The *OMG i am cold* *OMG i am so tired* trip.......Day 1


it made me feel like i was the queen....
Apr 19, 2007
So, here we are to our trip report, it seems yesterday i booked and was told off by the Call Center operator because it was *way too early to book for Halloween* and now it's all over.....
We had a great time with ups (many) and downs (not so many and mostly not because of Disney but because of people).

Anyway here is the cast:

Me, Giulia, confessed Disneyaholic, 46
Brian, DP (dear Partner) 54. I think he had never thought about going to Disneyland one single time before he met me lol
Edoardo DS n°1, he loves Disney but pretends he just joins us because i pay for him lol, 22
Enrico DS n°2, he loves Disney and he is even more happy to be off school for some days, 15

Day n°1, Oct 29.

We had an early start of the day as our flight was at 7.30 am and it takes about 2 hours to go to Pisa and so we had to wake up around 4ish and be ready to leave Siena at 4.50 am.
The trip to the airport was uneventful and we got there in time just to discover our flight had been delayed of 15 minutes that changed to 30 and then one hour as we were told the weather on Paris was awful.
Eventually we started boarding and a bus drove us to a small plane my son had previosly described as a *private one*. No it was not a private one, it was an Air France 50 seats only Canadier that looked more like a bus with wings than a *normal*. To give you an idea we had to leave hand luggages at the bottom of the 6 steps stair to the plane to be stored on the back as *there is no room inside*. OMG. I usually start worrying about flying when i book lol so i got worse when i saw the plane was that small.
Anyway, the flight to Paris was not too bad but for some turbolence on the Alps, the plane went down a little but it was just for about 5 mins and than it was ok and we got to CDG at 10.20 (instead of 9.20) of a very foggy and cold day, way too cold for me!!!.

I was a bit worried when the RS shuttle that should had been there was not but i just gave them a ring and hey presto the shuttle arrived in just five minutes (i now think it was just waiting at the wrong terminal and you will understand why i say that when you will read my last day report).
Checking in at the Sequoia Lodge was easy and quick, we left our luggages at got ready to hit the Parks!!!

It was busy but not as bad as i thought it could be, it was around midday and so we decided to have a walk around Frontierland to get some Halloween spirit and grab Fastpasses for BTM and than go and have something to eat.


Now i want to praise the Fastpasses i bought on Ebay, they have made their job in a brillant way, i have been able to have more than one fastpass a time and i have showed them to Cast Members ok so they are legal lol

The Villain show was on in front of the Castle and we stopped for a while but - as kids were SO hungry we didnt stay long and went to Pizza Planet instead, a place where we have never eaten before. We all had the Pizza burger with fries, the first one of so many unhealthy choices but that's also what holidays are for aren't they lol


After lunch kids decided they wanted to go for a walk on their own so Brian and me went to IASW, Casey JR and Storybookland where - incidentally -Brian nearly fell in water because he slipped to get on the boat lol



After a coffee (horrible french espresso that was not AT ALL as the italian one but twice as expensive!!) we went to the Tea Cups and had to queue for just about 10 minutes there.

In the meantime i had got Fastpasses for Buzz btw.

The time to ride BTM had arrived and we met the kids there. BTM is one of our favourites and the only rollercoaster Brian rides anyway, it was just a bit too cold there lol we started freezing and wishing we had warmer clothes and i HAD to buy a lovely Minnie hat lol


After BTM it was time for Buzz
and then it was the time for the Parade.

Now i have to say a word about one of my *downs*: rucksacks.
I know they are good for you as you can go hands free but it's just like having a trailer on your back (hope this is the word).
When you wear a rucksuck you should think of those around you instead of knocking people here and there. As i was standing to watch the parade a lady in front of me kept doing what every mum does, bending to talk to her little one. But as she was wearing a rucksuck on her back she kept knocking me every so often. And what about the tall man on a queue that kept bumping his wet rucksuck on my nose the day after?? Sorry for moaning but it was just so annoying and it could be easily avoidable just wearing the rucksuck on the front when in queues or busy places i think.
After the parade as it started to get dark and colder we decided to try Pirates of the Caribbean. The queue was not long and it was nice and dry there so even more enjoyable.
A quick look around the shops and we then went back to the Hotel to get the room key. Our room (n°4208) was in the main building, a pretty big room with a lovely bath but an awful view from the window, we actually could just see the back car park.
It was time to go back to the Village and dine at Annette's.

Now a praise to my Shareholder gold card that started from there to save us money lol
And how good it feels to show it around lol

Annette was as good as always
Brian had the French burger:

Edoardo the double chili burger

Enrico the All American Hot Dog

i had the Avocado Burger

and then we shared an Elvis the King

They started singing and dancing at 8.30ish, shame we could not see the dance very well as we were sat upstairs but it was Greased Lightning and Freedom again, time to change it maybe as i think it goes on like that from the beginning, well it was the same in 1996 anyway!!!

After dinner kids then went to the game arcade in the Village and Brian and me went to the Disney store were i bought a Mickey sweatshirt for me to wear over my tops and a scarf for Enrico (i had to buy another one the next day for Edoardo and a wollen hat as he was freezing too) and then time to a bath and then sleepyland because we were all so tired.

We didnt know yet that night would had been the start of a tragedy called *OMG i am SO tired* lol............

End of day one.
Fantastic!! And good girl, you took food pics!! :banana: :hug: :banana:

I know what you mean about rucksacks too!! :headache:

Bob xoxoxox
I laughed when I read about your plane, I remember being shocked at the diminutive size of ours on our first trip, especially as I hadn't flown before, I remember thinking that I was expecting a plane to be bigger than that, little did I know that they come in different sizes, found that out on the way home and 5 hours plane spotting at CDG.
Sounds like you had a lovely but cold start to the trip, what did you think of the hotel and how would you compare SL to Cheyenne ?
Your food pics have just made me feel very hungry, so I must go to bed or I will end up raiding the fridge.
Looking forward to the next installment. :goodvibes
Thanks for a great first day. I have just woke up but seeing all those pictures puts me in the mood for a burger.

I've been one of those Canadair planes too they are so small!! I nearly didnt get on it!
I get 'rucksack' rage all the time! I'm small and I work in a school where all the kids are taller than me and I seem to forever dodge their rucksacks.

Great first day, can't wait for Day 2!
Loved reading about your first day, great photos!! I love the wooly hat! :thumbsup2
A great first day. I kept looking round for other Dissers I knew were there, but I didn't see you.

Count me as another one who dislikes rucksacks in crowds. On the few occasions I have worn one, I put it on my front anyway because I am worried about people opening it in a crowd and stealing stuff!

Your meal in Annette's looks scrummy.
What a lovely sounding first to find the rest of the trip report
People don't really wear a rucksack while actually on the rides or do they? This will be our 1st trip so I am not sure of what to do with my belonging while actually on a ride.

They do when queueing and to me that was the most annoying bit.
When on rides you usually can put your rucksuck under your legs .


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