The Last Trip: An (Eastern) Fantasy Food Adventure-Bonus Feature, Pam & Her Mom Pt 2 Sept 17 the end

When I was Bolivia the house had rebar sticking out of them like that and we saw lots of glass sticking out of the tops of walls around the properties.
Catching up!! I also love the shorter updates but yes, do what works best for you.
We did a similar tour in Tortola( we did a boat tour and then a bus tour) certainly some tight turns!!! Narrow roads, eep. But some gorgeous views!!

Yes there were definitely beautiful views, next update I highlight some of those turns!

This would never happen back in the days of film.

It's amazing how digital cameras have changed the way we take pictures. I just moved all my old photos (that didn't make the cut, and we're never placed in an album), and even those take up a fair amount of space. The photo albums take up 3-4 shelves of a bookcase alone.

It was an owl right? That's the nature you heard calling?

Of course you always find owls out in the middle of the ocean. ;)

Didn't know that was on there.

Sunrise, sunset, high and low temperature for the day, lots of good info there.

I simply do not understand why Disney doesn't make this more convenient.
I suspect if sunrise was done later in the day, more people would be able to enjoy it.


Contact Bob Iger.

And that's another thing! Why so exclusive? Have two sunrises. One for each side of the ship!

Make it four. One for early risers and one for late risers.
How hard could it be?

I'm sure they'll put the Imagineers on it right away...

They should just move. Maybe you guys want that side!

Nah, I was happy with that side.

How did you find that out? Your tour, I presume?

Pretty much. When I saw them up close, you could tell that there were multiple front doors, plus there were multiple parking spaces and vehicles.

Not surprising considering how she felt.

She often tries to get out of things. Like last night she decided against going out for dinner for her birthday. Just as we were getting on the freeway.

Really! That actually surprises me quite a bit.

I think it has to do with the tour operators who aren't equipped to deal with disabled folks.

Sounds like a pretty good plan.

Thank you.

Had to Google.

Close, I think ours was a little different, but eventually you'll see.

Way to go Fran!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:laughing: So now you know how to get her to do these things!

Well no, because in Alaska she blew off a tour that cost almost as much per person as the while cost of the tour. I think it was more that I had no one to tour with that got her, than the cost.

That's a pretty easy compromise.... considering the return on the investment.

Especially since the night before, I thought the trip was essentially done.

And? How has it held up over the years?

Well what I liked about it was that in the end, while Angela Lansbury and the "professor" ended up sharing a fondness for each other, they did not live happily ever after together. He went off to serve his country and she kept the kids.

I did think that the effects and storyline held up and didn't look too cheesy by today's standards.

How long did it a-pier to be?



Nyah! Nyah!

I thought it was "whah.whah."

That looks narrow. Camera perspective? Or? Can two scooters fit side by

It is narrow. Most places it would be difficult for two scooters to pass. There are a some places where the halls widen for a few feet so it's easier to pass. She does clear theircar

No mention of the cash outlay? I'd take it.

Nah, she doesn't care about money. Clearly she wasn't raised in a family with financial difficulties.

Nice detail.

Each one of the ships has a "mascot" on the back of the ship.

:laughing: At first I didn't even see you! Just a tad breezy was it?

She also took a close up, but I chose not to bore you all with multiple pictures of boring subjects.

I would've been antsy too.

It never even occurred to me that they might try and contact me that morning, but since all of our contact had been via email, that makes sense.

I'm not positive... but I think I've heard about that before.

I would think that with the little history/geography lesson you gave us a while back (where you outlined the reach of the British Monarchy), that you would have more knowledge that us 'Mericans. I had to Google, because all the guide said as we drove past was, "There is the famous Pusser's Rum outpost." And I though..."am I supposed to have heard of this if it's famous?" :laughing:

When I saw those photos, I immediately thought "British colonial rule."

Oh? Please explain....curious minds want to know. Or maybe just mine.

:laughing: She probably made something up!

I tried to see if I could locate it on the Google satellite map, but no luck, it didn't go that detailed.

Perfect set up! Grab a steak out of the fridge and toss it on the BBQ.


Future planning for an unlikely future.

Or as a later reader said, they pay less taxes if the house isn't finished.

Beautiful shots!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Looks so lush.

that's because it is. I don't even want to think about all the bugs and such in there. :eek:

What? I thought this was weeks ago! Huh

Just like the Harambe safari. ;)

Hey! Look at @Steppesister . Making up for past sins.

