The people that are already renting AKV points on the rent/trade board.....

The thing is there are many things in society that are within the law, or guidelines or in this case POS that have a negative affect on others.

So yes many forms of renting are allowable at this time by DVC, but certain types of rentals have a negative affect on others.

I feel that renting is a good thing when one has to cancel a trip unexpectedly and can't bank thier points. I think it is a good thing when one wants to take a cruise or other trip and can benefit by renting. However when a member rents points at prime times or in this case prime location, more often than they use them for their own personal use, then in my opinion they have turned it into a business. A commercial business.

As to whether that bothers the person doing it or others affected by it is personal opinion.

As to my personal opinion, certain types of renting does not agree with my personal interpertation of DVC. I realize it is allowed, still does not make me like it. Therefore those that do it, I won't put you on my ignore list or call you names, but I will actively work against what you are doing through the appropriate channels with DVC.

Maybe it won't make a difference but then again maybe it will.
Where did the information about "only 7 rooms being available on July 2nd" come from? I'm curious because I am a hopeful renter from Y-Ask and I feel like he's being treated rudely when he has found a way to enjoy his time at Disney and make enough money to pay for the maintenance fees. Seems like a perfect plan to me.

I know that getting a room is a long shot and I was not deceived in any way because he did not ask for up front money.
As to my personal opinion, certain types of renting does not agree with my personal interpertation of DVC. I realize it is allowed, still does not make me like it. Therefore those that do it, I won't put you on my ignore list or call you names, but I will actively work against what you are doing through the appropriate channels with DVC.

Maybe it won't make a difference but then again maybe it will.
Maybe being an active member on this fourm isn't such a good thing after all.

Thanks Ali for the support and I'm sorry. I guess my renting days are over at least for now. I'm sure I'm well within my rights but I also don't need DVC legal breathing down my neck over something so stupid. We love going to WDW and staying at the different resorts and I certainly would not want to mess that up.

Thats the point. When youre making enough money on the side to cover your maintenance fees, that is the definition of commercial renting, points which were purchased solely for profit.
I don't care for the 'professional' renting at all. Some may disagree with me, but I think that a person should buy the points that they need to suit their own vacation needs and that's all.

There are scant few units available at this stage. I would like to have an 'honest' shot at making a ressy at AKV. I purchased to make it a home resort so that I could have a shot. When Kidani is open, we'll have room to spare so to speak, but not now.

I do not like the professional renting. Did I mention that?

You are not the only one to make this statement, but I am curious:
any advice as to how to ascertain my "own vacation needs" for 50 yrs?
You are not the only one to make this statement, but I am curious:
any advice as to how to ascertain my "own vacation needs" for 50 yrs?

Before I get into your question, let me say that I am not against the renting of points when one has some points available. I am just against the buying of points for the specific purpose of renting. And I did not mention anyone's name in particular concerning this issue. I have no way to judge whether a person is buying points for renting purposes or not. I am not a Disney castmember, nor do I portray one on tv.

Now to answer your question - I use a spreadsheet! I am such a geek, I know. I have those vacations planned until the year 2012 or there abouts. :)

Of course, EVERYTHING will all line up and my plans will all go through without a hitch. ;)
Where did the information about "only 7 rooms being available on July 2nd" come from? I'm curious because I am a hopeful renter from Y-Ask and I feel like he's being treated rudely when he has found a way to enjoy his time at Disney and make enough money to pay for the maintenance fees. Seems like a perfect plan to me.

I know that getting a room is a long shot and I was not deceived in any way because he did not ask for up front money.

The 7 rooms available comes from calling MS and finding out how what is going to be available before the September 1st date. The answer most of us got was 7 rooms. Not only JUST 7 rooms, but the AKV owner hoping to rent one of those rooms, has to be lucky enough to have the unit they own an interest in be in the building that is actully open in July.

My OP really was not meant to call Y-Ask out on a personal level. It just so happens his/her rental thread was the one I noticed to use it as an example to ask my question. I DON'T understand why people (in general, because Y-Ask has not been the only one) are offering the points to rent before we can even call for availability. The phone lines are going to be crazy on May 16th, and everyone is on an even playing field. I am glad Y-Ask has been upfront with potential renters.

But, here is what I don't understand, every AKV owner knows how high the demand is going to be for these LIMITED rooms. If someone has to rent their AKV points because of other travel plans this year, WHY try to rent them when everyone else is trying to get a room? Why take rooms away from AKV owners who bought to actually stay there this year? I understand trying to make money to pay the dues, especially if you are not using the points this year. BUT, the person looking to rent out the points does not have to try to rent them during the feeding frenzy. Sit back and let the AKV owners who want the rooms for themselves get what the want, and then in a few months, offer to rent them. If you are worried about no availabilty, then use your AKV points to rent for someone wanting to stay at the BCV, or OKW.

