The Official What's For Dinner thread: - Part 4

Morning All!

I think we are going to have some picky type foods for dinner and eat in front of the TV watching the Giants...

Well, we are almost done tearing down the walls. We hauled 1500#s of junk to the dump yesterday and have almost a whole trailer full again. What a workout. I took some pics and will even share the one with my Whiskey Tango outfit on...I went to the dump in my PJs and work shoes...I hadn't even combed my hair!!! :rotfl:

Aimee, I hope you are feeling better. Its so nice that your Mom is coming in for your big day. Its also neat that she sings in the CP!

Wendie, Glad to hear Ross, Mom and Grandma are doing well. I continue to pray for your Mom...I hope each day brings her strength.

Lindsay, I would be a little POed if I was on my way to see people and they cancel at the last minute. Don't let it eat you up though...I have had many people p*ss me off and let it get to really is not worth it. Believe me, many sessions of counceling have made me realize this. ;) I do hope Scotts parents take the news OK. It seems like the SKs are perfect together but I also see this from the parents views and they are just looking out for their son but like you said, I would tell tehm at home and not a public each his own though...just remember, it is the SKs decision so whatever happens its not on you. I hope this makes sense. Some times you need to separate yourself from the choices other people make.

Have a great day all!
In the meantime she is saving her money (she says she is going to pay for the trip) by moving money from one container to another. That way her Pa won't have to pay so much money :goodvibes He doesn't stand a chance. The last time he teased her about not knowing if he could go to Disney she dragged him into her room, took out all of her purses and told him she would share her money with him so that he could go. The next day he told me to book the Poly so that she could stay where Lilo lives. He's been watching her look for chores around the house so he knows she has something up her sleeve :rotfl:

That is so sweet! Buddy doesn't really stand a chance, does he? :rotfl:

Sorry I didn't post while you were asking about a trip just after Thanksgiving. This year was the first time our trip was timed for then. We drove down the Sunday after Thanksgiving and returned the following Sunday. With the exception of our last Saturday, the crowds were very low. We haven't done the CP, because there is no way Hailey would sit through it, but the Christmas decorations are my favorite part. The parks and resorts are decorated so beautifully.

And as an aside, if you do the DXDDP, try to have dinner one night at Narcoossee's. We've been there four times and have had really good meals there. Also, you can time the dinner to see the fireworks - the early dinner can catch Wishes, a later dinner can catch the MVMCP fireworks. They pipe the music into the restaurant and we have been lucky enough to be able to watch from the warmth of our seats on most trips. On the others, we were able to watch from the restaurant's deck. You can also see the Electric Water Parade from there. I think Kady would really enjoy it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned last weekend that Kyle was asked to try out for the Louisiana Knights traveling summer team which is mainly for exposure to the colleges. I was kinda happy that he was a longshot to make the team as the up-front cost is $2500. He got "the call" last night, he made it.:scared1: Between this and buying him a car I'm afraid that means no vacation for us this year.:sad1: I am happy for him and told him that we would do whatever it takes to further his baseball career. I may be shaking a can on the street corner this weekend, and oh we are accepting donations!:rotfl:

Kathy, that is so very amazing!!!!!! That is the greatest news I've had all week.

Hi everybody!

Just popping in quickly to tell those of you who are interested that Laura and Caili just called from Lake Placid. She came in first place in her individual program! :cool1: She has two more events to go.

Congrats to Caili!

Also, I've printed your stuffed chicken recipe. It looks great.

Morning All!

Well, we are almost done tearing down the walls. We hauled 1500#s of junk to the dump yesterday and have almost a whole trailer full again. What a workout. I took some pics and will even share the one with my Whiskey Tango outfit on...I went to the dump in my PJs and work shoes...I hadn't even combed my hair!!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: I can't wait to see it.

I hope all those who have been ill are feeling better.

