The L Word, Season 5 (May Have Spoilers)

L-Word on the Disboards! Never would have thought! :rotfl:

Like the poster a few pages back, I am too po' to have Shotime, so I catchup online and wait until the DVDs come out! I haven't gotten around to watching season 4 yet (shame on me!!!) so I don't have feelings about Phyllis, Jody, or Tasha.

I love the show, I love TiBette, but I have just one request for the last season: Bring back Ivan!!! Kit doesn't need a Manny.
Thar she blows! glad that gun never got used.

Very displeased with what I think is about to happen between Shane and Jenny. Very displeased with what I think is about to happen between Alice and Tasha. And thrilled that Bette is about to get totally screwed over! Go Jodi!

I agree re: Shane and Jenny. PLEASE say it isn't so!!!!! And where the heck did the straight girl go? And Shane and freaking JENNY!? I think I'm feeling ill.

But Alice and Tasha -- don't let the door hit Tasha in the butt on her way out. That girl is a cold fish! Bleah! No freaking personality, takes herself WAY too seriously, is always blaming Alice for her own issues, and there's no damn chemistry between them. Let the girl GO!!!!!!!

And Bette is being a weenie.

Did anyone else think that Adelle did a better job directing than Jenny? :scared1:
That whole Shane and Jenny thing has been simmering since the early days of the Carmen. Ahhhhh, the Carmen.
That whole Shane and Jenny thing has been simmering since the early days of the Carmen. Ahhhhh, the Carmen.

But there's no sizzle there!! They've done a convincing job of being great friends!! (in spite of Jenny being a psycho ***** -- likely because Shane's loyal to the tips of her hot toes). So seriously, Shane and JENNY?? :sad2:

If it's come to that, then maybe it's a good thing next season's the last season. I don't think I could stomach that on a weekly basis. :eek:
Can you believe they made us feel bad for Jenny?!!!!! :eek: I never thought that was possible!
Can you believe they made us feel bad for Jenny?!!!!! :eek: I never thought that was possible!

Um....I didn't feel bad for her. I thought it was wicked justice for the pushy over the top stuff that she had pulled earlier this season.
If it's come to that, then maybe it's a good thing next season's the last season. I don't think I could stomach that on a weekly basis. :eek:

I agree. Shane and Jenny? Yuck!! I'd rather see Shane hook herself out to every other chick on the block than get with Psycho. I think that they're just good friends - loyal and care for each other, but that's it. Oh...and feel sorry for Jenny? Forgeddaboutit. She's messed others' lives up enough that her's deserves a little shake up.

How about the clothing designer and Alice? Nice. Well, you all saw the clips from next week, so looks like DVCajun might get what she's looking for - Tasha and Alice split up. I really like the actress that plays the designer anyway (Melanie Lynskey) - I loved her in Ever After.

Oh I wish they would have actually HAD Ivan back on the show. Him in was my favorite Season1 episode. I forgot that he owned half the Planet (well, actually 51%!) and I'm hoping that Bette'll buy out the SheBar chicks' half. last thing: Helena's back next episode. 'Nuff said.
Wow and the Crazy award goes too....I thought that there was no way anyone could surpass Jenny, but I was wrong. I agree with everyone else that there is no way that Shane can hook up with Jenny that's

What is Alice thinking! Granted the actress is great, I will forever remember her in But I'm a Cheerleader. But possibly cheating on Tasha and as we found out last week "kissing is cheating".

I am totally with you though Timon-N-Pumba I would be excited to see Dusty in next episode. If you need a fix she is the German Boxer in Million Dollar Baby (she had an article in Curve this month).

If Jody is leaving what does that mean for Thom and Max?
I am totally with you though Timon-N-Pumba I would be excited to see Dusty in next episode. If you need a fix she is the German Boxer in Million Dollar Baby (she had an article in Curve this month).

OMG, I am so hitting the used dvd store and Barnes & Noble on my way home! :woohoo:
Jodi rocked my socks in the last episode. AND I watched it right before Marlee Matlin was on Dancing with the Stars, so I had major "warm fuzzies" the whole night! She is just soooo hot. :blush: But it looks like Jodi will be sticking around at least for the near future.

