The Running Thread - 2018

2017 totals (MR):
Running: 823.4 miles
Swimming: 62.4 miles

My Runner's World journal starts the first week of March, based on when I started my first journal a few years ago, so I had no idea I made it over 800 miles for the year until I checked my Garmin totals. If only I hadn't lost October and much of November to injury. But happy with the totals. Never thought I would be able to run or swim that far in a year.
Coming out of lurky loo.....

I’m not a fast runner and have never really been all that competitive. I run just cuz I like to be outdoors and run! I’ve finished many 5K & 10K. My first half marathon was the 2017 PHM as part of the GSC and I loved it so much! I used the Galloway method for the first time when i started training for it and ended up running the half with a pace group. I finished in 2:29:30 which I am pretty darn happy with. I was hoping to run another 1/2 in the fall, but between building a new house, being homeless for a month, relocating and a bad fall from a ladder (two sprained wrists, sprained ankle, bruised ribs and contusions to both knees) it just didn’t happen. I finally started being able to run again as of last week and I’m feeling good about running the fairy tale challenge in February. I ran 8 miles on Sunday before the ankle I had sprained started bothering me. My plans for 2018 are to run more long distance races and train to run the WDW marathon in 2019.

@LSUlakes Here is my list of races I’m signed up for as of today.

23 - Bree - Disney Princess 5K (NG/NA)
24 - Bree - Disney Princess Enchanted 10K (NG/NA)
25 - Bree - Disney Princess Half Marathon (NG/NA)

10 - Bree - HOPE’s Sham Rock N Run 5K (<35min/NA)

15 - Bree - Storm the Campus 10 miler (NG/NA)
22 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side 10K (NG/NA)
23 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon (NG/NA)

ATTQOTD: I don’t really know much about tapering, but I did it for the 2017 GSC because that’s what the Galloway plan told me to do LOL! I’m sure I’ll be learning much more about it when it’s time to pick a marathon training plan.
@LSUlakes here are my races at this point for 2018:

7/8 - Baloo in MI - Canal Corridor 100 Miler (Just Finish)
9/7 - Baloo in MI - Run Woodstock 100 Miler (Just Finish)
10/21 - Baloo in MI - Grand Rapids Marathon (NG yet)

Thanks! Down here in WDW, getting ready to call it a night. Cold and rain tomorrow. Give me snow over rain anytime. At least it is supposed to be dry before the races begin!
Hi, everyone -- been lurking for quite a while here (thanks for sharing all of your advice and experience!). I'm a sloooow walker, hoping at some point to lose enough weight/get enough practice in to work my way up to at least a jog, but have been doing races with my sister for nearly two years now, mostly dependent on which ones have nice long time limits...(team bringing up the rear!) If anyone has suggestions for super-friendly races for walkers, it's much appreciated! Disney doesn't count -- not quite fast enough to be able to enjoy the "perks" of the race without falling behind pace.

Posting here to hopefully keep myself accountable and to prevent a long-term funk due to job issues/injuries (fell down the stairs in my home about 2 months ago, spraining my ankle, which refuses to heal. It would help if I weren't so klutzy and didn't keep trying to push it and walk on it too much...)

Anyway. Am registered for the following races this year:

3/3 Rock n Roll New Orleans 5k (goal: faster than last year)
3/4 Rock n Roll New Orleans 10k
3/10 Rock n Roll DC half (although if my ankle isn't better within the next month, this may be scrapped...)
4/14 Garden Spot Village half (goal: faster than last year)
4/29 National Women's 8k (goal: get mama across the finish line!)
6/2 Baltimore 10-Miler (goal: keep up streak of improving time on this one)
6/24 Baltimore Women's Classic 5k
10/20 Baltimore Running Festival Baltimoron (5k+half) (goal: beat last year's time, which itself was 12 min improvement from the year before!)

Good luck to everyone doing Dopey this weekend, and stay nice and warm, everyone!
Coming out of lurky loo.....

I’m not a fast runner and have never really been all that competitive. I run just cuz I like to be outdoors and run! I’ve finished many 5K & 10K. My first half marathon was the 2017 PHM as part of the GSC and I loved it so much! I used the Galloway method for the first time when i started training for it and ended up running the half with a pace group. I finished in 2:29:30 which I am pretty darn happy with. I was hoping to run another 1/2 in the fall, but between building a new house, being homeless for a month, relocating and a bad fall from a ladder (two sprained wrists, sprained ankle, bruised ribs and contusions to both knees) it just didn’t happen. I finally started being able to run again as of last week and I’m feeling good about running the fairy tale challenge in February. I ran 8 miles on Sunday before the ankle I had sprained started bothering me. My plans for 2018 are to run more long distance races and train to run the WDW marathon in 2019.

@LSUlakes Here is my list of races I’m signed up for as of today.

