The Job of a Lifetime: My Spring 2015 DCP

Still no good news as of yet...but late October is officially less than a month away. It seems like it's been forever since my phone interview, but technically it's been less than a month. Hopefully I can take the wait.

For the first few weeks after my phone interview, I was really confident. I felt like I had done well on all the stages of the application, and I felt like I wanted to get in so badly that it was bound to happen. But for the past few weeks, I haven't felt nearly as confident.

My mother is the person I complain to about how long this whole process is taking. She loves Disney almost as much as I do, but she's more practical about it. She keeps saying that there might be something I'm supposed to do here, and that there will be an important reason if I don't get in. That might be helpful if I actually receive a rejection email, but until then it's just bumming me out a bit.:worried:

But I'm still holding out hope. The majority of applicants haven't heard back yet, and I'm probably not as special as I feel...:lmao:

Just in case I don't get in, I've informed my family that I'll need a sadness trip to Disneyland. I have money saved up for the DCP acceptance fees as well as the flight out to Florida, and it would make me really sad to spend it on anything other than Disney. So tentatively, if the DCP app doesn't go as I hope, I could be in Disneyland the week before Thanksgiving!

That thought, that pretty soon I'll be in Disney no matter what, is really what's keeping me going. In the fall seasons, I do concessions at my university's football games. Last year, it wasn't a huge time commitment, only about five hours per game day, which was around every other week. It was fun, and I legitimately enjoyed it.

But this year, I was promoted. I was put in charge of a stand TWICE as big as the one I worked at last year, which so far means I work TWICE as long for each game. And not only that, but they're also making me work soccer games, go to long, boring meetings, and come in the day before games to do inventory and stock my refrigerators.

As I put it into words it genuinely doesn't seem that bad, but it is. I have my normal 20-hour-a-week job on top of concessions, which means that for the past two weeks I've essentially been working full time. Plus going to class and doing homework, so I have very little free time and I always feel pretty exhausted.

Thus thoughts of spending 5-8 months at Disney World are pretty much sustaining me right now. That and eating junk food. So, to wrap up this post of mostly whining, here's a little bit of both! My food plan for weeks 7 and 8 of my hypothetical DCP.

Week Seven:
1. Short Ribs at Chefs de France.
2. Almond Crusted Cheesecake at Narcoossee's. I've heard some pretty amazing things about this particular dessert. And it's hard to go wrong with cheesecake.

Week Eight:
1. 'Ohana All you can Eat. My second favorite meal in all WDW. Oh, how I could rave about the food. But I'll refrain for now.
2. Chocolate Croissant from Las Halles. The gorgeous bakery in EPCOT is pretty much a major theme of this here food plan.

That's all for this week! You know, unless I get a particularly exciting email... :hyper:

Fingers crossed!
I told myself I was going to be patient, since I'm not supposed to hear anything until late October. And to be honest, I have been much more calm lately...But that hasn't stopped me from checking my email like every ten minutes whenever I notice that an acceptance wave has started!:rotfl2:

But hey, that's better than ten times a minute like I was doing before. Progress. I'll take it.

So, clearly I haven't yet received my acceptance letter, BUT I'm still holding out hope. So much hope that I've decided to proceed with my life planning as if I have been accepted. In other words...

Because thinking about Disney food is how I get through life. :love:

Now, Disney is only accepting reservations through around the end of March, so I've definitely got a ways to go. And the chances are almost certain that I'll have to rearrange things once I get my work schedule. Assuming I get a work schedule. I really hope I get a work schedule. Pretty please, Disney. :blush:

But there are a lot of plans that I can't make until I actually get finding a flight, making arrangements with my university, trying to sell my housing contract. All that fun stuff. I just want to KNOW already!

But I'm trying to be patient. I really am. Truly. I swear.

So, lacking anything better and more Disney related, here are weeks 9 and 10 of my DCP Food Plan!

