjoyed it! :thumbsup2 It's just so beautiful over there, how can you not!

Hopefully I'll get around to updating my TR soon! I'm having a hard time going on the DIS after this trip, knowing my trip is SO far away! :rotfl:
Ahhhhh! Nothing better than sandy toes! And you, my darling, are such a cutie patootie!

Love the bag, btw. :thumbsup2
YOUR TRIP IS SO SOON! Feel free to Disney text me again! WOOOO!

John and I have something in common: sleeping with our butts in the air. (I think that's what he's doing at least. I didn't want to stare too long. I felt weird. HAHA.)

That bag is the cutest thing ever! Good choice, in laws.

YOU ARE CORRECT. Toes in the sand = amazing. Toes in the sand at Disney World = living the dream. :beach:

SAB looks amazing. One day, I tell ya... one day. AND BTW, your 'gross pool self' picture is the cutest thing! 'Gross pool self' my behind.
I love everything about this update. I mean, your morning just makes me happy. I know that probably seems like a weird thing to say but I LOVE those types of mornings where you just take it easy, enjoy some quiet time, and ya know.. SWIM AT STORMALONG BAY!

I love that pool so much, and I think it's one of those places where if you get to stay there and experience that pool, it's hard to want to stay anywhere else! Ugh it's just wonderful. But I loved your :snooty: face because it's pretty perfect for when entering SAB! SO EXCLUSIVE, you must show proof! I'm glad they do that though, because otherwise so many people would sneak into that pool!

John is hiding under the same waterfall that Matt loves in that photo! Hahaha, also your photos of him swimming made me laugh, too. Hahaha.

Hahahaha your photo with your hair all pool-y made me laugh out loud, enough for Matt to ask me what I was laughing at. I think you should have just left it that way. It's perfect. :thumbsup2
Stormalong Bay looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! And the beach is so pretty, it must have made the wait for the "exclusive" pool :snooty: to open much more bearable. ;) John looks like he's having a great time under that waterfall! It totally looks like he's sleeping!

You look adorable even after swimming all morning! I'm so glad you guys had a relaxing time at Stormalong Bay. We always make time for a pool morning and/or afternoon and it's always so nice! I bet that the pool alone must have made the BC the best place to stay!

Looking forward to your next update! Are you so excited for your sister trip?!
I LOVE that beach bag!

OMG that picture of John in the water cracks me up too... you know he is just loving life in that moment.

I LOVE YOU FOR TAKING A PICTURE OF YOUR POOL HAIR. This is a fact of life that is very rarely documented for all to see. I salute you.

I WANT MORE UPDATES!! But you'll probably be a bit busy, you know, with going to Disney World and all. So I can't wait for the Twitter updates! ;D
Gorgeous pics of SAB, looking at your photos makes me wish I was there right this minute. October seems likes ages ago!

I can't believe you're going again this weekend!!

Have fun and we can't wait to hear all about it :)
I'm so glad I'm not the only person falling behind on DIS things. But hey, we got to get our priorities straight, right? Spending time with John before had to go back to Afghanistan is a lot more important than something you have all the time in the world for. But it's so great to have you back here, Joni! :teeth:

Anyways, I'm all caught up again even though I think I only fell behind an update this time lol So jealous you are going back TOMORROW! I still have a year of waiting and planning (which is more than I could ask for after two years of deprivation and not knowing). And I'm so happy I'm not the only person who adores Merryweather! Sleeping Beauty was my favorite Disney movie as a kid and she was easily the best part of that whole movie. I mean...

*talking about Briar Rose's dress on Merryweather* "It looks awful"- Merryweather
"That's because it's on you, dear."- Flora

Nuff said.

Have a great time at Disney (not that you would expect any less)! Take lots of pics of AoA and New Fantasyland (though I'm sure that is a no-brainer lol)! :mickeyjum

P.S. Your TR is now home to my 10,000 POST! I must celebrate here! ...YIPEE! party: Okay I'm done. ;)
Oh man, I love that pool! I wish I could use it while staying at Boardwalk in September. But, oh well!

