The Running Thread - 2020

Health: just say NO to ... binge drinking. I love having drinks, but I’ve moved back to my old neighborhood and the mom group can really party and like to get together 1-2 times a week. They start calling for double and triple shots by 8pm and I just can’t handle it! My poor liver! After the shenanigans I got into in my youth, I can’t believe I’m becoming the wet blanket!

Running: no more racing for time. Just enjoy my 1 marathon this year and next year and try not to be swept. :)
So it turns out I managed to lurk the entire 2019 year and never post. So... Hi! Thanks for all who made last years thread so enjoyable to read!
I ran my first marathon last year (I started running in Fall 2014) and while I'm proud of the "marathoner" title, I'm more proud of sticking to both my training and racing plans.

So, what are my running / health related goals of 2020?
To attend my first runDisney event at Star Wars (the half).
To maintain during and after the accompanying vacation and then transition into a strong fall marathon training.

To hydrate more consistently.
To continue with the daily yoga I started on the 2nd.
To bring snacking portions back down to snack size.
@OldSlowGoofyGuy How about a nice trail run? Thrill in the Hills 1/2 (other distances available) on Feb. 15th at Fort Yargo near Winder! Trail and hills, to me, mean no pressure to run fast (as if “fast” was possible for me), but just do something different and enjoy the run. I’m kind of burned out with training for Goofy and just don’t want to run roads and sidewalks for a while once it’s over.
@KSellers88 you forgot come back to atlanta and run a race with @OldSlowGoofyGuy and @Disney at Heart and me. Peachtree 10K, race falls on a Saturday. I can get you a bib. I think if no one is on vacation the atlanta 10 miler may be back on the list.

Of course I am wondering if anyone is thinking of putting together a ragnar team or something.

The fact the race falls on a Saturday makes it much more doable because we will be off the Friday before! Just let me know when you have to know for sure by, please!
The fact the race falls on a Saturday makes it much more doable because we will be off the Friday before! Just let me know when you have to know for sure by, please!
I will let you know when sign up starts. Usually open for two weeks, usually mid March I think. I will shout out to you. If your hubby is still running I can get him a bib too.

Run Across Georgia in May? I might be able to make that happen.
Two things for you. One, try talking them out with someone. Hearing them expressed verbally might convince your brain that they’re not rational and not needed. Two, I’m not sure you need to get there sooner rather than later. As long as you’re ready on race day, you’ve got time between now and then to get your mental focus lined out.
Thank you. I have already noticed that my thoughts are improving after giving voice to my thoughts and sharing them with @DopeyBadger and here. Only myself and one sister are runners in my circle of family and close friends. Family attitudes vary from "running will kill you" to "are you stupid" so this is my best outlet for running talk.
After talking it out loud like @FFigawi said, try finding a new place to do your runs between now and Mweekend. If you run the same paths all the time changing it up can really get you out of your head.
I never considered that. Thank you. I've certainly found that when I get out of my own head during negative thought times, It helps.
I feel like this almost sounds like "imposter syndrome" for running. It seems like you haven't yet absorbed that your training and running accomplishments are legitimate and something you worked and built yourself up to achieve, instead of just a fluke. You need to trust your training as best you can, as well as your coach who set up the plan for you. If you're pushing for a new goal, then it's always going to seem like it's difficult to achieve it - presumably that's why it's your goal. I agree with @FFigawi about talking it out with folks if you can, but when they tell you that you CAN do it, you have to accept that.
I really appreciate this. Your thoughts about a new goal got me to thinking. Because I accomplished so many running goals last year, I think I came into this training program wondering what's next. And I never really took the time to address what is next. I still need to figure out what's next, but this is helping me process why I'm feeling so much anxiety despite my efforts.
I was once told that anxiety can be like a tomato plant: The more you water it, the more it grows and not always in an efficient or constructive manner.

Maybe try focusing on something else for a while. Read a book instead of this thread? I like @QueenFernando suggestion to change running paths: It can be a nice distraction.

I try to live in the moment and try to look at Dopey the same way: One day at a time, one km at a time.

Good luck!
I think that helped me a lot yesterday. While much of the day was spent preparing for marathon weekend with shopping and laundry, I also watched some playoff football and saw two different movies, so that helped me think about something else and not worry about the marathon. Now while I'm packing today, I feel that I'm in a better place mentally. One race at a time and remember all the time I've spent preparing for this.

I went through some of this earlier in the training, and I think a big part of it was the repetitive route I'd be running and my mind would try to tell me I needed to stop, I was tired, when I wasn't even close. Some times I would push through it, some times, I would stop running but force myself to walk the distance I'd set out for, just to get the miles in. But last month, when I got to the Dallas 10k/Half Marathon challenge, having the actual race brought my mental state right back. I think when you get there with the atmosphere and the other runners around, you'll be fine.
Thank you. Like I did last year when I reached mile 22, I told myself that I had one more short training run left and I had done so many of those the past few months that I knew I had it in me.
Y'all could also come join me for Run Across Georgia on Memorial Day weekend if you want to try something new!

I'll look into that. Not saying yes, but not saying no.

How about a nice trail run? Thrill in the Hills 1/2 (other distances available) on Feb. 15th at Fort Yargo near Winder! Trail and hills, to me, mean no pressure to run fast

Same answer: not saying yes, but not saying no. Although I'm pretty busy that week. :cake:

And by the way, my one day pity party is over. I deleted most of my whiny post.

24 hours, a little ice, several news stories, and some wine (not whine), put things in perspective. I KMOA, so I'm good.
I'll look into that. Not saying yes, but not saying no.