23 - Bree - Disney Princess 5K (NG/NA)
24 - Bree - Disney Princess Enchanted 10K (NG/NA)
25 - Bree - Disney Princess Half Marathon (NG/NA)

10 - Bree - HOPE’s Sham Rock N Run 5K (<35min/NA)

15 - Bree - Storm the Campus 10 miler (NG/NA)
22 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side 10K (NG/NA)
23 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon (NG/NA)

ATTQOTD: I don’t really know much about tapering, but I did it for the 2017 GSC because that’s what the Galloway plan told me to do LOL! I’m sure I’ll be learning much more about it when it’s time to pick a marathon training plan.

Hi, everyone -- been lurking for quite a while here (thanks for sharing all of your advice and experience!). I'm a sloooow walker, hoping at some point to lose enough weight/get enough practice in to work my way up to at least a jog, but have been doing races with my sister for nearly two years now, mostly dependent on which ones have nice long time limits...(team bringing up the rear!) If anyone has suggestions for super-friendly races for walkers, it's much appreciated! Disney doesn't count -- not quite fast enough to be able to enjoy the "perks" of the race without falling behind pace.

Posting here to hopefully keep myself accountable and to prevent a long-term funk due to job issues/injuries (fell down the stairs in my home about 2 months ago, spraining my ankle, which refuses to heal. It would help if I weren't so klutzy and didn't keep trying to push it and walk on it too much...)

Anyway. Am registered for the following races this year:

3/3 Rock n Roll New Orleans 5k (goal: faster than last year)
3/4 Rock n Roll New Orleans 10k
3/10 Rock n Roll DC half (although if my ankle isn't better within the next month, this may be scrapped...)
4/14 Garden Spot Village half (goal: faster than last year)
4/29 National Women's 8k (goal: get mama across the finish line!)
6/2 Baltimore 10-Miler (goal: keep up streak of improving time on this one)
6/24 Baltimore Women's Classic 5k
10/20 Baltimore Running Festival Baltimoron (5k+half) (goal: beat last year's time, which itself was 12 min improvement from the year before!)

Good luck to everyone doing Dopey this weekend, and stay nice and warm, everyone!


Great decision to come out of lurkdom and excited to hear about your ATTQOTDs and journey in general!
Wow what an awesome entry list for this weekend! Good luck to all entering, and especially those doing Dopey!

I have a race to add:

Feb 17th - McNs - Coastal Challenge (NG/N/A)

This is a 33km coastal run - mostly rocks and beaches, a little bit of swimming, and about 1km of tarmac... I did an 11km leg as part of a relay back in 2015 and really enjoyed it, this year I have entered what they call The Full Monty. No idea on the time goal, my 11km took 1:23:44 but didn't have much swimming (link to Strava entry It's a really cool event, middle of summer so the water is very inviting!
This sounds amazing...can't wait to hear all about it!
Another lurker here....I’ve been lurking on this thread and several training journals since January of last year.

Hi all, my name is Laura. I started running in the Fall of 2016 at age 47 as some sort of mid-life crisis/stress relief thing . I ran several 5k’s, 10k’s, an 8k and a 15k in 2017. My big goals for 2018 are to complete a 10 miler and half marathon. My ultimate goal is to do a marathon in 2019 for my 50th birthday (debating between WDW and my local Cleveland Marathon).

I want to thank everyone on this thread and all the journals for all the valuable information and wisdom for newbies!! Good luck to all the marathon weekend runners this week. I am living vicariously through you on the marathon thread.
Hi all, my name is Laura. I started running in the Fall of 2016 at age 47 as some sort of mid-life crisis/stress relief thing . I ran several 5k’s, 10k’s, an 8k and a 15k in 2017. My big goals for 2018 are to complete a 10 miler and half marathon. My ultimate goal is to do a marathon in 2019 for my 50th birthday (debating between WDW and my local Cleveland Marathon).

Both? :)
Whoa! That list of runners this weekend is amazing. Good luck to everyone running! I can't wait to read all the recaps and see photos from the race weekend!


I have an update for the list!

25 - xjillianpaige - Princess Half Marathon (NG / N/A)

Hopefully I'll add to my races for the year. A friend and I are talking about the BAA Half this year after we finish Princess!
I might update my Princess to a goal at some point; right now I anticipate I could finish in 2:45:00 if I don't stop for photos, but I'll definitely be taking in the entire atmosphere and stopping for photos.
Add me to the coming out of lurkdom list. This year I am going to keep up with this thread! haha. My goals for this year are to finally kick my shin splints so I can run consistently all year. I did Princess last year as my first half, but then struggled with consistency afterwards. Hoping to drop some weight as well.

I also have a list update @LSUlakes
28- txdisneygrl- Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG/ N/A)

24-txdisneygrl- Enchanted 10K (NG/ N/A)
25-txdisneygrl- Princess Half (3:00/ N/A)
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I just found my first unofficial half marathon. This should be some good motivation to get outside and off my butt. They cancelled all the schools today for cold and probably will the rest of the week. I have no motivation to do anything but sit inside. Ugh. Now I have a reason to dust off the old treadmill and hope I don’t fall off of it. Woohoo!
Here's what I have on the docket so far for 2018:

3/17 camaker - Badwater Cape Fear 50k/50m (Goal: finish 50k, BHAG: finish 50m)
6/2 camaker - Ironman 70.3 Raleigh Relay Running Leg (No goal)
10/7 camaker - Chicago Marathon (<4:00)

I'm sure there will be more to come.
Coming out of lurky loo.....

