The weeds are killing me!!!


DIS Veteran
Feb 8, 2005
I am going insane. We have the weeds. They produce these little sticky green things that the dogs get covered in and then bring in the house. I've tried the spray weed killer, but it only kills directly where it is sprayed and we got lots of these weeds.

Well I found a really bad patch along the fence where the dogs run back and forth. I recently read that if you lay layers of wet newspaper and then cover with mulch the weeds won't get through. Has anyone else ever heard this? I was thinking of trying it, but also adding a layer of landscape fabric over the news paper.

Any input is more than welcomed!:)
The old ones will have a hard time coming though, but new ones can grow from seeds dropped on top of the layers. Weeds are amazing. They can burrow down under the mulch & landscape fabric to get to the soil. Darn things can grow in gravel. I've got so many different varieties of weeds, I could open a shop. :rotfl2:
Plus, sometimes the roots just travel sideways underground until they find a place they can sent up a shoot. Try asking at the local college extension office. I have pulled more morning glory and thistle plants than I could ever count, but pulling and taking out the roots have worked for both of these. The morning glories were the problem here in Ohio, and the thistle were so bad in PA. I was so glad to see the end of the biggest problems but it took years and determination.

We did the newspaper thing, and all it really did was help our mulch look fluffy longer and didn't sink in the ground as quick, but just as many weeds... sorry unfortunatly I have no idea how to get rid of them. We used miracle grow with weed killer in it, and it help some, but nothing incredible.
Try solarizing the area with the weeds. (this works in full sun areas, best in late spring and summer)

Lay down clear plastic over the afflicted area. Stake it down well on the edges. Then wait. The sunlight will cause the area to get very hot, and cook the plants underneath. It will also cause any surface seeds to germinate, then it will cook them as well. Unfortunately, you can't do this around any ornamentals, or the heat will kill them as well...but it's a good way to prepare a weed-ridden area to become a flower bed.

After everything in the area is a lovely dead brown, remove the plastic, lay down a thick layer (at least 8-10 pages thick) of newspaper, and then mulch over it.


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