The Running Thread - 2018

@LSUlakes ......could you add a last minute addition for this weekend? Really just a training run for my October M, but I might push it a bit.

This will be the fourth year in a row. The Big10K a relatively large race (9,000 runners?) downtown Chicago along the lakefront. The shirts they give out are Big10 school specific and almost everyone wears them to the race. I rotate between Purdue (where I went as an undergrad, Northwestern (where I went to grad school) and Illinois (where my DD and SIL went undergrad and grad).

12 - @Kerry1957 BIG10K (NG, N/A)

you should wear a Michigan one, that way you will come in fourth in your division.
Hello All!

First post here. I signed up for the Dopey Challenge in Jan but had a question regarding training. At work, I can take a slightly longer lunch break and run for 30 mins, and once I get home I typically do another 30 mins. Is this efficient/productive, or should I just do an hour run at home without having a break in-between?

Any suggestions would really be appreciated!!

Edit: I would still be doing my longer distance/longer time runs on the weekends.
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First post here. I signed up for the Dopey Challenge in Jan but had a question regarding training. At work, I can take a slightly longer lunch break and run for 30 mins, and once I get home I typically do another 30 mins. Is this efficient/productive, or should I just do an hour run at home without having a break in-between

I don't have have a scientific basis to answer, but someone here will. Welcome to the Boards! I'm a relative newbie here and have learned a lot. Occasionally, I may even contribute.
Hello All!

First post here. I signed up for the Dopey Challenge in Jan but had a question regarding training. At work, I can take a slightly longer lunch break and run for 30 mins, and once I get home I typically do another 30 mins. Is this efficient/productive, or should I just do an hour run at home without having a break in-between?

Any suggestions would really be appreciated!!

Edit: I would still be doing my longer distance/longer time runs on the weekends.

Welcome to the thread and boards! To answer your question, it is best to run your prescribed distance for any given day at once instead of two runs. It would be ok to do so every now and then, but it should not be the norm IMO. Best of luck with training and hope you stick around for our discussions!
September 9 - theHamm - Run Wild for the Detroit Zoo 10K (?/NA)
someone help me pick a reasonable time for this race. It is flat and the weather should be good. My last 10K was also flat, but a 60 degree downpour taking me 1:14. My last non-race run of 6.25 miles took me 1:18, hills and T+D=130.
@Keels.....sorry that it sounds like you are headed for surgery. Better to do it now than wait! Hope all goes well whatever decision you make.

More time for rest and recovery. Maybe they can give you a bionic implant and turn you into SuperKeels!

The plan was to have the procedure today, but something got held up with my insurance - so it's now scheduled for Tuesday ... which just means I get to go back and forth over it for a whole weekend! They're going to go in to fix my heel, checkout my Achilles - might as well ask them to go forward with this Bionic Implant too! I mean, I'm already at my deductible for the year so #YOLO.

One and Two are very excited that I will have a scooter for their trip to WDW in September ... so at least someone is excited about all of this.
Sorry you have to deal with stupid insurance delays @Keels. Sending good vibes your way for a smooth surgery and recovery.
ATTQOTD - The cinnamon glazed nuts are my favorite WDW snack item, but they are scarce. My favorite type is the glazed pecans, and they are even more scarce.
My brother went on a hunt in January & finally one night go them at MK. I can't eat them they are too hard, but he loves them.

I'm just happy to be eating snacks, I am not sure I notice a big difference between parks!

Side note... It anyone else experiencing terrible air quality? It is so hazy here. It's weird how far wind can carry smoke! I think I'll be sticking to the treadmill tonight.
This morning, yes some haze. They said on the news we would be getting some haze from the fires out west. Crazy when it does that!
I'm just happy to be eating snacks, I am not sure I notice a big difference between parks!

Side note... It anyone else experiencing terrible air quality? It is so hazy here. It's weird how far wind can carry smoke! I think I'll be sticking to the treadmill tonight.

Yeah, it's been getting hazy up here and I've been waking up more stuffed up than normal, but it's not too terrible yet. Last summer the sky was orange for about a month at the peak of fire season, so my fingers are crossed that it won't be that bad this year. If it is I'll have to get a gym membership sooner than I'd planned; I'd hoped not to take on that expense until winter. :sad2:
September 9 - theHamm - Run Wild for the Detroit Zoo 10K (?/NA)
someone help me pick a reasonable time for this race. It is flat and the weather should be good. My last 10K was also flat, but a 60 degree downpour taking me 1:14. My last non-race run of 6.25 miles took me 1:18, hills and T+D=130.

Go big or go home! 1:12:00... Without knowing much about your training runs leading up to this race it's hard to guess. Assuming it similar to what you were doing for your last two 10ks with better weather conditions and it being a race I think you can beat the two other times you posted! Good luck this weekend!!!
Go big or go home! 1:12:00... Without knowing much about your training runs leading up to this race it's hard to guess. Assuming it similar to what you were doing for your last two 10ks with better weather conditions and it being a race I think you can beat the two other times you posted! Good luck this weekend!!!
We should just have you pick our goal times if we are undecided on it since you are the list master, haha.
Doesn't just about everything taste better at Disneyland?

And from what I hear corndogs.
And the various apple freeze beverages. LeFou's brew in the Magic Kingdom is nice, but Disneyland offers a boysenapple freeze that's even better. And Carsland with its fun food offerings.

I've only recently became a fan of the dole whip. I've tried them before at MK and just thought meh and went on with my day. In July DW and I decided to find some shad in AK during the hottest part of the day and have a adult drink. Well I was not really feeling a beer at the moment and she opted for a dole whip. So I said I'll give it another shot, plus a shot of rum. LOVED IT!!!!
Disneyland wins for Dole Whip in my book because you can enjoy the Dole Whip or my personal favorite the Dole Whip float inside Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room where the birds sing words and the flowers croon and it's air conditioned.
I forgot about LeFou’s Brew... I liked that one a lot, if only because it was one of very few fruity drinks in the parks that I can have. No Dole Whips for me; corn syrup makes my stomach cramp.

I do like Wetzel’s better, but I didn’t think they sold those in the park? Thought you had to go to Disney Springs for that. Honestly, I like nearly any soft pretzel that’s actually soft.


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