Same answer: not saying yes, but not saying no. Although I'm pretty busy that week. :cake:

And by the way, my one day pity party is over. I deleted most of my whiny post.

24 hours, a little ice, several news stories, and some wine (not whine), put things in perspective. I KMOA, so I'm good.

Actually I kind of enjoyed the grumpy part of the post. :) I have had days where it feels like every little thing annoys me or ticks me off and I get in a horrible mood. I know it's completely irrational, but it's hard for me to get out of the spiral. I feel like I should wear a warning sign. :) So I know how you felt!
Happy New Year all! Looking forward to another year of participating in this thread with such a great group of people!

I have about 3.5 weeks before I am(hopefully!) cleared to run again. In the meantime, I’m happy to introduce my future running buddy- born Dec 14 at 8lbs 5oz and 20.5”
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So I've been thinking about this a lot lately and have gone over my mental state with @DopeyBadger but with Marathon Weekend coming up, I wanted to throw this out to the group as a whole.

How do you deal with negative running thoughts when there's no rational reason you should have them?

Background: My running has been very consistent since July. I've done almost all the runs in the plans and despite a well thought out decision to take my September 2019 Giant Race Half Marathon easy, I still shaved a good 2-3 minutes off my previous PR which I set in 2018 at the same race when I had a grueling race. My long runs for Dopey training have been just fine and were in fact less difficult than I feared they would be both physically and mentally. I feel more fresh right now than I did at this point a year ago before my first Marathon and Dopey. Yet for whatever reason, my brain doesn't feel it. I know that I need to be in a good place mentally for Dopey and I need to get there sooner rather than later.

I have negative thoughts all the time. I have been dealing with them for over two years now since my surgery. I have been inconsistent with my running since my surgery because I allowed all the negative crap I’d find it’s way back into my head. Will I ever be able to run again. What will I do if I can’t run because it is so important to my mental health and happiness, etc...

Once I went to the doctor and he couldn’t find anything wrong with my right ankle, despite the pain, I found a solution for myself and now I am running consistently. It proved to me, once again, that running is 90% mental.

I have been running outside all winter, with only one run needing to be moved to the treadmill. I am done letting excuses keep me down.

The negative thoughts are coming from a fear usually. You just need to look at what’s going on and decide to fight through. You have proven you can do it!


My goals for 2020 are:

At least 1000 miles running (I was going to put more but I didn’t want to stress myself out. Haven’t run more than 1000 miles in 3 years)

Set PR’s in the 10k and 1/2!

How will I get there:

Continue losing weight. I want to get below 200 lbs this year. Currently at 224!

Consistent running!

More consistent stretching and cross training!

I’m buying a nice road bike to add cross training but also to get ready for a possible run at a 1/2 Ironman in 2021! :scared:
I will let you know when sign up starts. Usually open for two weeks, usually mid March I think. I will shout out to you. If your hubby is still running I can get him a bib too.

Run Across Georgia in May? I might be able to make that happen.

Sounds good! He is kinda-sorta still running, he's had a cold since before Christmas so I am hoping that hasn't set him back too much.

Yes, it is Memorial Day weekend...not even sure yet if I will be doing it 100%. The team I am usually on has not mentioned anything yet, and I am not fast enough to join a competitive team.
While I sit on hold with Disney for new discounts released this morning... even though I was up at 4 to try to get them but the computer system at Disney stinks... lets have a QOTD: What time of the day do you run and why?

ATTQOTD: Starting this year it's my goal to start runs before 5AM. Depending on distance that could be anywhere from 4-5... that crazy early but afternoon runs just dont work for me currently. Day 1 was a success! Lets keep it going strong in 2020!
ATTQOTD: After the sun is up. Since the area we are currently in does not have streetlights, and in the areas that do have sidewalks they are uneven, being able to see where I put my feet is a plus. Admittedly I am super lazy on weekdays so it is typically between 7 and 8 am when I start. That needs to start changing since once summer arrives I will want to be finished by 8 am.
ATTQOTD: I run when I get home from work and before dinner. That generally puts me running in the 6-8 pm time frame. I like that because I'm already awake and don't have to worry about waking up the wife or puppies getting ready to run early. In addition, if it's been a long, tiring day at work, the run always makes me feel better and more alert for the rest of the evening. It does constrain dinner times and options, so it's not a perfect time, but it's what has worked best for me so far.
ATTQOTD: I usually try to start my run between 5-530am if I’m running Monday-Friday and 6-630 Saturday or Sunday. if I start any later during the week I don’t have enough time to run and make it to work on time. Weekends I have a bit more flexibility so sometimes I’ll run around 12/1230 while the baby naps (on a treadmill in the house).
Im ready for the spring when I can run outside more often, I don’t really like the treadmill.
In the Summer, I would get in my runs before work (around 6am) in order to avoid the worst of the heat. And I liked getting in my runs before the rest of the day gets going. Less time to talk myself out of it! In the Winter, it's harder with the sun rising later. Sometimes I'll run in the morning and just go into work a bit later. But for the most part in the Winter, I end up running after work (either at the gym or on a local high school track that has lighting).
While I sit on hold with Disney for new discounts released this morning... even though I was up at 4 to try to get them but the computer system at Disney stinks... lets have a QOTD: What time of the day do you run and why?

I’m normally up at 5 and out the door by 530. I like running early because I know I’m never home from work in time to do it at night. Plus, it’s cooler and less crowded in the mornings.
I usually run at around 5 pm right after work and before it gets dark. My longer weekend runs, I usually start around 11 or so. Ideally, I'd do it around 5 or 6 am, but this past year, I've been having a tough time getting to bed early and don't want to get up that early. I guess that's changing this week!


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