The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers…happened to us!

Awesome 2 days! Everyone looked like they had a blast!! Very nice of you to take the kids while Jenn and Bob had their honeymoon, I am sure Jenn appreciated it greatly! It is great seeing the parks through kids eyes. That is how I got addicted the first time we went, seeing the excitement and magic on their faces, just amazing!
Awesome 2 days! Everyone looked like they had a blast!! Very nice of you to take the kids while Jenn and Bob had their honeymoon, I am sure Jenn appreciated it greatly! It is great seeing the parks through kids eyes. That is how I got addicted the first time we went, seeing the excitement and magic on their faces, just amazing!


We really enjoyed our 2 days and 2 nights with them. I've been to Disney with my niece and nephew several times over the years...especially with my nephew. This was a little different though as the kids were actually staying with us. Aside from one short trip with my nephew for his 10th birthday, we've never experienced this before. I really hope that they had a good of a time with us as we had with them.

Thanks for reading.:wizard:
Cute pics of us! Yay!

I love Columbia Harbour house! Good food and huge portions, so it's easy for us to split.
Okay, since I didn't know this was going on until a couple of days ago and am way behind, I can't comment on it all. But I am caught up now and loving everything thus far.

That is something I so would do...saying the park opened at a certain hour and then be wrong (no matter how much I research).

I'm loving the pictures of you, Joe and Jenn and family. :)
Cute pics of us! Yay!

I love Columbia Harbour house! Good food and huge portions, so it's easy for us to split.

I thought our picture was cute too. :)

Glad we finally went to CH. I'm sure we will go back again.

Okay, since I didn't know this was going on until a couple of days ago and am way behind, I can't comment on it all. But I am caught up now and loving everything thus far.

That is something I so would do...saying the park opened at a certain hour and then be wrong (no matter how much I research).

I'm loving the pictures of you, Joe and Jenn and family. :)

I could not believe I did that with the park hours. Joe was not a happy dude. His back was a hot mess and I felt so bad.

Thanks Kathy. I had fun taking pictures this trip.
Here we are at day I-have-lost-track. Our original plans for the day was to return Jenn’s kids early in the morning to her and Bob and then head out for breakfast. We changed our plans and all decided to have breakfast at Tusker House. We were able to get a new ressie for all of us which was a tad bit later I think, than the one Jenn originally had.

We met at Jenn’s resort with the intent to head over to DAK together. I made a pitt stop though. I wanted this hat so dang bad that I saw at AKL when we were there earlier in our trip. Joe was awesome and stopped there for me so that I could run in and pick it up. Woo hoo! Yay me.

After picking up the hat we headed to DAK. As always, we got into the OMG-let’s-take-a-zillion-years to get into the parking lot line. Yes, that tends to the way we operate. After finally getting into the park, we headed to the gates of DAK.

We walked over to Tusker House for our breakfast ressie. Most of the time, it gets way too loud for me there. I am always reluctant to go there for breakfast and it took Jenn to talk me into it. Our original ADR was for breakfast at Boma. Here is our check in picture at Tusker.


I remember that breakfast was tasty, as always. That has to be one of my favorite, food wise.

We had great character interaction here as well. I have to say that we lucked out this trip.








After our breakfast we headed over to KS. We had such a great morning safari our first visit to DAK and were hopeful to have another great one.



We were certainly not disappointed.




















After our safari, we made our way over to EE. We stopped to see this guy along the way.


We were not in a hurry and took a stroll over, stopping to experience the magic.



We stopped for a PP pic on our way over. Man, there was a family waiting that was super obnoxious. So bad that we let them go ahead of us so that we didn’t have to hear them complain for another 5 minutes. I think they were mad because the people in front of them (2 in front of us) were “taking too long.” Seriously, everyone was on vacation and deserved to get as many shots as they wanted. Ok, rant over.




Dang, I hate going backwards on that ride!!


We went to Tusker House for the first time in September and loved it. We have it booked again for August.

Great safari pictures.

You are all braver than me to be riding EE.

I remembered something I meant to say from an earlier update: You are the irst person that I have ever known who doesn't like the juice at Boma! :eek: They see me coming and know to give me a LARGE glass rather than a small one.
We went to Tusker House for the first time in September and loved it. We have it booked again for August.

Great safari pictures.

You are all braver than me to be riding EE.

I remembered something I meant to say from an earlier update: You are the irst person that I have ever known who doesn't like the juice at Boma! :eek: They see me coming and know to give me a LARGE glass rather than a small one.

