The "What? No PINK LEMONADE Tour" - Competition Results

Richard Bruvofetc

Inane Merry Sag - Possunt Quia, Posse Videntur
Mar 22, 2005

Richard (49): Richard Bruvofetc
Avonia (classified UK Top Secret): Still Thinking.....
Victoria (14): ToraMillypoops.

Location: Saratoga Springs Resort
Date: 19th October 2007 - 29th October 2007

Thursday 18th October:

10:45am: On-line check-in at Virgin - we got the seats we wanted (thanks for all your tips Obi:thumbsup2 ).

Suitcases packed - now the wait until 3:10pm to pick up DD from school. The day seems to drag along. I finally pick up DD then its back home to put the cases in the car. Everything in, and at 4:45pm we're on the road to London Gatwick airport. Boy! was the motorway busy:eek: . 3 hours to do 90 miles. Anyway, after the pain of the journey (and the aching bladder - I knew I shouldn't have had that cup of tea before I left:lmao: ) we got to LGW and offloaded the suitcases at twilight check-in.

Then the short drive to the hotel (Trumbles) we were using for the night and a quick bite to eat before retiring to bed.

Friday 19th October:

Up, refreshed, and full English breakfast in our bellies we head to the airport. Security wasn't too bad and we amused ourselves in the boring wait. The aeroplane, scheduled for 10:45am, left the hub at 11:40am and took off at 11:57am (1 hour 10 minutes late - I wonder what the "official" Virgin time was).

The Bristol Channel - Wales to the North; England to the South.

Yes, the engines are still attached:

DD in the window seat - as usual!:

Upon take-off we were informed that the cabin crew were short staffed so "please be patient". Having said that, the crew were excellent. The Aeroplane however was another matter. We had one entertainment magazine between 9 of us. They were having terrible problems with the entertainment system and had to switch it off twice for 45 minutes while they tried to repair it! The three people behind us ended up with DVD players (one with a flat battery!). We were really pleased that we had taken our Archos' with us and DW was well chuffed with her Bose noise cancelling headphones (this was the first time they had been used in anger). Beside that, the flight was a good one and we picked up 1/2 and hour going over. Security through MCO went smoothly and quickly and we picked up the car and were on our way.

That feelgood factor:

It wasn't too long before we arrived at SSR. Our first time "home":) . Check-in was swift and we were in our room by 5:30pm (10:30pm UK time). We showered and freshened up and went to our pre-booked (6 months ago) ADR at the Turf Club. What a wonderful meal.

Bellies full (over-full) it was to the shop to buy the obligatory re-fillable mugs, that were duly filled and the stroll back to the room before turning in for the night.

The view from the room:

more later.........
Great start :thumbsup2 What building in SSR were you in?
What? No Pink Lemonade, that has distracted me totally! Great shots of the Bristol channel, you nearly have our house in them!!:rotfl:

It must be great to be going home to SSR, I prefer the look of SSR and OKW to the other DVC resorts, they seem a bit less hectic and more countrified!
Great start, Richard. SSR sounds lovely, looking forward to hearing more.

Laur's princess:
We just have to stay in Congress Park and no where else will do. Just love SSR and truly love the Turf Club and of course the cocktails there.

Looking forward to reading more

Saturday 20th October

Our first full day. We were up nice and early at about 6:30am (body clock still on England time). On goes my last year's t-shirt - Splash Mountain, Dry is not an Option. My duty every morning is to go across to the Artist's Palette and get the cups of tea for DW and myself and the Pink Lemonade for DD..........

NO PINK LEMONADE! Waaah! DD has to settle for Fanta.

I walk out of the Artist's Palette......

NO SUN!. In fact, it's chucking it down with rain. So my "Dry is not an Option" t-shirt gets absolutely soaked.

We have our breakfasts in the room and after I have changed into something dry its off to the car and heading for MK. In the 10 minutes it takes to drive there the rain has stopped and we get some sun. Its straight to the Photopass guy for our first photo and issue of card then into the Kingdom for some fun.












As we walk into the square there is one of those "vintage" cars sitting empty, so we are invited on by the driver for a ride to the castle. No sooner than we had settled ourselves down then this happened:


Yes! GirlsonTour climbed in as well. Now what are the chances of that happenning? Saturday morning in the MK, same time, same place (and as we're in Halloween week dare I say "same Bat Channel") and all those thousands of people!

Having "overcome" our pleasant surprise we made our separate ways.

We manage to get on all the rides we want that day, and we take an early lunch at the Columbia Harbour House - at 11.15am it is empty. We are eating early this holiday as we are on the DDP and last year we found we were struggling for an appetite by the time the evening meal came along.

On leaving the CHH we walk past the Riverboat which is about to leave and are able to ride with the Captain. DD is thrilled to be able to pull the horn. The Captain gave us a lot of information about many of the rides in the park.

Late afternoon we head back to SSR to freshen up. Our dinner this evening is at the Yacht Club at 7.00pm. It was a truly wonderful meal and our waitress was excellent.

We finish our meal (or did it finish us?) and decide to explore outside to see the fireworks and then have a wander around inside. 10.00pm we are absolutely shattered (our body clocks are still telling us it's 3.00am) so we have the short drive back to the SSR where we pick up our coffees and Sprite before turning in for a well earned rest.
Great photos and what an amazing coincidence that girl on tour would get in the car too!!!!
A lovely first day and what a nice coincidence to bump into other Dis-ers. It always takes me a few days to stop telling my poor DH what time it is at home!

Laur's princess:
Great atmospheric pictures, and what a coincidence, we have had all sorts of very long odds coincidences of bumping into people we know a long way from home!!

WHAT, NO PINK LEMONADE...............

Totally agree about your DDP strategy, very early CS then an ice cream/snack mid afternoon and starving for a gorgeous meal at 7pm...can't wait to see where else you eat.
Richard - the rest of that day (and in fact the rest of the holiday) I kept wishing we had arranged to meet up later for lunch or just a drink:thumbsup2 I think we were just all Disney'd out on that day and really ready for a change of scenery.
great report Rich, how lovely to bump into Girls on Tour like that too :thumbsup2


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