IMO, there is no reason why anyone should be offering AKV points for rent before May 16th.

I am not against renting. I like that renting is allowed, because there are many reasons someone may need to rent. But people offering $14 a point when the going rate is $10/point is trying to capitalize, and in this situation, it is not right. JMO.
You are correct! I had no idea there are only going to be 7 rooms available come July 2nd, but rude, come on. Guess I'm fortunate that just about everyone who showed interest (and there were quite a few :)) wanted a reservation in Dec. and or Jan.

What makes you think I'm a commerical renter? I rent about half my points to cover dues and expenses. I don't have a web site. I don't rent pre-booked reservations. I don't advertise on E-bay. So what are you baseing your commerical renter BS on?

Now to address the 500 AKV points. If you know anything about DVC you know that the price always goes up. So why not get in early for the savings? I havn't decide if I'm going to sell my OKW or SSR points but I probably won't. Now having said that, again if you know anything about vacationing you know that if you want to get the prefect reservation at the perfect location you must plan ahead, right? So would it be such a "surprise" that I and my family have vacation plans that are pretty much set for the next year and half between WDW and the beach? I really have no need for the points for the next 2 years so why not offset the cost of the AKV contract?

So what's wrong with taking my legally stated (in the POS) right to rent my points that I purchased just like anyone else. I've read up on the subject and I understand DVC's defination of a commerical renter. Maybe everyone who thinks I'm commerically renting go back and read the info. posted last Aug. and Sept. DVC defines that as someone who has 20 reservations in someone elses name in one year. And do you really think 500 points is going to be that many reservations? Example: Family of 11 traveling in Dec needs two rooms for 9 days, That's it, two rooms, total number of points for a Value View 2 Bdr and VV Studio = 447 points.

All renters were informed that it's 1st come 1st served with no guarentees and no money will change hands until I have a confirmed reservation. So explain to me again what I'm doing wrong, other than not know about the 7 rooms only in July?


Unfortunately, you are the one who is mistaken regarding commercial renting. The twenty reservation issue is ONE TRIGGER that can prompt an inquiry, not the only one, nor necessarily the definitive one. That has not been claimed in anything that I have seen or heard to be THE definition of commercial renting. Indeed, if a person is regularly renting points at a price that constitutes a profit that could be considered a pattern (i.e., regular) and for commercial purposes (i.e., to make a profit) under many established definitions of commercial purposes/commercial renting. Whether Disney chooses to use that definition has not yet been clearly established, but they could defend such a definition.
The 7 rooms available comes from calling MS and finding out how what is going to be available before the September 1st date. The answer most of us got was 7 rooms. Not only JUST 7 rooms, but the AKV owner hoping to rent one of those rooms has to be lucky enough to have the unit they own an interest in be in the building that is actully open in July.

My OP really was not meant to call Y-Ask out on a personal level. It just so happens his/her rental thread was the one I noticed to use it as an example to ask my question. I DON'T understand why people (in general, because Y-Ask has not been the only one) are offering the points to rent before we can even call for availability. The phone lines are going to be crazy in May 16th, and everyone is on an even playing field. I am glad Y-Ask has been upfront with potential renters.

But, here is what I don't understand, every AKV owner knows how high the demand is going to be for these LIMITED rooms. If someone has to rent their AKV points because of other travel plans this year, WHY try to rent them when everyone else is trying to get a room? Why take rooms away rorm AKV owners who bought to actually stay there this year? I understand trying to make money to pay the dues, especially if you are not using the points this year. BUT, the person looking to rent out the points does not have to try to rent them during the feeding frenzy. Sit back and let the AKV owners who want the rooms for themselves get what the want, and then in a few months, offer to rent them. If you are worried about no availabilty, then use your AKV points to rent for someone wanting to stay at the BCV, or OKW.

IMO, there is no reason why anyone should be offering AKV points for rent before May 16th.

I am not against renting. I like that renting is allowed, because there are many reasons someone may need to rent. But people offering $14 a point when the going rate is $10/point is trying to capitalize, and in this stituation, it is not right. JMO.

Very well put, my feelings exactly. :flower3: (can't find a Bravo smiley).
I did not lump ALL renters as professionals. If you had read down, then you would have seen my other comment.
But you apparently have your own definition of professional renter, one not shared currently by DVC who are currently saying to those they think may be that 20 in a year is OK. Many are simply against renting but don't want to say that. They want to draw a box of people who are down on their luck or a one time thing or if you rent cheap. The truth is that the person renting is an owner making a reservation just like everyone else. I can understand the emotions involved if one see's something "they think" is a high demand reservation for rent but it's just that, emotion. Many people bought for all different reasons and many people bought then had their situations change. The truth is that there is no real money to be made in rentals. If I thought there was, I would have kept all 885 points I owned at one time and simply rented them out. I could work an extra weekend in my regular job each year and make more profit than I would have made on those 885 points even at the highest rental possible.