Kathy, it took me years to get on EE. Joe finally demanded that I do it in 2012. :lmao: It wasn't as bad as I thought, except for going backwards. I hate that part!!

If I remember correctly, Kayla doesn't like the jungle juice either. So, there are a whopping 2 of us. ;)
We decided that Dinoland would be next. Normally, I am not a fan. Reminds me too much of a fair.

We all got up the nerve to go on the spinny ride thingy. Boys in one car, girls in another. Jenn, Kayla and I had a blast!! It was really a lot of fun.







We laughed so hard on that ride that I thought I'd faint. It was a hoot. Normally, I'd never even attempt it, but this year, I was game.

Next up was another first ever for me. Dinosaur.




Yikes, I was scared. Turned out not to be half as bad as I thought. I was though, worried about Joe’s back. I was hoping he’d be ok.


We then moved on to It’s Tough to be a Bug. That show is hilarious…of course, I am one that finds farts to be earth shattering funny. No clue why. Have been that way all my life so you can imagine what my favorite part of ITTBAB was. Lol

For those of you that know Jenn, you know that she doesn’t really do CS meals…not many at least. I was happy that she agreed to try FTBBQ. I cannot go to DAK without eating a meal there so I was happy she agreed to it. I think she enjoyed it!

After lunch, we decided to head to our next park for the day. We stopped for some PP pics on the way out.



Our next park was Epcot so we headed out to our cars and drove over.
I just love Epcot.




Actually, I love all of the parks. LOL. I find Epcot to be relaxing in a way very different from any other park. How about you?

In my notes I see that we “exchanged beads” when we got there. No flippin’ clue what that means. Maybe Jenn will remember?

We went to Innoventions and played the Piggy Bank game. That game is a trip. I remember playing it with my mom and Joe years ago. She loved it too.

I don't know why, but i have no pictures. :confused3

Next we did the fire thingy. Boys vs. girls. My notes say that the girls came in first. Yay us!!

We headed over the The Land pavilion next.



Soarin was on the agenda next. This ride never disappoints. If I had one wish, I wish we could have been in row 1. Other than that, it was awesome. I am so mad at myself for waiting so many years before getting the nerve to ride. I think my first time was in 2009. I am a chicken sh**.

Next, to the kids dismay, we did Living with the Land. Another one that I really enjoy. Yeah, I know, how many times can one see a Mickey shaped pumpkin or cucumber? If you ask me, never enough. Ha!!










We decided to do Test Track next but from what I remember, we were in a super, duper hurry and could not do the new design thing. I think Jenn may have had an ADR that night.

I liked the new, updated version of Test Track. I wish we would have ridden more and had more time to design our ride, etc. There is always next trip!!

Joe and I then headed to DTD to do another first for me.

No, not here.............


We went on Characters in Flight. Thanks to Beka for the Groupon tip. I must admit, I was scared, as in, if we didn’t pre-pay for this, I probably would not have done it.



When we checked in, I decided to get the certificate and special pin for Characters in Flight. Yeah, I think I deserved it. Ha ha

I am so, so, so glad that I did this. It was beautiful and amazing. I will do it again next trip. I really enjoyed it.













I called my mom after we rode and told her about it. I thought she’d freak. I told her we were making her do it on her next trip too.

Joe and I decided on EOS for dinner that night. It was so dang crowded that we headed over to World of Disney for a bit to see if the line would calm down any over time. I could spend days and days in World of Disney. It is a must do on my list every single trip. I must admit that I spend way too much time in there but I don’t really care…I love it.

After WoD, we went over to Goofy’s to get a few treats to take home with us. My mom loves the gummy candy stuff so I got her a couple of bags. We were on the hunt for chocolate covered pretzels inj the box. Get this, there were NONE, nada, zip. No place had them. I had to get my nephew a bag of the mini ones instead. I have no clue why we were not able to find them full sized in a box anywhere.

I believe we picked up a few other items as well, but I can’t remember what they were.

We headed back over to EOS and the line was still obnoxious. I went to find a table while Joe went to order our stuff. We love EOS and honestly, I think Joe could eat there every day.

After our dinner, we were exhausted and decided to head back to our resort. We stopped at Everything Pop to look for pretzels there before heading back to our room to call it an early night.
I can't believe we're already at Day 7. I just figured it out by looking at my notes. LOL

The next day we decided to sleep in. Well, Joe wanted to sleep in. Yeah, I caved. I am the commando that gets up at the butt crack of dawn every day but I was exhausted and concerned about the state of Joe's back.