:lmao: I got the credit????

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well, when I went to post the update, I saw your post because it came in seconds before I pasted my update. I thought you had taken the last spot on the page. It rook me a little bit to proof the post and I guess that's where Liesa snuck in. I put up the second post quickly (without proofing) as I didn't want someone to get in there between the posts and when I got to the end, I hastily typed, "Thanks pkondz..." Not even knowing that it had been Liesa who pushed my posts over to the top of the page! :lmao:

Or leave it out with a sign. "Please do not steal. Very valuable!"

I still don't think they'd take it. That armoire has been sitting now for weeks.

Huh! So what would you sell it for?

Well according to Worthpoint a pair of those glasses sold for $10 a few years ago, so if I got $5 for one that's more than $1.35.

So more "aged and decrepit".

And spoiled.

I've never used Google docs before. Is that an app, too? Might have to look into this.

I use it from my browser on the computer and from an app on my phone. Very handy. Folks I know have been using it for years. Not quite as flexible as Word, but free.

Do as I say, don't do as I do.

Happy Birthday to Fran!

(I guess it is around now if Liesa posts about hers and it is the same day?)

Yes it was yesterday. She does not like her birthday.

Happy birthday Fran!!! Enjoy it!!

I passed on the birthday wishes and she did say "thanks".

Wrong thread....

I saw that post, and thought "what..." but I know the feeling! :rotfl:

I love love love the pictures of the ship from up high!

You mean from atop the hill? That was one of the ones I really wanted to get.

Hopefully Fran was happy she joined you for the tour. Glad you still went.

I'm glad too. But for our trip, I'm not sure I want to do any excursion, except go shopping for extra wine.

Also glad you didn't stay awake for the sunrise, that would have been disappointing.

Yes it would have. Depending on how the sun shifts from February to August, I don't think I'm going to have many sunrise pics on our cruise based on the location of our cabin.

Your progress with the moving is great! Any bit is better than no bit. The old alcohol sounds like it needs to go down the drain. Is that allowed?

I'd be happy to pour it down the drain, but Fran says we'll deal with it on a case by case basis. I think I'll just bring it all to the new house, put it in the fridge and pour them out one by one. I don't see why they can't be poured down the drain.
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She does not like her birthday.

That's too bad. I love an excuse to celebrate party:

You mean from atop the hill? That was one of the ones I really wanted to get.

Yes. Glad you were successful! They're really fabulous.

I'm glad too. But for our trip, I'm not sure I want to do any excursion, except gos

Except what?

Yes it would have. Depending on how the sun shifts from February to August, I don't think I'm going to have many sunrise pics on our cruise based on the location of our cabin.

I'd be absolutely clueless how to figure that out.

I'd be happy to pour it down the drain, but Fran says we'll deal with it on a case by case basis. I think I'll just bring it all to the new house, put it in the fridge and pour them out one by one. I don't see why they can't be poured down the drain.

I'm worried the creme based ones will have gone bad long ago and you'd get sick. Why lug them all the way to the house? She doesn't think she'll drink them???
It's amazing how digital cameras have changed the way we take pictures. I just moved all my old photos (that didn't make the cut, and we're never placed in an album), and even those take up a fair amount of space. The photo albums take up 3-4 shelves of a bookcase alone.

Digitize them and they'll fit in the glove box of your car.

Has anyone, in the history of cars, actually put gloves in a glove box?

Of course you always find owls out in the middle of the ocean. ;)

You're kidding, right?
Marine owls can stay at sea for weeks and have been spotted as far as 500 miles from the nearest land. Their ability to see fish at night lets them survive for extended periods of time without returning to land where they typically nest and raise their young.

Contact Bob Iger.

A sternly worded email is on its way!

Pretty much. When I saw them up close, you could tell that there were multiple front doors, plus there were multiple parking spaces and vehicles.

Ah, well, that would be a give-away then.

She often tries to get out of things. Like last night she decided against going out for dinner for her birthday. Just as we were getting on the freeway.

Oh shoot!!!!! I totally forgot to wish her a happy birthday!
I remember people wishing her a day or two early and thinking "Ha! I'm doing it on the day!"

Well.... pass along belated wishes and tell me she can smack me upside the head for my transgression, next time she sees me.