Hailey has had bronchitis and has just completed her round of antibiotics. However, she is still not quite herself, not really eating much. I'm not sure if perhaps her throat is sore or if she just doesn't feel good enough to eat, but I can barely entice her to eat anything.

She was taking Zithromax and just completed her last dose last night so I thought she was supposed to be well by now. Is anyone familiar with how that medication is supposed to work? Should I take her back to the Dr? Her fever is gone, but she's just not well.

I won't be back on today. I need to get busy with the year end payroll, not that I can seem to find the self discipline to get it all done.

I think my family drama is now at a workable place. My sister is doing much better and seems to be at a good place emotionally. She still has some tough days ahead, but I think she is now able to face them. We went to see her last night and allowed her to just vent. Kenny and I both agreed that she was more like herself last night than she has been since everything happened.

Tonight's dinner is a Bavarian Stew. It's a new recipe for me, so if it is good, I'll post. Ok, now I guess I better get to work.

Have a great day everyone.
Wendie - Glad to hear everyone is progressing well and thanks for the kind words about my boy.:hug:

Dinner tonight was DH request. We had wings and things.

Do you have a recipe?

Congrats to Kyle! How exciting!!


Thanks Peggy. I haven't seen him as excited as he is about this in a very long time.:goodvibes

I took some pics and will even share the one with my Whiskey Tango outfit on...I went to the dump in my PJs and work shoes...I hadn't even combed my hair!!! :rotfl:

:yay: :yay: :yay:

Lindsay - I would have been PO'd too, but I agree with Lauren, try not to let it get to you. I hope things work out better today.

WFD - Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, 'Ohana Scalloped Potatoes and a Roasted Beet Salad.
Hi Gretchen!

So sorry that Hailey has not been feeling well...hopefully she starts to eat soon.

Also, glad that things are getting back to somewhat normal with your sister...:hug:

WT pic coming soon!
OK, for your viewing pleasure and to show I have no shame, some demo pics:

Here is a pic showing how dark the room is with the paneling. There is paneling behind the TV (under the white drop cloth and by the curtains)...see the beam that runs through the room.


This shows the fireplace. We are going to reface this and get a new mantle"


This is a HUGE beehive that was found in the ceiling...mustve been there for 10 years:


And last but not going to the dump. Tom dared me to go in my PJs and work shoes...

Gretchen, you should call the doctor. If she is not feeling better and has finished the zithromax she might need another round of antibiotics. I know that I have needed two courses before for bronchitis, and Liam also for a strep throat. We are all getting more resistant to antibiotics.

Today we are eating with the football game. GO PATRIOTS! I am making two huge sandwiches--one is a complete meatfest, and the other is a grilled vegetable pesto one. There will also be lots of different chips and dips. I'll post photos later.

Stay warm everyone!
Lauren I too love the pose :rotfl2: I think you made the right call not to comb your hair it would have been too haute couture.
Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.
Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

Wendie - I am shocked and saddened. At a loss for words. Please know that I am here for you if you need anything.:hug:
Oh my, Wendie. I am so sorry...I pray for you and your family to find comfort and strength to get through this. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I will say an extra prayer for your brother too.
Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

Wendie What a shock! I am speechless I so sorry to hear this :hug:
I am glad you all had some extra time with her.
Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

Wendie- I am so very sorry. She will remain in my prayers, as will the rest of your family. :grouphug:
Hey ya'll!

Wendie- I am so very sorry. Please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do for you guys.

I've read back a few pages to try and get a little caught up- but I'm sure I've missed alot. Rick and I have been suffering through viral pneumonia and trying to move- the two don't really go together well. But we're out of the store- I'm no longer a business owner:sad1: . But if ya'll need anything embroidered let me know - I got product coming out my ears in the new place. Next on the list is moving the apartment- but we're going slow to try and avoid relapse. Hopefully I'll get my internet back in a couple of weeks. :worship:

TOnight is pork cutlets and baked potatoes.....cause I'm sick of soup.:rolleyes1
That is so sweet! Buddy doesn't really stand a chance, does he? :rotfl:

You can also see the Electric Water Parade from there. I think Kady would really enjoy it.