We left our resort and headed over to DHS, thinking we would grab some breakfast there.


We went to Starring Rolls which was packed by the time we got there. Joe got us a table and I went in for food. We ate, called home for a bit, and waited for Jenn since we were meeting up that morning.

I couldn't believe that roses were blooming in February. We had a crap load of snow at home so I had to take pics of the roses.


After meeting Jenn, we headed over toward TSMM. I took pics along the way.







If I remember correctly, we grabbed FP's and then got in line. We rode twice. I think we were all obsessed by that ride this trip. We kept switching off partners for the ride as well. Lots of fun!



Next we did the Backlot Tour. It’s been years since Joe and I have done the tour. It was a lot of fun. I wish they still had the set from the Golden Girls there though. And wasn't the house from Empty Nest there too at one time?










Ahh! Jenn is preggy in those pics and doesn't even know it!! :goodvibes

Flame Tree is good, but not what I call BBQ. I usually go to Pizzafari there. I don't know what it is, but I like their pizza.

Great Safari pics!

Every time I go on EE, I have my hair pulled back, and when we go backward, my head slips off the back and my neck gets all screwed around.

I agree about EoS. Best deal on property! Everything I've had there has been delicious!

Ok, that's all I can think of for now. You've churned out the reports!
First off, another big giant, HUGE thank you for taking my babies!

Second, omg.. I would kill for some flame tree right now..all of it, everything I just saw posted lololol. No really! So sad I never did get to meet amanda, but glad she got to meet Kayla as I think they are meant to be friends lololol I never seem to make it to that parade, but I think you love parades more than I do? One day though! Maybe next year when I am forced to slow down? So glad they got to be in the show! Must have been very cool for them!

AoA looks gorgeous! I tried pricing it for next trip, but with upgrade to dining, not happening.. It def does not feel like a value :/ I would like to head over for a visit next trip though!

Glad yall got to use the free quest vouchers! We liked it last trip!


Sorry you had to endure the Sorcerer game! But Joe seemed to enjoy it! It is actually a very cool concept, just time consuming !

We never got to monsters! We tried twice and both times it had malfunctions :/

I'm still SO mad that LTT wouldn't let us in for our ADR.. I know we were late, but man, it was 5 minutes! It forced us to slow down a bit though and try CHH, which I kinda love now.. kinda ;)

We never got to ride IASW either..jeesh.. awful riser!

I really enjoy Tusker House! and it was so nice that we all were able to do another ADR together.. I recall not caring for that waitress you?

That was my best safari trip to date!

LOL at the pic of bob with his hand on my belly..boy oh boy, not intentional, but SPOT ON lololololol Baby was baking at that very moment:laughing:

Love the Tink one too! We truly look shocked! Remember that RUDE family who was so mad to wait, and I told them to go ahead before I beat them lol

Jack was terrified of EE this year.. no clue why, but loved it! :confused3

Hahahah at you holding Joe, i was REALY excited that you went on!

The beads you exchanged were the ones you got for your Pandora bracket, the originals werent big enough... I think thats what it was :)

ALL Jack wanted was that dang Test Track! I recall fighting cause of it.. or him having a mlt down cause we were doing other stuff first?

I still can't believe you did characters in flight! You are MUCH braver than I am!!

OMG, was tsmm only twice.. i swear we did that ride lots more than that, I
had those FP's from the one cm.. I could be wrong though! I rode that ride more than anything else this trip, and LOVED it every time! I could literally just stay on that ride alone all day! Joe and Bob were cute with their competitiveness with it lol

That was my FIRST time doing Back lot:scared1::eek: I enjoyed it! Jack seemed to love it! Kayla seemed to really enjoy the little details of it!

OK, I think I am all caught up now! Sorry for the late reply, but all I had was my phone or ipad to use to reply, and my replies would have been lame :)

Ready for more popcorn:: I was there, but it's fun to relive it again!

235 days until our MAYBE next trip :goodvibes
Oh! I remember what I was gonna post about!

What did you think of the new Test Track? We didn't care for it. It was still fun, but nothing like the old version.

Am I the only one that thinks that EPCOT needs to pay some serious attention to Future World? Universe of Energy is a snooze fest. The old Wonders of Life (or whatever it's called) is only used for festivals, and poorly at that.

I could care less about that Mission to Mars or whatever it's called. Rode it once, done. Bring back World of Motion, please.

Test Track was great, then they turned it into Tron Track.

And then there's that other building, what's it called? Oddessy (sp)? That one that's nothing more than an obstacle in my getting to La Cava del Tequila ASAP.