I think it has to do with the tour operators who aren't equipped to deal with disabled folks.

because in Alaska she blew off a tour that cost almost as much per person as the while cost of the tour. I think it was more that I had no one to tour with that got her, than the cost.

oh. Well.... nevermind, then.

Well what I liked about it was that in the end, while Angela Lansbury and the "professor" ended up sharing a fondness for each other, they did not live happily ever after together. He went off to serve his country and she kept the kids.

I totally forgot that!

I did think that the effects and storyline held up and didn't look too cheesy by today's standards.

Oh good! I was hoping you'd say that, but thought you wouldn't.

Each one of the ships has a "mascot" on the back of the ship.

Huh. Didn't know that.

She also took a close up, but I chose not to bore you all with multiple pictures of boring subjects.

Who doesn't want to see a photo of a pretty woman?? :confused3

Oh? Please explain....curious minds want to know. Or maybe just mine.

Just the narrow streets, mostly. And the architecture. Just looks very colonial.

Or as a later reader said, they pay less taxes if the house isn't finished.

Ah. Yeah, but.... can you imagine doing that?

Well, when I went to post the update, I saw your post because it came in seconds before I pasted my update. I thought you had taken the last spot on the page. It rook me a little bit to proof the post and I guess that's where Liesa snuck in. I put up the second post quickly (without proofing) as I didn't want someone to get in there between the posts and when I got to the end, I hastily typed, "Thanks pkondz..." Not even knowing that it had been Liesa who pushed my posts over to the top of the page! :lmao:

I'll take the credit for anything good.

I still don't think they'd take it. That armoire has been sitting now for weeks.

Change the sign to "For sale. $100 OBO."

Well according to Worthpoint a pair of those glasses sold for $10 a few years ago, so if I got $5 for one that's more than $1.35.

What. No room for negotiation?

I use it from my browser on the computer and from an app on my phone. Very handy. Folks I know have been using it for years. Not quite as flexible as Word, but free.

Might have to look into that.
And totally made up that whole thing about "marine owls".
Well, when I went to post the update, I saw your post because it came in seconds before I pasted my update. I thought you had taken the last spot on the page. It rook me a little bit to proof the post and I guess that's where Liesa snuck in. I put up the second post quickly (without proofing) as I didn't want someone to get in there between the posts and when I got to the end, I hastily typed, "Thanks pkondz..." Not even knowing that it had been Liesa who pushed my posts over to the top of the page! :lmao:

Steppesister: making amends as best she can wherever she goes. See @Captain_Oblivious, I can play nice when want to. ;)

I'll take the credit for anything good.

Go away. I get this one.
Nice pics coming into Port. I have seen that a lot of ships are going to Tortola now.

Thanks! From what another passenger told me, St. Maarten started charging huge fees on cruise ships to dock there, so several cruise lines (Disney included) went in on building the port in Tortola. The people of Tortola were thrilled to get the business and now lots of the ships go there instead of St. Maarten.

Glad you were able to get Fran to go on the excursion with you.

Me too! Good old guilt works every time!

Beautiful pictures of the water and the port from the hill (Mountain?)

Thanks, it was very interesting for me to see, very different than Grand Cayman.

I have heard that people on some of those islands just add another floor to the house to add more space for larger families because there is limited space to build. A lot of houses end up almost like apartment buildings.

Makes sense there was not a lot of flat Real Estate there. Also people buy entire islands and pay "rent" to the government. Our guide told us that too.

Looking forward to more :sunny:

Thanks! It will be coming up as soon as I catch up on replies. I caught a good break this afternoon that I didn't expect.


Might I have yet another chance to rib and tease?


:laughing: Nope not here!

Just, no. Never, ever fun. For anyone.

Yeah, and this TR has not seen the last of it. :sad2:

I'm in a deep doo right now in the keeping up dept.

I'm pretty good right now, but once I've said that everyone will post an update!

So.... aged?

I think more like gross.

He got it all fixed. Today I spent about an hour taking plastic off the fridge, unsticking all the taped drawers and door bins. Note to self, don't buy a "brand new" fridge next time, get a floor model or one that was returned with a tiny defect. It wasn't the best use of my brand new manicure.

I"m glad you could book this and it all worked out for you! You (so far) have some really nice shots of the local flavor and vistas. :)

And we saw a lot more interesting things on the seconed half, certainly stuff I don't think we'd see here in the states.