I can't wait to see the shirt that matches your bag, cause I'm pretty certain I have it!!!

Lol at the frump post pool pictures!:lmao: love it!!

Isn't it amazing? I feel like they should let Boardwalk guests use it too, since it's just right there!

It has the same Minnie and Mickey in their summer gear on it! It is such a cute shirt!

Haha thanks! :) I'm a geek, so I couldn't resist sharing how terrible I looked!

That beach bag is so adorable!! I'm not a beach person because I'm so fair skinned that I just burn, but I would absolutely go if I had a bag that looked like that, haha.

I hope I get to hang out at that pool someday!

Thank you! :) I am a sun worshipper, so that beach bag was the perfect gift for me!

It is so amazing! I hope you get to as well!

Breakfast on the balcony sounds divine! It seems like such a peaceful way to start the day. We always ate our breakfast in the room, but a dark, boring room at Pop doesn't seem as nice as the brightness of a balcony with a view!

Haha, I love that pool hair! You're too cute :flower3:

It was so amazing! It was such a peaceful and private moment in the usually crazy Disney World! :goodvibes I'm sure your breakfast at Pop was still fun, since it was just you and Howard enjoying your privacy!

Awww thanks! I was a mess that day! :lmao:

What a great, relaxing way to start the day! And it looks like it was really a beautiful day!

It was such a wonderful morning, and the weather was gorgeous! :goodvibes

I am joining in a little late. I haven't gotten all the way through your report but I love how you're including songs with each update (not gonna lie, I enjoyed the Aly and AJ one...:rolleyes1).

I totally agree about Stormalong Bay. It is so awesome!

YAY for your next trip being so soon!

:welcome: You're not late! I'm so glad you're reading along, and I'm really glad you're enjoying the music! Aly and AJ are my guilty pleasure too haha!

Isn't it the best? I love it!

I'm here RIGHT NOW! I still can't believe it!

HAHA the John photos are hilarious- can't figure out which is funnier: the mountain under the covers or the bodiless head under the waterfall! And what an abs adorable beach bag! I adore Stormalong Bay- isn't there a slide attached to a pirate ship there or something...? My dream is to whoosh down the volcano slide at the Poly- the pool at Shades of Green, where I usually stay, is unfortunately slideless. :sad2:

Hahaha isn't he a trip? He always cracks me up! :lmao: Thank you! :) I love that bag! Yeah there is a slide in a pirate ship! We didn't go on it, but it looked really cool! I've never even seen the Poly pool, but I heard it is amazing!
Joni!!! So glad you're back and updating! Hope you had an amazing couple of months with John! And you're going to Disney this weekend! :cool1: I can't believe I missed you by a week, I just got home Monday! I feel like we're always in Disney within a couple weeks of each other! :rotfl2:

I have SO many TR's to get caught up on, but I decided to read yours first! I love your drawing! I've never seen UP! Is it really good? I think my mom has the DVD, maybe I should give it a try...I mean, it is a Disney movie, and I think that dog is ridiculously cute! :upsidedow

OMG your Stormalong Bay update made me miss the Beach Club SOOOOO much! :sad: I'm not going back to Disney until the end of the year, and we're booked at the Yacht Club, so at least I'll get to see Stormalong Bay again, but not for SOOOOO long! Seriously, I don't know how I'm going to make it! :sad::sad::sad:

But yes, Stormalong Bay is the BEST pool ever! Brandon likes swimming more than I do too, but I'm not a big lay out in the sun kind of person either, however, when we were there in May I actually kind of enjoyed it! :thumbsup2 It's just so beautiful over there, how can you not!

