The Running Thread - 2019

Peachtree Road Race - Like @garneska said, Atlanta = Heat, Hills, Humidity!

@LSUlakes Disney at Heart’s Time - 1:09:23

And I did get to meet @OldSlowGoofyGuy afterwards, so give me 5 stars for meeting a VIP! Sorry to have missed Kris. And I did not take a single picture all morning! Why don’t I think of documenting the good times?

Sorry I missed you too, but I will say the decision to get back and get a shower and get Mallory back out there to see the parade of runners and walkers was worth it. She had a great time looking at everyone and got lots of attention.


Hopefully see you at the 10 miler.
June Miles: 76.1
2019 Miles: 490.5

June was uneventful as far as running goes. I did get word last Wednesday that a new pup has joined the family!


I will be flying down to AZ to visit him in a few weeks, before he gets HUGE. I wouldn’t normally visit in July :scared: but I just can’t stay away! We’ll see how those 70-110 degree temps affect my training. Hopefully the temps at sunrise will be in the 70’s...otherwise I will stick to walking and puppy training!

Happy 4th of July! Stay SAFE and keep your pups SAFE!!!
We decided we would try for 52 but I was not sure I could do it. Did I mention it was hot? We had a nice chat at the beginning and aimed for 8 minute miles for the first 3 miles and then 8:40s for the last 3. Did not happen. We did finish in 54:08. I was happy to be in under 55 still. Not my best PRR showing but with the temps I think that was pretty good.

Ditto that. No way 52 was going to happen. I doubt if I would have broken 55 if I was running by myself. Thank you, I would have slacked off more on those hills if I hadn't been chasing you!

Our time is just a few seconds off of double the men's course record (set today) of 27:01. Unbelievable!

For those of you not following the Peachtree as closely as us in Atlanta: all 4 course records (men's, women's, men's wheelchair, women's wheelchair) were set today. Must have been the $50,000 incentive!

And I did get to meet @OldSlowGoofyGuy afterwards, so give me 5 stars for meeting a VIP!

Your definition of VIP needs some work. :)

I forgot to show you my '...have a safe race' wristband.

Thanks for finding me. I'm surprised I didn't get pepper sprayed, approaching various women at the M balloon and asking them if they were Disney runners.

I enjoyed meeting you both.
7th Annual Shoe House 5 Miler


This race is always run on July 4th at 7 am. I did it alone this time because Mr PADC was working. It's been a few years since I've done it and I was amazed by the number of runners. There were 283 finishers. This race is well organized, bib pick up was easy, ample parking, and real restrooms.

At the start the temperature was 72 and dewpoint 70 with clear skies. When I finished temperature was 76 and dewpoint 71.

Goal: I had no time goal but Mr helpfully posted it at 70 minutes. My goal was to start slow and finish fast. During the first mile I set another goal - finish ahead of the 3 women I was leapfrogging because I was doing run/walk and they were also.

The halfway point and turn around was the Shoe House. I took some selfies, which came out terrible. The water stop was there and the owner of the Shoe House (which is now an ice cream parlor) stepped away from handing out water and offered to take my picture. Stopping for pictures cost me 2 minutes but I don't regret it. As I ran back to the road I saw that Clay Shaw @Clay50sub4 was taking pictures, as he does at many local races. I hope to be able to see his picture, he was positioned to have the Shoe House right behind the runners.

At this point I switched from listening to a conversational podcast to upbeat music. I caught up to, passed, and stayed ahead of several people who had been ahead of me for most of the race.

There were rolling hills but no huge elevation changes. The heat and humidity and direct sun made it challenging, but in the end I achieved all 3 goals.

My official finish time was 1:08:01 (2 of these minutes were non-moving while pausing for pictures)
I ran negative splits
I finished ahead of the 3 women (left them in the dust!!)
Lately I'm late to the conversations because I tend to only be able to go on Dis now every few days instead of daily. So I love the idea of Topic of the Week in some format. I have to echo @Sleepless Knight who credits this thread with his path to running a marathon; I 100% know everyone made that happen for me. As well as my first dis-race, 10k, 15k, half etc etc.
So although I am now always in a state of catching up, I really do love coming on here when I can. Happy to keep contributing when I can, so if it goes to a more crowd-sourced running of the thread I will pitch in :)

I also love @dis_or_dat comment that this is like her running group. I literally call you guys my running group in conversation with muggles in the real world.

PS More puppy pictures please
PSS Stay cool today
I don't know if anyone has been following the story of Dr. Frank Meza, but he was officially DQ'd from the 2019 L.A. Marathon.

I know that some don't agree with the tactics and efforts some websites utilize to out suspected cheaters (and the ultimate pile-ons that inevitably follow), but Dr. Meza appears to have been cheating for quite some time and at the highest level. He has been posting world record marathon times (sub 3 hours) for the 70-74 age group.

He was previously DQ'd from a few other marathons and at some point L.A. organizers suggested that he run with a marker to verify his times. That did not happen for some reason but the evidence against him at L.A. 2019 is overwhelming and includes photos, video and an unbelievable 5k split during the marathon which would have been a world record on its own.