OY! Just what you wanted to hear.

Well at least she said that she loved me! :love:

There is a very good book written about this and the nutmeg trade called Nathaniel's Nutmeg that I'd highly recommend if this naval history is interesting to you.

Not so much into Naval history, Fran watches enough maritime documentaries and dramas.

They did that a lot in Ecuador too. They also embedded glass shards into the cement home walls to for security.

Huh. Our building codes frown on that sort of behavior.

My pleasure. LOL! Totally meant to do that.

(That was only a fluke, the truth be known. I was not in any way counting or paying attention.)

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

nice that you were able to experience your own tour. The flying dumbo is a neat detail on the ship. Hope you both enjoyed your recent b-day celebrations.

Yeah, all the ships have a mascot on them, I know Mickey is on one, Huey, Duey and Louie on another and I can't remember the last one, but I have pictures of all of them now!

Glad that you were able to do the tour during that day. Your island pictures look so nice and it was well worth it.

Thanks, I got some more that came out really nice as well!

When we did the Island tour May '16, they told us the houses look "unfinished" because they didn't want to pay taxes on them. Our guide said if a house is "finished", then they have to pay taxes, but if its not finished, then no taxes. Interesting, if true.

That's an interesting concept. I can see that. However in the US, aren't there penalties if you let a house sit unfinished for a long period of time?
When I was Bolivia the house had rebar sticking out of them like that and we saw lots of glass sticking out of the tops of walls around the properties.

Another interesting "fun fact"! :teacher:



:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

That's too bad. I love an excuse to celebrate party:

Me too. I guess when you grow up not celebrating, it's hard to start at her age.

Yes. Glad you were successful! They're really fabulous.


Except what?

I guess I trailed out mid sentence. In my defense I was replying from my phone. I would maybe go out to a grocery store and buy more wine. You can only carry on two bottles per person per port. With 7 days, I'd rather take the extra off the ship than run out and have to buy all my wine from the bars and restaurants. They're much more expensive. Besides, I like to have it in my cabin while I'm getting dressed for the night.

I'd be absolutely clueless how to figure that out.

I'm sure I could figure it out somehow, but I'll leave it until we get on the ship. I'll wake up in the morning and see. We have an aft cabin so we have a better chance at seeing it since we might have views on two sides of the ship.

I'm worried the creme based ones will have gone bad long ago and you'd get sick. Why lug them all the way to the house? She doesn't think she'll drink them???

Creme de..... Is actually a misnomer. They are not in fact Cream based at all. All the spirits that I mentioned are clear or tansparent. Had they been cream based, I probably would have drank them years ago! :teeth:

I'm finally caught up! Just finished grading for my Spring semester course on Saturday evening, and now I've got a shortened May semester course i'm teaching that started yesterday. Luckily it's all online AND I have two teaching assistants this time :cool1: so I'll be bopping back in whenever I get a chance.
Me too. I guess when you grow up not celebrating, it's hard to start at her age.

That's so sad :( but understandable.

I guess I trailed out mid sentence. In my defense I was replying from my phone. I would maybe go out to a grocery store and buy more wine. You can only carry on two bottles per person per port. With 7 days, I'd rather take the extra off the ship than run out and have to buy all my wine from the bars and restaurants. They're much more expensive. Besides, I like to have it in my cabin while I'm getting dressed for the night.

Yes, those drinks do add up for sure! But I thought you couldn't drink the ones you bought at port? I thought they held them until after you got off the ship?

If we can coordinate getting to the port together mom and I could take extra for you, we never use our allotment.

I'm sure I could figure it out somehow, but I'll leave it until we get on the ship. I'll wake up in the morning and see. We have an aft cabin so we have a better chance at seeing it since we might have views on two sides of the ship.

We're on complete opposite ends, we're as far forward as can be.

Creme de..... Is actually a misnomer. They are not in fact Cream based at all. All the spirits that I mentioned are clear or tansparent. Had they been cream based, I probably would have drank them years ago! :teeth:

Ahhhh! I'm glad to hear that. Is it possible they're still good? I was thinking things like Bailys.
Digitize them and they'll fit in the glove box of your car.

Yeah but who's got the time for that. Especially for the photos that’s didn't make the cut of the photo album.

Has anyone, in the history of cars, actually put gloves in a glove box?