Week Nine:
1. Milkshake at the Plaza Restaurant. Boy do I love ice cream...even if it doesn't really do me any good.
2. Potstickers at Yak and Yeti. I've heard these are delicious...oh my mouth is watering.
3. MICKEY BAR! I haven't had one of these in so long! I keep getting sidetracked ever since I found Dole Whips...

Week Ten:
1. Strip Steak at Be Our Guest. I'M SO EXCITED TO TRY THIS RESTAURANT. Of course, when I can actually eat there will entirely depend on when I can get a reservation. I WILL FIGHT YOU ALL FOR A RESERVATION!
2. Strawberry Cream Cheese Cupcake at Be Our Guest. I swear, after I finish my program I'll have a food baby just from cupcakes.
3. Beef Brewat Rolls at Restaurant Marrakesh. When I read the description of these things, I figured they could be either delicious or disgusting, so now I have to find out which it is!

That's all for this week! Trust me, I'm as bored with these food updates as you are. I just want to hear some good news!
It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that I announce that I've been accepted for the Spring Advantage Disney College Program!pixiedust::cheer2::goodvibes

There was a huge wave going out yesterday, but I wasn't especially emotionally invested in it, because by that time I had resigned myself to the idea that I wouldn't hear anything until late October, like they said.

So I didn't check my email until I had two minutes before I could clock out of work, and I was trying to waste a little bit of time. I was in the basement of my school's chemistry building, which doesn't have fantastic internet, so I had to refresh a few times.

I was hardly paying attention. BUT THEN I SAW THE LETTERS WDW, and immediately my eyes went to CONGRATULATIONS!

Now, since I was at work I didn't start crying, but trust me, the impulse was there. But I managed to hold it in. Barely. So I scurried to the office to clock out, grinning like an idiot the whole time.

As soon as I was officially off the clock, I whipped out my phone so I could see the details of my offer. I had to follow several different links, and I was slightly worried that I wouldn't be able to check on my phone, but thankfully everything worked out, because I could NOT wait any longer.

Upon reading my offer, I learned.....

That I had been accepted for my very top role, Full Service Food and Beverage!pixiedust:

And for Spring Advantage, just like I had wanted.

I was so, so happy. Even the thought of the rather rough weekend that's coming up couldn't bring me down.

I immediately called my mom to tell her the good news. I tried to be somewhat tricky about it, pretending I just had a question, but she saw through it pretty quickly. Especially because I was so choked probably gave me away. ;)

I tried to call my sister too, but she was a work, so I had to anticlimactically text her instead. Also, my aunt, who goes to Disneyland with me all the time, actually is in Disneyland right now, so I got to tell her the good news while she was in the Happiest Place on Earth!

Yesterday was one of those annoyingly long days where I had to go straight from my first job to my second, to get ready for the big football game tonight. But thankfully the work wasn't too strenuous, because while there I officially accepted my offer!

I had to wait until I got home to pay my fees and pick my dates, because I wanted to do it on my laptop to make sure everything ran smoothly. And, you know, because I was at work.

So, even though $350 was like my life savings (a slight exaggeration, but I am in college and poor), I paid eagerly. And around twenty minutes later, I got the email allowing me to choose my dates!

"Choose", that is. There was only one date available for both arrival and departure, so I'll be in Walt Disney World from January 19th to August 7th!

Now that I've been accepted, I figure it's time to do a proper introduction. So hopefully I'll have that up by this weekend. You know, after I learn how to upload pictures and all that. I'm rather new to this, and technologically challenged.

A great big thank you to everyone that's been following along! I'M SO EXCITED I MIGHT BURST.
Congratulations, you've got the job of a lifetime.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, looking forward to the updates.
Congratulations!!!! I hope you continue to write about your CP experiences!
Yayyy!! Congratulations! :cool1: Is it bad that I'm already hoping my daughters do the DCP....and they're only 6 and 5?? :rotfl2:
Congrats!!! This is going to be such an awesome experience. And you are lucky you got the Advantage. I wish I had extended my program when they asked me to.