I’m not a fast runner and have never really been all that competitive. I run just cuz I like to be outdoors and run! I’ve finished many 5K & 10K. My first half marathon was the 2017 PHM as part of the GSC and I loved it so much! I used the Galloway method for the first time when i started training for it and ended up running the half with a pace group. I finished in 2:29:30 which I am pretty darn happy with. I was hoping to run another 1/2 in the fall, but between building a new house, being homeless for a month, relocating and a bad fall from a ladder (two sprained wrists, sprained ankle, bruised ribs and contusions to both knees) it just didn’t happen. I finally started being able to run again as of last week and I’m feeling good about running the fairy tale challenge in February. I ran 8 miles on Sunday before the ankle I had sprained started bothering me. My plans for 2018 are to run more long distance races and train to run the WDW marathon in 2019.

@LSUlakes Here is my list of races I’m signed up for as of today.

23 - Bree - Disney Princess 5K (NG/NA)
24 - Bree - Disney Princess Enchanted 10K (NG/NA)
25 - Bree - Disney Princess Half Marathon (NG/NA)

10 - Bree - HOPE’s Sham Rock N Run 5K (<35min/NA)

15 - Bree - Storm the Campus 10 miler (NG/NA)
22 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side 10K (NG/NA)
23 - Bree - Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon (NG/NA)

ATTQOTD: I don’t really know much about tapering, but I did it for the 2017 GSC because that’s what the Galloway plan told me to do LOL! I’m sure I’ll be learning much more about it when it’s time to pick a marathon training plan.

Hi, everyone -- been lurking for quite a while here (thanks for sharing all of your advice and experience!). I'm a sloooow walker, hoping at some point to lose enough weight/get enough practice in to work my way up to at least a jog, but have been doing races with my sister for nearly two years now, mostly dependent on which ones have nice long time limits...(team bringing up the rear!) If anyone has suggestions for super-friendly races for walkers, it's much appreciated! Disney doesn't count -- not quite fast enough to be able to enjoy the "perks" of the race without falling behind pace.

Posting here to hopefully keep myself accountable and to prevent a long-term funk due to job issues/injuries (fell down the stairs in my home about 2 months ago, spraining my ankle, which refuses to heal. It would help if I weren't so klutzy and didn't keep trying to push it and walk on it too much...)

Anyway. Am registered for the following races this year:

3/3 Rock n Roll New Orleans 5k (goal: faster than last year)
3/4 Rock n Roll New Orleans 10k
3/10 Rock n Roll DC half (although if my ankle isn't better within the next month, this may be scrapped...)
4/14 Garden Spot Village half (goal: faster than last year)
4/29 National Women's 8k (goal: get mama across the finish line!)
6/2 Baltimore 10-Miler (goal: keep up streak of improving time on this one)
6/24 Baltimore Women's Classic 5k
10/20 Baltimore Running Festival Baltimoron (5k+half) (goal: beat last year's time, which itself was 12 min improvement from the year before!)

Good luck to everyone doing Dopey this weekend, and stay nice and warm, everyone!

Add me to the coming out of lurkdom list. This year I am going to keep up with this thread! haha. My goals for this year are to finally kick my shin splints so I can run consistently all year. I did Princess last year as my first half, but then struggled with consistency afterwards. Hoping to drop some weight as well.

I also have a list update @LSUlakes
28- txdisneygrl- Hot Chocolate Houston 15k (NG/ N/A)

24-txdisneygrl- Enchanted 10K (NG/ N/A)
25-txdisneygrl- Princess Half (3:00/ N/A)

Welcome and thanks for posting! I look forward to reading yalls responses to the QOTD!
I just found my first unofficial half marathon. This should be some good motivation to get outside and off my butt. They cancelled all the schools today for cold and probably will the rest of the week. I have no motivation to do anything but sit inside. Ugh. Now I have a reason to dust off the old treadmill and hope I don’t fall off of it. Woohoo!

Thanks for posting this! I have a Star Wars obsessed sister that may be interested in virtual training with me. Paging @AuntieBean
I just found my first unofficial half marathon. This should be some good motivation to get outside and off my butt. They cancelled all the schools today for cold and probably will the rest of the week. I have no motivation to do anything but sit inside. Ugh. Now I have a reason to dust off the old treadmill and hope I don’t fall off of it. Woohoo!

Just when I think runDisney is predictable... what a surprise!
A bit behind again today as I have been on the phone with Disney for the new promotion that came out this morning. I struck out on getting a discount for my trip :(

QOTD: The big weekend starts tomorrow for those running the 5k or any combination of the 5k and other races. For those who have run this event before, what last minute advice do you have for someone running one or more of the Disney races?

ATTQOTD: My experience has been running the marathon only, but my advice would be to trust your training and get plenty of rest. Best of luck to yall!!!


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