The Marvels

I've seen more than enough highlights to know its not for me.
Mostly I don't want to see Disney making flop after flop - there are better uses for that money.
Disney needs to focus on getting butts in seats and not push away the long time built in fan base.

Netflix Daredevil was pretty good. I didn't see the movie.

The Original Fantastic Four was really bad though - if you have seen that you know. Not really Marvel but its under their watch.

I guess i was thinking more about Disney direct involvement in the films and perceived (right or wrong) agenda - ill give you that.

As for Ghost Rider - I just did not like Cage being in it after waiting many many (many) years for it to be turned into a movie - I feel he plays the same character in every movie - Francis Ford Coppola's nephew. yeah that's a little harsh and I have seen many of his films I enjoy - and many I don't.

Just a note, Netflix Daredevil IS Disney. I was referring to the Affleck movie - that's a rough one!
This! And if one has no interest in the movie, why come into a thread about the movie just to say it's terrible (without having seen it) and gloat about it doing poorly?
People may not be interested in this film, but they may be interested in Marvel or Disney and its success.

Also - it shows up in the recent posts lists - that is what bring me to many of these things.
One other thing - IMO people were out saying how good this movie was before they saw it - or defending it before they saw it - that seems to be ok for some reason.

This could be agenda driven (on both sides), but I've heard more than one person who went to the preview say it was really bad, and all the folks they talked to at the preview say it was really bad. Those folks then went on to say how good it was etc.. in social media - mainly because they don't want to loose access. Influencers want (and need) that access.

Obviously hard to prove this one way or the other beyond peoples word, but does it happen with influencers in the theme parks? I think so.

There are always going to be those extremists on both sides. No, it's not okay to tout a movie that you haven't seen as great any more than it is to trash. One can convey their own excitement for it or they can enumerate why it doesn't appeal to them. That's a different story.

By the way, YOU are not the one who is constantly trashing the movie despite not having seen it. 🙂
One other thing - IMO people were out saying how good this movie was before they saw it - or defending it before they saw it - that seems to be ok for some reason.

This could be agenda driven (on both sides), but I've heard more than one person who went to the preview say it was really bad, and all the folks they talked to at the preview say it was really bad. Those folks then went on to say how good it was etc.. in social media - mainly because they don't want to loose access. Influencers want (and need) that access.

Obviously hard to prove this one way or the other beyond peoples word, but does it happen with influencers in the theme parks? I think so.
I don't think that is unique to the Marvels. I'm seeing people do this for Wish. Just look at Letterboxd. People are either saying this movie is a cinematic masterpiece or that it's a cinematic disaster. I don't even know if these people have actually seen the film or not.
I don't think that is unique to the Marvels. I'm seeing people do this for Wish. Just look at Letterboxd. People are either saying this movie is a cinematic masterpiece or that it's a cinematic disaster. I don't even know if these people have actually seen the film or not.

I am very excited for Wish based on what I have seen so far. I will not say that it actually IS good or bad until I have seen it. I do hope it is good though! I'll let you know later tomorrow.
I don't think that is unique to the Marvels. I'm seeing people do this for Wish. Just look at Letterboxd. People are either saying this movie is a cinematic masterpiece or that it's a cinematic disaster. I don't even know if these people have actually seen the film or not.
True - Snow White is a another one its a year away and its already crazy
By the way, YOU are not the one who is constantly trashing the movie despite not having seen it.
Didn't think I was - but people may perceive it that way. Thanks though

Mostly killing time before I go outside to clean the gutters :(
I am very excited for Wish based on what I have seen so far. I will not say that it actually IS good or bad until I have seen it. I do hope it is good though! I'll let you know later tomorrow.
That's why the Letterboxd reviews are confusing to me - I don't know if the people posting have actually seen it. No spoilers please but I'd love to know how it is.
True - Snow White is a another one its a year away and its already crazy
I'm kind of sad it got delayed because now we have to deal with another year of this circus of a discussion about it. 🤣
Correct, see The Last Jedi financial for proof.

I disagree with you on the movie but do agree with your point. Somehow whenever a movie one doesn't like fails, people are like, "See? It's a flop!" If a movie that they deem is good fails, there is always some excuse - and vice-versa. What about all of the ones that do succeed? You always hear silence.

For the record, I actually like a lot of "bad" movies too - some of which did well enough and some that flopped. The financials just do not corellate to the quality of the movie.
Just saw this article. Is this a plausible explanation?

Disney Pressured Marvel to Announce These TWO Phase 6 Movies (Report)
By Russ Milheim Posted: November 16, 2023

Disney pressured Marvel Studios to announce two specific Phase 6 movies for its upcoming slate of films back in 2020.
Marvel has had a rough time these past few years when it comes to nailing down its upcoming theatrical and streaming slate.

During the Infinity Saga, nearly everything made it to screen without many hitches, the failed Inhumans being a notable exception. But, the Multiverse Saga has not had the same luck.

The MCU has faced dozens of delays since 2020 due to a handful of circumstances, such as COVID-19, behind-the-scenes drama, and the recent SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes.