Can I just say how lucky you are that you could check by email to see if you were accepted? I had to stalk my campus mailbox daily waiting for it. I was in an apartment type setting, so I shared a mailbox with 3 roommates. I was constantly worried they would get the mail and lose it!

Do they still wait til you get there to give you your location?
Congratulations! You must be very proud of your self I look forward to hearing more of your plans
Now that I have been officially accepted and I no longer have to worry about failing to get in and being depressed forever, I figure it's time for a proper introduction.

I'm Kira! Nice to meet all of you.
Here I am just last December in Disneyland with my youngest brother.


I grew up in California, so Disneyland will always have a special place in my heart, but I'm terribly excited for the chance to get to know WDW better! I'll miss all the amazing things that make DL unique, like certain foods and rides, plus the benefit of knowing where everything is all the time! ;)

I have only been to WDW twice, once when I was 10, and once when I was 15. I'll be turning 20 in January a couple of weeks before I start my program, so I guess I'll be continuing the five-year trend!

Here's one of my favorite pictures ever-our entire group from our WDW trip in 2010. We had a group of 12 (pretty much the perfect size for a Disney vacation), including my family and the family of my best friend.


It pretty much shows our personalities perfectly! The best part? That empty seat is really my brother, cowering. :rotfl:

So, between growing up in California, and being the kind of obsessive child that would watch Disney movies repeatedly, I love Disney more than just about anything. The thought of living there for seven months is simply magical.

I don't know how I can wait 105 more days. It's hard enough to concentrate on my classes now. :scared:

Somehow I'll manage.

Thankfully, my family is super supportive, and possibly coming to visit me in February! Which doesn't give my mother much time to plan everything and make reservations, but whatever. She's a super Disney vacation planner. I'm sure she can handle it!

Here's my family, plus my aunt on the far left, who went to Disneyland with us last December.


I certainly can't claim to be a WDW expert, but I'm very excited to become one!

Favorite Park: EPCOT! I'm in love with the World Showcase. I really wish I could work there, but being in FSFB and an American, there aren't really any options open for me. :sad1:

Favorite Characters: Ever since I was young, I've collected Bambi merchandise. I'm particularly fond of Thumper. But I also love Meeko from Pocahontas.

Favorite Princess: Tiana!

Favorite Prince: Naveen. Oh, men with accents.

Quick confession: I've never been to either of the water parks, so that's definitely going on my DCP Bucket List! Which I'll probably share on here when I get the chance.

I'm currently attending college at BYU in Utah. But I'm a California girl at heart, and one of the chief benefits of moving to Florida is the chance to miss the awful snow! WHY DOES THE WORLD HAVE TO BE SO COLD?

Umm...I'm not very good at talking about myself, but I think I've covered the basic Disney points. But I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. If you care that much. Which I doubt.

Thank you all so much for your support! I realize there aren't a ton of people reading along, but I really do appreciate all of you! I'm so excited to share my journey with you, even if I do have to wait 105 more days...

I'll try and update at least once a week to pass the time, even if it's just part of my food plan or my bucket list.

As a parting gift, here's a secret about me: I'm kind of terrified of Splash Mountain. But I go on it anyway.

Again, congratulations! It's nice to see someone so excited to work for Disney. I on the other hand am excited to retired from Disney soon, probably sometime next year, LOL.
Congratulations! I'll also be starting the program around the same time, doing the International Cultural Exchange program and I too am a major Disney foodie so maybe we could meet up and share a meal (haha that makes me sound like a total creeper, which I'm not!)
Congratulations! I'll also be starting the program around the same time, doing the International Cultural Exchange program and I too am a major Disney foodie so maybe we could meet up and share a meal (haha that makes me sound like a total creeper, which I'm not!)

I'm definitely in! I have serious food plans for my program. It's probably what I'm most excited about! What are your favorite restaurants? And if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?


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