Probably elitists like Fran who actually owned driving gloves.

You're kidding, right?
Marine owls can stay at sea for weeks and have been spotted as far as 500 miles from the nearest land. Their ability to see fish at night lets them survive for extended periods of time without returning to land where they typically nest and raise their young.

And totally made up that whole thing about "marine owls".

Yeah cause I was thinking, "I've heard of Barn Owls, Snow Owls, and maybe a couple other owls, but these had to be unique to Canada. I live by the ocean and there ain't no owls near here!

A sternly worded email is on its way!

Let me know how that works for you!

Ah, well, that would be a give-away then.


Oh shoot!!!!! I totally forgot to wish her a happy birthday!
I remember people wishing her a day or two early and thinking "Ha! I'm doing it on the day!"

Well.... pass along belated wishes and tell me she can smack me upside the head for my transgression, next time she sees me.

I did and she said "Noted"

oh. Well.... nevermind, then.


I totally forgot that!

Yeah, I'm so sick of Disney movies where the princess completes herself by marrying the Prince. I was glad to see they didn't do that here.

Oh good! I was hoping you'd say that, but thought you wouldn't.

I may be a geek, but even though it wasn't star wars and transformers, it was still OK effects. It wasn't like the water scene in "Some like it Hot", so I was fine with it

Huh. Didn't know that.

Yeah I went back through my picures and I don't have good pics if any of the other ships other than. The one with Donald and one of the Nephews.

Who doesn't want to see a photo of a pretty woman?? :confused3

When I find one I will post it .

Just the narrow streets, mostly. And the architecture. Just looks very colonial.

Huh. Didn't know how that made it colonial.

Ah. Yeah, but.... can you imagine doing that?

Well kind of. Our house will never be done. Nor will it ever be presentable.

I'll take the credit for anything good.

I bet you will!

Change the sign to "For sale. $100 OBO."

I don't know if that will work either.

What. No room for negotiation?

Maybe, but I may rather keepnit!

Might have to look into that.

You should! I think it would help your TRs.
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Steppesister: making amends as best she can wherever she goes. See @Captain_Oblivious, I can play nice when want to. ;)

And here you told me it was a total fluke.... :rolleyes1

Go away. I get this one.


I'm finally caught up! Just finished grading for my Spring semester course on Saturday evening, and now I've got a shortened May semester course i'm teaching that started yesterday. Luckily it's all online AND I have two teaching assistants this time :cool1: so I'll be bopping back in whenever I get a chance.

I'm glad you're keeping up!

That's so sad :( but understandable.


Yes, those drinks do add up for sure! But I thought you couldn't drink the ones you bought at port? I thought they held them until after you got off the ship?

If we can coordinate getting to the port together mom and I could take extra for you, we never use our allotment.

You are allowed 2 bottles of wine per person per port. I wouldn't be able to transport 8 bottles on the plane, my luggage would be waaaaaay to heavy, however, perhaps if I instructed you and your Mom on what bottles to purchase, I could reimburse you if picked them up in Florida and carried them on the ship. We should talk about it in September. Then I wouldn't have to get off the ship at all, unless I wanted to. I'm seriously thinking of doing like you and your Mom and using it as a relaxation day to enjoy the ship while everyone else is off on excursions!

We're on complete opposite ends, we're as far forward as can be.

I figured that...

Ahhhh! I'm glad to hear that. Is it possible they're still good? I was thinking things like Bailys.

Had it been something like Bailey's, I would have drank it long long ago. I don't care for any of these, but Fran says she wants to keep most of them, so in the back of the fridge they go!
So yesterday I had surprise "bonus time" on the computer and actually wrapped up the Island tour update. I didn't think I was going to get to this until possibly the weekend, but now I'm ahead!

Continuing with our Island tour. Next we came upon this wall. I stole this description from a travel website.

"A popular island attraction, The "Wall", a long colourful mural along Tortola's Ridge Road, depicts many aspects of the islands' heritage. This seventy- five yard concrete retaining wall is totally covered with paintings by the local artists Thor Downing, CAT, Ghost, TGIF, Roosevelt, and Quito Rymer, who is also a local reggae and folk singer.
All of the hand paintings were done in the year of 2002, when the above artists organized a theme of depicting the early life in the British Virgin Islands after their emancipation from slavery in 1934. The people lived off the land, farming and fishing from the sea in the early days, as there were seldom visits from down island traders making visits to the BVI to bring supplies.
The paintings depict the daily going ons and hard work that the people did to exist in the early years in the past. The paintings are just one way of the community keeping their heritage alive in the BVI."