Tasha and Alice have never done a thing for me. I don't even get why they're together. I know "opposites attract" and all that, but I just don't see why they're a couple. *shrugs*

Adele definitely did a better job directing than Jenny!! I think Shane and Jenny might end up fooling around, but I think it will be because of certain intoxicants rather than because they're actually interested in each other. I think they're too good friends.

Now if Max and Tom would just get a little more screen time together! I love that Max is getting laid. :)
So what did everyone think about the finale?

Jodi's performance piece? Wow...looks like Bette totally had what was coming to her. I loved it. I liked how smug Jodi looked after Bette mentioned how great it was to have Jodi in her life...

How about Jenny/Niki/Shane/Molly? Whew... Well, I like it that Shane left Molly - she is a player and even though the thought that she might like Molly, I think it was best to leave her to school and growing up a little. I think it was lame that Shane got together with Niki - seems like Shane was just trying to prove to herself that she didn't belong to anyone, and Niki just seems a little loose to me anyways. I think Jenny was taking the relationship with Niki way more seriously than Niki was - and possibly her relationship with Shane also. It was sort of weird, the tension between Shane and Jenny. Was Jenny interested in Shane "I have to tell Niki I fell in love with someone" or was is just that Shane was with her girlfriend? Oh the confusion...

Bette and Tina are SOOOO boring to me. Yay...they're finally back together..wooo....:rolleyes: whatever.

Tasha and Alice: you saw that coming, but I hate it that Alice can't just settle with someone who seems so good for her. I guess Tasha isn't good for her though, if Alice's eyes have been wandering elsewhere.

Next season: will Jenny admit that she's had a thing for Shane? Hopefully that doesn't go anywhere - yuckersons. Will the movie have a straight ending? Yes, 'cause that'd be original. Tasha and Alice will break up because of Alice's wandering eyes (that, and Tasha was kind of flirting it up w/ that random girl at the bar, also). Bette and Tina will probably be the couple most of the Community has always wanted them to be - forever cemented together at the hips with ANOTHER baby. Jeez.

I've been waiting for a good season since mid season two - maybe the final season will make up for it?

Oh, on a side note, Uh Huh Her (Leisha Hailey's band) might be touring with Tegan and Sara after season six wraps. We're headed to see T&S in April, but with UHH maybe touring with them later, it'd be YET ANOTHER reason to see them again. :thumbsup2
I liked it - watched it twice like I usually do.

I thought it was heartbreaking that Shane had to go and prove Phyllis right, "even your friends say you're bad news." Whatever we think of Jenny, it was a slutty thing to do. Shane could have scored with anyone at that party, but she had to pick the one woman that would prove how self destructive she is - which goes to my point in an earlier post that Shane at the end of next season should not be married off. She's like her Dad, for good and ill. It's who she is. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, which, again, is what Phyllis meant by her quote, the past is prologue.

As for Adele OMG I can't wait for her fall.

Loved having Helena back - she is sooooooo fun, brings a breath of fresh air to every scene she's in.

And as for Alice I don't believe the whole story line, just two episodes ago she and Tania were having hot sex at 6 PM and now there's trouble because Tania has some adjustment to do to with respect to civilian life? Yuck. Plus I don't like her with the new woman - I like the new woman, she'd be great with Shane, but not Alice.

Finally, I thought Jodie's revenge was hateful and proved Bette's point that they don't share the same core values - of course Jodie also pointed out that Bette, like all of us, fails to live to her highest standards. Still, I thought the piece itself was way cool :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
...still thought the writing could have been much better.
Some of the characters never developed. The whole Max story line
just ended. Why???
I thought the Shane character was just plain skank-girl. Her looks and actions just a total turn off for me. GROSS. That character made my skin crawl!
I agree with Bette and Tina being a big snore fest.
I actually enjoyed How Jody's character burned Bette! Now that was good! Bette totally deserved that!!
The Alice-Tasha thing,NO SPARKS there at all!
I watched every week. Sometimes,asking myself why? It really was poorly written with plots not believeable. What made me tune in? I think the answer is that the L Word was all that was available that I could remotely relate to my life. That's sad in the year 2008,don't ya think???
Can't wait for next year's L Word,cuz what else is there????


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