Thats the point. When youre making enough money on the side to cover your maintenance fees, that is the definition of commercial renting, points which were purchased solely for profit.
Only at your house and a few others. This is not a discussion of a textbook definition of "profit" but a question of what does DVC consider to be commercial renting and are willing to try to defend and police. And whether they have the legal right to do contol this area at all, IMO, they dont. MS has stated this very issue. Something to the effect that they can't legally control renting but all they can to is try to make rules to make it more difficult.
The existence of DVC renters and rentals make DVC a different product than the one I thought I was buying into. I can live with what I've experienced so far. We bought DVC for the same reason we bought our Cape May house for family and friends to enjoy WITH us.

I would like to apologize to everyone who feels that I have wronged them in some way. That was certainly not my intent and it has become obvious that I have used very bad judgement in this matter. This forum, your opinons, and my membership in it are very important to me although I don't post a lot. I've been a member for a couple of years now and I would like to continue to be a member of this community if I can be forgiven.

It has been pointed out by another member that what I did was "Bad Form". Well, after thinking about it long and hard I'd have to agree with that and I have therefore decided to cancel all rental transacations that I was going to process on May 16th. E-Mails have been sent and private transactions have been cancel. I will not be making any phone calls on May 16th. I hope this is acceptable to most of you (I know I can't please all) and to my renters who may read this, I am so sorry that you had to be a part of my rollercoaster ride.

Before I get into your question, let me say that I am not against the renting of points when one has some points available. I am just against the buying of points for the specific purpose of renting. And I did not mention anyone's name in particular concerning this issue. I have no way to judge whether a person is buying points for renting purposes or not. I am not a Disney castmember, nor do I portray one on tv.

Now to answer your question - I use a spreadsheet! I am such a geek, I know. I have those vacations planned until the year 2012 or there abouts. :)

Of course, EVERYTHING will all line up and my plans will all go through without a hitch. ;)

I wasn't taking it personally, nor did I assume you were addressing any particular person. Now, I, too use a spreadsheet, but IMO God has quite a sense of humor in life....Here we are (DH& I) 60 and 52 yrs of age, raising a grandchild for the past 3 1/2 yrs (he is now 4). Had you asked me in Jan 2003 to plan my vacations for 2003 - 2007, I guarantee you that (a) I could have done so (spreadsheets and all as I, too am a geek :) ) and (b) in hindsight, I would have been completely wrong!! But then, in 1996, I believed I had at least 5-9 yrs of my kids still living at home, yet, I went from having 4 children living home to having none there in the span of 17 months, as my 3 DDs ea joined the service, and my son moved in with his dad. Of course, before that, my kids' father and I took our kids to Disney 3 out of 4 yrs; 18 mos later, we were getting divorced.

Maybe it's just me that doesn't plan well or something, but I don't think I am alone. My point was (and is) IMO there is no way anyone can realistically plan the "perfect" number of points needed for the entire time in question. Even without extenuating circumstances, needs change. Some will anticipate future needs and purchase now (locking in price, but renting excess in the meanwhile), others will buy multiple contracts to permit gradual selling as the need decreases, some will add periodically, and truthfully, many will simply buy what they can afford and work out the details as they go along. I don't believe any one approach is the "right" one for everybody, and I heartily disagree with your stated premise (shared by others as well) re: purchasing the points [one needs] for [one's] "own vacation needs".
I had 330 points at BWV and VWL before purchasing another 200 at AKV. Do I need those 200 points now? Not technically, because I am still working and can only get to Disney about 10 or 11 nights each year. Will I be able to use the whole 530 in the future? Sure, when I retire! When will that be? Who knows? I'm hoping in 5 to 7 years but it could be in 10 or 12, too. Depends on the stock market. In any case, I'll be renting or transfering my extra points to friends, family, or strangers for at least the next 5 to 7 years. Since I own at 3 resorts, the points I rent or transfer in any particular year could come from any of the three. It will just depend on where we want to stay each year.

Yes, I'll be making an AKV reservation on May 16 for next March for me and my DH. But soon after that I'll cancel the VWL reservation I already have for us next March and rent all of the banked points for that contract to whoever is looking for points on the rental board. I won't just try to rent our week before Easter reservation to someone as I know that is prime time.

Anyway, my point is that we all plan for our points differently. Until AKV was announced, I had no addonitis bothering me. But once it was announced, we knew we had to buy it right away. I prefer being a buy early rather than buy late person, even if that means we have too many points for a few years.
First of all you don't have to justify renting your points to people on this board, they are your points and who cares what others think. Some people are against renters period, you aren;t going to win them over to your side . i wouldn't lose sleep over it, you are perfectly within your rights to rent your AKL points. I bought some too and will be making a reservation for Dec if I can get them if not I will bank points til I get the 11 month window. Good luck it should be alot of fun on May 15th:rotfl:


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