I love Spaceship Earth, and the Living Seas is good. The Land pavilion is perfection with the exception of how it's laid out (what a cluster!).

Poor, poor (lack of) Imagination Pavilion. I love Figment, and that attraction doesn't do him any justice. And I have no idea why they are recycling 1980s videos, but won't keep the vintage animatronic rides that SCREAM "Disney" to me.

Wow, that was a rant an a half. But after living in Orlando for the better part of a year, Kyle & I realized that without the festivals, EPCOT needs some work, and the festivals mask that some. They need more for kids to do. I have no desire to spend time in the Innoventions areas. I hear they're fun, but I can't make myself stop. I use them as air conditioned ways to get to where I want to go.

On to DHS:
The Backlot Tour. It's ok, but I think it's time for that to be changed. I LOVE it when they drive by costuming and the prop shop. I could spend all day in there.

I always think that Kyle would want to stop at the end of that attraction and look at the movie props, but he makes a Bee line for the gift shop! :confused: I will never figure him out.

So glad you liked Characters in Flight! I was looking for my hospital but it didn't look like you pointed your camera in that direction. I could see the balloon from the parking garage when I left, so I would purposely park facing that direction. I could also see SE & the top peak of the Dolphin from there. I hated my job but I miss that so bad it makes my chest ache. :guilty:

Ok, I'm done. Carry on! :thumbsup2
You are an updating machine lately.

EOS always has a long line, but it usually goes pretty fast.

We've not done Backlot in years; we thought of doing it in December when we were there before they take it down, but never got around to it. I do remember The Golden Girls house.
It took me 3 hrs, but I am caught up.

My dh lones the new TT, he thought the old one was lame.
Ahh! Jenn is preggy in those pics and doesn't even know it!! :goodvibes

Flame Tree is good, but not what I call BBQ. I usually go to Pizzafari there. I don't know what it is, but I like their pizza.

Great Safari pics!

Every time I go on EE, I have my hair pulled back, and when we go backward, my head slips off the back and my neck gets all screwed around.

I agree about EoS. Best deal on property! Everything I've had there has been delicious!

Ok, that's all I can think of for now. You've churned out the reports!

Yes, lol...a little Disney baby on the way. :)

I have never tried Pizzafari. Have to try that some day.

Safari was great this trip!

MMMM, EOS, wish I had that right about now.

First off, another big giant, HUGE thank you for taking my babies!

Second, omg.. I would kill for some flame tree right now..all of it, everything I just saw posted lololol. No really! So sad I never did get to meet amanda, but glad she got to meet Kayla as I think they are meant to be friends lololol I never seem to make it to that parade, but I think you love parades more than I do? One day though! Maybe next year when I am forced to slow down? So glad they got to be in the show! Must have been very cool for them!

AoA looks gorgeous! I tried pricing it for next trip, but with upgrade to dining, not happening.. It def does not feel like a value :/ I would like to head over for a visit next trip though!

Glad yall got to use the free quest vouchers! We liked it last trip!


Sorry you had to endure the Sorcerer game! But Joe seemed to enjoy it! It is actually a very cool concept, just time consuming !

We never got to monsters! We tried twice and both times it had malfunctions :/

I'm still SO mad that LTT wouldn't let us in for our ADR.. I know we were late, but man, it was 5 minutes! It forced us to slow down a bit though and try CHH, which I kinda love now.. kinda ;)

We never got to ride IASW either..jeesh.. awful riser!

I really enjoy Tusker House! and it was so nice that we all were able to do another ADR together.. I recall not caring for that waitress you?

That was my best safari trip to date!

LOL at the pic of bob with his hand on my belly..boy oh boy, not intentional, but SPOT ON lololololol Baby was baking at that very moment:laughing:

Love the Tink one too! We truly look shocked! Remember that RUDE family who was so mad to wait, and I told them to go ahead before I beat them lol

Jack was terrified of EE this year.. no clue why, but loved it! :confused3

Hahahah at you holding Joe, i was REALY excited that you went on!

The beads you exchanged were the ones you got for your Pandora bracket, the originals werent big enough... I think thats what it was :)

ALL Jack wanted was that dang Test Track! I recall fighting cause of it.. or him having a mlt down cause we were doing other stuff first?

I still can't believe you did characters in flight! You are MUCH braver than I am!!

