The never ending thread...that ended. Come help me hold vigil!

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DIS Veteran
Sep 2, 2009
I woke up this morning at 5am (4 because of the time change :scared1:) and being sick and awake I wanted the comfort of my friends on the DIS. It was at this time that I realized not only has my favorite thread been removed, but my favorite TR has been demolished. I'm really saddened by these events: I'm sad that one of my dearest friends here on the DIS has made the decision to end her time with us, and I'm saddened that those of us who love her can no longer enjoy her company.

With all these things being said, and me being a positive kind of person I have decided to start a thread in honor of our friend. It'll never end, just like our love for her will never end. So please, all of you who know and love her, help me hold vigil - come, chit chat, hold her place on the DIS so that when and if she decides to come back it'll be like she's never left.

Although she probably won't post, I'm hoping she's lurking and knows how much we'll miss her! Let the chit chat begin. :cool1:

ETA: Obviously our friend is still with us, but the vigil must remain. Overwhelm her with love and support in her time of need! Let's raise her spirits and keep her entertained! Keep this thread going until she stands up and says "Hey! The never ending threads are MY thing and I'm ready to take it back!"

She just got home from work. And for now ... she's still posting. Just not as cheerfully as she was before.

She just got home from work. And for now ... she's still posting. Just not as cheerfully as she was before.

:hug: I'll take an uncheerful you over a no you at all.

I had intended for that sentence to seem "deep" but I think the effect was more...confusing. :rotfl:

I'm glad you're still with us, but the vigil stands until you're back to your jolly ol' self and we know you're stickin' around for good.

WE :love: YOU!!!
Aw :hug::hug: You have no idea how much I needed that.

As it turns out, I need more help getting rid of stalkers than I thought. A certain individual was warned last week about the things he's been leaving on my car and he didn't get the hint.


I want my life to go back to being normal, boring, and even just moderately happy.
Aw :hug::hug: You have no idea how much I needed that.

As it turns out, I need more help getting rid of stalkers than I thought. A certain individual was warned last week about the things he's been leaving on my car and he didn't get the hint.


I want my life to go back to being normal, boring, and even just moderately happy.

:sad2: Idiots! Seriously. Why can't people just get a clue?

Have you contacted the police about the harassment?
No. Just our store management. We know who it is and I'm honestly not worried from a security standpoint, but it's just making going to work for my overnight shift far too uncomfortable for me. But it's getting to that point that I have to.

Seems to be a pattern.
No. Just our store management. We know who it is and I'm honestly not worried from a security standpoint, but it's just making going to work for my overnight shift far too uncomfortable for me. But it's getting to that point that I have to.

Seems to be a pattern.

:hug:Sorry you are having so many issues! :scared: Hope they all get worked out!

On the other note! I am happy to see you here this morning! I signed on last night and the thread was gone :eek: I went searching for it but couldn't find it.

This time change sure has me messed up! I get an hour of Overtime because of it but my body is saying I should be giving report right now!
Okay, guys...I don't even know what to say here. This board is a fun place. Everyone is taking it way too seriously.

Jazz is a valuable member of the DIS. Heck, she and I were supposed to be going to DLR together - or at least sharing a room - next month. I consider her a friend too.

It is Jazz's choice to stay or go. She knows who is on the board and that she will have to encounter them.

But everyone is important & valuable on the board. The DIS will go on if HydroGuy leaves. The DIS will go on if I leave, or if Mary Jo leaves or Judy leaves - there are many people who are valuable contributors, and the board will go on. The board will go on if Jazz leaves.

What I don't like and am very disappointed with is this immense drama that we are all getting sucked in to. I don't need it nor want it - do you? My patience is wearing thin.

I almost didn't want to log on to the DIS this morning after seeing the flood of new "reports" on posts in my e-mail. In addition to the onslaught of PM's I keep getting, apparently there was a wave of activity on the board late last night. Frankly, if I had been awake at that time, I would have come in and deleted the Chat thread myself, because it was out of control, from what I can see in the reports.

I'm a mod here - but it's to the point where I am dreading logging on to the board I enjoy and moderate because people are involved in so much drama and conflict.

Seriously - just let it go. Everyone needs to just move on from the drama.

Jazz was the one who had the words "mods delete/move/close this thread" in her TR. It was her choice to deconstruct her TR. No one asked nor wanted her to do that.

Okay, guys...I don't even know what to say here. This board is a fun place. Everyone is taking it way too seriously.

Jazz is a valuable member of the DIS. Heck, she and I were supposed to be going to DLR together - or at least sharing a room - next month. I consider her a friend too.

It is Jazz's choice to stay or go. She knows who is on the board and that she will have to encounter them.

But everyone is important & valuable on the board. The DIS will go on if HydroGuy leaves. The DIS will go on if I leave, or if Mary Jo leaves or Judy leaves - there are many people who are valuable contributors, and the board will go on. The board will go on if Jazz leaves.

What I don't like and am very disappointed with is this immense drama that we are all getting sucked in to. I don't need it nor want it - do you? My patience is wearing thin.

I almost didn't want to log on to the DIS this morning after seeing the flood of new "reports" on posts in my e-mail. In addition to the onslaught of PM's I keep getting, apparently there was a wave of activity on the board late last night. Frankly, if I had been awake at that time, I would have come in and deleted the Chat thread myself, because it was out of control, from what I can see in the reports.

I'm a mod here - but it's to the point where I am dreading logging on to the board I enjoy and moderate because people are involved in so much drama and conflict.

Seriously - just let it go. Everyone needs to just move on from the drama.

Jazz was the one who had the words "mods delete/move/close this thread" in her TR. It was her choice to deconstruct her TR. No one asked nor wanted her to do that.


The DLR is a special community. Many of us know each other personally, either virtually and/or real life. It's very important not to succumb to drama, else it will escalate.

When we delete/close threads, those topics have to stop. We do this to stop the drama & let it go. New topics can be started, but once a thread is closed, the topic can't be restarted unless you have the mods/WMs okay on it. If you want to let someone know you support them then please send an email or pm.

What the WMs, Sherry, Judy, & I won't allow is posters fighting/pitting against each other on the boards. We are not taking sides. We would do the same for any of you, and have.

Unfortunately, one of the reasons that I don't join in the chat threads is because it is very hard to stand up for what is right when we are personally involved and have to deal with our friends. It tends to cause a lot of sleepless nights & even tears on our parts. So, I know exactly where Sherry is coming from.

I'm going to close this chat thread. Another one is welcome, but if there is reference to a closed or deleted thread, I just need to let you know that a mod or WM will close it down.

Sherry has great advice - let this go, and let's let the Community Board go back to being a welcoming place for EVERYONE who visits our corner of the disboards. Thanks.
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