The Most Freezing 4 days in the history of the world!


<font color=green>it is worth going just for the v
Mar 28, 2008
I'll not do the 'how we got there' bit as it was pretty uneventful and straightforward. Stayed at the Adagio which was perfectly fine and will write a report on in the hotel reviews section.

Monday 4th January.

The first inkling that it was going to be a cold day was when we woke to see a dusting of snow. All very excited by this, little did we know at the time there would be more to come.

Had a leisurely breakfast and got the shuttle bus around 10am to the park. Decided to go into the Studios first - for some reason, this park has a special tug for me. I don't know why but there is something about this park that makes me a little bit :love:


As we went in, we saw Mickey but he was not by his car as usual because of the weather and it was a bit of a free for all, so we didn't bother getting pics with him, knowing that we were bound to catch him at some point during the stay.

Did a couple of Meet and greets - Mrs Incredible, Donald and Minnie / Daisy - but didn't do 'Ratatatty' as Jess called him as the queue was pretty big and neither were too bothered about him.

The park was actually busier than I had anticipated, although I knew beforehand that the hotels were fully booked. Did Cars and Flying Carpets, both of which had pretty small queues, then decided to go on ToT. Wait time was 30 mins and as I hadn't done it last time, I was particularly eager.

Both of the kids wanted to go on - DD not knowing what it was about :laughing: - and DS having completely forgotten how it made him feel last time (ie :sick: )

The CM we had was very funny....he was trying to be all creepy but when Jess said to him 'are you trying to be scary?' he just started giggling.

I tell you what - I LOVED it. DS hated it and was begging to get off at the first drop, DD was fine until she saw DS crying and that set her off and I just laughed all the way through. I keep saying I never screamed, although the rest of them disagreed with me. :rotfl:

I loved it so much, I went back on it twice more during the stay when the wait time at the end of the day was just 5 mins :banana:

Freezing, freezing by this stage, we caught a Stitch show and then popped into Backlot for a bite to eat and something to warm us up.

After lunch we did some character spotting and there were quite a few out and about - Goofy, Lilo, Pluto, Chip and Dale - as well as a bit of browsing before heading over to the main park.

Although I have seen the tree in many people's photos, seeing it in real life just totally blew me away.


Around mid afternoon, the temperature seemed to plummet and by the time we were standing around to watch the parade, it was freezing with the snow blowing directly in our faces. We seemed to wait forever for the parade, wondering if it would actually be on as they kept clearing Main Street and it would be covered again within minutes.


Eventually a reduced version appeared with no dancers and only half the princess float. I felt so sorry for Ariel - on close inspection she was pretty padded up but she still must have been sooooo cold.


After the parade, like the rest of the park it seemed, we descended on the arcade to shelter and grab a hot drink, but it was packed, so we went up to Bella Notte which was warm and quiet.


None of us were really in the mood to queue for rides, so we decided to head up to Annettes for something to eat before going back to the hotel - it was almost midnight when we arrived the previous night and had been out since 10am so were all a bit cold and tired.


I had so been looking forward to Annettes but I was really disappointed. The food wasn't that good, was only lukewarm and the server was obviously having an off day as although they weren't discourteous, they weren't exactly friendly. For the amount of money that it cost, I wished we had gone somewhere else. :guilty:

Got the bus back, packed the kids off to bed (after we eventually got all the layers of clothes off!) and thought, 'well, at least it won't be as cold tomorrow' :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lovely day, the weather was awful wasnt it lol.

I went Annettes on that Monday aswell and was disappointed with it.
Great start with lovely photos. What program did you use for the boarders?
Great start, thanks....I was going to ask the same question re borders, looks really effective..
what a lovely day. a shame it was freezing but sounds like you made the most of it. shame about annettes, i enjoyed it although i was sick after but that could have been a coincidence. and the waiter tried to keep my change as a tip i had to hunt him down lol
Great first day...shame about Annettes.

Unfortunately it will be colder tomorrow and get even colder the next day brrrrrrrrrr.
Great first day, it looks freezing brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Shame about Annette, i have never had a disappointing meal there :confused3
Nice pics and good report. We didn't even bother waiting for the parade that day and went swimming instead. Just got sick of it snowing, it was lovely when it started but soon got sick.

Thanks all :) I just did the borders through Photobucket....very simple (good job really! :rotfl: )
Great to hear about your first day. I'm sure the cold put a dampener on your fun, but your wintry photos are so beautiful.


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