OMG, was tsmm only twice.. i swear we did that ride lots more than that, I
had those FP's from the one cm.. I could be wrong though! I rode that ride more than anything else this trip, and LOVED it every time! I could literally just stay on that ride alone all day! Joe and Bob were cute with their competitiveness with it lol

That was my FIRST time doing Back lot:scared1::eek: I enjoyed it! Jack seemed to love it! Kayla seemed to really enjoy the little details of it!

OK, I think I am all caught up now! Sorry for the late reply, but all I had was my phone or ipad to use to reply, and my replies would have been lame :)

Ready for more popcorn:: I was there, but it's fun to relive it again!

235 days until our MAYBE next trip :goodvibes

I am such a bad Diser but I am going to finish this TR if it kills me!!

I want Kona, FTBBQ, and EOS now! LOL!!!!

Jack and I had a good time waiting for Joe and Kayla when they did EE. It's sorta funny now thinking about us not being able to find them though!

We had a good time with the kids. It was a lot of fun actually....even the sorcerer game. ::yes::

I can't wait til our next trip which is now a reality!! Just bummed that we don't get to do it together!

I am gonna do Characters in Flight again. It was awesome!!!

Oh! I remember what I was gonna post about!

What did you think of the new Test Track? We didn't care for it. It was still fun, but nothing like the old version.

Am I the only one that thinks that EPCOT needs to pay some serious attention to Future World? Universe of Energy is a snooze fest. The old Wonders of Life (or whatever it's called) is only used for festivals, and poorly at that.

I could care less about that Mission to Mars or whatever it's called. Rode it once, done. Bring back World of Motion, please.

Test Track was great, then they turned it into Tron Track.

And then there's that other building, what's it called? Oddessy (sp)? That one that's nothing more than an obstacle in my getting to La Cava del Tequila ASAP.

I love Spaceship Earth, and the Living Seas is good. The Land pavilion is perfection with the exception of how it's laid out (what a cluster!).

Poor, poor (lack of) Imagination Pavilion. I love Figment, and that attraction doesn't do him any justice. And I have no idea why they are recycling 1980s videos, but won't keep the vintage animatronic rides that SCREAM "Disney" to me.

Wow, that was a rant an a half. But after living in Orlando for the better part of a year, Kyle & I realized that without the festivals, EPCOT needs some work, and the festivals mask that some. They need more for kids to do. I have no desire to spend time in the Innoventions areas. I hear they're fun, but I can't make myself stop. I use them as air conditioned ways to get to where I want to go.

On to DHS:
The Backlot Tour. It's ok, but I think it's time for that to be changed. I LOVE it when they drive by costuming and the prop shop. I could spend all day in there.

I always think that Kyle would want to stop at the end of that attraction and look at the movie props, but he makes a Bee line for the gift shop! :confused: I will never figure him out.

So glad you liked Characters in Flight! I was looking for my hospital but it didn't look like you pointed your camera in that direction. I could see the balloon from the parking garage when I left, so I would purposely park facing that direction. I could also see SE & the top peak of the Dolphin from there. I hated my job but I miss that so bad it makes my chest ache. :guilty:

Ok, I'm done. Carry on! :thumbsup2

Beca, I agree with you that Epcot could use some help. Even with that though, I still love it. Joe and I use to do the Energy Adventure when we needed a nap. Ha!

I had not done the Backlot Tour in forever. The most fun was watching Jack when we got to the tanker scene stuff.

You are an updating machine lately.

EOS always has a long line, but it usually goes pretty fast.

We've not done Backlot in years; we thought of doing it in December when we were there before they take it down, but never got around to it. I do remember The Golden Girls house.

I love EOS in the morning. The lines don't seem to be as long as they are at night.

I miss the Golden Girls house. :(

It took me 3 hrs, but I am caught up.

My dh lones the new TT, he thought the old one was lame.

Next time we go we are going to have to try the entire TT experience. We didn't do that this trip and I wonder if we'd like it more if we did.

Well, off to finish this TR! Booked a new trip so anxious to get that PTR going.
We headed over to the Muppets next. Every time I see that show, I think of my brother. He was obsessed as a kid and I think he saw every episode of the Muppet Show at least 10 times growing up.





Jack was waiting to ride Star Tours and getting a bit anxious by then.



I think Joe was too. LOL. We were lucky and got a new version this time, which was great. If I let him, Joe would ride over and over and over and over.


We went over to Art of Animation after ST. Yep, one side of the park to the other. We did stop to look at stuff along the way though.








We stopped for a snack too.




Everyone wanted to do RNRC next. Everyone but me, that is. That is the one ride that I don’t think I could ever go on.


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