The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I have two tracks pretty close to our house at the high school and junior high, both outdoor and buried in snow. When it is not buried I use it for long runs if the weather is super sketchy. It is only a half mile to my house so I can get out of dangerous weather quickly but still complete long runs. I like to mix up the run by constantly changing lanes, i.e. one in lane 1, two in lane 2, etc. or I run lane 1 then shift out to 8 then back to 2 and out to 7, etc. Depending on time of run I might plan for two, three or four laps in a particular lane before moving to the next. I have found that it helps me pass the time better than just cruising around and around in the same lane.
ATTQOTD: I was just informed that with my alumni status at two local colleges/universities I can get a free gym membership that allows track access. One of those schools is on my way to/from work. Now, if I ever get there is another story. I so prefer outside and trail runs to a track.
I haven't checked in much here, busy at work and I've been dealing with a cold. Sorry to be a non-contributor (I'm lurking when I can) then just jump in randomly. I don't know if I have access to our local high school track and I'm not sure I'd have the guts to use it even if I could. That feels like "real runner" stuff.
But I did want to share that I ran into Bart Yasso on my local rail trail during my run on Saturday! He has a very distinctive gait and he was talking to the woman with him and I recognized his voice which to me is also distinctive.. I was 99% sure it was him, though he had big glasses on. They both said hello and he had that kind of open body language that someone who is used to being approached has, I don't know if you know what I mean, but if I wanted to ask if he was Bart Yasso he seemed like he was ready for it. I didn't want to bug them so I just said "Hi how are you" and kept going. Didn't get a "Bartie", I'm not much of a selfie person and I really look like a rag when I'm out for a run.
Anyway I was reminded of it today because he tweeted a picture of him and his "valentine" and that was the woman he was running with so it was definitely him. Nice to see he's friendly even in retirement.
Anyway I told DH when I got home but he is not a runner and wasn't particularly impressed. I figured you guys would understand.
QOTD: Do you have access to a track to run on? Do you take advantage of it any? If so do you do most of your runs on it or only certain types of workouts?

Pretty much every high school around me has as track that is opened to the public, I pass three on my way to and from work. I only use the track for repeats and I'm not too consistent with them.
ATTQOTD: Some of the HS in our district allowed public access up until last summer. They have decided the public was causing too much "damage" to the tracks, even though the public did not use the tracks that much. The Middle schools don't have nice tracks close to us. Most are either dirt or asphalt, not a nice rubber surface. I do enjoy speed workouts on a track, up to mile repeats. Anything more than that, I am on the streets. I would usually do the warm-up and cool-down laps clockwise, while the speed intervals the correct way around the track.
question. what do the symbols after the times mean when you update these post race? there is an exclamation point after mine now. i also notice there are double exclamation points on some as well as a "PR!" (i get the PR part).

It's just a little something I do which has meaning that I thought went mostly unnoticed. Below are the answers:
One ! = Submitting a finish time
Two !! = Submitted finish below goal time
Three !!! = Submitted finish time, below goal time, and a PR.

Other options:

PR!! = this would come from having NG but submitting a finish time that was also a PR.

Not really a big thing, but it's my attempt at acknowledging finish times, goals achieved, and PR's.
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?

Todays question is a suggestion from a fellow poster. Thanks for the suggestion!

ATTQOTD: I try not to skip runs, but as of late I just havent had enough time to do anything but work and what must be done at home. My answer would be work would be a reason to miss a run, because without the job all of the other stuff isnt possible.
ATTQOTD: Well, I'm not sure I really consider them acceptable since I tend to beat myself up about it afterward, but I legitimately HATE running in the rain, so if it's just a shorter maintenance run, we usually won't run in the rain. Temperature below 20 while not always a skip, is sometimes a skip, or heavy ice/snow. I know that sounds wimpy to you folks in the north.
ATTQOTD: I always beat myself up too, like @ZellyB, but work is the main reason I end up having to skip runs...especially with it getting dark so early right now. Once the time changes and it is light out until around 9PM I will not have to miss any unless I have something going on after work. I try to get as many runs in during my lunch break as possible, but with meetings sometimes that is impossible.
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?

Severe scheduling issues (things that you can't reschedule and there's no way to get a run in). For bad weather I'll try to reschedule runs, but if I just don't have the time, I'm okay skipping once in a while, as long as it doesn't become a regular thing.
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?

I will always try to reschedule a run rather than skip it outright, but my reasons for rescheduling generally pertain to: heavy rain or lightning, temps below 15-20 degrees or wind chills below 0, ice, wife had a bad day and needs to go out to dinner.
ATTQOTD: If there is something that DH wants me to skip one for. He is 100% my best cheerleader and support and knows how important my runs are. So if he wants me to do something else when I have a scheduled run I know it is important to him and I will reschedule/skip a run for him. I couldn't do what I do without him and his support. I run 6 days a week, usually getting home at/after dark every weekday and he is right there with me on his bike for all my long runs on Saturdays. Right now he is getting our house ready (painting outside, installing new bathroom floors, painting living room, etc.) for my son and his soon to be fiancé's visit in 3 weeks and I have really been zero help to him.
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?
ATTQOTD: Any time I just don't feel up to it, I "allow" myself to skip a workout. Exercise makes me happy and I enjoy it; if I don't want to do it, there's a reason, even if it's not immediately evident to me. Also lightning. I don't do lightning.
QOTD: Aside from illness/injury, what reason(s) do you deem acceptable to skip a planned run or workout?
Family related thing or weather. Things always change and happen and that does throw a wrench into things. I don’t make it a habit but one run once in a while is okay. As for weather if it’s icy and snowing I don’t usually run for my own safety. I’ll try a treadmill if I can but my treadmill really sucks. I also don’t run in a down pour. Light rain is fine but I’m not running in a major rain.
Attqotd: I'm having a recent rough go of getting every workout in. People who keep up with my journal know I try everything possible to put in the work even if it means mostly 9pm treadmill sessions. But sometimes you have to put family/work/your own mental health/adult responsibilities. first. I'm trying not to beat myself up but boy do I make myself feel bad about it.

Sitting in airport now watching my flight to Mexico get delayed and delayed. Praying I get to go on vacation cause I need it. Wearing my new peacock Brooks cause our plan was some hubby/wifey runs in paradise.


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