Hopefully I'll get around to updating my TR soon! I'm having a hard time going on the DIS after this trip, knowing my trip is SO far away! :rotfl:

Thank you so much! It was wonderful having him home! I'm here RIGHT NOW! I can't believe it! I'm so bummed we missed each other again! Haha, one of these days we will manage to meet up!

Awww thanks for reading mine first! I feel so special! :goodvibes OMG JEN. You have so see Up Seriously, go watch it. It is probably like, my second favorite Disney movie of all time, no joke. It is SO GOOD!

I'm sorry your next trip is so far away, but at least it's booked so now you can focus on making it perfect! :thumbsup2 It will be here before you know it!

Stormalong Bay is hard to resist! And as someone who could literally spend her entire summer by a pool and be perfectly happy, I really didn't want to leave it!

I know what you mean, I always have a hard time getting back on the DIS when my next trip is a long time away. Just think, the more you get on the DIS, the more excited you'll be to go back! ;)

Ahhhhh! Nothing better than sandy toes! And you, my darling, are such a cutie patootie!

Love the bag, btw. :thumbsup2

Aww thanks so much! :) You're so sweet!

Thank you! I love that bag so much. I carry it to work sometimes with my graded papers in it, just to make myself feel beachy! :lmao:

YOUR TRIP IS SO SOON! Feel free to Disney text me again! WOOOO!

John and I have something in common: sleeping with our butts in the air. (I think that's what he's doing at least. I didn't want to stare too long. I felt weird. HAHA.)

That bag is the cutest thing ever! Good choice, in laws.

YOU ARE CORRECT. Toes in the sand = amazing. Toes in the sand at Disney World = living the dream. :beach:

SAB looks amazing. One day, I tell ya... one day. AND BTW, your 'gross pool self' picture is the cutest thing! 'Gross pool self' my behind.

MARISSA, I'M IN DISNEY RIGHT NOW. AHHHHHH! I will definitely text you!

Hahahahaha that's exactly what he's doing! He sleeps like he was sitting up on his knees and just like...fell forward? It's funny.

I was so proud of my in laws for that gift! They know me so well!

Thank you! I'm glad you agree with my sandy toes theory.

It is SO amazing! You are going to love it! Awww, thank you! You are too nice to me. I look like I had stuck my finger in a light socket.

I love everything about this update. I mean, your morning just makes me happy. I know that probably seems like a weird thing to say but I LOVE those types of mornings where you just take it easy, enjoy some quiet time, and ya know.. SWIM AT STORMALONG BAY!

I love that pool so much, and I think it's one of those places where if you get to stay there and experience that pool, it's hard to want to stay anywhere else! Ugh it's just wonderful. But I loved your :snooty: face because it's pretty perfect for when entering SAB! SO EXCLUSIVE, you must show proof! I'm glad they do that though, because otherwise so many people would sneak into that pool!

John is hiding under the same waterfall that Matt loves in that photo! Hahaha, also your photos of him swimming made me laugh, too. Hahaha.

Hahahaha your photo with your hair all pool-y made me laugh out loud, enough for Matt to ask me what I was laughing at. I think you should have just left it that way. It's perfect. :thumbsup2

I know exactly what you mean! It made me happy just writing it! That was such an amazing morning! :goodvibes

I completely agree with you! I love all of the Disney resorts so much, but I know I will always miss Stormalong Bay anytime I stay anywhere other than Beach Club. But really, :snooty: is the very definition of entering SAB. I feel like royalty! Seriously though, if they didn't that pool would be like that picture that's going around on the internet of the one in China or whatever, where you can't even see the water through all the people!

He looks so silly in that pool! He seems like...really intense. Haha John's not too big on smiling, but he was still super happy to be in SAB!

Hahaha thank you! I hate dealing with my hair when I get out of the pool. It is always a total trainwreck.

Stormalong Bay looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! And the beach is so pretty, it must have made the wait for the "exclusive" pool :snooty: to open much more bearable. ;) John looks like he's having a great time under that waterfall! It totally looks like he's sleeping!