Our guide also pointed out this sign, there were quite a few that we saw as we traveled around the island.

I remember her saying that this was a community meeting house, they would have civic and social gatherings at this place.

In the tourist area, we had seen Guavaberry wine, evidently this is the tree.

Another view of the harbor. There was a platform here and I got out of the car to take this shot.

While outside the vehicle, I couldn't resist taking a picture.

And another one of the port, zoomed in.

As we continued on I noticed that depending on where we were the paving substance varied. If only we had a highway engineer who could enlighten me on the various different substances. This looks like concrete to me, but I'm no expert.

As we drove along there was this little bar right smack in the Middle of nowhere. It was kind of crazy.

I mentioned earlier about the houses with rebar sticking out and “stuff” everywhere in the yards, this was one of a few houses that seemed finished and we'll manicured.

I think at this point we had crossed over to the other side of the island. This side of the island gets much more rain, and in fact it sprinkled on us a tiny bit. You can tell in the foliage that it is a much more moist climate.

We started to descend down this hill towards a beach.

Pretty flower by the side of the road.

If you’re keeping track on the map of the island, I think this is where we hit the coast of the other side of the island.

It seemed to be a pretty popular beach.

The water was pretty calm as well.

So all the while that we were touring the island, I kept seeing the chickens that the Caribbean is known for running wild. However in this little town they were really abundant.

Our driver even pulled over and let me get out to stalk them.

They were even dumpster diving!

I think this picture really captures the serenity of the island!

Besides Roadtown, this was probably the largest settlement that we passed through on the entire trip.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

We passed this Rum distillery on our way, but reviews I had read of it weren’t stellar and Fran didn’t feel at all like drinking so we just passed on it.

More breathtaking views.

Then we ascended another hill.

Notice how the foliage is different than the palms and other trees we were seeing in the first part of the tour.

This is Stoutt’s Lookout Bar. It sure does have a view!

But we were moving on, to down there.

If you’re following along on the map, we are at the little hairpin turns in the upper portion of the island. Here’s another one of those houses under construction.

This is “the original shell museum”.

If my map is correct, we still had all the way to the end of that hill on the far right of the picture to travel.

Continuing around the island.

I have no idea what this is...a crazy person’s house? Or maybe now I remember this is where they hold rage parties….

We ascended a small hill to pass by the thing in the map that looks like a lake, By this point, the steep curves had me wanting to show all my readers how crazy the grades and angles were. This doesn’t look so bad.

Since we’re driving on the wrong side of the road, we go on the outside for this curve, but if you notice the curve is completely blind. Our driver would tap her horn as she came around the curves to alert other drivers to our presence. The other drivers weren’t always that courteous.

I was happy no one was coming the other way.

The road took us up and down again.

And past some more pretty ocean views.

This curve was a little more hair-raising. We were on the inside of this one.

You’d better hope that the oncoming car stays on their side of that yellow line!

The houses here are so colorful!

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

At this point, I think we are approaching the tip of the island and about to turn back onto the side of the island where the port is located.

I immediately noticed the change in the foliage, now the lush vegetation was replaced by cacti.

Our guide wanted to treat us to some icees that her friend makes, so we headed to her place. She had chickens in her yard as well.

We split both of these, and I forgot the flavors, but they were not common flavors that you find in the US. The purple one may have been the guava berry (that we stopped to look at the tree) and the yellow one, might have been pineapple cream, but I don’t really remember.

She took us to a supermarket (as we requested) for some wine, soda and Water.

Then she took us back to the pier. We saw this cat along the way, and Fran asked if it wanted to be adopted. I think we might have had some trouble getting it back on the ship.

We passed back through town.

On our way she took us past the Governor’s Office (which was closed)

This is the tourist trap bazaar. It’s about walking distance from the port, if you can walk long distances.

She was blown away when we gave her a $50 tip I guess folks don't tip quite that good, but she was great about stopping where we wanted, and she showed us a good tour as well as drove safely in such a crazy place.

Once back in our room, we found this guy. Since the steward couldn’t come in last night (because Fran was sick) we got a “make up” towel animal.

Up Next: I shoulda had a V8!


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