Hailey has had bronchitis and has just completed her round of antibiotics. However, she is still not quite herself, not really eating much. I'm not sure if perhaps her throat is sore or if she just doesn't feel good enough to eat, but I can barely entice her to eat anything.

She was taking Zithromax and just completed her last dose last night so I thought she was supposed to be well by now. Is anyone familiar with how that medication is supposed to work? Should I take her back to the Dr? Her fever is gone, but she's just not well.

Never apologize for not getting back to me. This thread moves fast it is easy to start responding and still miss a lot. Kady loves the Electric Parade, but i never thought of Narcoose as a family friendly restaurant. Now I need to get over to the menus to check this one out as well.

I don't know a lot about antibiotics but I believe the Zpak is supposed to keep working after you stop taking it but I would call the Dr as a precaution to see if Haily needs to be seen again. AS Becky said some of these bugs are pretty drug resistant. I hope your Baby feels better soon.

Do you have a recipe?

Lindsay - I would have been PO'd too, but I agree with Lauren, try not to let it get to you. I hope things work out better today.

Kathy, this recipe was Costco :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I have some recipes tucked away I can look up if you want some.

Lindsay- I am on board with Lauren and Kathy on this one. I'd be in a bit of a snit but I'd let it go. It has been my experience that lovebirds tend to forget everyone else for a while. I do feel badly for your IL's though, a restaurant is not the best place to get news that you are not expecting.

OK, for your viewing pleasure and to show I have no shame, some demo pics:

And last but not going to the dump. Tom dared me to go in my PJs and work shoes...

Lauren, you always make me smile! The renovation is going to be awesome! I would love to be a fly on the dump wall though, when you come sailing through with the demolition!

Dinner tonight was no dinner :rotfl2::rotfl2: We went to a pancake breakfast after Mass that the Knights were hosting in the Parish Hall. Then I went shopping with DD and DGD and was treated to a late lunch at Red Robin. I cannot eat another thing so I picked up a tuna sub at Subway for Buddy to munch in front of the game. I had a beautiful spoon roast so I will fix that tomorrow with Becky's Mom's directions.
Anyone hungry I had a Birthday Party for Tom and I had about 20 ppl here, but I think I made lasagna for about 50! LOL We have meaty lasagne, cheesy lasagna, and chicken and broccoli lasagna! mmmmmm Come on in I have a fridge full of lasagna left overs!
Y'all, I feel like death warmed up. I honestly think it's flu. I have one of the biggest days of my life this Wed night, so big that my mother is flying in from Florida tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'll call the doc in the morning and try to see him. If nothing else, he can shoot me with some steroids so I can breathe again.

How long does the flu last? I start running fever Thurs night. Is it almost over?
Just a quick post to let you all know that my mom passed away this afternoon around 12:15.
I had called at midnight to check on her and she was having a really rough night, and they called my dad in at 8am this morning. My brother is going to fly down to take care of the cremation, and her remains are being shipped to me in Maine....we will take care of her wishes this spring or summer, when everyone can get here. She wants her ashes buried at the family cemetary, and a few ashes scattered in a special place in Acadia National Park.
I will go do a small obit. tomorrow at our local newspaper.
I am so happy we all had the week we did with her..Thursday we talked for 20 min.
I am very numb right now, as things were looking so good.
My heart breaks for my brother as it is his b-day today....I know I didn't want it on mine, but I sure as hell didn't want it on his either.

Oh, I am so sorry. :hug:
Anyone hungry I had a Birthday Party for Tom and I had about 20 ppl here, but I think I made lasagna for about 50! LOL We have meaty lasagne, cheesy lasagna, and chicken and broccoli lasagna! mmmmmm Come on in I have a fridge full of lasagna left overs!

I never turn down dinner invitations!


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