You look adorable even after swimming all morning! I'm so glad you guys had a relaxing time at Stormalong Bay. We always make time for a pool morning and/or afternoon and it's always so nice! I bet that the pool alone must have made the BC the best place to stay!

Looking forward to your next update! Are you so excited for your sister trip?!

I love SAB! Haha yeah, the lovely white sand beaches did make the wait for it very bearable! Haha I really do think he was sleeping! :lmao:

Aww thanks! You guys are all so nice to me! We had such a wonderful morning! Seriously, SAB makes BC 1,000 times more amazing than it already is, which is tough because that resort is SO amazing already!

I LOVE that beach bag!

OMG that picture of John in the water cracks me up too... you know he is just loving life in that moment.

I LOVE YOU FOR TAKING A PICTURE OF YOUR POOL HAIR. This is a fact of life that is very rarely documented for all to see. I salute you.

I WANT MORE UPDATES!! But you'll probably be a bit busy, you know, with going to Disney World and all. So I can't wait for the Twitter updates! ;D

Thank you!!

Haha yeah, that is pretty much John's happy face. He looks very peaceful. :lmao:

Hahaha thank you! It took a lot to post that, but I figured we needed to face the awful truth!

AHHH I'm here RIGHT NOW! I can't believe I'm actually here! Don't worry, I already have several updates typed up for when I get home, though! :)
Gorgeous pics of SAB, looking at your photos makes me wish I was there right this minute. October seems likes ages ago!

I can't believe you're going again this weekend!!

Have fun and we can't wait to hear all about it :)

Thank you! :) Seeing those pictures makes me wish I was there too, and I'm in DISNEY RIGHT NOW! EEEP! :goodvibes

I'm so glad I'm not the only person falling behind on DIS things. But hey, we got to get our priorities straight, right? Spending time with John before had to go back to Afghanistan is a lot more important than something you have all the time in the world for. But it's so great to have you back here, Joni! :teeth:

Anyways, I'm all caught up again even though I think I only fell behind an update this time lol So jealous you are going back TOMORROW! I still have a year of waiting and planning (which is more than I could ask for after two years of deprivation and not knowing). And I'm so happy I'm not the only person who adores Merryweather! Sleeping Beauty was my favorite Disney movie as a kid and she was easily the best part of that whole movie. I mean...

*talking about Briar Rose's dress on Merryweather* "It looks awful"- Merryweather
"That's because it's on you, dear."- Flora

Nuff said.

Have a great time at Disney (not that you would expect any less)! Take lots of pics of AoA and New Fantasyland (though I'm sure that is a no-brainer lol)! :mickeyjum

P.S. Your TR is now home to my 10,000 POST! I must celebrate here! ...YIPEE! party: Okay I'm done. ;)

Yeah, the DIS is so much fun, but sometimes life gets in the way, and spending time with John was definitely my top priority! I'm so lucky to have all of these wonderful friends here on the DIS who are so welcoming, even after I've been gone for months! :) Thank you!

I am in Disney RIGHT NOW! I can't believe I'm actually here! I'm so glad you finally have a trip set in stone! That is awesome for you! You deserve it! :hug:

Hahaha awww I love that quote! Merryweather is so precious! All of the faeries are such frumps! :lmao:
Hi everyone! It's Joni, and I'm broadcasting live from.......



Yep, you read that correctly! I am here right now, and on the DIS! Yay! I just wanted to pop in really quickly an apologize for not updating once more before I left, but I promise I will get back to it as soon as I come home!

As for now, I'm hanging out in my AMAZING Art of Animation Little Mermaid room with a belly full of 'Ohana! We had a really interesting trip getting here (I'll save that story for the TR) but we are here now, and having a blast!

I am off to bed for now. We have an early morning at Magic Kingdom planned! See ya real soon, DISers! :mickeyjum


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