This has now called into question all of his previous times. Too much to go into here but those results are going to be reviewed. Dr. Meza maintains that he has not cheated. There is a lengthy thread on Let's Run about this (be prepared to lose many hours diving into this) and, of course, Marathon Investigation has several posts on this.

I just saw a story that Dr. Meza was found dead.
They don't have a lot of details yet but pretty sad story, from why he'd cheat in the first place to the whole situation leading to his death.
On a more positive note, I did the Five on the 4th five mile run in Dallas yesterday. It was nice that it was overcast for most of the run but it was very humid. Before I started the DopeyBadger training plan earlier this year, I think my best time per mile was about 13 minutes. My first two miles yesterday, I got under 12 minutes for the first time at 11:38. Still not fast, but fast for me. I ended up averaging about that 13 minutes per mile over the whole five miles, which I was perfectly fine with, basically having an average of what used to be my best time.
I just saw a story that Dr. Meza was found dead.
They don't have a lot of details yet but pretty sad story, from why he'd cheat in the first place to the whole situation leading to his death.
I saw this story! So strange!
I've been following this on Marathon Investigations too. His motivations and actions are so curious. We'll have to keep a watch out if they release the cause of death. This has to be so hard in his family and friends!
I just saw a story that Dr. Meza was found dead.
They don't have a lot of details yet but pretty sad story, from why he'd cheat in the first place to the whole situation leading to his death.

I read that in another forum this morning. A very tragic and sad end to his life. It's sad he felt the embarrassment and shame of admitting to cheating outweighed all the good he’d done in his life. If he did take his own life, which seems to be the case.
July 6 - steph0808 - Chernisky Classic 10k (49:59 / 51:54)!

10k this morning. My goal, as it has been this year, is to run a sub-50 10k.

I knew it was fairly unlikely because, well, it's July in Pennsylvania. The temperature was 74 with a dew point of 70 at 9am (and humidity at almost 80%), probably a bit higher when I finished. It was muggy, but luckily cloudy for most of the race.

I ran great until the turnaround - heart rate low, hit a 5k PR of 24:15, so I was right on track. I didn't know the elevation of the race, but as I was running, I could tell it was slight downhill, so I knew the second half would be hard. (It turned out to be 200 foot gain in the second 3.1 miles). That gain isn't terrible, but it feels 1000 times worse with this weather!

I could get down to about 8 minutes/mile for a minute or so but then fall back to 8:30s. And by the time I hit about .5 miles from the finish, I ran into all the 5k walkers. Spread across the whole trail. Plus regular people were walking/running the opposite way, so two times I had to almost walk until I could pass.

And then I registered 6.34 miles for the race. For an out and back on a gravel trail, I should have been almost right on, maybe 6.24, but not 6.34. My Garmin put me at 51:01 for 10k, which is a new PR by 24 seconds. The actual race clocked me at 51:54 for 6.34 miles, which is 29 seconds slower than my PR. I placed fourth female overall with an average pace of 8:12/mile. Luckily there were no awards, as I was passed by the 3rd place female at the end and finished 5 seconds behind her. Wah! :P

@DopeyBadger - I might need to add a 10k to my plan later this year to try again to get a darn sub-50!
The temperature was 74 with a dew point of 70 at 9am
The actual race clocked me at 51:54

The math says on an ideal day (T+D less than 100) on the same course and distance would have yielded around a 49:49. My predicted pace under ideal conditions was a 49:46. So you're exactly where we would have assumed based on the conditions. You'll get that ideal day and also nail that sub-50.
I’m back to running! I’ve had two runs so far this week and no back pain. It’s been super hot and humid but I’m just happy to be out there again :) I had a week off working out completely last week due to getting a new tattoo. And I think the week of enforced rest (I didn’t even get on the elliptical or go for walks) allowed the back to heal up completely. Still not sure what I did to hurt it in the first place, I somehow just pulled a muscle at some point.

Also, we had talked about running tattoos a while ago so here’s a photo. There’s a 26.2 in the phoenix’s left wing.

Good morning folks! Hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed safe. Things were going well until July 5th, thats when some sort of virus decided to take over our household. By some miracle I was spared, but seeing the kiddos being sick instead of doing all the fun things we had planned was sad. I appreciate everyone's feedback to my question and I am considering all of those options currently. I wanted to know @rteetz if more than one person could have access to the OP? Maybe have a google doc in it for races or something of that sort? As it currently sits, I think 3 QOTD's a week may be the best course of action for now as my role at work becomes more demanding.
Good morning folks! Hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed safe. Things were going well until July 5th, thats when some sort of virus decided to take over our household. By some miracle I was spared, but seeing the kiddos being sick instead of doing all the fun things we had planned was sad. I appreciate everyone's feedback to my question and I am considering all of those options currently. I wanted to know @rteetz if more than one person could have access to the OP? Maybe have a google doc in it for races or something of that sort? As it currently sits, I think 3 QOTD's a week may be the best course of action for now as my role at work becomes more demanding.
Unfortunately no only the one person can access a post which they started.


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