The Running Thread - 2020

Question: there is a 5k I’m thinking about that’s a women’s only run. For women on the boards, have you ever done one of these? Would you recommend it?
I have done a women's only run, but I'm not one to ask because honestly if I'm going to race, I don't care who is in the race! BUT, that said, if that makes you feel more comfortable to get out and do the race, then do it! Whatever you find to motivate you is great.

I am happy to report that the January distance is the highest YTD.

This is killing OCD me, can you please run a mile tonight and repost?
Funny you should mention this. I did my monthly total and got 99 and decided I would DEFINITELY go out and do that mile......but then I re-calculated and it was only 95, so nope!

Anyhow....January total 95.2 miles, and .6 mile swim (I hate swimming even though I know I need to do more) I'm happy to have recovered from Goofy and look forward to figuring out what the heck to train for next.

Meanwhile, on a totally unrelated note, I just watched the finale of The Good Place with teary eyes. ***!
January 2020
Run/walk - 62.6 miles (roughly)
No quick way to calculate average pace, but probably in the neighborhood of 12:20 min/mi

First monthly summary - feeling a bit sheepish compared to you guys, but I am happy to be where I am. 😉 I did get sick middle of the month, so I missed a couple of runs.

I am proud to say that I, too, braved the Georgia sloppy weather today. No snow for me, but coldest and wettest run so far. I keep telling my family that I’m building up my mental toughness!

First race on Sunday - Hot Chocolate 15K! Anything less than 12:30 min/mi would be great, and I think do-able.
January 2020
25 miles at an average 12:32 pace.

To echo @OldSlowGoofyGuy , it IS the highest total for 2020. It is not what I had hoped for in any way. It was a month in which I continued to attend a weekly yoga class, do at least one strength based session at the gym, figured out how to pack running gear with business gear and run on a broken treadmill in the middle of the night (when I was available) and try to vary my speed but ended up taking extra days off because it just hurt to run. It was also a month where I mostly made it to the office on time when I needed to be there, made dinner on time despite having little helpers, & got to play in the snow and take a family road trip. I seem to have forgotten I turned a year older but am noticing my kids keep growing so I stopped for each and every hug I could get from them knowing they eventually will not want me to smother them with attention. So while February has an opportunity to be a higher mileage or faster pace month, I would not trade this one, even if it has had some aches and sadness stirred in there.
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First monthly summary - feeling a bit sheepish compared to you guys, but I am happy to be where I am. 😉 I did get sick middle of the month, so I missed a couple of runs.
You're getting out there and doing it at a range that you're happy to be at right now. No need to feel sheepish compared to anyone on here.
January miles: 31.54

Also, PSA- Ultimate Direction has their packs half off right now. I ordered today, and it says it’ll be here Tuesday. I’d been in the market for a while, so this was a nice find.

They only had the vest I wanted in Small :sad:
When i saw everyone doing their mileage and i still had to run this afternoon, i looked to see what my total was. It was 95.3 miles and i had 7 i was moving from tomorrow to today. I really really had no motivation to go out in the cold. it has been a tough week for me, but i had to do it because the miles tomorrow would have been difficult. I ended up over dressing and removing extra stuff, but after a mile i felt a lot better.

January totals:
Swim: 6,900 yards (unfortunately i skipped swim last week and today i switched for a run)
Yoga: 3 sessions (missed one session i try and go weekly)
January: 30 miles of running and 12 miles of walking
I was cleared to start running a few weeks ago and have been slowing working back into it post baby. Our little guy will just be 7 weeks tomorrow- I was thrilled to be cleared earlier than the standard 6 weeks, but have been trying not to over do it either! Looking forward to February and after that, hopefully warmer days ahead in March!
January running:
Total miles - 77.5
Avg pace - 13:10
Avg HR - 122

An odd month with the Disney Marathon, another HM, and tapers. I was either racing or tapering with little typical training. My HR has always been low (39-42 resting/sleeping), but it was a bit unusual that my average HR during the marathon was only 120 (which included some walking).
January Numbers:
Total Miles (Run/Walk) - 37.2
Time: 8 hours, 45 minutes

Before this month, I hadn't run since the Wine and Dine 10K. But now that I've joined a gym, gotten into the routine of when to go, and adjusted to running on a treadmill I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things. My mileage may not be the highest, but there have been multiple times this month that after a long/stressful day, I've found myself going to the gym because I want a "mind clearing run". Doesn't matter how far I ran this month - that change in mindset is a big enough victory for me!

Also excited to have signed up for my third year in a row of a Virtual Pi Day race today and gotten one of my fellow math teachers to sign up too! A math teacher can never have too many pi shirts in her life :laughing:
January miles = 110

48.6 (plus a bit more) of the total was Dopey. I am surprised I hit 100 this month as I pretty much took it easy after Dopey. But I guess I got enough runs in to keep my 100 miles per month streak going at 22 straight months.

2019 total miles = 1,656
2018 total miles = 1,673
January miles: 34
I did the 10k and half at Marathon weekend, and after that I didn't get to run much. I went back to Disney 10 days after getting home from Marathon weekend and the weather was much better for running. I signed up for the Derby Dash at Saratoga Springs, and I WON!!!! Sure, the other 7 people that signed up all walked it. But still, I finally can say I won a race!
January 2020 totals
Distance: 126km (78mi)
Average speed: 8m10s/km (13min/mi)

Well, that is dopey... Higher than normal winter volume despite being concentrated in half of the month (two weeks recovery) at the slowest pace in my running career.
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I have a question for spreadsheet lovers: In 2017, I was able to get my rankings for the challenge. I do not see that information for Dopey or Goofy 2020. Did anyone put the results in a spreadsheet and sorted it to get their rankings?

ETA: I must have done it in 2017 because the challenge results are in the same format.
I have a question for spreadsheet lovers: In 2017, I was able to get my rankings for the challenge. I do not see that information for Dopey or Goofy 2020. Did anyone put the results in a spreadsheet and sorted it to get their rankings?

ETA: I must have done it in 2017 because the challenge results are in the same format.

@DopeyBadger usually pulls this data and runs the analysis


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