Two Movies Marvel Studios Wasn't Ready For

MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios, written by Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards, is now on store shelves worldwide, and the book revealed two specific movies that Marvel Studios wasn't ready to announce when they did: Armor Wars and Fantastic Four.

The book explained how, after the tumultuous times presented by COVID-19, Disney wanted to assuage its investors. So, to do so, the studio announced an event called Disney Investor Day 2020.

Here, Disney executives such as Bob Iger and Bob Chapek combined the usual financial news that a normal investor call might have, such as their plans to "chip away at Netflix's stranglehold on the streaming market."

But then it was time for Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm Presidents Kevin Feige and Kathleen Kennedy to announce a dazzling amount of new projects for both fans and investors to be excited about—some of which weren't even close to being ready.

In Marvel's case, it was both the Armor Wars and Fantastic Four films that were far from ready for public acknowledgment. Nearly every other project spoken about during the presentation is now out, except those two (and Ironheart, though it is already filmed).

The Troubled Journey of Fantastic Four and Armor Wars

This new information makes perfect sense, given how everything has played out since.

Armor Wars, which was originally going to be a Disney+ series, went years without any real updates. It was only last year when Marvel Studios revealed that the project would be getting an extensive reworking, now becoming a film instead—though one without a release window.

As for Fantastic Four, it's easily one of the most anticipated projects that Marvel has on its slate in Phase 6, and the Multiverse Saga as a whole. Sadly, movement on the film is slow, with fans still agonizingly waiting for official casting to be announced.

Armor Wars and Fantastic Four certainly don't seem like the only projects announced before they were ready for the limelight.

Blade was revealed to the world back in 2019, but the film has still not managed to get a workable script off the ground in the years since. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige also announced a Mutants project, but as it currently stands, it doesn't seem like it will exist until after Avengers: Secret Wars is completed.

Armor Wars does not currently have a release window, and Fantastic Four is set to debut on May 2, 2025—but that is likely to be pushed back due to delays from the recent WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.
I'm not sure how much any of this has to do with The Marvels specifically but I'll just say that I'm pretty casual about following the MCU and the decision to build storylines across several shows on D+ (of which I've watched none of them) made it very easy to tune out. They're not making it easy on themselves over there.
The financials just do not corellate to the quality of the movie.
Very true - sometimes a film has to find its audience - even years later.

By all accounts "It's a wonderful life" was a box office flop.
Same for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - this was a Christmas standard in Ireland for decades

Citizen Kane was also a box office flop and now its considered by many to be one of the best film ever.

Lots of others I really like as well: Heathers, Office Space, Blade Runner, Idiocracy, Dune, Sid and Nancy, Harold and Maude - there is a long list

So box office is only one factor - I agree.
Very true - sometimes a film has to find its audience - even years later.

By all accounts "It's a wonderful life" was a box office flop.
Same for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - this was a Christmas standard in Ireland for decades

Citizen Kane was also a box office flop and now its considered by many to be one of the best film ever.

Lots of others I really like as well: Heathers, Office Space, Blade Runner, Idiocracy, Dune, Sid and Nancy, Harold and Maude - there is a long list

So box office is only one factor - I agree.
Hocus Pocus
Very true - sometimes a film has to find its audience - even years later.

By all accounts "It's a wonderful life" was a box office flop.
Same for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - this was a Christmas standard in Ireland for decades

Citizen Kane was also a box office flop and now its considered by many to be one of the best film ever.

Lots of others I really like as well: Heathers, Office Space, Blade Runner, Idiocracy, Dune, Sid and Nancy, Harold and Maude - there is a long list

So box office is only one factor - I agree.

Those are flops, but not really bad movies - at least not by most people's standards. Citizen Kane was a flop though, but it is fantastic!

I have a few favorites that really tanked, and I mean REALLY tanked at th ebox office. A couple of semi-recent one swere Speed Racer and the Nancy Drew movie with Emma Roberts. I find them both delightful!
I'm not sure how much any of this has to do with The Marvels specifically but I'll just say that I'm pretty casual about following the MCU and the decision to build storylines across several shows on D+ (of which I've watched none of them) made it very easy to tune out. They're not making it easy on themselves over there.

Yes, they have grown so much so fast, that they have become like the comics in the sanse that they are sort of impenetrable and offputting to folks who may want to get into them. It was a mistake to launch so much series content.

I worry that this will happen with Star Wars, though they aren't quite there yet and the quality has been generally better. It was one thing to have animated series though that were nice to watch, but not directly corellated to anything. PEople could skip those and still love Star Wars. I do worry about the movie that will tie into the Filoni-era shows - will people want to watch that if they havent watched Mando, Boba, Ahsoka, etc.?
like i said in the past if i was a stockholder id be more concerned with what the RCID is doing to wdw resort and not what the marvels did. When Disney still had 5/10 top grossing movies of 2023
This! And if one has no interest in the movie, why come into a thread about the movie just to say it's terrible (without having seen it) and gloat about it doing poorly?

because his separate thread about it being a flop, flopped harder than the movie did


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